Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety five, deception and truth

"Agnes, take care of Xia Lu here, I'll be back later."

Hearing her sister's order, Agnes was a little taken aback.

Of course she knew that it was her sister who wanted to distract herself on purpose.

It's just that she was relieved soon - her sister can be regarded as a Bonapartist now, but she stubbornly stays out of it, so it's normal for her to avoid discussing anything with Princess Teresa.

"Okay." She immediately agreed, then took the niece from her sister, and teased her wholeheartedly—this seemed to be her only happiness here at the moment.

Alice and Teresa walked out of the room together, and then came to the path between the houses, where you can see the surrounding green grass, and you can also see the looming peaks in the distance that still have snow lines. Coupled with the coming spring breeze, people suddenly feel refreshed.

"This is really a good place. Compared with the hustle and bustle of Paris, it is more livable." Alice sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"I think so too... It's a pity that we won't live here for a long time after all." Teresa replied, "To tell you the truth, I have always dreamed of living such a secluded life with His Highness."

These words seem to be full of "Versailles" suspicions, and Alice is naturally only dubious, but since Her Royal Highness said so, she can only take it seriously.

"By the way, Your Majesty, where are your paintings? Can you let me appreciate them?" Alice changed the subject.

Teresa was a little puzzled. Originally, she thought that Alice's request just now was just to get rid of embarrassment, but she didn't expect that she was serious.

So she couldn't help asking, "Haven't you already read it? Didn't your husband receive a picture book? That's what I drew."

"Ah? Did you draw it?!" Alice was so shocked that she lost her composure.

She really didn't expect that the "artist" His Majesty found for his posters was actually his wife, His Highness Teresa...

The other things don't matter, but what kind of mentality did His Majesty have at that time when he asked his wife to paint in the image of another girl?

What a dreadful young man... She cast a furtive glance at Teresa.

In this way, Her Royal Highness the Princess can be regarded as ignorant.

She did not expect that Teresa herself was the instigator of all the subsequent events.

"Why, did it surprise you so much?" Teresa couldn't help laughing wryly seeing Alice's shocked look, "In your eyes, don't I have that talent?"

Alice realized it immediately, and quickly shook her head in denial, "No, of course I didn't mean that, I just didn't expect that you would do it yourself... Your paintings are really good, even my husband is full of praise. "

"In this respect, your husband is much better than me." Teresa smiled and shook her head. "So I'm ashamed of you to compliment me like that—"

"It's true that my husband's talent for painting is a bit stronger than yours, but even so, the charm you embody in those paintings still proves that your aesthetic taste is much stronger than ordinary people, and this kind of thing is better than paintings. Skills are more important." Alice replied seriously, without the slightest hint of sarcasm, "The princes and grandchildren have been surrounded by famous teachers since they were young, and they can easily learn anything they want to learn, but because it is so easy, they are so easy to learn. Most people have a hard time developing grit. Without it, you can't accumulate that mysterious 'feeling', so that you can't do anything. You at least prove that you have more grit than many people with your status gone."

"Oh, perseverance... I have never lacked this thing." Teresa laughed half-mockingly at herself, "Mrs. Alice, thank you for your compliment. It must be very lucky to be your friend, you So gentle and considerate."

Of course she also knew that Alice was deliberately trying to please herself, so she must have deliberately exaggerated, but in a short period of time she was quick to weave such a set of flattery that was both flattering and not divorced from reality, which was enough to see that she loved herself. respect, there is no need for him to deliberately embarrass her.

"If you like, we are friends now...Your Majesty." Alice also smiled back, then bowed her knees, and saluted Teresa again.

After a short conversation, the relationship between Theresa and Alice became happy again. Of course, there was a factor of Alice's deliberate ingratiation, but more importantly, Alice's beauty and that kind of elegant demeanor were very in line with Teresa's aesthetic taste, even knowing that she is Agnes's sister, does not generate any resentment or grudge in her heart.

It is conceivable that if her husband can really fulfill his wish and restore the empire in the future, then she will also reach the apex. Although this is very glorious and glorious, it is also extremely high. As a foreigner, she is destined not to have a few close friends in France, but if she can have someone like Mrs. Alice by her side, life will not be too difficult.

Alice hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should mention her sister.

She thought to herself that since the painting was actually drawn by Her Majesty Teresa herself, Her Majesty's acceptance should be higher than she originally imagined, so after a while, she made up her mind.

"Speaking of your paintings, I do have a doubt—" she started deliberately.

"What do you mean?" Teresa asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, the image of Joan of Arc in your painting seems to be drawn from Agnes, right?" Alice asked cautiously.

Alas, it's still here.

Teresa didn't want to face this problem, but she also knew that she couldn't escape it after all.

She felt a sour feeling of 'unconvinced but helpless' in her heart, but she nodded after all. "Yes, your observations are indeed meticulous."

Is it necessary to be meticulous when they are so alike... Alice thought to herself.

However, now that it's a critical moment, she doesn't want to cause any further complications, so she didn't complain, but continued to test the other party.

"Then, may I ask your Majesties to use the image of Agnes on purpose? What are your considerations? Is it a whim or something more important? You may think I'm asking too much, but as Egger Nisi's sister, I ask you to forgive my curiosity..."

In all fairness, Teresa didn't want to answer this question at all, but as things had come to an end, she could only answer truthfully.

"Your Highness has an idea. If he returns to France, he certainly wants to restore the empire and become emperor, but he doesn't want to follow the historical tradition, but to follow his father's precedent and decide where he will go by a referendum. He wants to be ordered by the people instead of God, and takes the authorization of the nation as his authority. Because of this, he needs to use something to win the hearts of the people, not only in material things, but also in spirit. Hope to be connected with the whole nation.

