Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred, torture

Under Aigron's inducement, Agnes finally temporarily gave up the idea of ​​"giving up everything and going to track down Tangral" and chose to ask about the situation at home first to see if she should seek help from Aiglon.

Unintentionally, she had subconsciously given up her previous resentment and acquiesced that she could bow to this young man who had been rude to her many times.

This is not surprising. After all, although Agnes is stubborn and proud, she is not a willful young lady. Her parents are much more important to her than her own personal integration. Now that the family is facing a crisis, it is hard to dwell on the past. That bit of grudge is really stupid.

Of course, even though she had made a decision, she could not calm down at this moment, and even felt restless.

This always cheerful girl had never faced a similar situation before and was not mentally prepared, so it was normal for her to be at a loss, and this just gave Aigron room to display his ingenuity.

Now, information from several aspects has converged on him, and he knows what is happening better than anyone else, so he can have an overview of the overall situation, use the information gap to make an issue, and make the situation develop in the direction he wants.

"Agnes, calm down." Agron first suggested to Agnes, "Although this request may be too harsh on you, I think you'd better control your emotions. Don't forget, you My sister is here too."

"Yes, sister!" Agnes woke up from a dream.

Although her sister had almost no contact with her father after she got married, it was her natal family after all, so she couldn't help but be concerned. If she were to know these things now, it would only add to her pain and would not help.

My sister has been burdened with so many troubles, and now she finally has a chance to relieve her mood through this trip. Why bother to torture her with such things? So, just let yourself endure this suffering alone.

"I know...I won't let my sister see it." Agnes murmured softly.

With the help of Aigron, the confused girl finally figured out what she needed to do, and she finally returned to her usual courageous attitude, "Please give me a pen and paper. I want to talk to my father as soon as possible." Get in touch, there can’t be any delay.”

"No problem." Aigron nodded, then he went to the study room next to him and took out a pen and paper from it.

In desperation, Agnes didn't care about etiquette. She took the pen and paper and began to write on the letter.

Aigron stood aside and looked out the window, letting her write freely.

After a while, Agnes finished writing the letter, and then without any hesitation, the letter was handed directly to Agron.

"Whatever you want to write, please write it as soon as possible..." Then, she urged Aigron.

Aigron looked into her eyes, and there was no pretense or doubt in them. What a clear look!

He sighed secretly, then took the letter and browsed it hastily.

Agnes's handwriting was as expected, sloppy but sharp, sharp and full of a sense of power.

In the content, she indeed kept her promise. She just said in a cursory way that she and her sister were safe during the trip, and then asked her father if there had been any major incidents at home and if the bank in Tanglar was safe. She did not mention Switzerland, nor did she mention Aiglon's name. In the last few lines, she mentioned, "My sister and I have a mutual friend who, after hearing the bad news, is willing to extend his support to you out of friendship." Helping hand, in your opinion, is this helping hand necessary?"

Well, to put it mildly, it’s safe.

What a heavy price to pay to get Agnes's coy "friend" title...but it's all worth it.

While waiting, Aigron already had a draft in mind, so he picked up the pen and began to write at the bottom of the letter paper.

"Dear Sir, I am very happy to be friends with Miss Agnes and Lady Alice, and even more happy that I can do something to continue this friendship. God teaches us to love all people, so you meet The disaster also made me feel the same,

I don’t know how much loss you have suffered at this moment, and I don’t know if you really need my help, but as long as you speak up, I can guarantee that I will do my best to help.

In case you have any doubts, let me explain in advance that I do not ask for any conditions, nor will I force you to pay any price, and I am not willing to make you face political embarrassment. If you insist on asking me for a reason, then I can Let me tell you - this is to preserve Miss Agnes's delightful smile, which is more precious and more brilliant than any gold. "

After writing this paragraph, Eggron stopped writing.

He did not sign after this paragraph. On the one hand, he did not want to cause trouble to everyone. On the other hand, there was no need for him to sign in this case.

Presumably, with the Duke's intelligence, he could certainly see that this passage must have been written by Duke Lechstatt himself.

He had already shown his sincerity in these words. In addition, he believed that the sophisticated Duke could definitely hear the implication.

The so-called "not asking for any conditions" is just that he can win over the lovely Agnes.

After writing it, to show his sincerity, he showed Agnes the words he added.

"Why do you have to write so disgustingly?" Agnes complained softly.

"Can't I even say a few sincere words after giving my best intentions?" Aigron asked with a smile.

Agnes's face froze, and then she looked away. "It turns out you are just like those smooth-tongued young men."

"That's a big mistake. I'm different from them." Aigron shrugged. "They will promise everything but never fulfill it, but I always speak with my strength and do what I say."

Yes, I will definitely catch you if I say I will catch you. No deception, no flattery.

With this thought in mind, Aigron calmly put the letter into the envelope.

This letter can be sent immediately today, go to Paris, and then be delivered to the Duke himself by his subordinates.

He believed that no matter what, the Duke would not report this letter when he received it - if he dared to report it, then his two daughters would become confirmed rebels. What good would it do to him?

Next, it depends on the Duke's reaction.

He didn't know how the Duke would react at the moment. No one could ever truly predict everything and have 100% control over everything, so he was prepared.

If the Duke is willing to cooperate, or is willing to cooperate to a certain extent, then he will stop, and then use the Duke's hand to suppress Agnes and let her position slide to his side step by step; if the Duke refuses to cooperate... Then continue to increase your efforts and see how long he can survive.

