Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and one, guaranteed

"Agnes, what do you think I should do?"

Agnes did not answer the question that Aiglon blurted out immediately, and the two of them fell into an awkward silence.

"Do you really never forgive her?" Agnes asked cautiously after a long time.

"Of course it's impossible to let her go just like that." Aigron gave a decisive reply, "She stabbed me, seriously injured me, and hurt my dignity. If I let her go easily, She, what will others think of me? Doesn’t this encourage similar behavior?”

Agnes was speechless. She also knew that what this young man said was true.

From a standpoint, it was difficult for her to find a reason to defend her master.

But if he really stood by and watched, what kind of situation would the master face next?

If the Bonaparte family fails to get what they want, that's okay, the master just needs to avoid him; but assuming that this young man really comes to France, then he can mobilize countless manpower and material resources to hunt down the master, and I am afraid that the world's There is no place for her in the world. No matter how you think about it, she will die without a life.

Agnes also understands the truth. She has just received so much kind help from the other party, and turning around and asking the other party to let the master go is a bit too much. However, she and Bianca have had a relationship with master and apprentice for so many years. The relationship between them is so deep that she really can't do it if she chooses to just sit back and watch.

Isn't there any way? She returned to the confused state just now.

"If she falls into your hands, can you...can you spare her life and not harm her body?" She asked again with the last trace of luck.

"Agnes, please be reasonable. What's the point of arresting her in this case?" Agron couldn't help laughing, "Would you like to invite her to be a guest and have dinner with us? I'm not that boring."

Agnes knew that she was in the wrong and did not dare to continue to plead. She lowered her gaze and her mood became extremely confused.

At the last moment, an almost absurd idea suddenly flashed through her mind, and then she suddenly raised her head and looked at Aigron expectantly, "How about this! If you can return to France, then I will I will challenge the master, and if I win, I will capture her and bring her to you - with this merit, I can give her a life, right?"

Aiglon's expression was very strange, and he didn't know how to evaluate this idea for a while.

"Actually, this is my business, I don't need to trouble you. Besides, are you sure you can beat your master? If you lose, won't I take revenge?"

"If I lose, it means I am incompetent. I will never dare to say a word to you again. You can do whatever you want!" Agnes gritted her teeth, and then spat out with her enthusiasm. The next words, "But if I win, then I have lived up to your expectations and fulfilled my responsibility as a friend. As such a dedicated friend, it is not too much to ask for a little concession from you, right?!"

Although Agnes knows that this is definitely not the best solution, with her ability and resourcefulness, this is the best solution she can find - in the final analysis, at least in this matter, Agronzhan Reason, he was almost killed or disabled, and it was speechless for him to take any revenge on Bianca. Agnes had to pay a price if she wanted to change his mind.

She raised her head and looked at Aiglon, her eyes almost pleading, just like a little girl begging her parents for her favorite toy. With this kind of eyes, coupled with the girl's beautiful face, how many people can not be soft-hearted?

At least Aiglon hesitated.

He has always been a person who holds grudges. He must take revenge for Bianca making him so miserable, but there are many ways to take revenge. It doesn't have to be to kill her, even to imprison her.

Wouldn't it be interesting to save Bianca's life and watch the drama of "killing relatives for justice"?

He comforted himself with this reason.

However, even if he gives in, he must not give in easily, and Agnes must not feel that he is responsive to her requests. Since he is now the dominant party, he should show the strength of the dominant party.

Therefore, Aigron, who had made up his mind to give in, became serious.

"Agnes, you want too much from me - yes, I do like you very much and am willing to help you based on this feeling, but you not only cost me money, but also keep me by your side. You have no face in front of others...I can't tell that you are such a greedy girl."

Agron's accusation made Agnes feel aggrieved, "I will remember this kindness and will repay you when I have the opportunity in the future. Besides, I also have to face risks. You have already faced my master. Do you think I can win easily? I have shed blood and sweat, and I have to bear the guilt of being ungrateful. How can you describe me as greedy?"

Agron thought the same thing. With Agnes's character, she would definitely not take advantage of her master's indolence towards her to carry out a sneak attack. Instead, she would confront her master in an upright manner, so he couldn't accuse her of anything.

However, even if he thought so, he was still reluctant to end the argument.

In the past, he was trapped in Schönbrunn Palace, only thinking about saving his own life, and being respectful to his grandfather and Metternich; but now, he decides everything with one word, and everyone else around him obeys his orders, no matter what. He had never experienced the feeling of bargaining with others at any time, which made him feel a rare pleasure.

"It's just greed!" He raised his voice and said reluctantly, "Repay the favor in the future? Sorry, I have heard this kind of words countless times over the years, but in most cases, they are simply forgotten. This kind of meaningless promise will only make people feel bored - of course, your character is many times better than ordinary people, I admit this, but even so, I don't like a blank without any guarantee A promissory note, because what I have to give is too valuable!”

If it were normal, Agnes would definitely continue to argue with him aggressively, but at this moment, due to a series of blows, her momentum was temporarily completely suppressed by him. She was worried about her master and did not dare to continue. Keep arguing.

"Then what do you want?" She asked almost giving up on herself. "I have no money and no power, how can I guarantee you?"

Seeing that Agnes's nerves had reached the critical point, Agron stopped exerting pressure. He softened his expression and his voice became softer.

