Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirteen, extreme pressure

"After you go back, you have to cooperate with me. Let's find out who is instigating her together. I think His Majesty will be very grateful to us."

This time, Agnes easily agreed to her sister's request. "Okay, I will help you investigate the master..."

Because she had rarely violated her sister's will, Agnes felt very guilty now, so she agreed so simply - but she did not expect that her sister did not, and it was just a delaying tactic to temporarily stabilize her.

Agnes cares about honor very much. Even if she decides to swing her sword at her master, she only wants to face off with honor. But for Alice, "honor" will never be as important as her sister's life.

Although Alice has never practiced swordsmanship, she has been with her sister and Bianca for so many years, and they know that Master Bianca's strength is definitely not something that Agnes can easily defeat - if the two of them fight with all their strength to decide the outcome. , maybe they will face a bloody disaster.

If it was Bianca who was injured or died, Alice would not feel too sorry, because it was her own fault; but if her sister suffered such a disaster...it would be Alice's catastrophe.

So she would never sit back and watch Agnes really have a fair fight as she hoped, risking life and death.

No matter what means you use, you must ensure that your sister wins - even if you are angered by her.

I can bear all the notoriety myself, as long as my sister can live and live healthily.

Alice had made her decision calmly without showing any signs of it, and Agnes naturally didn't notice it either.

For Agnes, she had been burdened with too much pressure before, which made her a little breathless. Now that she was forced to talk to her sister, she felt a lot more relaxed.

Although she didn't believe that her sister could help much, she had loved and even admired her sister since she was a child, and subconsciously believed that her sister could share her troubles.

"Agnes!" At this moment, Alice broke the silence again.

"Huh? Sister?"

"I originally wanted to keep you out of the matter, but when I came to my senses, I realized that you had already shouldered a lot of burdens that you shouldn't have to bear..." Alice sighed with a wry smile, "It's too late to complain and lament anymore. There is no point anymore, we can only make plans for the future.”

"Plan? What plan do you mean?" Agnes was a little confused.

"Plan to get our two families on good terms again." Alice replied softly.

It took Agnes a few seconds to figure out what her sister meant by "two families."

That's right, her sister's last name is Treville now, but she has never paid attention to this fact.

"Originally, my father was angry with me for marrying a Bonapartist, so he cut off all contact with me out of anger. Although I was in pain, out of self-respect, I never asked him to change his mind, nor did I shamelessly visit him. ." Alice stated her plan. "I originally thought that we would never interact with each other again for the rest of my life, but now the situation has changed a bit quickly... No matter what my father decides next, in short, if the family is in trouble now, I can't just watch the fire from the other side. Even if I only have the meager strength, I should Go and try your best to help. After you go back, help me plead with my father. I want to see him, and with you in the middle to make peace, he should also consider giving in."

"Okay! Great!" Agnes was overjoyed and agreed without thinking. "I'll tell my father when I get back. If he doesn't agree, I'll beat him hard and drag him to you!"

After her elder sister got married, she was abandoned by her family, and her elder sister refused to bow her head and beg for mercy from her father out of self-esteem. Therefore, the two parties were at odds with each other because of their marriage, and it seemed that they would never be in contact with each other until death. This was originally also the case for Ege. Nisi was filled with hatred, but now that her sister was in this critical moment, she wanted to reconcile with her father and provide help, which moved her even more.

After all, my sister still remembers family ties and the kindness of her parents.

But what her sister said next stunned Agnes.

"However, first of all, I am not going to see him as a daughter asking for his forgiveness, but as a guest who should be respected. He must show enough respect to me." Alice explained solemnly, " I mean, no matter what happens in the future, he should listen to my advice."

"What are you talking about? How could any daughter do this?" Agnes's eyes widened in surprise, "Do you still want him to apologize to you?"

"There's no need to apologize. Let's all forget what happened in the past." Alice pretended not to hear her sister's sarcasm. "You should support me, right? Dad has proven to be unfit to lead this family forward. Isn't that right? Not to mention moving forward, he can't even protect his family business! In this case, he should change his past practices, otherwise even if someone helps him and finally saves the day, sooner or later there will be another one... God will not always look after us.”

Agnes's eyes widened.

She finally understood that it turned out that her sister wanted to see her father, not for reconciliation, but to force him to have an abortion and make him admit that he had made a mistake, and to discuss with his daughter what he wanted to do in the future.

This is tantamount to giving the power of the family to her sister.

When her family was in trouble, she not only did not think about how to comfort her, but instead seized the opportunity to force her father to have a baby... Why would her sister do this? How could she become such a person?

She blinked and looked at the most familiar person in front of her, but now she felt a little strange.

"What are you going to do if dad doesn't do this?" she asked in a low voice after a moment.

"What can I do? I can't control what he will do." Alice replied with a wry smile, "But I still have some face in front of His Majesty. If I tell His Majesty, he will consider my opinion. Whether I help my father or not, I should have a say..."

In fact, Alice did not expect that the reason why Aigron took the lead in all this was precisely because he coveted Agnes, so as long as the Duke begged him for mercy, he would definitely help, and Alice had no say.

But Agnes certainly believed her sister's words, because she saw with her own eyes how much respect her sister received in front of the young couple. It is conceivable that if she persisted, then they might really do what her sister wanted - Anyway, the rise or fall of their own family has nothing to do with them. It's fine to just be accommodating, but it doesn't matter if they just sit back and watch.

