Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twelve, roommate fighting

[I didn’t write anything in the previous chapter but it was blocked. The current scale of the starting point is really pitiful and funny]

"I must fulfill my father's instructions! For him and for our family!"

Alice was a little surprised by her husband's sudden impassionedness, but she was also relieved that Edgar was not discouraged but rather inspired to fight.

"Edgar, it's great that you can understand this. Although you encountered a little setback today, since I have smoothed things over, it's okay, and we don't have to dwell on the mistakes we have made. You want to get it With this ambition, we will make up for it in the future. With His Majesty’s regard for our family, we will definitely gain his trust and importance..."

Alice still doesn’t know what her husband’s so-called “confession” refers to. If she knew, she probably wouldn’t be able to say these words...

After comforting her husband, Alice did not fall asleep, but went to her sister's room again.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Agnes was a little surprised by her sister's visit at night and asked curiously.

"Agnes, Edgar just woke up." Alice said straight to the point.

"Really? That's good." Although Agnes didn't like her brother-in-law, after all, he was also her sister's husband. She was naturally relieved to hear that he was fine.

Then, she couldn't help but laugh, "He is really free. We have been busy all day, groveling to please others, he just needs a good sleep!"

"Don't say that, Agnes, he doesn't want to do that either!" Alice interrupted her sister.

However, she didn't know how to make excuses for Edgar's rashness, so she had to change the topic, "He knows that he was wrong and decided to change his past. I think he will work hard to redeem himself. Agni Si, thank you...I didn't expect you to be so willing to cooperate with me, you helped me a lot."

Then, she looked at her sister with a smile, "But, Agnes, I'm still a little confused. I hope you can help me answer it."

Seeing her sister's smile, Agnes suddenly felt a little frightened.

She has grown up under the care of her sister since she was a child, and of course she knows her sister very well. Whenever her sister shows this smile to her, it means that she has caught the clues of her tricks.

And every time,

She felt like she was invisible in front of her sister.

It was precisely because of the power her sister had accumulated over the years that Agnes felt extremely guilty for a moment.

"What doubts do you have?" she asked with a dry smile.

Alice did not answer immediately, but looked at her sister quietly, which made Agnes feel uncomfortable for a while.

"Why do you actually cooperate with me so much?" After a moment, Alice finally asked, "I know you too well, Agnes. You are arrogant and have always been straightforward. Even if you agree to please me, If that couple didn't want to, they wouldn't be so groveling to that point. I never dared to expect you to work hard from the beginning. I just wanted you to cooperate with me as much as possible without causing any trouble... But you I performed very well today, better than I expected, and it is precisely because it is too good that it makes me wonder, why?”

This question hit the nail on the head, making Agnes feel even more guilty. She didn't know how to answer her sister, "You are too sensitive. I just don't want to disappoint you..."

"Agnes, you are very bad at lying. It's fine if you have deceived others. How could you have deceived me?" Alice sighed, "Actually, I should have noticed something was wrong, but I have been very anxious recently. So I haven't noticed it. It's just today that you were so abnormal that I suddenly woke up. Plus Edgar woke up, I have enough energy to pay attention to other things - so tell me, what happened What?"

Agnes's mood became increasingly depressed as her sister kept asking her questions. She lowered her head and didn't know how to answer.

"Agnes, I am your biological sister. I have always regarded you as my dearest person...I know that you view me the same way. I never doubted that you would have any ill intentions towards me." Looking at my sister, I still looked at her. Not cooperating, Alice continued slowly, "Now that we are both adults, adults have their own world. We can't be as close as before. Each of us will have our own little secret. If If you insist on not wanting to say anything, I will respect your opinion and won’t ask you any questions. However, if you are willing to believe me and share everything with me like in the past, I will do my best to solve your problems. , no matter what the difficulty is, I will stand by your side, even if I am the enemy of the world. Because you are my sister, my favorite sister..."

Agnes was deeply moved by her sister's words.

The girl, who was so disturbed by all kinds of troubles, felt as if a gap had been opened in the barrier lake. The black mud in her heart finally poured down, and tears rolled down from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?!" Alice was even more panicked when she saw her sister crying suddenly.

She didn't expect that the situation would be so serious that even her sister, who was always fearless, would shed tears.

She hurriedly hugged Agnes, and then comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid, Agnes, I'm here, I'm by your side... Just tell me if you have any troubles! Let's solve it together, you You will never be alone.”

After sobbing for a while, Agnes finally regained her composure, and she made up her mind not to hide anything from her sister anymore.

"Sister, I originally wanted to hide it from you, but since you insist on asking, I don't want to deceive you."

Then, she told Alice both things: "My family suffered heavy losses and was on the verge of bankruptcy" and "The master assassinated the King of Rome and seriously injured him, and the King of Rome vowed revenge."

Alice listened quietly, while constantly stroking her sister's hair to calm her down.

Of course, she felt very uncomfortable.

Although her father had almost cut off contact with her after marrying into the Treville family, Alice had always been full of affection for her natal family in her heart. How could she be willing to see her family decline due to investment failure after finally recovering?

Bianca was also kind to her, and she didn't want to see the master fall victim to His Majesty's wrath.

However, there are some things that can't be helped.

She was so distraught that she finally understood why her sister was struck like this.

"Sorry...Agnes, it's really ridiculous. I didn't realize that you were under such tremendous pressure. I was negligent in my duty." She apologized to her sister in frustration.

