Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety six, friends and talents

"I beg you, let Agnes take this honor. I will be forever and ever grateful to both of you."

Teresa quietly listened to Alice's soft pleading, feeling pity and moved in her heart.

She didn't know the predicament Agnes was facing now, so it was naturally impossible to know why Alice was so keen on this plan. However, facing Alice's pleading, she found that she really couldn't say no.

Originally, the optimal solution to this plan was Agnes (this was subconsciously recognized by her when she first wrote the pen, and there was no way to deny it). The reason why she didn't take it too seriously was because there was a hurdle in her heart that she couldn't get past. .

However, the little jealousy in my heart cannot deny the reality.

Now that Alice has reached this point, Teresa's original disapproval disappeared.

"Mrs. Alice, you're mistaken. From the very beginning, I never denied that Miss Agnes is suitable to play Joan of Arc. If she nods, I support it." She gently explained her opinion to Alice, "You don't have to worry about my opinion becoming an obstacle, just find a way to convince Agnes herself. Of course, the time shouldn't be too long. You'd better let her make a decision before taking her away..."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your magnanimity!" After receiving Teresa's support, Alice was overjoyed, and the pleading in her eyes was replaced by joy, "Please believe me, I can definitely make Agnes change her mind. This can be settled before we leave."

"You'd better not ask her too hard. Miss Agnes has a very strong personality. Even if she reluctantly agrees to you because of sisterhood, if she doesn't want to, it may not be a good thing for her." Teresa reminded the other party.

"That's natural. I will explain the situation clearly to her and let her see the reality. Agnes will make the right choice, and no one will force her to do anything." Alice nodded repeatedly.

"If it can come true, I hope she can help us to be more popular with the people." Teresa sighed, "I probably don't have the chance to be loved by people from the heart."

"Where are you talking?" Alice quickly denied, "Your Majesty, you are so kind, humble, and polite. I think anyone who knows you even a little bit will love you from the bottom of their hearts. I think, Although you are still very young, there is no one more suitable to be the mother of our country than you."

"Really?" Teresa raised her eyebrows, "But I'm not even sure whether the people around me love me..."

Alice blinked.

I don't quite understand what Teresa means by this—Edgar deliberately concealed from her that when he was in Greece, he colluded with Prince Charles and others, and praised Agnes to run on Teresa.

Seeing that Alice really didn't know anything about it, Teresa didn't want to take her anger out on her anymore, she just wanted to confirm one thing.

"Mrs. Alice, since you said we have become friends, can you answer my question with the honesty between friends?"

"Of course, just ask!" Alice replied hastily.

Teresa didn't answer right away, but looked up at the blue sky, green grass and snow-capped mountains around her.

"Two years ago, here, how did His Highness get along with Agnes?" After a while, Teresa asked in a low voice, "Have you or your husband ever thought of matching them?"

Ah... so the problem is here! Alice suddenly realized that she understood why the interaction between Teresa and Agnes was so strange. It turned out that Her Royal Highness Teresa was concerned about this matter.

She clearly remembered that at the beginning, her husband made indirect remarks several times, and it was better to make Agnes and His Majesty a pair, and even after His Majesty reunited with Princess Teresa, he still had a similar idea.

Not to mention Edgar, even she herself had thought about it vaguely at the time.

It's just...all of that is in the past, and now His Majesty is married, these two people are so well matched, what else can I say?

How should I answer?

Lying forcibly cannot deceive people, and it is also against her own conscience, so she collected her thoughts, and then answered. "To tell you the truth, when we were here, because we all felt that the marriage between you and His Highness was impossible, His Majesty had already returned to celibacy. At that time, we really thought about letting Agnes and His Majesty To be a couple, after all... After all, they are both of the same age and are so outstanding, I think they are a good match, please forgive my recklessness at the time!"

"Your idea seems to be wrong. One of them is a member of the royal family and the other is just the daughter of a nobleman. Even without me, they shouldn't be together?" Although Teresa knew it would be like this, she still felt a little upset. So he retorted bitterly.

Oh, the first Josephine of the empire was not a member of the royal family, and was even a widow. If Josephine could have given birth to a son, what would your Habsburg family have to do with the empress crown of the empire...Of course , such a well-founded rebuttal, Alice did not dare to say it in person.

"Please forgive me, this is indeed inappropriate. It is only because my sister has such a high status in my heart that I have such an overbearing idea." Alice could only apologize to Teresa, "Fortunately, God bless, you and Your Majesty exclude In spite of all difficulties, the lovers will finally be married, and they will be happily married according to the arrangement of fate, so let that little thing go away with the wind."

"It would be great if it really died with the wind, but is there really no one around Agnes who still thinks so?" Teresa asked back.

Did you really not think so? Alice was taken aback by this question.

She certainly hadn't thought about it that way, but what about Edgar?

Thinking of some of her husband's words and deeds before, Alice felt a little uncertain, but right now in front of Princess Teresa, she must speak to death.

"Your Majesty, I would never think so." She assured Teresa solemnly, "Your Majesty, in my opinion, you are perfect, with beauty, elegance and more precious compassion, even in the royal family, you can A woman who has all these at the same time is really rare. Therefore, anyone who can become your husband is a rare luck in this life. Although the status of my sister is irreplaceable in my heart, I think you are the most suitable person for Your Majesty, Destiny has made you our mistress, and will definitely make you the mother of a country, no one can change this!"

