Eagle’s Glory

one hundred and eighty nine, home

"Sir, Eugenie's singing is very nice, would you like to enjoy it?"

Madam's words interrupted Edmond Dantès' thoughts and made him a little curious.

He looked at Eugenie again, this proud and indifferent girl, even though she was "transferred" by her father to other people, she still looked calm and indifferent, as if she hadn't understood her current situation.

The once proud person who was the eldest lady, now can only rely on others and survive by pleasing others.

"Miss Eugenie, can you sing?" Edmund Dantès tried to make his tone as kind as possible.

Although Eugenie has a cold personality, she is not stupid. Although she has just met the earl, but from her mother's respectful attitude, she can certainly imagine that the earl has the final say in her own home. .

She didn't know the details of it yet, she just thought that this was a new rich man her mother found, maybe even her mother's old lover, but no matter what, the facts and guesses always lead to the same end, after all, the earl is already the "protector" of their mother and daughter "Are.

Although Eugenie was not very old, she had been exposed to all kinds of activities in the upper class since she was a child, and she didn't have much relationship with her father, so she didn't feel disgusted or angry that her mother found a new backer so quickly.

She just felt that everything was so alienated. Obviously her life had changed greatly, but she seemed to be the one who stayed out of it.

"I have been taught vocal music since I was a child, and they all said that my talent is very good." Eugenie looked at the count, and then replied calmly, "Do you want to listen?"

Edmund Dantès thought to himself, anyway, there is still time now, so why not listen, so he nodded, "I'm all ears."

"And what would you like to hear?" asked Eugenie.

What song...? This question caused Edmund to suddenly fall into confusion.

In his life, he traveled all over the world for so many years, but he didn't have much experience of calming down and listening to people sing.

Suddenly looking back, the last time he sat and sang quietly was when he heard Mercedes sing for him when he returned from a long voyage.

Although she had no training, the singing seemed to be able to heal the soul. Although it had been more than ten years now, he could no longer remember the tune,

But even so he remembered that comforting feeling that came from his soul.

But no, all of this has been wiped out.

He blinked, trying to keep the tears from welling up in his eyes.

Then, he looked at Eugenie, this thin but still beautiful ex-rich lady, who was also looking at himself cautiously at this time.

How could this young lady know how to sing the songs of fishermen? They ask themselves.

"I have no research on singing, you can sing according to your liking—" he replied in a low voice.

"You seem to be in a bad mood now. Are you recalling something sad...?" Eugenie asked cautiously.

Edmund just smiled wryly. After all, it was meaningless to tell Eugenie about the past. He just urged Eugenie to sing with his eyes.

Under the count's gaze, Eugenie cleared her throat, opened her mouth and began to sing.

Because the earl didn't name her, she chose a song by herself—this little girl would also be able to observe the situation, and saw that the earl seemed to be sad for the past at the moment, so she deliberately chose a song that remembered the past.

She is indeed talented. She has the clear and ethereal voice of a little girl, but also has a wide range of voices, and her words are extremely clear. Moreover, her singing voice inexplicably fits the melancholy tone of the original song, more like injecting soul into the song.

For a while, the singing reverberated in this spacious piano room, and Edmund Dantès was immediately fascinated by it.

The singing reminded him of those sweet and happy past events, and the sweeter and happier it was, the more sad and uncomfortable he was when he watched it again at this time, and his heart was surging. He finally restrained the urge to cry on the spot.

Gradually the singing stopped, but it seemed to keep echoing in his mind, making him so sentimental that he couldn't help himself.

After a long time, he finally calmed down again, and his gaze refocused on Eugenie—and at this time Eugenie was also looking at him, as if waiting for his evaluation.

It seemed that those tutors were right, Eugenie was indeed very talented as a singer.

Edmund Dantès kept looking at each other. From this beautiful little girl, he didn't see the slightest disgusting aura of that Tanglar. On the contrary, the indifferent sense of alienation and refinement made him I think she is so worthy of care.

