Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and nine, never forget it

At Agnes's suggestion, Chanel was forced to become the temporary "protagonist", and everyone's eyes were focused on her, waiting for her performance.

She had not prepared before, so she was caught off guard.

But she wasn't angry in her heart, because she knew that this was all Agnes's good intention - she couldn't bear to be like an outsider waiting beside everyone in this happy moment, but hoped that she could be a part of this happy moment. part.

Deep down in her heart, she had the same impulse just now.

She knew that she would never be as dazzling as Her Majesty Teresa and Miss Agnes, but even so, she wanted everyone to recognize her as a part of this place, not the maid standing next to her. '.

Agnes forcibly pulled her out of hesitation and hesitation, leaving her with nowhere to escape. Isn't this a good thing?

So, what kind of performance are you offering to everyone?

Chanel lowered his head and recalled his short and ill-fated life.

In the first ten years of darkness, I was wandering around and there was really not much worth remembering; the light in my life only started from the moment I came to that young man.

She would always remember that day, but it was Good Friday. On that day, he accidentally fell off his horse while traveling with His Highness Sophie, and was injured and fell into a coma. Her Highness Sophie was worried and sent her personal maid, Chanel, to take care of him.

Chanel completed her task perfectly, and from then on, the fate of the two people completely changed.

She didn't know if Her Highness Sophie would regret looking back on that day now, but for her, if she had missed this opportunity due to a twist of fate, then maybe she would have withered silently in despair.

After seizing that opportunity, she became His Majesty's confidant. From then on, her dark life suddenly seemed to be smeared with golden light, so bright that she could not imagine it.

What an honor and what a blessing!

So, among these glories, what is the most worthy of boasting and the thing that you most want to show to others...?

In an instant, a scene appeared in her mind.

It was on the theater stage,

As a character on stage, she performed a script written by His Majesty. Everyone on and off the stage was watching her. The eyes in the audience and the looming candlelight in the boxes on several floors seemed to be focused on her in a trance. on the body.

That was the proudest and most memorable moment in her life so far, not for herself, but for herself to be able to vividly display her master's hard work in the world.

Although she was not able to play the leading role at that time and had very few lines that she was required to say, she still tried her best to remember all the lines written by His Majesty. To this day, those words are still engraved in her mind. Never forget for a moment.

Moreover, she copied those lines word for word, and they can almost be regarded as part of her soul.

To His Majesty, it was just a cover-up, a tool to display his excess talents. However, to her, it was everything she devoted herself to.

At this moment, if she could "perform a show", it would be this.

right! This is it!

"Please allow me the courage to perform a play for everyone!" She bowed slightly and saluted everyone, no longer as a maid, but as an actress who was about to take the stage.

Under everyone's gaze, she walked slowly and then walked to the middle of the cabin.

Although everyone was baffled, they all guessed from her sporadic steps and the melancholy and sad face that she was about to suffer a tragedy.

"What's going on? Honey, where are you? Where is that heart that has told me a thousand times that it beats for me? Where is those shy but sweet smiles on your face? Honey, tell me! You Why did you give me all this, make me cry, make me laugh, and ignite my hope in life, but then cruelly tell me that all of this is false?"

Chanel covered her chest with a painful and sad expression, and then spoke the monologue of the last scene.

"Are you going to tell me that those sweet and romantic memories are just a show? Are those loyal vows that you have never cherished? Are those hopes you have given are nothing more than false feelings - I am for you I would rather give up everything because of my worries, but you only laugh at me behind my back for being easy to bully; my sincerity and my soul are just sacrifices you give to the devil?!"

"How ruthless and despicable!" After a moment of silence, Chanel cried out in pain, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. "But why, why can't I bear to curse you? Did you secretly ask the devil to do it for you?" Did I cast a curse, or is it this hateful love that makes me unable to bear to torture you like you tortured me!?”

Next, Chanel suddenly walked out of the cabin, and then came to the edge of the boat, looking at the bottomless lake that was dyed golden by the sunlight.

Her throat seemed hoarse from crying.

"It turns out that this world can't tolerate me, and no one needs to be with me. It's a pity that I listened to the rhetoric and deceived myself! In this case, I will not wait for those hounds to find me; whether today or forever, my destination is Here! Farewell, my former lover, I have an obituary for you... May you be unlucky and wish you all the best!"

According to the drama, the heroine will drown herself at this time, and the whole tragedy will end.

Of course, Chanel didn't put much effort into it. She just swayed by the side of the boat twice and prepared to jump off.

Finally, she calmed down her already extremely excited mood, bowed and saluted the people in the cabin again, as if she were an actor about to step down. "I'm done performing, thank you everyone for watching."

Because everyone was still immersed in the emotions just now, there was silence for a while.

After a moment, Alice finally reacted and clapped enthusiastically.

"What a great performance!" She praised sincerely, "Miss Chanel, although I don't know which scene of which play you performed, your performance was touching enough. I didn't expect you to be able to The performance was so vivid, the sadness of being abandoned, the ambivalence of being cursed but unable to bear the curse... were all captured by you delicately, you are indeed very talented!"