"Sister, you...how can you say such a thing? Have you really lost any attachment to your family after you got married?!" In anger, Agnes faced her sister with such a scolding attitude for the first time in her life. , "You suffered hardship when you were a child. It is true that your parents were sorry for you, but what can you do? They themselves were also suffering! After you return home, ask yourself, did they ever feel sorry for you in any way? Everything should be given to you They gave us everything... It's just because you went your own way and married someone they didn't like that it got to this point. I don't expect you to be grateful, but why did you threaten us when we were in trouble? You still have this Any favors?"

"Agnes, this is just because I'm being merciful. I can't bear to see you fall back to the past...that's why I want to be this evil person." Alice looked at her excited and angry sister, but remained as calm as ever, " I don’t expect you to thank me, but I must do this. Whether you obey my orders happily or resist fiercely, you must listen to me on this matter!"

Agnes was so angry that her hands were shaking, and the two of them confronted each other.

With the difference in strength between the two sisters, if she took action, she would definitely be able to tear Alice apart easily - but from her sister's eyes, there was only incomparable stubbornness, but no fear at all.

Agnes finally didn't do anything, she almost cried again.

"Have you been turned into this kind of person by them? It's so terrible that even your own family wants to be a pawn... Is power and position so important to you?"

"Edgar has no interest in fame. This is not a shortcoming originally. It's just that he is an only son and is destined to be the mainstay of the family. If he can't carry it, then as his wife, I should do it." Ally Si replied word for word, "If we don't have children, it doesn't matter. I don't care about wealth. However, when I think about my baby, my lovely daughter may have to live a life of poverty and obscurity in the future. , I would be so scared that I couldn’t sleep... That would be more uncomfortable than death for me - she is entitled to everything, and she cannot let her pearl fall into dust just because she was born into the wrong family!"

Although her sister's expectations for Xia Lu were a bit too heavy, parents' love for their children was unreasonable, so Agnes would not argue with her sister.

"Then there's no need to go to this point, right!?" Agnes retorted.

"Sorry, that's what we should do, and we should do it more thoroughly." Alice replied without giving in. "Now, all our future and hope are pinned on the victory of the Bonaparte family, but even if Bonaparte Even if the Ba family wins, there is no guarantee that we will get a share of the cake. Everything depends on our own efforts, because there are too many heroes who want to share the cake... Therefore, I will use every bit I can find. Every ounce of my strength will be used to ensure that my daughter’s reputation is preserved.”

After a pause, she added, "Agnes, don't imagine me to be so heartless. This is actually a good thing for all of us. As long as my father is willing to listen to my opinion, this will never happen again." If the disaster is over, you don’t have to worry about it anymore, isn’t that great?”

Agnes vaguely felt that what her sister said made sense, but the anger and pain in her heart could not be eliminated.

Her thoughts had become chaotic, and she finally regained some normal thinking ability.

Obviously, if her father wanted to ask for help from the Bonaparte family, he could not afford his sister's interference. She could not go against her sister's will - and she did not want to really do anything to her sister.

But she was not sure whether her sister's wish would be a good thing if it came true.

After thinking about it, she finally nodded helplessly. "Okay, I promise you. But I can only take you to see your father. As for what happens next, you can decide for yourself! Anyway... I won't care about it anymore anyway!"

"Thank you, Agnes." Seeing that she had succeeded in exerting extreme pressure on her sister, Alice smiled and thanked her sister, but Agnes angrily refused to accept it.

"You are really unrecognizable to me." She complained again, "Does a daughter make you so unkind?"

"If you also have children, you will realize it. It is useless for me to tell you this now." Alice shook her head, "If you want to try, just find someone to marry quickly."

Agnes looked embarrassed again. She was very angry after being hit so hard by her sister today, so she mocked him back regardless.

"Then you should work harder and continue to have a son. Otherwise, if you only have a daughter, no matter how big the family fortune you help your husband's family is, it might belong to someone else - although Edgar doesn't have it. Brother, but he still has cousins..."

Alice's face suddenly turned ugly.

Only then did Agnes realize how hurtful she had said.

Her sister had pushed her to this point today, but she still didn't want to see her sister in pain.

"Sorry..." So she apologized subconsciously.

"This kind of thing cannot be solved with just a few words." Alice did not get angry, her face returned to calmness, "Maybe God will take pity on me and give me more gifts?"

Not wanting to dwell on this issue, she changed the subject again.

"Agnes, I have one more thing -"

"What else?" Agnes asked anxiously.

She was really annoyed by her sister today, but she didn't expect that it wouldn't be over yet.

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you this time." Alice caressed her sister's face lovingly, "Dance with me when you have time -"

"Huh?" Agnes said inexplicably.

"I already know. We will hold a dance next. I believe His Majesty will invite you to dance at that time, right?" Alice smiled softly, "You were really unfamiliar with this kind of practice before, and you have lost the dignity of a lady. , so I’m going to teach you well these two days, but I won’t let you embarrass our family—”

Agnes didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't want to tell her sister that she had already practiced with the King of Rome, so she had no choice but to nod.

"I understand!" She nodded in agreement, and this time she was no longer as anxious and angry as before. She just laughed slightly mockingly, "You are really attentive..."

"Everything that can be prepared should be prepared first, so that you can do it well, right?" Alice replied matter-of-factly, "If you have no objection, starting from tomorrow, I will come to see you every day after lunch."

"I know, I know!" Agnes rolled her eyes, and then waved her hand angrily.

"Good night, Agnes." Alice kissed her sister on the cheek and bade her farewell.

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