"It's okay, sister. I also know that you are also facing many difficulties, so I can't bear to let you suffer anymore. After all, what can you change?" Agnes replied with sobs, "I can't find anything. The only solution is to agree to the conditions proposed by the King of Rome and wait here for the time being to hear from my father. Because of this, I will be so cooperative and please the couple."

"King of Rome? Didn't you call him Duke Leichstatt before?" Alice was keenly aware of the difference.

"I am also aware of current affairs. After all, I have something to ask for now..." Agnes replied with a wry smile, "With this attitude, I might have to call him Your Majesty one day."

Alice knew what Agnes was thinking, but this also meant that her hostility and resistance to His Majesty had disappeared.

This is a good phenomenon.

Then Alice thought silently, trying to clear her thoughts amidst the chaos.

She knew that she was alone, and that she and her sister were facing difficulties that were difficult to get out of. The two sisters alone could not solve it no matter what.

Therefore, the only way is to use existing resources and get assistance from off-site.

In this case, there is no need to hesitate, just let Agnes come to his side.

Originally, she was worried that her father would be implicated because of herself and Agnes, but the current predicament at home made her give up her last worry - now that she has reached this situation and has nothing to lose, why not give it a try? Woolen cloth?

"It would be best if His Majesty is willing to help. With the wealth in his hands, it is easy to save our family from this crisis. You don't have to travel thousands of miles to find a banker who is hiding." He made up his mind. After making up her mind, Alice finally spoke, "Of course, he can't give away a large sum of money for no reason. There must be a corresponding reward - if we receive such a great favor, we should also receive a ring to repay it."

"This should wait for father to decide. I haven't received his reply yet, so I don't know how to respond to him." Agnes replied, "However, if father is willing to bow to the King of Rome, I have no objection... It doesn’t make any difference to me who becomes the monarch anyway.”

"It's great that you think so..." Alice breathed a sigh of relief. "Then let's wait for father's response. I think it will be soon."

The younger sister is not sensitive to political stance at all, which means that the two sisters will not eventually turn against each other. This also avoids the worst outcome for Alice.

Then, she became serious again, "Teacher Bianca, let me find a solution."

"What?" Agnes was shocked. "No……"

"I should do it, Agnes." Alice sighed and interrupted her sister, "I know Master Bianca's character. If she is not ordered by someone, she has no interest in assassinating her in any case. Your Majesty - no matter who is instigating her behind the scenes, he must be a very powerful person, which also means that this is a political incident... So you don't need to get involved in it, the pain of betraying the master, and The revenge and resentment caused by this are not your responsibility, I will bear it."

Only then did Agnes understand what her sister was thinking. She was afraid that she would miss and get hurt when dealing with her master, and she was also afraid that she would be retaliated by the forces behind Teacher Bianca, so she wanted to take matters into her own hands.

But how could she accept it?

"How can you face the teacher if you don't know swordsmanship?!" She shook her head heavily.

"It's true that I don't know how to use a sword..." Alice nodded her forehead gently, "But there are many things in this world that can replace the role of a sword. Maybe Teacher Bianca is not that omnipotent."

"Are you going to play a conspiracy against her? How can this be done!" Agnes's heart suddenly went cold, and then she couldn't help shouting, "She is my teacher! No matter what else she did, at least she had nothing to hide. She taught me swordsmanship privately and protected our family... Even if I have to be her enemy, out of respect, I should defeat her in an upright manner!"

Alice didn't answer immediately, just looked at Agnes with a smile.

In addition to tenderness, there is too much helplessness in this smile.

"Agnes, don't forget the facts. She was the first to break the taboo. She assassinated His Majesty and the person on whom our family's future depended. She should face the consequences - since she doesn't follow the rules first. , then we can’t restrain our hands. Yes, she has been kind to you and me, but this kind of kindness should not be an obstacle. If we are soft-hearted, we will only be damaged. Is it worth it? "

Agnes listened blankly to her sister's words, and was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that her sister, who had always been gentle and quiet, could have such a cold and ruthless side.

She was born in an exiled family, and her family was still intact, so she had never experienced the pain of family destruction. The bloody era and the endless melees and killings were so far away to her. The next era was not far away from her. In her opinion, But it's like a story from another world.

But her sister, with such a plain tone, made her feel that this world was so close to her at that time - she was even in it herself.

After learning all this, my sister already regarded the teacher as her enemy, and she made the choice calmly without any hesitation.

Those tragedies between brothers who were fighting against each other in the same room probably happened and ended with such a plain expression, right?

I...will I be regarded as an enemy by my sister one day, and then be made a choice? She suddenly had a flash of doubt.

"Agnes, don't think nonsense!" As if she felt what her sister was thinking, Alice leaned into her sister's ear and scolded her loudly, "Are you crazy? How can Bianca and you compare! I I’m not worried about you!”

Her sister scolded her loudly, which actually made Agnes feel relieved.

Yes, not bad...

Then she gradually came to her senses.

"Sister, it's worth it!" She looked at Alice firmly, and then continued with a cry, "No matter how you think of her, she is my master, and my honor comes from her. I will not allow this The honor has been eclipsed because of some conspiracy. Even if the teacher loses, he should not fade in the dark quagmire, but bloom brilliantly in the lightning and then bid farewell!

I can do anything you ask me to do, but I can't agree to this... I want to compete head-on with her and defeat her. "

"What if it can't be done?" Alice asked.

"Then let me die by the sword, and then I won't care what you do!" Agnes shouted back.

Under her sister's angry and unyielding eyes, Alice gave in.

"Okay... Since you insist, then as you wish, but I also have a condition - after you return, you must cooperate with me, and we will find out who is instigating her together. I think His Majesty will be very grateful to us. "

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