Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety-three, groveling

While Aigron and Edgar were discussing their future "big plans" with their own ghosts, Teresa, who stayed in the lobby, was distressed about how she should face Sister Alice.

In all fairness, this pair of sisters is so outstanding, no matter in terms of appearance or character, they are impeccable, even Teresa can't help but secretly admire them.

She is not a person who is easy to be jealous of others. Normally, when she sees such an outstanding woman, she will not only not hate her, but will respect her and even find a way to become friends.

However, when it comes to her husband, she can no longer maintain her old mentality.

She loves her husband, and she cherishes it precisely because of love, and she is unwilling to share it precisely because she cherishes it, which is also human nature.

It was precisely because she knew in her heart that His Highness and Agnes were somewhat entangled, that's why she had a grudge against Agnes, even though she knew in her heart how dazzling she was, she was unwilling to get close to her.

But as the saying goes, a visitor is a visitor, no matter what, Alice and his wife are guests who come to visit their own husband and wife. As Alice's younger sister, Agnes must also get the respect she deserves, and she must not lose face.

And, what is there to be afraid of?

No matter how admirable Agnes is, she will not be inferior to others.

Because of this, she mustered up the pride in her heart, finally stood in front of Agnes, and greeted her formally.

"Miss Agnes, you are very welcome here." She looked at Agnes with a very friendly smile, "I haven't seen you for so many days, I am very happy to see that you still look good."

"I'm glad to see you, too." Agnes has no ill feeling towards Teresa, so she changed her arrogance to Aigron just now and saluted Teresa very gently, "Your Highness, congratulations on becoming a mother!"

"Happiness always comes on a boat of pain." Teresa smiled and shook her head, "God let us women taste the pain of childbirth before enjoying family happiness, and she also made us Remember the price you paid so that you value the child more. But seeing the child's face and hearing his cry made all my pain worth it."

Teresa's words did not show off at all, and indeed aroused Agnes' envy.

Although she said decisively in front of Aigron just now, saying that she would never marry and have children, as a woman, how could she not want to have a child of her own?

It's just fate,

Now she has no hope for her future marriage, even if she is unwilling, she can only endure in silence.

But even so, she was not jealous of Teresa, but congratulated her sincerely.

"I believe that you will become a mother that everyone admires. With your teaching and example, your children, whether they really get to the throne as they wish, or have to continue to live abroad, will definitely become respected mothers." people."

It was very taboo to say that your child might go into exile in front of people, but she never thought about it that much when she was honest with her, and Teresa didn't lose her temper when she heard it.

After all, for her, whether the throne can come to her family is not the most important thing.

She looked into Agnes' eyes again, the eyes were as sharp as ever, but without any malice, it was not annoying at all.

Although she felt that Agnes was a rival in love in her heart, she couldn't find much personal hostility towards her. This feeling was completely different from Sophie's.

Even I can't help admiring her, let alone that bastard libertine? Suddenly this strange idea came to her mind.

"I accept your good words." Depressed, she could only thank the other party calmly.

Alice next to her has been watching the interaction between Her Royal Highness and her younger sister. Since she learned the lesson from the Duchess of Berry, she is afraid that Agnes will accidentally become a victim of others' jealousy.

And she could also see that although Princess Teresa was very polite, she seemed depressed, as if she was not happy to see Agnes.

She didn't fully believe Edgar's instigation, but she still couldn't help coming over to smooth things over for her sister.

"Your Majesty, Agnes has met you in Greece before, and when she came back, she was full of praise for you, saying that you are both beautiful and graceful, and you are worthy of being the princess of the Habsburg family. ... I was worried that she was exaggerating, but after seeing you today, I found that what she said was not accurate enough. You are even better than I imagined. Both you and Your Majesty are worthy of God's beloved darling, I I think His Majesty the Emperor of Austria saw that you are so well-matched, so he specially proposed marriage for the two of you."

Although she knew in her heart that Alice's words were just polite words, Teresa was still very happy. On the one hand, Alice spoke very sincerely; Let Teresa also feel that she has received the "respect" she deserves.

Teresa has always been artistic and romantic, and she especially likes beautiful things. When she saw Mrs. Alice, she was heartbroken because of her beauty, so she subconsciously became polite. Being so respectful to herself, her impression unconsciously became better again.

"Ma'am, you are exaggerating." She covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't forget, I was almost abandoned. When you met my husband here, you must have heard Has the news arrived?"

The speaker was unintentional, but Alice fell into embarrassment.

When the couple came to Switzerland at that time, they had naturally heard about the big news that the Duke of Lechstedt abandoned Princess Teresa and escaped marriage. The couple even discussed it. Alice was of course very happy Sympathized with what happened to Princess Teresa, while Edgar defended His Majesty, saying that this was also a necessary move.

Later, when the two of them met the young man, they naturally did not bring up similar arguments.

It's just that Teresa actually mentioned this matter in person at this time.

It's okay for Teresa to bring this up, but it's hard for Alice. She can't laugh at Teresa's experience, but it's even worse to accuse His Majesty of being 'irresponsible'.

"Yes, I did hear about this incident at the time, and my first reaction was to feel sorry for you." After a moment of hesitation, Alice looked at Teresa with sincerity. "It is undeniable that from His Majesty's standpoint, it may be necessary for him to do so, but it also puts you in an embarrassing or even painful situation. I am a woman, so I can empathize with this pain more than men. We all know what a dreadful sword that taunting and slander is to a woman! Although I didn't know you at the time, I feel sorry for you with all my heart.

