Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eight, happy gathering together

"Is it my turn next? Then let me sing a song for everyone..."

Teresa's eager eyes made everyone understand her mood at the moment, so naturally no one would oppose her.

"Please, Teresa, we can't wait-" Aigron nodded and looked at his wife enthusiastically. "It's time to show everyone how awesome you are."

Teresa took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

To be honest, she wanted to perform by herself before, mainly because she didn't want Sister Alice to be in the limelight. But at this moment, instead of saying that she wanted to show off herself and outshine others, it would be better to say that her emotions at this moment were already overwhelmed by what Alice had just said. Inspired by her performance, she had a desire to show herself.

In this happy moment, she wants to share her happiness at this moment through her own efforts, and at the same time make others happier.

With the rhythm of her breathing, Teresa gradually found her state. She abandoned all selfish thoughts, and then found those carefree times in her mind's memories.

At that time, she had the care of her parents, a leisurely mood, and plenty of time to eagerly absorb knowledge and develop her own hobbies... It's not that she was dissatisfied with her current life as a wife and mother, it's just that In her heart, she was extremely nostalgic for that time.

Then, her red lips opened slightly and she began to sing.

"still ist die nacht, es ruhen die gassen..."

Immediately, the song floated back and forth in the small cabin and penetrated into the depths of everyone's soul.

After all, Aigron had received a strict court education since childhood, and he immediately recognized that the melody Theresa sang was Schubert's "Swan Song".

This song is not a celebratory song. On the contrary, the tone is quite sad. It describes the protagonist's monologue under the moonlight after losing his lover.

Agron quickly guessed why Teresa chose this song - first of all, Schubert is also Austrian, which is the 'local accent' that she never forgets. Secondly, the tone of this famous song is both romantic and sad. It fits Teresa's personal aesthetic taste very well - presumably, when she was still a pregnant girl, she practiced this piece of music many times at home.

So he is very skilled.

“doch steht noch das haus auf demselben…”

While he was daydreaming, Teresa also sang slowly. The originally melodious music became even more heart-tugging under her deliberate singing.

Moreover, this kind of melody is exactly in line with the scenery in front of them. Surrounding them are only lonely mountains and quiet lakes. They seem to be isolated from the world. It is inexplicably similar to the sadness that the protagonist in the song can only express to the shadow. .

At this time, Alice, who was infected by Theresa's singing and had rested for a while, picked up the violin in her hand to accompany Her Highness Theresa.

"so manche nacht, in alter zeit?"

Amidst the melodious sound of the piano, Teresa finished singing unknowingly.

No doubt she received the same round of applause as before.

"You sing so well, Your Majesty the Queen." Alice greeted her first. "I have seen your paintings before, and now I have the honor to listen to your singing... It is so touching, even if you don't think about it. With your distinguished status, it is rare to have such achievements at this age. Your love for art is truly a role model among your peers. From you, we can see the gathering of German humanities... It is really enviable. "

Alice's compliment seems a bit harsh in the 21st century, but in this era, after the great division of the Thirty Years' War, the impression left on people is that the Germans are not good at fighting and like art and philosophy.

The "iron-blooded" image brought by the Prussians is not yet a label for Germans. On the contrary, people's impression of Germany is that of Goethe, Heine, Beethoven and Hegel, a group of talented artists and old academics who have spent their lives buried in their studies. , no one thought that in the next century, Prussia would turn itself into Germany, and then bring such a huge shock to the world.

Alice's compliment made Teresa feel extremely grateful, but she still felt a little offended when she thought of the people around Aigron who deliberately distanced themselves from her.

"I hope you forget that I am German, but I am deeply proud of France." She replied somewhat pointedly.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I didn't choose what I said..." Alice secretly thought that she was confused as to why she brought this up, and quickly tried to make amends for herself, "We French people love art as much as the Germans. The common pursuit of beauty has no national boundaries. Therefore, I dare to conclude that the French will also recognize your talent and brilliance, and they will admit that you are the most suitable person to become the mother of our country..."

"No need to apologize, ma'am, of course I know you won't be so boring." Teresa smiled and shook her head, indicating that she had no grudge, "Originally, I also wanted to sing a French song. , but I have never learned it. If you don’t mind, can you teach me a few songs? Maybe I can use them in the future."

Teresa is not lying. Although she has admired French culture since she was a child, her parents tried their best to isolate things from France when educating her. On the one hand, it was because the French Empire had been her own for many years. The enemy country must pay attention to the political influence; on the other hand, since the era of Louis XV, the folk customs in France have become increasingly extravagant and dissolute, and parents are certainly not willing to let this kind of "excessive sound" corrupt their precious daughter's thoughts.

Of course, the parents never thought that when their daughter grew up, she would take it as her own responsibility to become the mother of France... Everything in the world is unpredictable.

Under Teresa's earnest gaze, Alice certainly would not choose to refuse.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Then, Alice began to introduce the songs she knew well to Teresa in earnest.

Alice has the same reserved personality, so of course she will not teach Teresa "Military Music", just normal folk songs. At the same time, because of her experience of living in exile with her parents in her early years, she also knows some Italian tunes and teaches them together. Gave it to Teresa.

The more the two chatted, the more they became interested in each other. They exchanged singing experiences eagerly, regardless of others. Agron and Agnes did not want to disturb them, and were happy to make them happy.

Under Alice's teaching, the two of them started singing line by line. With Teresa's understanding and her proficiency in using French since childhood, she quickly mastered several pieces of music.

Alice fell silent at the right time, and Teresa began singing alone again.

