Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty-seven, booty

"Edmond Dantès..."

Tanglar had not heard this name for many, many years, and he thought that he had already thrown it into the dregs of his memory, and he would never have the chance to say it again in this life.

However, when he uttered the name again, he realized that he had never forgotten the name. Moreover, while he uttered the name, a chill came from his heart, which made his blood freeze at the moment.

Under the moonlight, he raised his head, looked at the pale face in front of him, and then put it together with the face of the young sailor hidden deep in his memory, but he couldn't match it at all.

If it was right, he wouldn't have failed to recognize him when the other party visited him with the title of "Count of Monte Cristo".

Isn't it natural? What a cruel life he has experienced in the past ten years, how could he still be the same as before?

However, even though his face and temperament did not match at all, Tanglar did not doubt at this moment that the other party reported a false identity, because the burning fire in his eyes and the excitement of revenge were enough to prove who he really was.

How did he survive prison? Now is it a devil or a human?

For myself, there may be no difference between the two.

The most terrifying nightmare among the succubi fell upon Tanglar.

And at this moment, he didn't even have the strength to beg for forgiveness anymore, because he knew that this kind of begging was meaningless.

All he wanted to do now was to pass out before he had to face the flames of hatred.

But the sky failed, the pain in his body made him more conscious than usual, and he had to watch helplessly as the messenger of death walked in front of him.

"This is fate..." He hissed and sighed, "Okay! Okay... If you are destined to become nothing again, it is more fair to die at your hands than at the hands of others... Hahahaha..."

Edmund Dantès just watched the other party quietly, the begging just now didn't move him, and of course the crazy laughter now wouldn't move him in any way.

He just watched quietly, savoring the sweet feeling of revenge.

"Death? I won't let you die like this,

Rest assured, you will live, and for a long time. ’ he replied coldly.

Before catching Danglar, he had already thought about how to avenge him (of course the other two enemies also did the same), and he had simulated in his mind various ways of torturing each other, whether it was physical torture or torture. Or mental torture, he has conceived

For this reason, Tanglar could not die, absolutely not right now.

They had to live before they could repay the pain of putting themselves in prison for twelve years, and the debt of letting their father die of illness and starvation.

Thinking of what kind of disaster he had suffered, his originally calm heart suddenly turned into a turbulent sea. He couldn't help but raised his foot and stepped heavily on the other person's shoulder.

"Ah!" Tanglar let out a scream, and this scream aroused the cruel pleasure in Edmond Dantès' heart.

"Do you think you are free and easy? Do you think you can bear the retribution of fate? You are wrong, Tanglar, I understand you. You are a small-hearted and cunning person. You have a bit of cleverness but no courage. You only have the ability to steal chickens and dogs." But you never dare to face life and death! Because of this, you can’t become a person who can really do great things, and you don’t have real courage... You are not a person who treats death as home, and you will never be able to endure pain. I will prove it to you This point makes you clearly realize how humble and insignificant you are as a human being..."

Accompanied by this cruel declaration, his feet were so hard that Tanglar's chest and ribs seemed to be creaking. Tanglar wailed in pain and kept struggling on the ground, hoping to relieve the pain a little. , but his weak body at the moment made this struggle meaningless.

The pain kept coming, there was no way to escape it, and it soon exceeded Tanglar's ability to bear it. He wailed unceasingly.

As Edmond Dantès said, he had no real spirit, so he dared not face the crisis of ruining his life's work, but chose to flee; he insidiously encouraged Edmond Dantès His love rival went to denounce the sailor, but he was unwilling to leave evidence of his own crimes. He was the kind of villain who could only be famous for a while but could never stand on the top.

And now, everything he had was lost, and the only thing left to him was when and how to die.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry!" Tanglar, who couldn't bear the pain, was already in tears at this moment. Because his face was covered with tears, the mud and dust on the ground stuck to him when he was struggling, which made him look even more embarrassed and ridiculous at the moment. , "Edmund, I'm sorry... I know I was wrong, I apologize to you, I beg your forgiveness! Forgive me..."

Then, in an intermittent voice, he babbled on and on about how he felt guilty and uneasy over the years, how he could not sleep at night for fear that God would punish him, and how he hoped that he could make up for the mistakes of the year, as if it was true.

However, this futile performance is not worth it in the eyes of Edmond Dantès.

Confess your original evil deeds? And be ashamed of it?

No, not at all, never will be.

He will only regret why he didn't make things more beautiful, only regret why he survived, and he will regret nothing else.

Human beings will not find out with conscience, at least there will be no such humble villain as Tanglar.

"Don't insult the two of us with this ridiculous begging, Tanglar." He coldly interrupted Tanglar's rhetoric. "I will not forgive you, nor will I forgive any enemy. I only want one thing for you and that is fair revenge, and you can rest assured that until I feel that revenge is enough, you will live and live well. Live!"

While speaking, he retracted his feet.

Tanglar is seriously injured now, he must stop selling, lest he really kill the other party tonight.

"You just said that you want to transfer your wife and daughter to me?"

Tanglar took a deep breath and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

"Don't worry, although you are shameless enough, I will not do the same despicable actions as you, and I will not take advantage of people's danger to do anything to them. Although we are enemies, I will not blame you for not participating Relatives in this matter." Edmond Dantès looked at the other party proudly, "As you said, transfer the custody of your daughter to me, and I will raise her safely. As for your wife ... Let her do what she wants, I won't make it difficult for her, and she doesn't have to bear your debt."

A trace of doubt flashed in Tanglar's eyes, obviously he didn't believe Edmund Dantès' words, but right now his life was in the hands of the other party, so what if he didn't believe it?

