Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty-six, the spoils

In the bitter cold wind, the carriage gradually stopped in the forest and merged into the boundless darkness.

Tanglar, who was thinking about his future of escaping from France in the carriage, didn't notice anything unusual at first, he just thought that the driver was going to take a rest, but gradually, he noticed something was wrong.

Why do you keep stopping here?

Could it be...?

An ominous premonition flashed in his heart.

Logically speaking, the middleman he found was very reliable, so there shouldn't be any problem with the coachman the middleman found, but there are contingencies in everything, and at this moment, he can no longer trust anyone.

He reached into his arms, held the pistol tightly, and lowered his voice to ask.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

He didn't get any response, and Tanglar felt even worse in his heart. He couldn't help but opened the car window, and then looked forward from the car window.

However, at this time, he was shocked to find that the driver's seat was empty—no wonder he stopped!

In a panic, he glanced around. Under the reflection of the moonlight, the branches and leaves everywhere fluttered in the wind, and the low hissing sound echoed in the woods. These shaking shadows were like ghosts in hell floating around. .


Now Tanglar knew in his heart that he must have been caught in the dark, and he quickly wanted to retract his head and prepare to evacuate with his luggage.

However, his luck in this life seemed to end there.

At this moment, an arm protruding from the darkness directly hooked his neck, and then forcibly pulled his head to the edge of the car window.

In an instant, the pain of the heavy impact made Tanglar's eyes black, and he gasped in pain; before he could shout out, a sense of suffocation made his eyes dizzy.

He struggled desperately, grabbing that arm with his hand and trying to break free, but this arm was as strong as steel, and he couldn't break it apart. His other hand trembled and wanted to pick up the pistol from his arms, but because At this moment, he was suffocated and weak, and the pistol, which was originally light, seemed to be extremely heavy at this moment. He couldn't hold it no matter what, let alone lift it up and aim a shot at the car window.

He opened his mouth wide,

He sucked in his breath like a fish taken out of a fish tank, but such a futile move did not supply oxygen to the brain, because the steel-like hand still grabbed his neck mercilessly, making him Breathing becomes meaningless.

Soon, he felt that his brain was extremely heavy, and the feeling of swelling made his heart beat extremely fast, and his vitality was squeezed out bit by bit.

His legs kicked meaninglessly, and he stepped on the floor of the carriage with chaotic syllables, like the footsteps of death.

Due to the severe lack of oxygen supply to the brain, in a short period of time, his consciousness became blurred, everything in his eyes became distorted, and then disappeared. In the confusion, he seemed to hear the door of the carriage being opened. , Someone walked in, but at this time, although he had a gun on his body, he was completely unable to resist.

He fell into a coma and was unconscious.

In just a few minutes, the carriage went from quiet to noisy, and then back to silent again. The door of the carriage opened, and a man in black dragged the unconscious Tanglar out and threw him to the ground.

The Count of Monte Cristo stood outside the carriage, looking coldly at Tanglar lying at his feet.

Just now, it was he who used the strong and powerful hands that belonged to the sailor Edmond Dantès to make this bastard fall into a coma.

If he wanted to, Tanglar could have been suffocated to death just now.

But...how could it be so cheap for him?

Now, you have finally fallen into my hands... Edmund Dantès looked at the banker at his feet with the help of the moonlight with his eyes without any emotion.

"Crack, crack, crack." At this moment, there were a few soft applause from the side, and then, the Marquis de Treville came out from the shadows.

"You did a great job, Earl." He smiled and congratulated Edmond Dantès, and then walked in front of Tanglar.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

Accompanied by this soft sound, the others walked away directly so as not to disturb the secret conversation between the two adults.

"Our people searched him carefully just now. He didn't carry much... but it was very valuable. Apart from the pistol, there was also a large amount of cash and securities—" Marquis de Treville Although he is usually very calm, but at this moment his voice could not help but carry a hint of excitement, "Although I don't have time to count carefully now, but I think the amount of money is close to two million——Your prediction is indeed correct, in The bastard ran away before the ultimatum expired, and he didn't think about his wife and daughter at all! I'm afraid Duke Nordleen will go mad with anger by tomorrow, hahahaha!"