Because she could only master it, Teresa's singing was not as infectious as before, but even so, it was still touching enough and left a lingering feeling.

Several other people acted as listeners, and Alice picked up the violin from time to time to accompany Theresa, and everyone applauded Theresa from time to time.

The happy time always seems so short, and before you know it, the time quietly comes to the evening.

However, at this time, none of the people present were tired and were still in high spirits. No one thought about stopping - no matter what their status was, for them, such a happy day was extremely rare, and they really couldn't bear to end it here. .

Aigron drank cup after cup of juice. Although this did not bring him the stimulation of alcohol, he was still a little intoxicated.

Looking around, the sky was divided into chessboards by clouds, and the golden light of the evening burned half of the clouds in the sky into golden red. Thousands of rays of rays of light fell on the wide lake, dyeing the lake water into an illusion. The blurred dark golden color, and the small boat he was riding on floated in this golden scroll, feeling content and contented.

Not only is the scenery beautiful, but the women around you are even more beautiful. They not only have looks, but also talents that match them. How lucky you are to be able to stay alone with them, watch and listen to their full performances?

If you can enjoy this kind of time from time to time, what more can you ask for?

Awake to hold the power of the world, drunk and lying in the lap of a beautiful woman, this sentence is a bit cliché, but it truthfully expresses the young man's state of mind.

At this moment, Teresa finally stopped singing, and then looked at Agron expectantly.

"Your Highness, how do you feel about my performance?"

No doubt she expected only one answer.

She was in an extremely comfortable mood at this time, so her eyes were filled with excitement, and her face, which was flushed from exhaustion, was full of the delicate beauty of a girl.

Although she is already a wife and mother, she is only seventeen years old after all...

My wife is so lovely. Aiglon suddenly felt a sense of pride welling up in his heart.

"Teresa, it's too good to say anything." Agron raised his thumbs, and then praised his wife loudly, "You know I have always been proud of my eloquence, but right now I don't want to use any exaggerated words to praise. You, I just want to say...I'm deeply proud of myself for being able to be with you, and I'm a little sad that I don't usually get many opportunities to get the same performance."

After hearing her husband praise her so much, Teresa finally felt at ease. She smiled lightly, and her face, which was already red, was even more glowing now.

"If you are willing...I can try it in the future." She replied in a low voice. "Just think of it as adding some entertainment to our days."

On the one hand, she really liked her husband's praise; on the other hand, she also deliberately wanted to 'show affection' with her husband in front of Agnes, so that she could retreat gracefully and avoid embarrassing everyone.

The abacus is quite good, but the girl’s hard work was used in the wrong place.

Agnes was neither touched nor ashamed - after all, at this moment, she had nothing to be ashamed of.

"Sister, thank you for your hard work." She poured a glass of juice for her sister and handed it over.

"Thank you." Alice took the gift from her sister and drank it in one gulp.

She was in a good mood at the moment - not just because of the art, but also because she was satisfied with her performance.

She was already sure that both their majesties had a good impression of her, and because of her efforts, the negative impact of Edgar's absence was also eliminated - even she herself was not sure if Edgar would If Degas were here today, would everyone still be able to have such a good time?

Then, she put aside some distracting thoughts and looked at her sister with a smile.

"Agnes, it seems it's your turn too? Are you ready?"

Originally, she had agreed with her sister to perform together to please their two majesties. Although Teresa penetrated her halfway, she could still continue as planned.

In this case, I can make up for my mistakes.

"Okay, I know, sister. But before that, we can't miss another person present..." Under her sister's urging gaze, Agnes certainly had no intention of refusing or shrinking, but she Suddenly he turned his head and looked at Chanel, who had been sitting silently next to him.

"Miss Chanel?" she greeted softly.

"Huh?!" Chanel was a little surprised by the call, and it took a moment to react. "Okay, let me give you some juice."

"No, I don't want you to pour me juice, I am..." Agnes looked at Chanel, and then smiled kindly, "I think you are a bit too lonely just sitting here silently. Now, on such a good day, you can't completely treat yourself as a maid, right? You should also enjoy everyone's applause."

Although Agnes's words were well-intentioned, they left Chanel at a loss.

"Sorry, Miss Agnes, I don't... don't have any talents worthy of praise. I'm really embarrassed to show my shame in front of everyone..."

This is not because she is modest. She has been homeless since she was a child. How can she have any tutor to give her lessons? When she grows up to be a maid, no one cares about her talents, as long as she masters the skills of serving people.

Therefore, when she saw the ladies playing the piano and singing just now, she could only shrink aside silently and watch their glorious moment with envious eyes.

This look of inferiority was noticed by Agnes, who was also silent. As a friend of Chanel, she wanted to help Chanel. After all, she felt that at this moment of joyful gathering, Chanel should not be just Just as a maid, she is also a part of everyone.

Since everyone should be happy, doesn't Chanel also do the same?

"Miss Chanel is so beautiful, how could she be showing off her humiliation?" Agnes shook her head and continued to look at her with a smile, "Come on, no matter what it is, let everyone remember it on this day worth remembering. Miss Chanel's brilliance... I'm looking forward to it!"

Chanel sighed helplessly, and then looked at her master, as if asking him to make up his mind.

Aiglon, on the other hand, had already been intrigued and nodded.

"Chanel, please join in the fun. Don't worry, no matter what you do, everyone will applaud loudly..." He encouraged the other party gently, "I said, you are our family, and our happiness should also be You have a share——"

"Okay, I understand, Your Majesty." With Aigron's encouragement, Chanel seemed to have gained courage, and then nodded heavily.

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