"You're flattered, madam." Chanel shook her head, and then explained to Alice seriously, "I am just a humble maid. I have no extraordinary talents, and I did not have the teachings of a famous teacher when I was a child. So if I work somewhere At this moment, if you feel that you have some talent that can be praised, it is because of your majesty’s good teaching. I am like a flower blooming in spring, greedily swaying its branches, absorbing the nourishment of the rain falling from the sky My own mind, it’s a pity that I am really stupid, so I have such a little talent... If you think such a little thing is valuable, it proves how great the person who made me get to this point is!"

Although it sounds like a compliment, it's actually Chanel's sincerity.

She was not the heroine in the drama, and she certainly would not be the heroine in His Majesty's real life, but at least at this moment, she boldly overstepped and played the heroine. Even if it was only for this moment, she was satisfied.

Chanel's words immediately made everyone present laugh.

"Oh, you also said that you are stupid, and I can't think of such a witty compliment for a while." Alice smiled and shook her head, "Miss Chanel, your talent is as valuable as your humility. I don’t think anyone can deny you.”

As she said this, Alice thought to herself, there is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger around His Majesty. Not only are the young couple so powerful, but even an inconspicuous maid has such talents and abilities.

However, for Aigron and Theresa, besides appreciating and praising Chanel's performance, they also had many other thoughts.

Because both of them knew that Chanel was performing the script originally written by Agron himself.

The harder and more expressive Chanel's performance is, the more the two of them will think of another person, a person living in this world.

Aiglon felt a dull pain in his heart. He found that the words he wrote seemed to be scolding himself and made his face dull; and for Theresa, recalling Sophie at this moment would never make her feel... joy.

However, Chanel's performance with such devotion made her unable to bear to feel jealous.

So she just glanced at her husband and looked away.

"Chanel, it's a great performance, much better than before." Then, she took the initiative to nod to Chanel and smiled encouragingly at her.

Then she poured a glass of juice and handed it to Chanel, "You've sweated so much, drink some."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chanel was a little flattered, and quickly took the cup with both hands and drank it down.

Then Teresa looked at Agron, "Your Highness, don't you want to make a few comments?"

Aiglon showed an awkward smile, but still nodded in approval.

"It is indeed a very good performance and impressive. However, there are some parts of the lines that are not perfect. I will revise it if I have time in the future."

"What? Did you write all these lines?" Alice asked in surprise.

"Indeed." Aiglon replied, "It's just a temporary game, you don't have to be surprised."

"I didn't expect that you actually have such a hobby..." Alice was still a little unbelievable, but she soon accepted it, "But considering that you are a poet, it is not surprising that you can write plays. "

"When I was in Austria, I was under very strict control, so when I was bored, I just entertained myself with writing." Aigron explained casually, "For me, this is not something to be proud of, and naturally it is not something to be proud of." I have no interest in showing off everywhere, but because Chanel is the maid next to me, she usually has the opportunity to practice, and I will show you the performance today."

Of course, it was impossible for Aiglon to tell Alice the truth, so he just perfunctorily prevaricated.

Of course, Alice would not get to the bottom of things with Aigron, so she accepted this explanation.

"Agnes—" Then, she turned to look at her sister.

"I know, sister." Agnes shrugged.

Then, she cleared her throat pretending to be serious, "Oh, Chanel's performance is indeed good, I was fascinated by it. But, have you forgotten that today we are all gathering together? Why do you all like it? How about playing it deep? It is such a joyful moment, but they all sing sad songs or act tragedies... Is this art? I don't know much about art, but I still hope everyone can be more cheerful..."

Agnes' words made everyone laugh again.

"Miss Agnes, you are right. I originally wanted to make everyone happier, but... after much thought, I can only perform this..." Chanel apologized to Agnes. He replied, "But fortunately, I still have you! I believe you can definitely bring joy to everyone."

"Then I can only do my best..." Agnes shrugged.

Although she was deliberately modest, she could not hide the flying look between her eyebrows.

"You seem very confident." Aigron asked with a smile, "Then, it's your turn -"

"I know it without you reminding me." Agnes curled her lips.

After saying that, she stood up from her seat and grabbed the parasol she had brought with her from the side.

Then she walked out of the cabin step by step and came to the slightly wider bow.

She was not in a hurry to draw her sword, but bowed to the people in the cabin gracefully and calmly.

"Ladies and ladies, I am very happy to be able to spend this time with you. You have just given me a wonderful performance with your own efforts, so in return, I should do my best to make you happy. ...At this moment, my sword is not unsheathed for blood and killing, but...I am unsheathed to please you! Look!"

After shouting the last word, her eyes became sharp, and without any hesitation, she drew out the sharp sword hidden in the umbrella handle.

In the evening glow, golden threads seemed to flow from the sword blade. When the sword was unsheathed, Aigron keenly felt that Agnes seemed to be a different person.

The frustration, tension and pain that had accumulated in her heart due to various blows seemed to be swept away at this moment. When she held the sword in her hand, the confidence in her eyes was like holding the whole world.

This was the Agnes he met that night, the Agnes they met for the first time.

It's her...she's back!

As he watched, the girl controlled the sword and danced in front of his eyes.

Those long legs and slender arms made her dance look like a swan singing, but the murderous aura constantly swaying in the sword light always reminded her of the danger contained therein.

Danger and beauty coexist, this is the girl he can't forget.

Yes, she's here...and can't run away.

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