Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seven, beautiful lakes and mountains

After everything was prepared, the Agrons, along with sisters Alice and Chanel, left the farm where they were hiding and went to Lake Constance, not far from them, to start the planned gathering.

Although Edgar was missing from the two families compared to the original plan, no one except Alice felt sorry for it. Aigron was even secretly happy that his conspiracy had succeeded.

As a romantic prince and grandson, he didn't want to have a similarly libertine son staying by his side when he was surrounded by beauties. It would not only be an eyesore, but also dilute his "brilliance".

Because he had been given instructions before, Andre had already arranged the itinerary. The group of them arrived at the lake in an inconspicuous carriage in a low-key manner, and then boarded the rented cruise ship. On top of this cruise ship Next to it, there were several other boats that were rented together.

When Aigron and his party entered the lake on a cruise ship, the guards led by Andre also dispersed to several other ships. On the one hand, they were vigilant and occupying positions to clear the area. On the other hand, they also maintained the proper distance. So as not to disturb the enjoyment of His Majesty and the guests.

Because they were well prepared, Aigron and his party arrived at the lake very smoothly.

It was already spring. Looking around, the valleys and foothills were full of greenery. The lush woods were reflected on the dark lake, constantly deforming as the water surface swayed up and down, while the distant peaks were left with traces of greenery. The last remnants of snow are like white crowns, stretching between heaven and earth.

Because of the replenishment of water flow after the melted snow, the water level of the lake has risen a lot. Compared with the dry season in winter, the lake looks vast. People standing by the lake look around and feel that it is endless.

Such a majestic and beautiful scenery made Aigron, who was already in a good mood, feel even more proud.

Although after arriving here, he and Theresa had secretly come here several times to enjoy the scenery, but now he brought four beauties with him, and no matter what tricks he played, at least in fact they were just Coming here to accompany myself, the sense of accomplishment is simply beyond words.

It would be great if Sister Sophie were here too, what a beautiful sight it would be... The unscrupulous young man suddenly came up with this idea that was not surprising.

However, this regret was quickly forgotten.

In line with the principle of giving priority to ladies, Aigron stepped aside, and Teresa took the lead in getting on the boat. Then after they got on the boat one by one, Aigron stepped on.

There were several beautiful women in this group,

In order not to arouse the curiosity or even prying eyes of others, there were no boatmen left on the cruise ship, and this made Aigron miserable - he had to act as a coolie and operate the ship himself.

He untied the ropes tied to the boat, and then used the pole to push the boat gradually away from the shore and swing toward the lake.

Gradually, the boat got further and further away from the shore, and a lone boat slowly merged into the vast sky and earth.

Aiglon put down the boat pole and returned to the small cabin.

The considerate Chanel immediately gave him a bottle of juice that had been prepared in advance, and he drank it in one gulp.

Then, he looked at sisters Theresa and Alice sitting inside with great interest - although he was a little tired, but he could enjoy the beautiful scenery at this time, so what's the point of putting in some effort?

"Xia Lu!" He greeted Xia Lu, and the young Xia Lu seemed to obey his words. As soon as she heard his greeting, she immediately rushed towards him.

The boat was swaying up and down on the lake, so her steps stumbled a bit, which made her look even more cute. When she walked in, Aigron picked her up and held her in his arms, and sat down with her.

"My little beauty, you are so beautiful that you dominate all the other beauties today and enjoy the throne to yourself!"

These shameless words immediately caused Teresa and Agnes to roll their eyes, but Aigron's words relieved them from the worry of being "sexy" by the other party, so they subconsciously relaxed.

After finishing speaking, Aigron glanced at Chanel next to him.

Chanel understood, picked up the bottle filled with juice, and poured it into several glasses on the table.

In order not to repeat Edgar's "tragedy" and at the same time not to affect the girls' subsequent "performance", everyone gave juice instead of wine at Aigron's suggestion, and the others naturally agreed readily.

As the host of the banquet, Aigron naturally had no choice but to speak.

He picked up his cup and motioned to the women present, "I am very happy that our two families can get together today. And the picturesque scenery here adds luster to our friendship. The new year has begun, With spring comes, the seeds of hope also sprout, and our next road will have endless possibilities.

What’s even more gratifying is that in about a year, our two families each got a healthy, cute child with unlimited hope. Although we are young, we have an additional responsibility given to us by God. Let’s drink to François and Charlotte’s future! Because of our efforts, they will definitely live a better life than us! "

"Cheers!" This 'toast' was naturally uncontroversial, and everyone present drank it with great interest.

They are all spiritual and talented people, so being among the picturesque lakes and mountains, blown by the spring breeze on the lake, they soon became relaxed and happy.

Whenever people reach this time, they will become very happy because they are in a happy mood, and Aigron is no exception.

He looked at Alice, then smiled and said, "Mrs. Alice, I have told you many times before that you don't have to be restrained in front of us. Today I emphasize it again - please relax and be with us." Enjoy the beautiful scenery together so that everyone can have fun.”

"Your Majesty, I will." Alice replied with a smile, "I am very happy to be able to travel with you and Her Majesty the Queen. Everything here is so intoxicating that I almost forget to leave."

"Then, let me first leave a mark of lingering here -" Aigron made a gesture of invitation.

Alice naturally understood.

She picked up the violin she had just borrowed from the side and put it on her shoulders. Because she was sitting in a small cabin at this time, this action was a bit uncomfortable, so she took a few deep breaths. He lowered himself and used his arms secretly to get used to the current posture.

