Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety-nine, sincerity

"Please sit down first and let's talk."

Agron's soft words of comfort finally calmed down Agnes, who was so distraught.

At this time, because she was worried about family matters, she had no intention of quarreling with the young man in front of her, and she had no time to pursue the past dispute between the two. The confused and worried girl was subconsciously hoping to be comforted at this moment - of course, if she could It's even better if you get helpful help.

She obeyed Aigron's instructions and sat down, but her thoughts were still quite messy.

"Let us clarify the situation first, Agnes." Aiglon asked softly, "Mr. Danglars, is your family's business agent?"

"Yes." Agnes replied in a very soft voice, "According to my father, our family should be his biggest saver."

"This is really unexpected!" Aigron opened his brows, showing great surprise, "I really didn't expect that when it comes to investment, your father does not have the family background of the old nobles, but is willing to That’s a lot of investment for a civilian banker.”

“He said that he didn’t invest much money at the beginning, but that Tangglar’s ​​performance had been very good, which gave him more and more confidence... He was not without worries, because Mr. Tanglar’s ​​management Very bold, but the high profits and high returns blinded his eyes and made him forget the risks involved." Agnes smiled bitterly, "However, who would have thought that a bank with such good operating conditions would actually survive in just one year. Within two months it was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the banker himself simply ran away!”

"Yes, our era is becoming more and more lawless, and evil is roaming the world openly." Aigron also sighed, "In the final analysis, the reason why France is in this predicament is because the old man on the throne is corrupt and Incompetent, he can’t control the country’s security, he can’t control the development of industry, and he can’t even control the financial trend that affects the national order! He just wants to drag the country back to half a century ago, and he can’t adapt to the new era.”

Agnes declined to comment on Agron's political comments, but she also felt that it was a bit incompetent for the royal government to do nothing during the financial turmoil and sit back and watch the crisis break out in the capital.

She also knew that this was a bit irritating, but after a series of events, the status of the Wang family in her mind was indeed gradually declining, and the rebellious thoughts from the past often came to her mind.

This is not only because of the consciousness instillation of her sister Alice, but also because of what she has seen and heard - she has witnessed the behavior of His Majesty the King and the heir of the Bonaparte family at close range at the same time. Of course, You can make the comparison in your own mind, even if you hate Aiglon’s indecent behavior and gnash your teeth,

But she also knew that the two people could not be compared. One was as energetic as the rising sun; the other was old and decayed and only wanted to survive. There was a huge difference.

Because of this, she has never been disgusted with the Bonaparte family's comeback, she just wanted to stay out of it.

"What's the point of talking about this now?" She lowered her head and sighed, "Anyway, that banker has gone to nowhere now, and we must find him as soon as possible."

"What if he can't find it?" Aigron asked, "In other words, even if he finds it, he will definitely not be stupid enough to keep the money with him. He will deposit the huge amount of securities in London, Frankfurt or other places. What's the use of holding him alone in a bank safe?"

Aigron's words were very reasonable, so they only added to Agnes's annoyance. "Then we have to find him first, otherwise what else can we do?"

"So you plan to leave here immediately, and then spend your precious youth looking for an ugly and boring man everywhere, and you are not sure whether there is any point in doing so?" Agnes asked, "Agnes, this is a stupid thing. .”

"It's already this time, I don't need you to say sarcastic things to me!" Agnes shouted angrily, "Do you think I can just stand by and watch what happens at home? I have to do even stupid things, because of this It’s the only thing I can do!”

"No, other than that, you have other ways." Aigron waved his hand to signal Agnes not to be angry, "I exist here, and I will not allow such stupid things to happen!"

Agnes was speechless with astonishment.

The other party's intention was obvious, he wanted to lend a helping hand to his family.

Does he have this ability? Agnes knew that he must have it - after all, this guy now has so many followers and controls a small country. Of course it is nothing compared to the Bourbon family, but compared to her own family, it is already a big deal. An incomparable giant, it can pull its own house out of the quagmire with just a finger.

However, asking him for help, asking someone who has been rude to her many times for help... When Agnes thought of this, she felt very blocked in her heart.

"What, Agnes, don't you want me to lend a helping hand?" As if he saw what she was thinking, Agron sneered again, "I don't need to boast, you should know what I can do. , so you don’t have to worry about me not being able to help - so, it’s already this time, do you still want to use your stubbornness and pride to get this precious opportunity?”

The sarcastic sneer on the young man's face ignited Agnes's anger again. She recalled that night in Greece. He also used this smile to tell herself that you can't run away. She had never suffered such a smile. gas?

I won't ask you for help!

This sentence has fallen on my lips, but I can't say it.

Of course you can be quick and easy, but what about your father? Where are the family members? Should they lose such an opportunity just for their own impulse? There was a voice in my heart asking myself.

She knew in her heart that he was right. She shouldn't let her family suffer because of past grudges.

People have to grow after all.

Therefore, she suppressed the anger in her heart and forced herself to calm down.

"Thank you for your kindness, but my father said that he has a way to reverse the situation."

"Really? But that was what you said before you left, right? The unexpected situation of Tanglar's escape may not be under his control." Aiglon retorted with reason, "Agnes, your father How much money was invested in him?”

"He didn't tell me specifically." Agnes shook her head.

"That's also predictable." Aiglon replied unhurriedly, "Danglars Bank is considered medium-sized in Paris. Its funds are not too small, but they are not so rich that they are amazing; so, I It is estimated that he has about 10 million to 15 million in capital, so as the largest saver, your father should have invested about 2 million in him. This is not a desperate number, but it is definitely not easy. The losses can be compensated..."