However, Aigron believed that the Duke was by no means so loyal to dogma, otherwise he would not have fallen to this point.

Aigron looked at Agnes while thinking.

Agnes was obviously relieved at this time, and her eyes were a little brighter.

The situation was beyond her control, so like most people, she instinctively expected to get some redemption, and she did get it now.

Unfortunately, like most situations, this seemingly beautiful redemption actually comes with a heavy price - once you resort to external help, it is equivalent to trading part of your soul. There is no free lunch, and there is never a free lunch. So true.

The more his plan succeeds, the more elegant and calm Aigron becomes, showing no trace of cruelty. "Agnes, okay, just wait here. I guess there will be a reply from your father soon. I hope you can put aside all these troubles for the time being and let you and your sister and family , you can all have a relaxing leisure time here, which may be a rare opportunity for you. Of course, for me, the laughter of the guests is also a precious treasure."

"Okay." At this point, Agnes certainly wouldn't veto it.

However, at this time, she remembered the little conflict she had just had with Teresa.

"But can it really make you happy if we stay here?" Then, she asked in a low voice, "Your wife doesn't seem to welcome us that much."

Agron was a little surprised by Agnes's answer.

Logically speaking, even if she was frustrated by Theresa, she would not deliberately say such "complaint" in front of her.

Could it be that in her heart, she was also secretly jealous of Theresa? Even though she doesn't know it in her heart, she still envies her for having everything.

After discovering this, Aigron was even more pleasantly surprised.

Jealousy means that her soul is not flawless.

"Did you and Teresa have any conflict just now while I was away?" he asked.

"It's not like there was any conflict..." Agnes smiled bitterly and shook her head, "It's just that I was a bit rude just now with my unscrupulous words, which made Her Royal Highness unhappy."

"Is it just this little thing? Then don't worry." Aigron waved his hand, "Teresa will never hold a grudge for this little thing. Since you are here, you are guests, how can she treat guests? Are you neglecting me? Besides, Miss Agnes, you are a friend of the Duke of Chistedt, so even his wife cannot disrespect you. So you just need to spend time with us here, never Someone will make things difficult for you.”

Seeing Aigron speaking so categorically, Agnes was not happy.

In her heart, she was still brooding over her gaffe just now, so she felt a little guilty towards Teresa. In any case, even if she was unhappy, Her Highness Teresa had maintained due etiquette towards herself, so it was own problem.

So after getting Aigron's face-to-face assurance, she didn't think about taking advantage of this opportunity to continue to squeeze Theresa, but instead thought about finding an opportunity to make amends.

"Duke Lechstatt... No, King of Rome, thank you." Agnes, who had fully recovered her energy, curtsied to Aiglon with flawless etiquette, "No matter what my father did, Answer, I have benefited a lot from the encouragement you said to me today and the kindness you showed. We had some conflicts before, but that was a thing of the past, and I no longer appreciate it. Since you call us We are friends, so we are friends at this moment... I don't have your ability, and I can't command the world like you. All I have is a sword in my hand, but even a lonely sword should have its use. ...It can be used for family and friends. If there is anything I can do to help you one day, I will definitely help you."

What I want is your words.

Of course Aiglon believed in her sincerity, because the light flashing in the girl's eyes could not lie.

But at this touching moment, he felt the urge to tease her.

"That's great, Agnes, your sword is a great help to me! Let's see, the person who assassinated me has always been worried about me. It's just because I have too many important things to do that I didn't activate it. I just use all my strength to hunt down that hateful woman... If you are willing, how about you help me challenge that woman when I find her in the future?"

Agnes's eyes immediately flashed with a flash of pain. She tried hard to hide it, but she looked even more embarrassed because of it.

On one side is the master, on the other side is the friend and possible ‘benefactor’, which side are you on? Whichever side you're on seems a bit ungrateful.

"I...I..." she hesitated, "What are you going to do with that woman?"

"She hurt me so badly and made me lose face, so it's natural for me to want to take revenge and go back, right?" Aigron replied coldly, "I want to take her life, and at the worst, I want to make her suffer the same fate. Just hurt. How about it, Agnes, can you do this for me?"

This question once again tortured Agnes's soul.

Unknowingly, she fell into a quagmire of entanglement and guilt.

To be fair, she could lie again and get everything out of the way. This is what Egron guessed. He had never thought about taking revenge through others. He made up his mind to take revenge on Bianca personally.

However, what he didn't expect was that this feeling of guilt and the emotion caused by her kindness made Agnes, who was born with great pride, no longer able to bear the pressure of lying.

"I'm sorry!" She shouted almost giving up on herself, "I'm sorry...I shouldn't lie to you anymore. The one who attacked you...the one who attacked you is probably my master..."

Aigron was stunned. He never expected that such an unexpected situation would happen, and Agnes actually showed off her cards directly.

how so?

Should we say she is kind and simple, or should we say she is too attached to her own conscience?

Silly girl, don’t you know that the master’s enemy is standing in front of you? Is there any benefit to the master if you are exposed?

Because the routine was disrupted, Aigron didn't know what to answer for a moment.

At this moment, he, who was originally at ease, seemed to be undergoing some kind of torture.

"I'm sorry..." In the end, he actually said something that he couldn't understand, "Agnes, what do you think I should do?"

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