Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and ten, improvisation

In the last rays of the setting sun, Agnes obeyed her sister's instructions and performed a sword dance on the boat for those present.

Although it is called "Sword Dance", in fact Agnes has not received similar education, but just barely managed to get on the shelves. Fortunately, she is also a princess after all. In addition to receiving swordsmanship education from her master since she was a child, Miss The dance lessons we must learn have not fallen behind, so now we can try to "get it together".

On the narrow bow of the ship, she danced the thin long sword in her hand. Although there was not enough space to use it, she still tried hard to control her steps. She moved around in this small space, dancing with the sword while trying her best to make dance moves. .

With her efforts, the original sharp murderous aura on the sword was restrained a lot. The blade reflected golden brilliance. After Agnes waved it very quickly, these brilliance connected into a line in mid-air, like a golden Like a ribbon, it wrapped around Agnes and then disappeared again.

The people here have all seen the world of the palace, but even they have never seen such a unique performance. The girl dancing in front of them not only has the elegance and femininity of a girl, but also does not lose the kind of waiting for opportunities and choices. And the sense of power that bites has really opened their eyes.

Everyone looked at Agnes silently. Although they were already mentally prepared, they were still dumbfounded by her wonderful performance.

Among these people, the most sober one is Agron. After all, he has practiced swordsmanship for many years, so he criticizes Agnes' performance more in terms of technical aspects.

In his eyes, the girl was taking precise steps and tapping the ship's plank rhythmically. Even though the ship's hull was swaying slightly due to the wind, it did not affect her balance. Her muscles tightened, and her eyes were sharp and sharp. And focused, like a kitten preparing to hunt.

If she drew her sword and rushed towards me now, I would probably have no choice but to wait for death, right? A strange thought suddenly occurred to Aigron - and assuming she really knew what she had secretly done to her family, I'm afraid this bad-tempered girl would really do it...

Cough... He shuddered and almost spit out the juice in his mouth.

But even so, he did not flinch, on the contrary, he became more eager to try.

It is precisely because of the danger that there is excitement, and precisely because of the excitement, the fun will be several times more than usual - with such a beautiful and special girl right in front of him, how could he be willing to let go?

At this time, Agnes, of course, couldn't hear the voice of the young man opposite, otherwise she might have rushed over with a sword and opened an opening for this bastard as he feared...

She is immersed in her dance,

Listening to the gentle breeze blowing from the bow of the boat, and listening to the slightly rippling water waves beneath my feet, my whole body seemed to be integrated into this beautiful and magnificent picture.

There was no trace of fatigue in her body, she seemed to be able to ride the wind lightly, and entered a state where she forgot about things and myself. When she held the sword in her hand, all the worries and pain seemed to drift away with the wind. This slender metal sword The object is not only her weapon, but also her dignity. Only when she holds it, this girl who has been pushed around by the storm of the times will feel that her destiny is in her own hands.

Yes, your destiny is in your hands, so fight for it, fight for it, fight for it...

Go to hell! Damn fate!

The long sword that went straight forward pierced the void amidst the roar of metal, and was raised diagonally upwards proudly. The girl also looked up at the stars faintly emerging in the sky, as if she was declaring war on fate.

At this moment, the soaring aura radiated from her body and infected everyone.

Everyone held their breath and watched this scene that seemed to be frozen.

I don’t know how long it took, but Agnes finally started moving again. She put down her sword, then picked up the parasol from the side and put the sword back. Then, a joyful smile appeared on her originally serious face. Bow and salute those present.

"I've finished my performance, what do you think?"

At this time, everyone came to their senses, and Agnes was greeted with unreserved applause.

"It's so beautiful!" Because she has a good relationship with Agnes, Chanel expressed her opinion first, "Miss Agnes, your performance is something I have never seen before. It is an eye-opener for me!"

Because she was her biological sister, Alice was embarrassed to praise him first, but after Chanel spoke, she happily answered. "Yes, Agnes, I guessed that your performance would be good, and it was as expected... I am proud to have a sister like you."

Although she has a grudge against Agnes, Teresa has always paid attention to her own face, and at this moment, she has no interest in belittling Agnes's performance. "A very unique performance. I think I will never forget it in my life. Miss Agnes, you are really different..."

The three people praised each other, which made Agnes very happy. Then she looked at Agron who had not yet spoken, and her eyes became sharp, as if to say, 'If you refuse to praise me, I will be angry. oh! ’

This look made Aigron want to laugh in his heart, but he deliberately made an expression that was nothing more than that.

Then, he pinched Xia Lu's face in his arms.

"Well, it's a good performance, but I feel that you have regressed recently, Agnes——"

"What did you say?!" Agnes was immediately ignited and looked at Aiglon with an unconvinced look on her face, "I don't think I've regressed!"

Looking at the way she was gnashing her teeth, it seemed that she was about to rush over to Aiglon for a sign.

But fortunately, she still has some sense and knows that she can't embarrass her sister now, so she just glares at Aigron fiercely.

"Agnes!" Seeing her sister's appearance, Alice quickly called out to her sister, "Don't be angry, Your Majesty is teasing you!"

"Hahahaha..." Aiglon finally couldn't bear it anymore and laughed, "Forgive me, Agnes, but it's so fun to do this..."

He doesn't know why, but he really likes to see Agnes bulging with anger. I'm afraid only he is qualified to play this kind of fun.

Agnes was even more furious when she saw him laughing, but she had nothing to do with Agron now, so she could only put down the parasol angrily and sit back in her original position in the cabin.