Two million! This is a figure that the Marquis of Treville has not been able to touch for a long time-even better, he knows that it is the money lost by his father-in-law.

So, it's double the fun!

Compared to the turmoil of the Marquis de Treville, Edmond Dantès seemed unusually calm. It's not that he doesn't care about money, it's just that at this moment all his energy has been concentrated on the joy of revenge, and money is meaningless to him for the time being.

"I knew he would do this, I know him too well..." Edmond Dantès curled his lips, "Now, everything falls into our hands, whether it is his people or his money."

"Then have you thought about what to do with the money?" Marquis de Treville asked casually.

If he himself was responsible for this operation alone, he would have swallowed the huge sum of money without saying a word, making the Treville family rich overnight—however, this time the operation was planned by the Count of Monte Cristo, and The target he selected, so no matter from any point of view, the Count of Monte Cristo has the highest priority.

Although money is touching, the Marquis knows that some things are much more important than money.

Edmond Dantès froze.

He hadn't thought about it.

He is a smart man, so he knew that since the Marquis of Treville came to ask him specifically, it also meant that the Marquis wanted a share of it.

Logically speaking, all these trophies should be handed over to His Majesty, but if he did so, it would also chill the hearts of others.

Anyway, this is a windfall, even if it is not all handed over to His Majesty, it is not a violation of my loyalty...

After making up his mind, he raised his head and looked at the Marquis, "Marquis, I plan to present the one million cash we got from Mr. Tanglar to His Majesty. I think he will be very happy."

The Marquis de Treville was also a smart man, and when he heard what the earl said, he immediately understood what the other party meant.

In other words, leave one million private points for everyone!

It seems that the earl is indeed a sensible and upright person, and he must be worth making friends with in the future.

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly.

"Count, since you trust me so much, I might as well make a proposal for you - you take half a million, I take four hundred thousand, and the remaining one hundred thousand is given to other people here today, what do you think?"

"I... I don't need so much." Edmond Dantès shook his head quickly.

"If you don't take it, who would dare to take it?" The Marquis asked back, "You can take it with peace of mind. You are the mastermind and the first creditor. You should take the biggest share."

Now that the Marquis said so, Edmond Dantès could only nod his head. "Okay, thank you for your kindness, General."

"I thank you!" replied the Marquis de Treville, laughing.

He was indeed very happy. In just one night, he made a windfall, which was equivalent to his income for several years after retiring. More importantly, this was just the beginning.

The days of prosperity are not far away.

Not only money, but also fame and power will gather in front of him, just waiting for him to bend down to pick it up... just wait!

Then, he reached out and patted Edmond Dantès on the shoulder lightly, as if he had given everything here to him, then turned and left, and like everyone else, he merged into the darkness of the night among.

Of course he would not leave just like that, but he knew that Tanglar was the Earl's personal enemy, and he wanted to give the Earl a little private time—time to vent his vengeance and anger.

The forest returned to silence, and all the sins of the world were carefully concealed here, and no one would know what happened here on this cold night.

In the boundless darkness, Tanglar gradually regained consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, he felt unbearable pain in his neck and head.

"Ah..." He moaned dully, then slowly opened his eyes.

Then, he who had just regained consciousness, was shocked to find that a foot was stepping on his forehead—and this was one of the sources of his pain.

He struggled desperately, wanting to break free from this foot, but there seemed to be a mighty force on this foot, which kept stepping on him. The more he struggled, the harder he tried. Finally, the pain made the weak Tanglar give up struggling. Limp on the ground.

"Are you awake?" At this moment, a voice came from his ear.

Maybe it was because of the weakness of the body, maybe it was the lack of oxygen supply to the brain, in short, there was a piercing buzzing sound in his ears, and he couldn't help trembling after hearing it.