He will take good care of this girl to grow up.

He had also taken care of a girl who was about the same age before, but that girl Haide was appointed by His Majesty as the Grand Duchess of Ioannina, and she was destined to rule a duchy as a monarch from the very beginning, so he only respected and cared for her. But he didn't have the feeling of being a daughter, but the current Eugenie made him feel that kind of touch.

Although she is the daughter of the enemy, so what? It would be good if the grievances of the previous generation ended with the previous generation, and now I have no interest in revenge on a ten-year-old child.

"Miss Eugenie, I don't know much about art and vocal music, but even so, I can tell that you have a talent that is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and it sounds really good..." As he spoke, he walked up to Eugenie, and then lowered his voice. He bowed his head and looked at each other kindly, "Unfortunately, because of a trick of fate, you lost your father, and it seems that you may lose your father forever. This is an unbearable disaster for anyone. Fortunately, it is , I will take care of you in the future, so that you can live your original life, grow up healthy and carefree, until you reach the age to realize any dream in life—”

Eugenie didn't seem surprised when she heard the count's words, but glanced at her mother - she misunderstood the meaning, thinking that the count wanted to take over his mother and become his legal father.

But even so, she didn't hate it.

Compared with his father, this Earl who just met just now looks dignified and has a good temper, and in the current extremely bad situation, if he can become his stepfather, then It is really a blessing in misfortune.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir, I would like to regard you as my father."

After getting the desired answer, Edmund was full of comfort. He raised his hand subconsciously, touched Eugenie's head, and stroked her hair gently like a real father.

Fate took away a lot of things from him, but now fate seems to have given him a lot of things, and comparing the two, everything doesn't seem so uncomfortable.

After enjoying the warmth of "father and daughter" for a moment, he came back to his senses, and then gave Mrs. Emily a look, and then the two of them walked out of the room together, leaving Eugenie alone in the piano room in a daze.

"Madam, you have a very good daughter." In the corridor, Edmond Dantès complimented Madam from the bottom of his heart, "I can assure you that Miss Eugenie will have more things than before, She's going to have a great future."

"I trust you, Count."

She was afraid that the earl was a rich old man with special hobbies, but just now she saw the way the earl treated her daughter—it was pure love and appreciation, without any evil thoughts.

She has read countless people, and this can still be seen.

Moreover, he is rich and aristocratic. If Eugenie can really take care of him, she will definitely not be wronged—maybe she is even more popular than Miss Tanglar at the beginning.

The daughter's matter has been settled, but his whereabouts are still a problem.

She still didn't want to give up the opportunity to grab this meal ticket, so she treated Edmond Dantès with 120% hospitality.

"In this world, kind and generous people like you are really rare. I sincerely pray that God will bless you in the future, and use your hands to light up this filthy world..."

While speaking, she also looked at Edmund with eyes full of admiration and gratitude, so as to send a smile.

Just when Edmund Dantès was about to answer, through the window, he saw a carriage stopped outside the gate, and then a person walked out of the carriage and approached the door.

He took a closer look and found that it was the Marquis of Treville—obviously, the Marquis wanted to be one step ahead to congratulate himself on getting this spoil.

He hurried along the corridor to go downstairs to meet him.

And Mrs. Emily followed him very naturally. "Has your friend come to visit?"

"Yes," replied Edmund,

"That's your first guest! It deserves a good reception." Emily replied pretending to be casual, "It's a pity that the place is too messy to clean up, and your wife hasn't come here yet. It's really shabby to treat you like this now." some."

"I have no wife," replied Edmund, going up the stairs.

This answer made Emily even more elated, but on the surface she still pretended to be surprised, "Sorry...I really didn't expect that."

"It doesn't matter."

While the two were talking, they went downstairs, then walked through the path in the lawn to the door, and welcomed the Marquis de Treville in.