"It doesn't have to be so serious. The guarantee I'm asking for is very simple. During this period of time, you have to fulfill your obligations as a guest, respect the host's arrangements, cheer us up and make us happy, and you can't be willful and disturb everyone's interest. , let alone offend anyone because of my impulsiveness. In a word, I want a pleasant Miss Agnes, and an Agnes who is truly my friend, can you give it to me?"

"Yes! Of course I can." Agnes did not expect that the tiger-faced Aiglon's conditions were so simple, so she hurriedly agreed, "This is what I should do."

"So, Agnes - can you dance?" When she was secretly rejoicing, Agron asked abruptly.

"Huh?" This question made Agnes hesitate for a moment, "Why do you ask this?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Aigron spread his hands, "You are French, and so are we. In this case, we should all dance and celebrate when we get together. Is it any wonder? However, the dances in social circles are all the same. , since we are in this remote countryside now, I think we might as well have a country dance..."

Agnes listened quietly. What Agron said was indeed correct, and she could not refute it.

"ok, I get it."

"Then answer my question, can you?" Aigron asked again.

"Of course I can!" Agnes blushed slightly.

"Really? Then let's try." Aigron stretched out his hand without any explanation, "Agnes, I don't think you usually have much chance to dance with others, right?"

"Why are we trying?" Agnes suddenly felt a little resistant.

"Because I have the final say in this place, and if we hold a dance, your dance partner can only be me - if you don't want to make me unhappy, then do it this way." Aiglon replied without any doubt.

"Unreasonable!" Agnes glared at him angrily.

At this time, she finally recalled what a bad person the young man opposite was.

She was secretly annoyed at how she felt that her promise was so easy just now.

But now, since I have agreed, it seems unreasonable to want to go back on my word.

Why does this happen? Agnes felt very unwilling, so she bit her lip for a while and said nothing, nor did she make any move.

"Agnes..." Aigron spoke in a long voice, urging the other party, and then waved his hand to signal her to hurry up. "We don't have much time right now."

"Then why now?" Agnes finally asked.

Because I think teasing you is fun, and because I want to slowly chip away at your resistance... Of course Aiglon will not tell the truth.

"We have to try to cooperate in advance." He gave a reason that was difficult for the girl to argue with. "Agnes, you don't want to make a fool of yourself in public, right?"

This reason cannot be overturned. Agnes, who has a proud personality, is of course afraid of being embarrassed in public.

Moreover, just as Aiglon expected, she had no confidence in her dancing skills - although she had received appropriate education according to the standards of a princess, her 'practical' experience was close to none.

For my father, for my master...

She glared at Aigron hatefully, then stretched out her hand and shook it with Aigron.

To be fair, the touch of these hands is a bit rough, and it is naturally much worse than Theresa and Sophie who have been pampered since childhood. However, when the hands touch each other, the excitement and joy are the same as before - or even more. A bit of the weird fun of teasing cats.

This kind of stimulation was enough to replace the lack of touch, making him excited wholeheartedly.

When the two people's hands touched, everything fell into silence, and you could hear a needle drop in the room.

"Let's get started-" After a moment, Aigron finally calmed down and spoke leisurely.

In the midst of this declaration, the two people began to dance.

In order to be considerate of Agnes, Aigron did not do anything fancy, just used simple mazurka dance steps, and Agnes naturally understood this.

The two people moved in the small room, and their upper bodies swayed or leaned back. Although there was no band accompaniment, their steps still moved to a brisk and rhythmic dance.

However, Agron could clearly feel that Agnes' dance steps were indeed quite unfamiliar. On the one hand, this was because she was nervous, but on the other hand, it also showed that she had rarely been led to dance before.

This objective fact, more than any subjective evidence, proves how pure Agnes's life and heart are, and how pure they are, and how pure they are, and how untainted they are by lustful pleasures.

Hum, idiots, if you dare not pick a rose with thorns, then don’t I have to do it? With a little pride, he sighed inwardly.

After the two tried the dance steps for a while, Agnes's face became increasingly red, and finally she forcibly broke away from her hand.

"Okay, can you stop?"

Aigron did not continue to push her because he knew that today had reached his limit.

The harvest has been enough, let's call it a day... Although it's a pity, he is also satisfied.

"Agnes, you are indeed a bit rusty." Agron commented without any derogatory tone, "However, after cooperating for a while, I probably understand the rhythm. Don't worry, I will pay attention to it and will never let you Embarrassing.”

Agnes did not thank Agron. For her, this was just a task that had to be completed, and she did not like dancing.

At this moment, the touch in her hand just now stayed in her hand. The young man in front of her was so hateful, but he always gave her a helpless feeling. She seemed to be suppressed by him every time, no matter how reluctant she was, she still had to... Act according to His will.

She couldn't help but feel angry when she thought of this.

But does this anger come from hate? It does not seem.

This kind of anger comes more from another place.

"I'm not dancing to please you, I'm just dancing to have fun for myself." She replied to Aiglon with fake toughness, "You said you are not allowed to find another dance partner. This is unreasonable. You said you want me to make everyone happy. , wouldn’t it be rude if I refused in person when someone invited me?!”

"Then I promise you, no one else will invite you." Aiglon replied, "I will let them know."

"But I'm not the only dance partner you have..." Agnes retorted.

Then, before Egron could answer, she shouted again, "That's enough, you can do whatever you like!"

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