After her performance, and even more infected by her cheerful mood, the sad and gloomy atmosphere surrounding the cabin after Chanel's performance just now was swept away, and the tone became much more cheerful again - Agne Silk indeed has such personal charm. As long as you sit next to her, you will inevitably become positive and sunny.

In this way, after the four people performed their respective performances, this banquet can be said to be a feast for the guests and the host. It is a pity that the drinks here are only juice, otherwise they could even get drunk to add a bit of elegance.

Aigron is very happy at the moment, not only because of the unique performances of the women around him, but also because their performances are essentially to please himself - in other words, their flowers of charm are just for him at this moment. A person blooms, and only he is lucky enough to be an audience here.

It is already getting late, and more than half of the sun has already set under the peaks by the lake, and the afterglow of the setting sun has become increasingly thinner and duller. When night falls in this world, it means that this banquet will have to be Then it ended.

Coming here with all your heart and mind and returning home with pleasure is a joy in the world, but Aigron still felt a little regretful in his heart.

Is it just today? Could it be that this blooming beauty is just a flash in the pan after all?

No, it was impossible, he couldn't bear it.

Why can't this kind of fun be retained forever? he thought to himself.

It seems a bit difficult to achieve this, but it is not impossible.

Teresa is his wife, Chanel has already given up on him, and Agnes is his prey and will never let her go.

As for Mrs. Alice... well, she is also the wife of his confidant. There will be many opportunities to witness her show her charm in the future, right?

"Your Highness?!" At this moment, Teresa's call interrupted Aigron's contemplation.

"Teresa?" Aigron looked at his wife doubtfully.

"For today, in order to make everyone happy, we..." Teresa looked around, "Each of us tried our best, and our talents were fully displayed in front of everyone. Even the lovely Miss Xia Lu tried her best to laugh to cheer everyone up, so, isn’t it your turn now——?”

It's my turn?

Aigron looked at Teresa with expectant eyes and instantly understood what she meant.

After Teresa learned from herself that she had spent time with Alice on a boat and composed impromptu poems, she had never forgotten it; and after Alice came to visit, she learned from Alice that he had composed poems at that time. The full text of the poem was even more overwhelming, so at this moment of 'revisiting the old place', her heart was full of expectations, and she wanted to repeat the past and let her husband display his talents.

At that time, this kind of pleasure was no longer exclusive to Mrs. Alice, and she could make up for the regret of not being by her husband's side.

Because of this, when the banquet came to an end, she suddenly proposed that her husband should also perform once.

Aigron was a little stunned.

"Teresa, you gave me a surprise attack - I was not prepared in advance."

"We have all worked hard, and your Highness is the only one to enjoy the results. Isn't this a bit unfair?" Teresa persisted, "Besides, with Your Highness's talent, how difficult is it to improvise?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Aigron expectantly - only she could make such a stubborn request to Aigron.

Since Teresa asked so, Aigron felt that he couldn't refuse anymore.

So he nodded helplessly, "Okay...since you said so, I have to show my shame, but please allow me to look for inspiration first."

"Of course!" Teresa got her wish, and immediately smiled and looked at her husband with gratitude, "Your Highness, thank you for tolerating my little willfulness!"

Seeing her excited look, the little depression in Aigron's heart disappeared.

I am lucky to have a fan girl as my wife, right? If the person next to you doesn't understand the style at all, that kind of life will be boring.

So, after making up his mind, he calmly stood up from the table and prepared to leave the cabin to find inspiration.

Even at this time, he did not let go of Xia Lu in his arms.

He carried his cute little girl to the bow of the boat, and then looked at the endless mountains in the distance.

Because it was about to fall into the night, the mountain peaks were cast in shadow at this time. Only the white snow on the top of the mountain still stubbornly reflected the golden light, like an elf floating in the sky.

Looking around, the dark golden lake water is rippling slightly, and the light in the water is like elves dancing in it.

He recalled.

That day, when he and Mrs. Alice took a boat to enjoy the lake view, it was the same scene.

At that time, I had almost nothing, but I had the excitement of escaping from the cage and the pride of finally taking control of my own destiny.

How high-spirited I was at that time!

Now, almost two years have passed. Looking back, I am back here again.

And he didn't live up to his original self.

He looked at the lake beside the boat, and the figure of the young man gradually emerged from the water. He was arrogant and arrogant, as if he was eager to swallow up the world.

Although he hasn't done it yet, he is definitely on that path.

No regrets or hesitation, just ambition and enthusiasm.

I want the country, I want the beauty, I want the power, I want the reputation, I want to grab everything, and don’t let anything go. Only in this way can I live up to my life!

Then let’s get started! He suddenly clenched his fists.

The elves of spring, do you remember that boy?

Think about it, I made such an oath in front of you——

When the rays of light wrap around the clouds, reflecting the passing day,

When the clouds rouge the lakeside with scattered reflections,

Did you in the water hear it at that time?

The lonely eagle keeps neighing in the sky, and my messenger is calling you to come out of your sleep!

I will rule you and write new history and poetry.

Following the sound of the trumpet, you fly up and down, rise and fall, lingering for me;

I will lead you to ride the wind and waves and move forward indomitably.

Just as I promised you back then, I will never fall behind!

We will conquer everything, heaven and earth;

We will also guard everything and keep this country unchanged!

Come, according to my will, devote your meager brilliance!

Destiny will be in my hands, and I will wear the highest crown with my own hands!

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