Agron made an analysis based on his existing intelligence, and with such a well-founded analysis, Agnes also knew that it should be very close to the facts.

Two million francs... If it is this number, then it is understandable why my father is so worried.

After his family returned from exile in Italy, they have been working hard to rebuild the family fortune. With the favor of the king, the Duke also received some "compensation money" from the country for losses during the revolution, and is working hard to restore his strength. In this situation Under such circumstances, losing two million for nothing is an unbearable blow to the family - of course the family business will not be cut off due to this, but it is inevitable that it will not be able to recover for many years.

The young man did not exaggerate or intimidate, because the cold numbers were more worrying than anything else, and he no longer needed to bluff.

Seeing Agnes sinking into depressed silence, Agron continued to attack.

"For a famous family like yours, if your family is prosperous, this loss can still be made up. It just takes a while. As long as you are in power, there are many ways to squeeze gold from the national budget.

However, from what I know, the situation may not be that optimistic. Although your father can speak well in front of the Wang family, he does not hold any important position now, and your brother may have received more favor than him. If it is less, the future will be even less optimistic. There is no hope of making up for such a huge loss in a short time..."

Agnes knew in her heart that everything the young man said was true. Because of this, the annoyance and pain in her heart only increased.

"Have you investigated my home?"

"Yes, but is there anything strange about this?" Aiglon confirmed without any scruples. "For my career, of course I must have a clear understanding of the famous families who are active in the French upper class today in order to determine which ones can be regarded as friends. , which ones must be regarded as enemies... I sent so many people to Paris not just for tourism, Agnes."

This rebuttal really left Agnes speechless.

And from the words 'who can be regarded as friends', Agnes suddenly understood the other party's intention.

"So, your so-called helping hand is at the expense of my father choosing to side with you?" she asked loudly.

"If I said it was purely out of my admiration for you and our friendship, would you believe it?" Aigron asked with a smile.

Agnes was speechless. Yes, this is indeed self-evident. It is impossible for him to be a good person for no reason.

"Hey, don't resist me so much, Agnes." After Agnes fell silent, Agron continued, "Undoubtedly, I must have utilitarian motives, and I hope to get the support of celebrities like your father. , but there are many celebrities in Paris. If I want to find collaborators, I can find many, and their prices don’t have to be so high! The reason why I am willing to pay such a price to assist the Duke is not him, but because You—I think you are much more important than two million, twenty million or two hundred million!"

In fact, this was also what Aigron was thinking.

The reason why he is so obsessed with Agnes is not because of her beauty - after all, there are many beautiful Yingying Yanyan in the social world, but the kind of temperament she has is unique. It is precisely because he admires this proud but simple As a young girl, he didn't want to completely destroy the most precious trait in her. Otherwise, even if he got it, she would no longer be her at that time. What was the point of simply venting his desires?

In order to achieve his goal, he may have to play some conspiracies, and he may have to make Agnes lose something, but in the end, he still hopes to retain the original Agnes as much as possible.

That makes sense.

Facing his sincere gaze, Agnes blushed slightly.

"You always like to say such big words!"

Then, she managed to regain her composure.

"I don't know the situation at home right now. I can't promise you anything. Please forgive me that I can't make any promises on behalf of my father."

Agron was not surprised by this answer - after all, it would be strange if Agnes was ignorant and had no one to manipulate her after just being frightened.

He was not in a hurry.

Anyway, the dilemma her family is facing now is real - and it will be more severe than Agnes imagined. In this case, the desperate Duke Nordlyen, in order to keep the family from falling, will eventually He would still consider his proposal seriously, and Agnes would be enough as a sounding board.

"Of course, I just said that I am willing to lend a helping hand. As for whether you need my helping hand or whether you are willing to accept it, it depends entirely on your father's decision. I respect all your decisions, Agnes." Aiglon shrugged, and then replied calmly, "Well, you can write a letter home, ask your father about the situation at home, and hint that I can help - of course, don't reveal where I am in the letter. The position, you can write the rest as you like, what do you think?"

For Aigron, his biggest concern now is that Agnes will run home directly or find Tanglar, so he must try his best to stabilize and keep her here.

And Agnes was also stunned for a moment.

This young man was hiding here, of course, not to live a secluded life. She knew that the other party must have been in contact with the agent in Paris through secret channels, but she did not expect that he would actually be willing to open such channels for her to send a letter home.

Of course she didn't want to waste such an opportunity, so she nodded immediately.

"thank you."

"It's not easy to get a thank you from you." Aigron replied with a smile, "Can you say it twice more?"

Agnes glared at Agron, but did not scold him again.

After all, the family was in a dilemma at this time, and the sincerity given by this young man was a benefit that was hard to deny. She didn't want to have any more unnecessary quarrels.

"In order not to embarrass you, I will give it to you after I finish writing the letter. If there is anything that is inconvenient to disclose, you can suggest deletion." She did not continue the verbal argument, but suggested.

"Then can I add one or two sentences in my own handwriting to the letter to prove the authenticity of your words and my sincerity?" Aigron asked.

Agnes hesitated, then nodded. "Can."

Agnes, you really don't understand people's hearts... What do you think your father will think?

Alas, you, such a pure and lovely person, will be deceived anyway if you are walking in this filthy and filthy world. So why not be deceived by me? At least I will be nice to you. Aiglon thought.

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