Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty five, escape

On the financial street near the Paris City Hall and the Stock Exchange, there are beautiful small western-style buildings. These antique buildings without any aesthetic feeling but rich enough, most of the owners are Parisian bankers, and it is these people who gather In this small area, waving the magic wand of money directs the flow of money in this country and even in the whole of Europe.

The headquarters of Tanglar Bank is among these buildings. Over the years, relying on the hard work of the owner, it has enjoyed a place in the financial world. Although it is not as good as those of the most famous and largest banks, people can still mention this name. Feel its remarkable strength.

However, this bank with a first-class reputation finally stumbled into a dead end under the giant net carefully woven by Bowang.

After opening on time at eight o'clock in the morning, Tanglar Bank, which is usually very busy, is almost full of people at this time. However, for the staff of the bank, this is not only bad news, but also the fear that the building will collapse. sign.

Because the people who come here are neither depositors nor borrowers, but depositors who come to ask for deposits.

All the capital of the bank comes from depositors, and it is the accumulation of depositors' money that feeds this behemoth. The bank's blood was draining and getting weak.

If enough blood had been spilled, it would have been fatal, and a bank of great history and reputation could collapse in such a horribly catastrophic run.

And Tanglar Bank is facing such a predicament now.

As the negative news in the market increased one by one, the confidence of the depositors began to shake, and finally developed into a panic run that bankers feared most. In the impenetrable vault safes in the basement of Tanglar Bank, The gold, banknotes and securities that he has spent his whole life accumulating are losing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It cannot be said that Mr. Tanglar did not work hard. In fact, since the beginning of the crisis, he has tried his best to save his own bank and his own business; He squeezed out every penny in his hand and tried to fill the hole of blood loss... His efforts are as epic as David fighting the giant Goliath.

However, David got God's attention, but he didn't, so he didn't create a miracle. Facing the terrifying tide of the market, all his efforts were in vain. Ingenious, under such a vicious run, there is no effect at all.

at this time,

The news that "Dangral Bank may be on the verge of bankruptcy" has been circulating in the market, and the sad thing is that the bank employees know in their hearts that this is true.

The loss of capital has reached a fatal level. Even if the market immediately clarifies the rumors and the depositors stop running, it may be difficult to sustain it now.

The more senior staff, the more they understand the inside story that is now irretrievable, and they begin to secretly look for a new way out, and secretly wait for the news of the bank's official bankruptcy.

However, to the surprise and admiration of the staff, their boss, Tanglar, was not irritable or desperate. He still went to and from work on time every day according to his usual habits, carefully asked about every operation of the bank, and was conscientious. Communicate with employees and customers as if all disasters were mere phantoms.

Even those employees who were already desperate, seeing the boss's demeanor, could only secretly admire his general's demeanor that did not change his expression in the face of adversity.

Today's Tanglar, just like in the past, came to his office on time. He ignored the strange eyes of the staff and customers, like a well-wound clockwork, perfectly operating according to the previous process.

After arriving at his office, he calmly glanced at the documents on the desk.

These documents are daily briefings in the bank. The accountant he hired will count the bank's account capital, receivables and payables, etc. every afternoon, list them one by one, and then put them on the boss's desk for him to read.

And looking through this briefing is the first thing he does every day, and it has not changed for more than ten years.

But today, he didn't go to open it, but just glanced at it with calm and even indifferent eyes.

There is no need to look any further.

Even without looking, he knows how bad his accounts are, or to put it bluntly, he is in a desperate situation.

Three days ago, his big depositor, the Duke of Nordleyn, wrote a letter to himself in a very blunt tone. In the letter, he reprimanded himself for his incompetence and told himself that he must prepare his deposit within a week. , for him to withdraw.

And if he can't meet his request, then what awaits him will be a prison sentence, and he will do what he says.

Tanglar had calculated that if he pooled all his existing capital, he could pay off the deposit, but that meant—if nothing else happened, three days later, that is, the time limit given by the duke expired, He would never be able to pay any more deposits, which meant he would have to declare his bank bankrupt.


This word was still out of reach to him a month ago, like a joke, but now, a month later, it is already close in front of his eyes, and it will soon become a reality.

Thinking of this, Tanglar's heart throbbed violently, and he couldn't help but convulsed and took a few deep breaths.

The huge office was empty at the moment. Although it was still as luxurious as before, he seemed to smell the breath of death in a daze.

His bank was about to die, and that was no different than his own dying.

He tried everything, but at this time he was at the end of his rope. At this moment, he was desperate, because he knew that it was impossible to save this dying money machine.

Relying on luck and chance, he saved a sum of money, and then took the money to Paris to work hard, and then spent more than ten years and endless efforts, and finally managed the Tanglar Bank, which is his It is a foundation accumulated by spending half a lifetime of energy, countless ingenuity and painstaking efforts.

And now, all will cease to exist.

Fortunately, Duke Nordleen gave him a week, and now there are three days left.

He had three more days to face the inevitable death of the Tanglar Bank.

What should I do?

Danglar stretched out his hand tremblingly, and opened the drawer of the desk, where lay a delicate pistol with a wooden handle.

suicide? Impossible, even in the face of such a disaster, the fire of ambition in his heart has not been extinguished, and he does not feel that he must die to escape reality.

He turned to look out the window.

At this moment, there are dark clouds and thunder rolling outside the window, just like his heart.

He was born in poverty, and in his early years he had to work as an accountant on a merchant ship in the Mediterranean Sea in order to make a living. With a meager salary, he lived a life of poverty and hopelessness every day. After enjoying the most extravagant glory and wealth in the world, how could he be willing to face his death with an image of bankruptcy and failure, and then become the laughing stock of people?