Emily greeted the Marquis with a smile. From her expression, it was impossible to tell that she was the former mistress of the mansion, nor that she was almost wiped out with huge debts. The cheerful expression seemed to be the one. Like the winner of the mansion as a trophy.

However, after all, Mrs. Emily has been in the social world for so long, and she is very proficient in dealing with people. Under the situation where she deliberately curry favor with others, both Edmund and the Marquis of Treville felt like they were in the spring breeze.

After welcoming the Marquis into the living room, she proposed to Edmund, "Now that the servants have left, I'll go and make coffee for you two."

After speaking, she turned and went to the kitchen.

The Marquis de Treville put down his smiling face now, and then looked at Edmond Dantès with admiration, "Edmond, you are really there! You still know how to play, avenge the enemy, and accept his wife and daughter, happy ! What a joy!"

"Where are you thinking?" Edmond Dantès shook his head helplessly, and then told the Marquis exactly what happened between himself and his wife just now.

"You wanted to take care of her daughter, but she begged you for nothing, and she stayed?" the Marquis finally understood what was going on. "Seeing how she pleases you so much, she probably wants to change her master. That's right, as long as she can live here and enjoy the life of a noble lady, it doesn't matter to her who the husband lying next to her is. Woolen cloth……?"

The Marquis' harsh evaluation made Edmund just want to smile bitterly.

To tell the truth, he also felt a little distressed about how to deal with Mrs. Emily.

He's not stupid, of course he could sense that Madam has been seducing him since meeting him, but even so, he doesn't dislike Madam much—after all, as a poor man who once struggled to survive in a dark prison, people Any ugliness made in order to live is excusable.

"Speaking of which, she has a really good figure... Even if you really get her, you won't lose." The Marquis de Treville suggested to Edmund in a low voice, "However, I advise you to just play around, but don't worry about it." Don't be fooled by her. If she is a mistress, she will definitely be great, but it is unnecessary to marry her. After all, she has no money and no power, she only has attractive looks, but she is in her late thirties, and this look can be maintained. How many years? You have a bright future in the future, and there are many noble girls waiting to be selected, so there is no need to look at her directly."

Speaking of this, the corner of the Marquis' mouth twitched, showing a little disdain, "I'm afraid she has self-knowledge, that's why she's trying to please you so diligently. I'm afraid you are her last hope—how, are you tempted?"

Edmund asked himself, he was not moved.

But the Marquis' words "you are her last hope" seemed to touch a soft spot in his heart.

That's right, Canary, who has a bad reputation and is on the verge of old age, has no money at the moment. If she is really driven away by herself, I am afraid that Firework Willow Lane will be her final destination.

"Anyway, I've already taken in a daughter, and it doesn't matter if I take in another mother." After thinking for a while, Edmund replied, "Let everything go on as usual here, the past will be the past, and the future will be handed over to the future. I can’t live here forever, so it’s not a waste to leave it to the two of them. You came late, and you didn’t hear Miss Eugenie singing just now... Oh, that singing is really beautiful. Time to come and see her, sit by the window and listen to her sing, that seems to be a very pleasant life..."

This answer surprised the Marquis de Treville.

Buy a mother and daughter, just for this?

"My friend, you are really a good person." He stretched out his hand and patted Edmund's shoulder, "In this case, I would suggest making the best use of everything—although this lady is charming, she has a brain too." Not bad, but she is very good at dealing with people. You might as well declare that she is your mistress, so that you can do many things that are inconvenient for you. Believe me, there may be quite a lot of such things in Paris .”

Edmund was a little surprised by this suggestion, and just at this time, Mrs. Emily came over with coffee.

The two of them stopped talking and took a sip of steaming coffee together.

Delicious indeed, thought Edmund.

He looked up at his wife again, and then he found that his wife was looking at him nervously.

It's just... like a primary school student who is afraid of being reprimanded by the teacher.

Perhaps her motives were not pure, but what was there to blame? In life, there will always be times when you humble your head.

"Very good, that's it." Edmund let out a breath, as if answering both the lady and the Marquis.

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