He fumbled in his arms with both hands, only to find that the pistol in his arms had already disappeared. As for the "luggage" he was carrying, it had already disappeared.

It's over...it's over.

At this moment, he was completely crushed by despair.

Obviously, he encountered a premeditated blackout, and his remaining capital to make a comeback has been snatched away by these people.

Nothing is left, except this life.

No... As long as there is this life, there is still hope for everything. Wasn't Tanglar also penniless back then? In the end he still had it all! Same now!

The rekindled hope made him raise his eyes reluctantly, looking at the person who stepped on his head.

Because he couldn't lift his head up, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, and under the moonlight, everything seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle.

However, this did not prevent him from begging the other party.

"Sir, please forgive me... please forgive me..." He gathered his last strength and begged the other party repeatedly, "You have already got what you want, please let me go! I don't want anything, I just want to keep Just take this life! Don't worry, I won't say anything, you know, I just want to escape from this country... Please spare my life!"

He begged desperately, but the other party didn't seem to be moved at all, and the feet that stepped on his face did not loosen.

Tanglar knew in his heart that the other party had robbed him of a large sum of money, so he definitely wanted to kill him to silence him—according to normal logic, this is the most once and for all.

So...don't let him do that!

He racked his brains desperately, trying to find a way to get out.

Obviously, since the other party has laid such a net and acted so harshly, it can be seen that they are cold-blooded and ruthless outlaws, and they didn't kill themselves immediately, it was not because they were merciful, but because they wanted to squeeze more things from themselves.

But now that I am at the end of my rope, where is there more?


In front of the god of death, Tanglar's mind was overwhelmed, desperately trying to find the last hope of survival.

He is willing to give up all dignity, all personality, just in exchange for the chance to continue to live.

So, he made up his mind and shouted desperately, "I have a wife, I have daughters! They are all beautiful! I will give them to you! Spare me, I can transfer the custody rights to you ! By the way...and my house...my house, it's very beautiful, I'll give it to you too! Don't kill me!"

In fact, his house has already been mortgaged to someone else, but at this moment he is desperately trying to survive, of course he is picking up a nice word.

At this moment, Tanglar felt the foot on his face loosen.

Is this the condition they want to exchange for their own lives? His heart was howling.

But even so, it was worth it, as long as he survived... His heart was bleeding, but he felt unspeakably fortunate.

Anyway, they are all people that I have abandoned, so it is not too much to use them in the end, right? He quickly found an excuse for himself.

"It's really sad." At this moment, he heard the other party speak again, the voice was still so piercing, "Since it has reached this time, I might as well tell you that your mansion is mortgaged by me through a middleman, that is to say It's already been mine—"

This bad news made Tang Ladun feel like a heavy blow.

It turned out that someone was already planning to deal with him... No wonder the bankruptcy came so suddenly, so overwhelming!

Then, he who had already been freed from the shackles, raised his head fiercely, wanting to see clearly what the person who made him into such a situation looked like.

With the help of the moonlight, he quickly saw the other person's face. Although this face was unfamiliar, it seemed a little familiar.

He turned his mind, desperately searching for his own memory.

"Count of Monte Cristo! You are a vassal of the House of Bonaparte, Count of Monte Cristo!"

The other party didn't deny it, but just looked at him coldly, as if admiring his dying struggle.

Why did the Bonaparte family harm themselves so much? He couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter.

Tanglar broke his heart and didn't curse at the other party, but directly knelt down in front of the other party.

"You must be short of men, right? Please let me dedicate everything to you and the Bonaparte family..." He kept begging, "I have experience, I have connections, and I will fulfill all your orders... Please You!"

However, his begging didn't shake the rock even an iota.

"Besides this name, I have another name I want to tell you—" The cold voice entered Tanglar's ears again, "Edmond Dantès, do you still remember?"

"Edmond Dantès..." Tanglar read out the name with an incomparable chill.

Everything is understood, but it is too late.

The last sliver of strength and last hope disappeared, and he collapsed to the ground in despair like a punctured balloon.


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