I will not seek death, I still have a chance!

In the desperate situation, this man burst out the ferocity hidden deep in his veins. He picked up the pistol and hid it in his waist pocket, and then he opened another drawer.

There is a small box in this drawer, and the box contains banknotes with a denomination of 10,000 francs and a huge amount of securities. If they are added up, the total value will be close to two million francs.

If it was him a month ago, he might still look down on this "little money". After all, he handles more than this amount of daily accounts every week. Enjoy the rest of your life and even hope for a comeback.

Pay back? impossible.

If he repays the deposit of the Duke of Nordlion, he will have nothing. In the end, he will not be able to keep the money, which means that he will go back to the dark days when he had nothing, and he will be ridiculed and stared at by the world .

Since it is destined to go bankrupt, why pay it back?

At the moment when he received the duke's ultimatum to remind him of the payment, he made up his mind in an instant to "never pay back the money, and run away with the money".

Precisely because he had made such a determination, he regained his composure and composure, which made his staff shout in disbelief.

He must abscond, and he cannot wait for the 7-day period to expire before escaping, on the contrary, he should abscond immediately...

It's today.

Tanglar carefully took out the box and packed it into a bag.

He won't go home today, because he knows that the Duke must have set up eyeliner around his house. As long as he returns home and packs up his things with his wife and daughter, he will be found, and the Duke will send someone to catch him .

But... why should I go home and run away with my wife and daughter?

What a shameless aristocrat, you underestimate me, Tanglar, hahahaha!

The corners of Tanglar's mouth twitched, and he let out a silent evil laugh.

He has always been a person who can afford to let go. Family is important to him, but at critical moments, the only thing he wants to protect is himself.

He wants to flee Paris and France with the last capital, and he doesn't care about what will happen to his wife and daughter next.

It can even be said that his wife and daughter are his cover-ups. Everyone thought that he had no way to leave his family and escape, but they didn't expect that he had already made up his mind to run away immediately.

What will happen to his wife and daughter after he leaves?

During the sleepless nights of despair, Tanglar also thought about this question.

He knew that his wife was a prodigal and extravagant woman. After he ran away, in order to live a luxurious life again, she would try her best to find a chance to remarry, even willing to be the mistress of a rich man; Said that her daughter Eugenie was only a burden to her new life, she would definitely abandon her daughter and ignore it.

The daughter is not yet ten years old, what will happen to her after losing the care of her parents? She will fall from the clouds to the mud, maybe she will be reduced to prostitution under the pressure of life.

But even so, he was still ruthless, because to him, everything in the world was not as important as himself.

If the family is gone, it can be rebuilt, and the children can be reborn, but if the money in hand is gone, then there is nothing.

Although Eugenie is indeed a pity, this is also her fate.

Yes, that's it.

As for the duke... he won't get anything.

In the previous crisis, in order to support himself, he had already secretly mortgaged his mansion, and the valuables had either been pawned secretly, or had been assigned to someone else's name—after he fled, even if the Duke No matter how furious he was, it was impossible for him to get a little bit of lost money from himself.

Thinking of this, Tanglar felt a sense of revenge.

Noble lord, how does it feel to be splashed with mud by civilians?

With a hint of despair and evil pleasure, Danglar grinned again and laughed silently.

It was already evening, and the sky was getting darker and darker, and it was almost time for him to run away.

At this time, Tanglar stood by the window, looking at the streets of Paris with a strange calmness, feeling the familiar lights of thousands of houses.

He took out a loaf of bread from the cabinet next to him, and ate it bite by bite—if there were no accidents, this simple dinner would be the last meal he ate in Paris.

After eating silently, the sky gradually darkened, and it was gradually the off-duty time of Tanglar Bank. The employees left the office one after another and disappeared into the night streets.

I'm afraid they will be surprised tomorrow, right? Or maybe not surprised at all.

Tanglar changed into a coat silently, then turned up the collar to cover his face, then put on a black velvet top hat, and he also took out a pair of height-enhancing shoes and put it on—in this way, In the darkness, no one would recognize him.

After confirming that there was no one downstairs, Tanglar picked up his luggage and quietly walked out of his bank through the back door.

Because it was early spring, the night was still a bit cold, the streets were blown by a cold wind, there were few pedestrians and they were in a hurry, everyone was dressed similar to Tanglar, so no one paid attention to him, and that was exactly what he wanted Effect.

He looked around quietly, and then noticed an inconspicuous carriage parked quietly at the corner of the street in the distance.

If he wanted to escape, he definitely couldn't take his own carriage, so he had secretly hired a carriage through an intermediary a few days ago-it would take him out of Paris without asking who he was at all.

Tanglar took the luggage and stepped into the carriage quickly, then urged the other party to leave quickly in a muffled voice.

Sure enough, without any inquiry, the carriage started slowly, and then passed through the streets of Paris, heading out of the city.

Tanglar looked at the familiar streets around him through the car window, and he knew that after tonight, there would never be a place for him here.

But it doesn't matter, Amsterdam, Frankfurt or London will be his new stage.

In the midst of the silence, the surrounding streets gradually became wider, and the buildings gradually became sparser. The carriage will soon arrive at the Bois de Boulogne in the western suburbs of Paris—a place where people in the city usually play, and it is also a Great place to get away.

With mixed feelings of pain and excitement, Tanglar watched the carriage drive him away from this glorious city and gallop towards the shadows.

Gradually, the tall forest covered the carriage with its sneaky and shaking shadow, and when it came to the forest, the carriage stopped slowly.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, now is the time of reckoning!


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