However, as a supporter of the Bonaparte family, I cannot blame His Majesty for this. I can only feel that fate is too ruthless to you. After meeting here, we took the initiative to avoid mentioning this matter, so as not to irritate Your Majesty. I can see that His Majesty felt very guilty towards you at that time. I believe that if he had other options, he would not leave Austria in this way that hurts you the most... So at that time, I could only secretly feel the fate Ruthless, to persecute two young people like this. However, things turned around later, and you and His Majesty came together again. I think this is because God can't bear to see you suffer, so please bless you. This is great! "

Teresa listened silently, even though she knew that there must be elements in these words that were false and intentional to please herself, but when she thought of the dark memories of the past and saw Alice's blessings today, she couldn't help being moved. It aroused great joy.

Presumably, Alice was as dumbfounded as everyone else by what happened later.

I regained the happiness I once had by myself, can you do it?

Although her heart was full of elation, she still smiled calmly on her mouth, "Huh, that guy won't feel guilty, he must be talking and laughing in front of you, who will remember that poor Austrian silly girl!"

Alice just smiled and didn't say anything more - because this was the fact at the time.

Obviously, Princess Teresa and Mrs. Alice hit it off right away and talked happily, but in the eyes of Agnes next to her, there were some unspeakable feelings.

She could tell that her elder sister was trying her best to please Princess Teresa in order to please her—although her elder sister's efforts seemed to be successful, but this deliberately lowered attitude really made Agnes feel sad .

Is this what it's like to live under someone's fence and test their breath?

Sister, is this the 'favor' that you and your brother-in-law have worked so hard to obtain? Why bother! ?

Although Agnes doesn't like to socialize, she is not a spotless white paper. She has also seen her parents' respectful and flattering appearance when they met His Majesty the King, and she even said good things to the King herself.

But even so, in Agnes's heart, the so-called kings and emperors are not sacred at all, and they are not more noble than their own family members. She is not willing to go to the court, but she stays away from the noble but well-defined hierarchy. world.

But now that world with distinct levels is vividly placed in front of her—her sister actually wants to face a girl who is a few years younger than her so cautiously, carefully choosing her words, for fear of offending her not happy.

How humble, how pitiful?

Even if she is the mistress of the Bonaparte family, even if she is a Habsburg princess, why should it be so? Why?

In any case, the Bourbon family is still sitting on the throne of France. No matter how ambitious the Bonaparte family is, they are still in opposition, and they are not qualified to put on a bigger picture than the king.

It's not like my family has nowhere to go now, so why bother to flatter Princess Teresa so much?

Agnes didn't quite understand why her sister seemed so determined to be a Bonapartist.

Furthermore, Agnes thought again, does my sister want me to do this too?

Want me to be like her, full of respect and flattery to that guy?

Agnes didn't want to, not at all.

You may be able to gain glory and wealth by bowing your knees, but if you can't even protect your own dignity, what's the point of such glory and wealth?

She didn't expect that the biggest motive for her sister to do this was for herself. Alice wanted to make up for Teresa's "bad impression" of her sister with her groveling.

After talking with Alice for a few words, Teresa's mood improved a lot, and then she looked at Agnes from the corner of her eyes again, and saw the gleam in her eyes, her cheeks were flushed, and she seemed to be about to speak. And stop the appearance.

"Miss Agnes, do you have anything to say?" she asked.

Agnes hesitated.

"It's okay, you can speak freely in front of me." Teresa smiled and nodded.

"Your Highness Teresa, I also heard about you." After holding back for a while, Agnes finally spoke, "To tell you the truth, before we came here last time, we had already heard about Lai Xi. The news that the Duke of Stadt is about to marry the Habsburg family, we are quite emotional about this, because it means that France may have to bid farewell to the Bonaparte family. But what we did not expect was the wedding, but It is this news... We are very surprised, but we also understand that it also means that the Bonaparte family does not want to be silent and disappear from France. You know, my brother-in-law is a supporter of the Bonaparte family. He and His father's lifelong wish was to see the Bonaparte family come back to rule our country, so he said that the great cause is destined to sacrifice something, maybe you are unfortunately one of the destined victims, he feels sorry for you and sympathizes with you, but he thinks it is inevitable of."

After Teresa heard this, her face suddenly sank.

How could she not guess these? It's just that there are some things that people can't hold back when they say them in person.

"Agnes?" Alice didn't expect her sister to say such words suddenly, and she was caught off guard for a while.

But she reacted quickly.

She immediately grabbed the conversation, and then helped her sister to defend, "Your Highness, if Agnes said something that displeased you, please forgive her, she is not a person who is good at words. The Ba family is full of respect. She just..."

"Don't worry, Miss Agnes has always been outspoken, and I have learned this a long time ago." Teresa also reacted immediately, and then smiled bitterly, "It's okay, I won't care, because this is the original Facts—a lot of people have flattery about us that doesn't work as much as the facts, does it?"

But even though she kept forgiving, the atmosphere became cold in an instant.

What the hell am I doing?

Agnes had already woken up from the impulsiveness just now. She regretted a moment, glanced at her sister secretly, and shrunk her neck unconsciously under her stern gaze.

Although she was not convinced and didn't like her sister's servility, she didn't want to destroy her sister's efforts.

She knew that, no matter what, her sister's family was now the followers of the Bonaparte family—maybe they would even be sheltered by the Bonaparte family in the future, and she understood the reason why they had to bow their heads under the eaves of others.

Why? why do you do this Why do you want to put your sister in an embarrassing situation just for a moment? They questioned themselves and blamed themselves extremely.

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