Eagle’s Glory

one hundred and ninety four, bridge

Because of Agnes' impulsive speech, the original friendly atmosphere in the room was suddenly shattered, and everyone fell into an awkward silence, not knowing what to say.

Agnes felt extremely regretful in her heart, she didn't understand what was wrong with her nerves just now, and she insisted on refuting Princess Teresa's face face to face—ask yourself, although Her Royal Highness may not like her, but she has always treated her He has a respectful attitude and can't find any black spots at all. This is already quite royal, why should he embarrass others in person like this?

Is it because she is upset that her sister bowed her knees to her, or because she has other ideas?

Agnes didn't know that, deep down in her heart, she felt a little jealous towards Teresa.

Because Teresa has it all.

She has a rich stomach and grew up carefree since she was a child. She doesn't suffer from the ups and downs of exile like herself; she is the focus of everyone's attention around her, and everyone must be respectful to her, for fear of offending her. Not happy; and even now, she has a family and just got a son.

If it was the past, Agnes wouldn't care much about it, but after the crisis with the court, the drastic changes in the family situation, etc., she knew that her future might be bleak, and she might even be in danger. Because of the burden of the family, I will die alone.

As a girl with a normal mind, even if she can accept such a result, it is impossible not to feel sorry for herself.

Just when she was worrying about gains and losses and her mentality was out of balance, she saw her elder sister treat a girl similar to her age with such a respectful attitude, and that girl just happened to have everything that she could only hope for and elusive, so As a result, a feeling that she had never had before sprouted in her heart-jealousy.

Even at this moment, she didn't have the slightest hatred for Teresa in her heart, she just subconsciously thought that it would be great if she could get everything she had.

She was already jealous of Princess Teresa when she didn't understand what jealousy was.

It was also driven by jealousy that she was so hotheaded that she directly embarrassed Princess Teresa regardless of the social etiquette she had learned from childhood.

Teresa also froze at the moment.

She wouldn't lose her temper because of Agnes' few truths, but at this time she also obviously felt the hostility from Agnes, which made her feel inexplicable-I haven't lost my temper with you yet, you actually Attack me first?


She wouldn't argue or quarrel with Agnes, it would be disrespectful.

Moreover, in her capacity, if she had done nothing wrong, it was impossible to condescend to please Agnes in order to ease the atmosphere, so she also chose to remain silent.

Because of the silence of the two, the atmosphere suddenly froze here.

After all, how old is Alice, and she has been in the social world for a few years. Of course, she can see the sudden embarrassment and confrontation between the two girls at this time-and she knows that this confrontation will only harm her sister.

Because she couldn't figure out why her sister suddenly had a short-circuited brain, so she didn't know what to say now.

At this moment, she suddenly had a quick wit, and then looked at Xia Lu who was standing beside her.

While no one was paying attention, she quietly reached out and poked Xia Lu's armpit, then looked at her daughter with a smile.

As if hearing her mother's voice, Xia Lu giggled immediately, and this laughter finally broke the embarrassing silence.

Teresa's eyes were immediately attracted, and then Xia Lu's angelic smile aroused the human nature in her heart.

"so cute!"

As if seeing some treasure, Teresa looked at Xia Lu with bright eyes, then walked in front of her, caressing her cheek involuntarily. "Ma'am, Miss Xia Lu will be as beautiful as you in the future."

Alice also likes to be modest when others praise herself, but she likes to accept everything when her daughter is praised.

"What's so good about me? I hope she will look better than me when she grows up, and become a more dazzling star than me in the social arena."

"That's too difficult, poor child, to bear such high expectations." Teresa joked with a smile, "To tell you the truth, your husband sent that painting to us before, and I I appreciate it very much, and even hung that painting in our bedroom in Ioannina...Unfortunately, we can’t bring too much to Switzerland this time, so we put it there, but if we can settle down in France in the future , I will definitely bring this masterpiece with me and enjoy it from time to time.”

While talking, she couldn't help pinching Xia Lu's cheek again, "Oh, when I saw the portrait, I thought that Mr. Edgar would deliberately beautify Miss Xia Lu because of his love for daughters, but he didn't. Thinking of seeing her, he felt that he was still humble when he wrote the pen! Who wouldn't be happy to see such a beautiful child? If you don't mind, can you put Xia Lu by my side for a while?"

"It's her honor." Of course Alice agreed.

Xia Lu is Alice's biggest concern now.

Although in her mind, she and Edgar will definitely have children in the future, but no matter what, Xia Lu, as the eldest daughter, will always have a special place in her heart.

Because of this, although Xia Lu is only over one year old now, her mother has already made plans for her in her heart.

Because of the Marquis of Treville, the social world will definitely not wait to see Xia Lu. No matter how magnificent she is when she grows up, she will definitely be excluded from the gate of the highest level, so it is better to expect the Bonaparte family to make a comeback , if Xia Lu can get the favor of the two majesties, then she will have the brightest future when she grows up, so I don't have to worry about it.

But now that she just came here, she saw that the two His Majesties liked Xia Lu so much, and she felt relieved.

For the sake of her daughter's future, even if she bowed her knees to a girl younger than herself, even if she paid a higher price, it was worth it.

As if feeling her mother's intentions, Xia Lu was very cooperative, she didn't admit to being unfamiliar in front of Teresa, giggling and letting Teresa get close, and taking advantage of the opportunity of the two of them getting close, Alice also sneaked away To my sister's side.

"Agnes, what's wrong with you?" she asked softly.

"Sister, I'm sorry..." Agnes, who was still immersed in annoyance, apologized to her sister, "I... I don't know why I couldn't choose what to say."

