Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty eight, meal ticket

Seeing Mrs. Lihua with rain, Edmund couldn't help frowning.

He has seen enough of the world, and of course he won't be fascinated by the lady's tears, but for him, such extravagance is really annoying.

Logically speaking, Madam has nothing to do with him, even if she really becomes a "joint and several guarantor", he won't lose a cent.

However, he knew that this lady was born in a down-and-out aristocratic family, so she had no dowry, so she was forced to marry the nouveau riche Tanglar—that is to say, she had no money at all, and Tanglar character, and will not give her much money.

Therefore, she must not be able to pay back the money that Duke Nordleen wanted to get back.

So what fate will she face next?

it goes without saying.

In all fairness, Edmund Dantès did not want this kind of thing to happen in front of him. After all, this lady had no grievances with him, and it would be a pity to fall into that situation.

Therefore, he nodded slightly, and then gently patted the jade arm that the madam was holding onto with his hand, as a way to comfort the other party.

"Madam, you don't need to be responsible for this. In a legal sense, your husband's debt has nothing to do with you." He comforted Madam in a low voice.

His words immediately sparked hope in the lady's gloomy eyes—because, although she didn't know this foreign count, the person who could lend Tanglar a large sum of money must be a rich man. Old, that means...he might be able to pull himself out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Perhaps sensing the subtle atmosphere, the housekeeper suddenly regained his spirits, "Her husband ran away with the duke's money, of course she is responsible!"

Edmond Dantès glanced at the housekeeper, and then replied coldly, "I will give you two hundred thousand to help this lady settle all her debts. Then you go, and never let me see you here Now—don't forget, this is my home now! I won't allow unwanted guests here!"

The more he said that, the butler naturally became more energetic.

He didn't have to make things difficult for his wife, but he thought to himself that since this rich old man is willing to pay two hundred thousand, why can't he pay more?

Now that the Duke is in a state of urgency, they are naturally silent. If they can recover a little more damage for the Duke,

At least it will let him keep his current job.

"Two hundred thousand is too little... My master invested in Tanglar..."

"I don't want to hear it! Don't bargain with me, either leave with 200,000 yuan, or just get out!" Edmund Dantès interrupted him impatiently, "If you don't agree to the price, Then we don't need to talk about it, if it goes to court, how much money can you ask this lady to pay?"

The butler hesitated, then looked at the count suspiciously.

"Are you serious?"

Edmund Dantes didn't bother to say much, but glanced at the lawyer next to him. The well-paid lawyer naturally understood, and led the housekeeper to leave the hall to settle the accounts.

One vote was 500,000 yuan, but within two days it was nearly half of it. Edmund Dantès didn't care about it. Anyway, he was just using the duke's money to "honor" the duke.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" He let go of his hand, and then asked the lady in front of him in a pleasant manner.

"I'm fine... sir." Madam was still in shock, her expression was still full of fear, but her complexion was much better than before. "Thank you...thank you for saving me! Without you, God knows what I would be..."

"It's nothing, it's nothing more than a little effort." Edmond Dantès shook his head calmly. "Anyone who sees the scene just now will feel righteous indignation."

"It's a piece of cake for you, but it's a great debt of gratitude to me..." Madam smiled reluctantly, then raised her watery gray-blue eyes to look at Edmund, "Oh, now The morals of the world have long been corrupted. Seeing me in such a state, those people who used to be intimidated by me have already gone to nowhere. They are afraid that it will be too late to hide from me. How can anyone say righteous indignation? Fortunately, there are people like you The kind-hearted people help the poor and the needy, God has not abandoned the world after all.”

After she finished speaking, she put her fingers next to her ears and stroked her messy hair.

This kind of coquettish little movement is as proficient as instinct for her, and she doesn't even need to practice.

"It's all right now, and I don't think the Duke has any reason to embarrass you after taking the money—what's your plan next?" Edmund asked.

What plan?

Madame Emily Dangral made no answer for a moment.