So he wants to associate victory and honor with the empire and the Bonaparte family, and the image of Joan of Arc is also very suitable for his needs. To put it simply, he needs a living Joan of Arc to belong to him, Let the people believe that the Bonaparte family is destined. "

Because Alice had already discussed His Majesty's intentions with her husband before, and she had a little understanding in her heart, so she was not too shocked, but even so, she was still amazed at this young man's unconstrained style.

However, although it seems strange, it seems to make sense.

"So how does he plan to carry out this referendum?" Alice asked after a while.

"Although the people do miss the Bonaparte family at present, he will naturally not be careless. He plans to conduct a national tour. On the one hand, let the people see his appearance and let them feel the existence of the Bonaparte family. On the one hand, it is also to investigate the people's sentiments in various places, and he will be accompanied by a mighty team on this parade, he..." Teresa paused deliberately when she said this, " He hopes that a girl dressed as Joan of Arc will follow us."


Alice now knew what that young man was thinking. Although some things did exceed her and her husband's expectations, the essence was not bad.

She didn't know how much prestige and votes this parade would bring to the Bonaparte family, but she knew clearly that it meant that Miss "Jean of Arc" would become famous all over the country. Because of this, she will also become an eye-catching idol - just imagine, a girl passing through every town, city, and being cheered by everyone, what a fascinating glory it would be?

If Agnes can get such an opportunity, then what are the humiliation and blows she suffered in the social arena before?

And who but Agnes is qualified to play Joan of Arc?

In Alice's heart, no one is cuter or more dazzling than her younger sister, so she should be the center of attention. The current predicament of being rejected by others is indeed social injustice and the sky has no eyes.

If there is an opportunity to make up for a joke of fate, why not do it?

Alice had already made up her mind a long time ago, but now her determination is even stronger, and she can't wait to make this idea a reality right away.

"That is to say, His Majesty wants Agnes to play this role?" She forced herself to calm down, and then asked pretending not to understand.

Although her ability to control her emotions was not good enough, the excitement and anticipation in her eyes at this moment could not be concealed from anyone. Just looking at her, Teresa knew that she would never object.

"He does have this idea, but it depends on whether Agnes is willing or not—" Teresa replied calmly.

"Yes, of course she would." Alice blurted out.

At this moment, she no longer cares about whether her sister likes it or not, but wants to take out her sister's identity and make this decision for her sister.

After all, with Agnes' current situation, this is indeed the best opportunity.

As for Agnes, she believed that as long as she persuaded patiently, she would definitely be able to get her nod - although doing so would make her younger sister jump into the dye vat of politics, which violated her original intention of not wanting to get involved in politics, but Compared with what you get, this loss is negligible.

In the end, it was the Wang family who were unrighteous to Agnes first, so it is only natural for Agnes to take revenge, isn't it?

Alice was born to her parents after they went into exile. She has not received the favor of the royal family since she was a child, so she doesn't have much loyalty; Adding up the cold words and closing the door, even if she didn't hold a grudge, her original loyalty to the Wang family must have disappeared long ago.

Since you treat us like this, why should we be foolish and loyal? It's not necessary at all.

Alice knew that Agnes seemed to have an inexplicable resistance to the couple, but she believed that with her position in her sister's heart, as long as she patiently persuaded her, she could always get her to nod.

Compared to Alice's eagerness to try, Teresa was much colder, she just looked at Madam calmly.

"Ma'am, it's not that I don't believe your promise, but on this kind of matter, we still have to ask for my own opinion--as far as I see, she doesn't seem to be that willing, otherwise, you don't have to go to such lengths I did my best to bring her here."

Teresa's words made Alice's face blush slightly, obviously she herself was also embarrassed that she had cheated on her sister.

But this kind of deception stemmed from her incomparably sincere love for her younger sister.

Now, she must finish this deception to the end, only in this way can she get her sister out of the mud - at least she believes so.

"Your Majesty, I admit that I did deceive Agnes, but facing the judge of conscience, I can say with utmost sincerity that I have never considered other than for her. Agnes has a stubborn temper, out of For some reasons, she is unwilling to cooperate with the Bonaparte family, but this is not a difficult problem. I ask you to spend a little time with me, and I will persuade her to satisfy the wishes of the two majesties... I know, you can still find Others, but don't you admit it? Only Agnes, the most age and temperament you have ever met, and nothing else, so why not give me a little leeway? I beg you Give me time, let me convince Agnes..."

As she spoke, Alice became more and more emotional, almost begging.

Seeing such a beautiful lady pleading softly to herself, and it was out of noble feelings, Tereza's heart suddenly softened.

"What a noble request!" she could not help sighing.

"No, I'm not noble. Nobility is reserved for people like you. I'm just a second-generation exile with the name of a princess. I never dare to forget the shadows and cracks after I was born. , that is the imprint engraved on my soul, and no amount of etiquette can make me obliterate this imprint." Alice replied emotionally, "When I was younger than you now, in order to subsidize the family, to Taking care of my siblings, I've sold flowers, I've sold handkerchiefs, I've had to beg everyone who passes me by; I've tasted the taste of hunger, the burning sensation you can't imagine... Fortunately, I and I My family members got rid of this nightmare, but who knows in the future? I can only remind myself all the time that everything we have now is not what we naturally deserve, but something that should be guarded and fought for. Your Majesty, I beg you, I beg you, let Agnes take this honor, and I will be forever and ever grateful to both of you."

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