Alice's tone and expression were so sincere that Teresa had no doubts about her sincerity.

It seems that she did not participate in those conspiracies, it was all caused by Treville and his son... Thinking of this, Teresa was relieved, and in all fairness, she was unwilling to regard Alice as her own. enemy.

At this time, she was a little puzzled, what kind of blessing did Edgar have to have such a wife?

If he hadn't married Alice, then Agnes would definitely have nothing to do with him, so he wouldn't have to suffer - so everything was his fault!

Thinking of this, Teresa became even more angry with Edgar.

Edgar had already offended her before, and now he has added a new revenge, but she has no way to attack it now, so she can only swallow this breath.

However, her good temper does not mean that she will swallow her anger and let others bully her. She has never easily forgiven those who have offended her, and she will definitely take revenge on Edgar in the future—just be careful not to implicate Mrs. Alice. good.

Alice didn't know the dangerous thoughts surging in the princess's mind at this time, and she felt that her remarks should have satisfied Her Royal Highness.

"Since you think so, I would like to thank you." Sure enough, Her Royal Highness nodded in approval, "I'm sorry to make you difficult."

"Actually, you really don't need to care about the past. No matter what we thought at the time, the relationship between Your Majesty and Agnes was innocent. At that time, they did appreciate each other, but this appreciation was only limited to swordsmanship. It’s just a discussion, no one has crossed the line and done something regrettable.” Alice took the opportunity to defend her sister again, “Also, do you understand Agnes’ character? Now that this is the situation, then She wouldn't do something that would insult her own dignity."

Teresa was somewhat convinced of this.

However, there are always many helpless things in life, can Agnes really be excluded from the conspiracy all the time? She's a little unsure.

But, now is now, at least now she has nothing to blame others.

In the final analysis, the real person responsible is not her, but the young man Teresa loves and worries about.

"Madam, it's a pity that we live in a world that is not pure and white. On the contrary, it is full of filth, but even so, I am willing to do my best to make it as beautiful as possible." Teresa thought He pointed to Alice and said, "I admire you and Agnes, and I am very willing to respect you... I sincerely hope that in the future we can still face each other as friends. My future life may be Doomed to be lonely, having one more friend is a good thing to be thankful for—"

She is very satisfied with what she has now, so she cherishes it very much, no matter what happens in the future, if anyone destroys her happiness, then she will never be merciful.

After she finished speaking, she smiled again, "You and Your Highness must have had a great time rafting on the lake, right? How about revisiting the experience with us then? In two days, our two families will rent a large boat. It must be very interesting to order a boat to float and have a feast together on the lake, right? If we enjoy ourselves, we can even leave poems or paintings as commemorations to remember our friendship.”

Since Teresa invited her, Alice would naturally not refuse, so she immediately agreed.

"It must be an extremely elegant thing to be able to go out with the two majesties. It would be our honor to add a little bit of interest to the two of you with our efforts. Last time, your majesty improvised a song Poetry, I wonder if he has read it to you?"

"He just mentioned it to me, but he didn't read the whole thing." Teresa shook her head.

"Then please allow me to repeat it for you..." Alice immediately seized the opportunity, "To tell you the truth, I have remembered all of His Majesty's creations at that time."

Teresa's eyes lit up, and she nodded quickly.

Alice took a deep breath, then put on a posture, and then read out the poems written by Aigron in front of her at that time.

"...I allow you to come to my side and share my glory. Although you are so weak, even a few ghosts can make you weak and trembling. But I will command you, gather your twilight, and ignite the sky The flames cover the violent sun, burn up the howling wind, and guard this world of blue sky and clear water..."

Alice imitated Eggron's demeanor and posture at that time. Although she must lack a little momentum as a delicate woman, she could still find a little shadow of the scene in the haze.

Teresa quietly listened to her husband's original creation, and her heart was filled with joy.

"Your Highness...you were really high-spirited at that time." After Alice finished reading, she still had something to say.

"Indeed, even though he didn't have a single soldier in his hands at the time, just by looking at his demeanor, it made people feel that he was extraordinary." Alice echoed and replied, "So at that time, I believed that he would be able to achieve great things."

"It was a pity that I wasn't there that time, and this time I must ask him to make up for it." Teresa said happily.

She had also sailed with Aggron once, and half-forced him to improvise poems for herself.

It's exciting to think back on those past events... This is why she is willing to follow him forever.

And just because she was happy in her heart, she looked more pleasing to Alice.

She heard it just once, but she memorized the whole poem perfectly, which shows that she really respected her husband and had enough talents to appreciate it.

Truly a rare person...

The more Teresa looked at Alice, the more satisfied she was. Not only was she polite and respectful to herself, but she also responded gracefully, which showed her wit and talent. In the Austrian court, she could not see many people who could compete with Mrs. Alice. Compared to the lady.

Even if Alice is like this, there must be other people who are equally or even more outstanding in that world where elegance prevails.

Everyone often says that in Europe, there is nothing richer and more elegant than France. It seems that this statement is true. If I can really come to this country with my husband, I can greatly satisfy my interest and experience.

Thinking of this, Teresa suddenly looked forward to her future a little more—that strange country that she has never set foot in this life seems to be manifesting in Mrs. Alice at this time, and it is slowly opening up to her. Lift the veil and extend the invitation.

Out of excitement, she gently hugged Mrs. Alice to show her appreciation and friendliness, "I wish you and Xia Lu all the best in the future, madam."

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