Of course, it’s not that she didn’t have plans in mind—when Tanglar was in deep crisis, as the person next to her pillow, she also realized early on that her husband might not be able to survive this test; way out.

It was impossible to ask the old lover for help—that guy was a sanctimonious hypocrite, and he would never rescue himself.

It is also impossible to retire and be willing to live a poor life—she has been used to a life of luxury since she was a child, and if she can't continue to live like this, it will be more uncomfortable than the death penalty!

So the only way out that she can think of is to rely on the hue she still has to find a new "dependence" for herself.

But to achieve this goal, there are also great obstacles - so far she has had two husbands, and both husbands have ended in misery, those rich old people who have been in the upper class for many years must have heard of it The sound of the wind will inevitably be a bit daunting.

In addition, Tanglar has disappeared now, but she is still alive after all, so she is still Mrs. Tanglar in name, and it will take a lot of time to go through procedures to dissolve this marriage-this will also affect her reputation.

So it is not so easy to find a new "meal ticket".

But she quickly thought - wouldn't the foreign earl in front of her be an ideal match?

At first, he seemed to be very rich, and he just casually threw out two hundred thousand to get himself out of the predicament - she never thought that the reason why the Earl is so rich is only because the wool comes from sheep.

Secondly, he is a foreigner who has not integrated into the high society, so naturally he does not know the negative rumors surrounding him, so it is easier for him to pinpoint him.

Thinking of this, her eyes lit up.

She couldn't help but glanced at the count again, and looked at him carefully.

The other party's clothes are low-key but expensive, and his behavior and speech are aristocratic. He is not angry and majestic, and the butler of the duke just now can calm down; he is tall and handsome, and from his tight attire, it can be seen that he is Tense muscles.

What's more, foreign nobles are also nobles. If I get together with him, maybe I can walk around in the upper class as a noble?

Wouldn't that be ideal... Madame thought.

Although it was reckless to treat the other party as a prey on the first day of acquaintance, but now she is desperate, and she has no leeway to pick and choose.

Since she could endure the disgust in her heart and share the bed with Tanglar, sleeping with a foreign count would not bring her any psychological pressure.

Thinking of this, Emily Tanglar immediately made a decision.

But the more she wanted to grab the other party, the more she put on a pitiful and tender look, because she sensed that this adult seemed to like this.

"My lord... You must be very clear about my current situation. It can be said that I am at the end of my rope. What else do I have to do?" As she spoke, she took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears, "What else do you think I can do?" ?”

Edmond Dantes also has a big head on this question.

He thought of adopting Danglar's daughter, but he had no idea how to accommodate a noble lady.

"Have you any relatives to whom you can go?" he asked.

As soon as this was mentioned, the madam seemed to be even more sad, and the tears flowed even more.

"How can I have any relatives? My parents died early, and other relatives stopped talking to me because I married Tanglar. Now that I am in such a state, they must avoid me even more... God, why You want to give me such a fate?! Can I just die?"

As she said that, she seemed to be physically and mentally exhausted, she couldn't even stand still, she staggered and almost fell, but Edmond Dantès quickly reached out to support her, and she fell directly into the count's arms, She also deliberately pretended to let her towering chest rub against the earl's chest inadvertently, so that the other party could feel her "strength".

"God... what should I do..." She coquettishly cried helplessly, trying her best to arouse the other party's desire for protection.

Edmond Dantès fell into embarrassment. He wanted to push his wife away, but he couldn't bear it.

As far as personal aesthetics is concerned, he obviously prefers dignified and reserved women like Mercedes and Alice, and he is not interested in Mrs. Emily, a coquettish lady like Mrs. Emily, but he is a normal man after all. When the beautiful lady was dawdling in his arms and begging for help, it was impossible for him to remain unmoved.

Well, anyway, I have already helped, so I might as well help to the end.

"Ma'am, you don't have to be so desperate. How about this? If you have nowhere to go, you can stay here temporarily—anyway, I'm usually busy and won't disturb you."