Moreover, he would rather believe that the other party's conscience is still alive, and he is willing to take care of his daughter to grow up. This is a million times better than falling into prostitution at a young age.

"Thank you..." He reluctantly thanked the other party.

Because of the foam in his mouth, he was already very sloppy in speaking, and Edmund Dantès only twitched his eyelids, and didn't spend much time talking with him.

He will have plenty of time to concoct this guy in the future, there is no need to rush.

He turned around and whistled once.

Soon, the Marquis de Treville and others came back from the darkness.

The Marquis made a gesture, and soon someone carried the injured Tanglar into the carriage, and then the Marquis and Edmund walked to another carriage prepared not far away.

Afterwards, the carriage carrying Tanglars would drive to their secret stronghold and imprison him; and the two men would return safely to Paris to continue their work.

"What are you going to do with him?" After getting into the carriage, the Marquis de Treville asked in a low voice.

In the Marquis' mind, of course, the sooner Tanglar is killed, the better. After all, the few of them privately divided him a million. Even though His Majesty would certainly not mind this kind of "extra money", but keep this useless man , seems unnecessary.

However, this is a matter for the earl to decide, and he has no intention of overstepping his authority.

"I have been in prison for twelve years, and I will also imprison him for twelve years, so that he can taste the pain I have had," Edmond Dantès replied, "After waiting for so long, I will do another Decide, maybe kill him, maybe let him go..."

After finishing speaking, Edmund Dantès smiled wryly, "General, I thought I would be extremely excited, but now I feel ridiculous, even a little funny. Such a shameless, humble, and insignificant person, actually Took away the most precious years of my life, took everything from me! This is ridiculous... This scumbag doesn't even deserve a second look, and yet it got me to this point!"

The Marquis de Treville didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only reach out and pat him on the shoulder.

The two of them were silent all the way, and quietly returned to the city of Paris, and the turmoil of tonight disappeared without a trace.

And on the second day, an explosive news broke out in the peaceful city of Paris. Tanglar, a banker in crisis, actually absconded with money!

All the witness evidence proves that he fled Paris with the bank's remaining assets before bankruptcy.

After the news came out, Paris almost exploded, the entire industry whispered about it, and the order of the exchange was disrupted, and the depositors of Tanglar Bank were like ants on a hot pot, looking for this kind of money everywhere. Following the trail of the banker, he tried every means to get his deposit back.

However, this effort was in vain. Tanglar Bank’s money had either been lost in the previous run, or it was taken away by Tanglar at the last moment. They were doomed to be unable to withdraw money from the vault, their paper assets vanished in this silent disaster.

Of course, Edmond Dantès could imagine the pain and anxiety of these people, because he caused it all by himself.

He avenged the sins of the past, but he also made himself burdened with new sins.

is it worth it He didn't know, but he had to do it, and he had to keep doing it, and he wasn't afraid to get his hands stained with the blood of sin for the sake of the benefactor he was loyal to.

In the dusk of a sunset, Edmund Dantès took a carriage, followed the route he had explored last time, and came to the mediocre but magnificent Tanglar mansion.

He stepped out of the carriage in a leisurely manner, and then walked towards the mansion leisurely as if entering his own house.

He was stopped at the gate, and several police officers told him that the mansion had been seized in connection with the crime.

However, what happened next shocked the police. Edmund Dantès, who claimed to be the Earl of Bellevue, the Principality of Parma, Italy, asked his lawyers to produce a full set of documents, proving that before Tanglar absconded , he had already mortgaged the mansion to the earl in order to borrow money, and now, having "lost" a large amount of money, he needed to get back the house that belonged to him.

After verifying that there were no traces of forgery on the documents, the policemen glanced at each other, and then made way for the Earl.

So, Edmond Dantès walked into the mansion that he had stepped on before in a dignified manner.

Along the way, he saw a lot of luxurious furnishings, but there were very few servants who should take care of the place. Obviously, they ran away after knowing that the master could not pay them, and some people took some things with them when they left. Son.

Edmond Dantès didn't care about it at all, because this was his trophy.

Everything he lost is now back with interest.

The original hostess in the mansion ran over immediately after hearing that the new owner had arrived.

This noble lady whom Edmond Dantès had met once had a pale face at the moment, and she no longer had the magnificence of the past, but now this gloomy and pitiful appearance seemed to have something to do with it. A different kind of charm.

However, Edmund Dantès noticed that a middle-aged man in formal attire was following the lady.

"Hello, my lord, I am the butler of the Duke of Nordleyn." Before he could ask, the middle-aged man spoke first, "The Duke lost a lot of money because Tanglar escaped. The mansion..."

"This mansion has nothing to do with him, it belongs to me, and all the legal documents are sufficient to prove it." Edmund Dantès interrupted the other party impatiently, "If you want to defend me, Then please talk to the lawyer next to me, I believe he has enough patience to convince you what is the truth."

The butler was at a loss for words.

Edmond Dantès looked at the lady again.

He had investigated it before, so he knew that his wife's name was Emily. He didn't know what her maiden name was, but it didn't matter.

Perhaps infected by his gaze, Madam suddenly rushed in front of him in small steps, and then held his hand for help.

"Sir, please save me... He insisted that I was a joint guarantor and wanted me to pay my husband's debts, but I never interfered with my husband's affairs, and I never made any guarantee... Please , help me!"

As she spoke, she began to sob, the mourning of the pear blossoms with rain, and the deliberate and miserable crying, couldn't it move people's hearts?

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