"You don't have to say sorry to me, you are my sister, and I will stand by your side no matter what you do. I just don't understand why you suddenly acted uncharacteristically..." Alice looked at her sister worriedly, and then let go more He lowered his voice, "Besides, you have put your brother-in-law in an embarrassing position. Although His Highness Teresa may not hold grudges, she has a heart-to-heart relationship. Every time she thinks of Edgar applauding for His Majesty's abandonment of her, Which woman would feel comfortable...?"

The gentler her sister's attitude, the more annoyed and guilty Agnes felt. "I'm sorry... Sister, I'm really dizzy, and I will apologize to Her Majesty Teresa."

"Don't apologize, since the words have already been spoken, then if you apologize again, it will be nothing more than reminding Her Royal Highness what you said... It won't help the matter. We can only pretend that nothing happened and let time dilute what happened just now. Embarrassing." Alice shook her head, denying Agnes's opinion, "Agnes, if you really feel guilty, just don't make the same mistake in the future - leave the rest to me, I'll find a way to make it up."

After a pause, she looked at Agnes with some hesitation, "You... Did you think I was too flattering just now, and you felt sorry for me, so you couldn't help but ridicule her?"

Agnes lowered her head and didn't dare to answer, because this was exactly what she thought in her heart. She grew up under the care of her sister, and it was really difficult to hide it from her sister.

And if she didn't answer, it meant that she acquiesced. Alice's face flushed slightly, and she was obviously ashamed of it.

"Even I think I'm flattering. You must be so proud that you can't stand it. It's normal. However, Agnes, it's not that I don't know what dignity is, but that you have to make sacrifices and choices in life. It is worth sacrificing even a little self-esteem for the most important thing in my heart. I love my family, my daughter, and I can bend my knees for them, and even be more obsequious...I don't expect you to agree with me, but I believe in my sister I beg you not to destroy my efforts easily, because even if you want to sell your dignity for a price, you need skill and luck, but you can't do it again. Once others get used to your flattery, what you can pawn your dignity will be Fewer and fewer. Got it, Agnes?"

Agnes listened to her sister's words, savored the bitterness in them, and almost cried.

And who naturally likes to flatter others and bow their heads? It's just people under the roof.

Even as my sister said, if you want to sell your dignity for a price, it depends on whether others are willing or not.

Now the future of the elder sister's family depends on the Bonaparte family, and it is their duty to flatter the young couple, and it may even be their "honour".

In the past, she might have thought that her family could help her sister's family in the future, but after the current series of events, she no longer dared to count on it.

That being the case, what reason is there to blame my sister?

On the contrary, I don't know the sufferings of the world.

"Understood, sister." She endured the pain in her heart, and then nodded. "I will not let your sacrifice go to waste."

"It's good to know, it's okay." Alice smiled and stroked her sister's cheek. "Actually, we have all seen the king and queen. By comparison, they are indeed far inferior to this couple? They are both very They are talented, they are gentle with others, and they are more sympathetic to the situation of their subordinates... If I have to choose a couple to flatter, I'd rather be them!"

Before, after discussing with her husband Edgar, Alice had decided to let Agnes also cooperate with the Bonaparte family, so that Yi Xue, who had been neglected by the court before, could regain a bright future.

But she also understands that her little sister has a stubborn personality, even if she can obey her strong orders, it is still not good after all, so she can only be induced.

So now, she has also changed her previous habit of never talking about politics in front of her sister, and deliberately hinted and instilled in front of Agnes many times that "it is better to stand by the glamorous Duke and Duchess of Lechstedt than to follow the old man Bourbon." "impression.

But, she didn't know why, Agnes's resistance was more intense than she imagined.

Agnes shook her head abruptly, "No... I never flattered the king, so I wouldn't flatter Bonaparte either. They can do whatever they like, anyway, none of this has anything to do with me."

Seeing that her sister was so disgusted, Alice didn't understand why for a while, but she also knew that this kind of thing could only subtly persuade her sister, so she didn't argue with her again.

At this time, she also saw that Teresa didn't seem to want to continue teasing Xia Lu, so she made a gesture to her sister to talk about it later, and returned to her daughter and Teresa.

Well done, daughter! While secretly thankful for Xia Lu's cleverness, she hugged her daughter in her arms again.

"Your Highness, I heard that you can still paint, can you give me the honor to see your works?" Then she asked Teresa with a smile.

Teresa was a little baffled by this question - haven't you already seen my painting?

But soon, she understood from Alice's eyes.

The couple are still hiding from Agnes, so they deliberately did not mention their paintings in front of Agnes.

She recalled what her husband had just said.

After confirming the two facts, she guessed the truth of the matter—it was the Trevilles who tricked Agnes over here! The purpose is to let her cooperate with her husband's whim.

That's how it is... No wonder Agnes is so irrelevant, it turns out that she doesn't know that she is one of the 'purposes'.

Once she figured this out, Teresa's hostility towards Agnes eased a lot—since the Trevilles needed to use deception to bring her here, it meant that she didn't care so much about her relationship with Agnes. The reunion, she didn't even ask to come here on her own initiative.

Miss Agnes, after all, she still knows how to respect and love herself... She sighed in her heart.

After understanding all this, the original anger in her heart suddenly dissipated - compared to this incident, Agnes' unintentional small offense just now is nothing at all.

"I've only done some painting since elementary school, it's nothing. It's too far behind a real painter... However, if you, as a guest from afar, are willing to spend some time admiring it, I'd be more than happy to share with you Please share—" She replied with a smile, the haze from just now was no longer in her eyes.

From Her Royal Highness's answer, Alice also knew that she had guessed her intention, so she bowed to Teresa again, "To tell you the truth, I used to like art very much. Falling in love with Edgar...it is a great honor to be able to look at your work now."

Then, she looked back at her sister again, "Agnes, take care of Xia Lu here, I'll be back later."

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