Everyone was looking at her, but there was no criticality in these eyes, only pure kindness and encouragement, so she didn't feel much pressure, but she was secretly determined to dedicate her mediocre talents to everyone's entertainment.

As her breathing gradually became evener, the fingers holding the bow began to move slowly, and then a thin but gentle sound began to flow from the violin's speaker.

Agron and Theresa had spent so many years in the Austrian court, so they were naturally familiar with the music. From the moment Alice started playing the piano, they easily recognized that the music was Mozart's Divertimento (Divertimento K). .334).

This piece of music is cheerful and refreshing, with the signature elegance of Mozart's music. More importantly, it is the "local accent" that Teresa is familiar with - this shows Alice's painstaking efforts, and she must have planned it in advance.

Sure enough, just as she hoped, as soon as she heard this familiar tune, Teresa was brought back too many past memories. These memories had a more beautiful filter because she was far away from home at this time. , making her nostalgic; Aiglon couldn't help but think of his familiar but unfamiliar palace life; even Chanel's eyes were a little brighter.

Alice closed her eyes slightly, immersing herself in the performance, and as Alice played, Teresa gently tapped the table with her folding fan, holding down the familiar beat to accompany Alice, and other people's emotions were also mobilized.

After just a few minutes, Alice finished the piece, and everyone else applauded her cheerfully, truly applauding her performance.

"Madam, you actually said that your level is not good. You are so humble." Teresa smiled and said to Alice, "I think your playing level is quite high. It sounds very good."

"You are really over the top. How can I be compared with the musicians in the palace? It's just that you haven't heard anyone else play for a long time, so you were easily touched." Alice was slightly ashamed and answered honestly, "In addition, this piano It’s really good. Once I touched it, I felt it fit me very well and allowed me to perform beyond my level.”

"You like it? Then it's yours." Aiglon said immediately. "Although this is my Aunt Hortense's collection, as long as I tell her, she will be very happy to give it to you——"

"Huh? That's not okay... This piano is very expensive, and I can't afford it as a gift." Alice was shocked, and then quickly declined.

"Then are you saying that with our hands, we are not qualified to give away such a precious treasure?" Aigron asked with a smile.

"No! Of course I didn't mean that. Your hands are more noble than any treasure-" Alice replied quickly.

"So that's the end of it?" Aigron shrugged. "For me, what's the difference between treasures and ordinary objects? If you give it away, it's just given away. It's not even worth remembering. I only care about it. Can it exert its value - and Madam, in my opinion, it will obviously have more value in your hands than lying silently in the collection. Don't you hear it? From its speakers Those impatient roars that jump out? It is so eager to be played, please hold it well, and then continue to play for us, let it please us..."

Since Aigron mentioned this, Alice naturally had no choice but to accept it.

"Thank you... Your Majesty. I simply can't express my gratitude to you in words..." She quickly thanked Aigron with gratitude.

She was not just talking politely. Since marrying Edgar, she has been excluded from the upper class society because of General Treville's Bonapartist stance. Her original social interaction has basically been reduced to zero, let alone being received from others. Such a valuable gift.

Moreover, His Majesty gave it to her not out of the need to please her, but out of recognition and respect for her.

Therefore, if you want to repay your kindness, you have to work hard. How can you let others down?

Without waiting for anyone else to urge her, she picked up the violin and continued playing.

In order to make the two majesties happy, she deliberately played only Mozart's music. As she played, notes floated out from the speakers, jumping around everyone in the cabin like elves, and Alice's own arms also Swinging gently, the beautiful face exudes the brilliance of art, and it seems that the whole person is integrated into the performance.

And her performance also cleared away everyone's distracting thoughts, making them all indulge in a joyful atmosphere.

Teresa didn't have any jealousy towards Alice. On the contrary, she recognized this virtuous and witty lady very much, so she was happy to see her shine. And Agnes was even less likely to have any negative emotions towards her sister. She only felt that My sister is perfect in everything, with stars in her eyes.

Indeed, today is a day to gather together and travel together. If there was no unnecessary competition, maybe everyone would be happier, and the original intention of the event would not be lost.

Aigron held Xia Lu in his arms and quietly enjoyed his wife's performance. Xia Lu seemed to feel something in her heart, looking at her mother with wide eyes, and was intoxicated with it.

In this way, Alice played one piece after another, as if she didn't know she was tired, and almost searched out all the Mozart repertoire she knew.

However, the performance would eventually come to an end. After an unknown amount of time, she finally stopped playing and put down her tired hands.

Although her shoulders were a little sore at this time, her heart was full of excitement.

It had been too long since she had experienced this feeling. Playing so freely and vividly, it was as if all the talents she had accumulated exploded in one moment.

What's more important is that she has the best audience around her. Not only do these people have noble status, but more importantly, they will appreciate her performance and praise herself from the bottom of their hearts.

Having such a "bosom friend" seems to be enough.

After everything fell silent, Aigron gently raised his hand and clapped his hands.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Under his leadership, the others also clapped vigorously to applaud Alice's performance. Although there were few of them, the sound echoed in the small cabin, hitting Alice's eardrums and making her feel uncomfortable. She deeply understood the praise given to her by the people present.

"Madam, your performance is so beautiful." Teresa praised Alice from the bottom of her heart. "I am sincerely proud to be your friend. I hope I will have the opportunity to hear the same performance from you in the future." .”

"If you please, Your Majesty, I am ready to sing for you at any time." Alice replied gently to Theresa.

After praising Alice, Teresa glanced at her husband again, and then glanced at Agnes.

Then she laughed softly.

"Is it my turn next? Then let me sing a song for everyone..."

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