OK, there is a show! Madam was delighted in her heart, but on the surface she still pretended to be hesitant.

"Thank you for your kindness, but... but how can I feel at ease in this kind of life under the fence? And... and now I have empty hands, and I can't pay the rent with you..."

"As for the rent, you can owe it first." Edmund Dantès quickly replied, "I don't lack this income. Since you are short on money, you can stay here temporarily, and you can move out when you find another way out." Not too late."

Another way out? You are the 'other way out'.

Emily, who was still in the earl's arms, slowly raised her head and looked at the earl with eyes that exuded admiration, "Count, you are truly a savior sent by God...you saved my life! From now on From now on, I will be infinitely grateful to you, no matter what you ask me to do, I am willing to do it..."

Emily's exclamation, using her skills of more than ten years in the field of entertainment, can be described as soft and seductive. There is no doubt that at this time, Edmund only needs to hook his hands, and the two of them can go to Tangla immediately. My bedroom discusses life.

According to the routine in the entertainment field, Emily would have been more reserved, so as not to make men feel that she was easy to get, but at this time Emily was desperate and just wanted to find a meal ticket as soon as possible, so she didn't care about playing with that kind of lady trick up.

"It's nothing, don't need to be so serious, ma'am, as I said, it's just a matter of little effort." It's just that the concubine was ruthless, and Edmond Dantès just gently pushed his wife away.

Just when the madam was disappointed, the count spoke again, "Can you take me to see your daughter?"

"You want to see Eugenie?" Madame was a little surprised.

What does it mean that he is going to see a child when a charming lady is around and asks for anything? For a moment she couldn't figure it out.

"I forgot to tell you..." Edmund Dantès finally got some spare time, he calmly took out a piece of paper from his bag, "Your husband gave me a handwritten letter before he fled. , said that he wanted to transfer custody to me, and asked me to take care of Miss Eugenie—although I was surprised, but as a well-bred nobleman, I felt that I couldn't refuse a father's last begging..."

Emily took the letter paper blankly. She had been married to Tanglar for more than ten years. Of course, she could tell at a glance that this was her husband's handwriting. Obviously, before fleeing, her husband not only mortgaged the mansion to the count, but even his daughter It was also given to him.

But why did the earl accept custody?

She didn't quite believe that the Earl was really so righteous, but suddenly shivered.

It is said that some people just like to play with children, and the younger they are, the more excited they are... He was so unmoved by me just now, don't you really have such a hobby?

She looked at the count, feeling a little apprehensive.

"What's wrong with you?" Edmund Dantès was a little confused, so, "Is she not at home now?"

Emily hesitated for a moment, then changed her mind.

Just now the earl gave 200,000 francs to save himself. Even if he bought Eugenie directly from him, he would give it to him. After all, Eugenie is just a drag on her future life right now. It doesn't make sense.

Moreover, if he really has such a habit, then if he is allowed to marry his daughter, then he will become the earl's mother-in-law accordingly, and he can also be supported by the earl. Wouldn't it relieve the biggest worry?

Thinking of this, her original hesitation and fear were instantly swept away.

"Please come with me...I'll take you to see her."

Then, she brought the earl to the piano room of her daughter Eugenie.

At this time, Eugenie was sitting by the piano and looking out the window. The turmoil in the outside world didn't seem to affect her much.

It's just that the tutor who would have accompanied her has disappeared at this time, which is enough to prove that her current situation is very different from the past.

"Eugénie!" Madam Emily walked up to her daughter, and then whispered in her ear, "This earl is our great benefactor, and we will have to rely on him for our livelihood in the future, salute him quickly! "

Although Eugenie was surprised, she dared not disobey her mother's advice, so she stood up and saluted Edmond Dantès to thank her.

The respectful appearance of the mother and daughter is completely different from the haughty appearance when they glimpsed in the carriage.

Just when Edmund was sighing in his heart, Emily suddenly smiled and asked him, "Sir, Eugenie's singing is very nice, would you like to appreciate it?"

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