Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fourteen, time difference

In the next few days, everything passed calmly and step by step.

As welcome guests, Mr. and Mrs. Treville and Miss Agnes were received with great enthusiasm. They easily integrated into the small group and were accepted as a matter of course.

Not only that, for the sake of her daughter's future, Alice wanted to occupy a good position for her family in the Bonaparte family. Therefore, she not only deliberately flattered the Agrons, but also the attendants and secretaries around them. , without any pretense.

Agnes, on the other hand, has a natural positive affinity, coupled with her admirable swordsmanship, so she hardly needs to do anything deliberately to be admired and admired by everyone easily.

As a result, in just a few days, the Alice sisters were highly praised by people headed by the Agrons. Everyone had a good impression of them and rushed to make friends with them. It is conceivable that if the Bonaparte family really After seizing the crown, Lady Alice will surely gain an enviable position in the court.

Time passed unconsciously, and Aigron finally received a reply from Paris.

In these letters, there are not only routine reports from the Count of Monte Cristo and the Marquis of Treville, but also a reply from Duke Nordlien to Aigron.

finally come……

Aigron, who was in the study, looked at the ordinary envelope, but felt a little disturbed in his heart.

The answer is about to be revealed.

In the crisis of his family's collapse, should the Duke choose to surrender and ask for help? Or should he choose to stick to his principles and fight to the end?

Eggron was curious.

But to be honest, he was not worried at all, because in this world, "having a choice" was a luxury, and the Duke was not someone who could afford this luxury.

It doesn't matter what he chooses, because no matter what choice he makes, Aiglon will get the result he wants - it's just more effort or less effort.

You'd better be more sensible and don't waste my energy - Aigron thought to himself.

If he knows the current affairs, then he can be gentle with his actions. If he does not know the current affairs, then he should continue to learn his own methods.

Then he destroyed the seal on the envelope and opened the letter.

"Dear Mr:

I was shocked to hear that my daughter Agnes was accompanied by her sister Alice and his wife.

We went together to visit your place. I am extremely frightened and ashamed.

Agnes has been naughty and ignorant of etiquette since she was a child, and she has often embarrassed me. However, as the youngest daughter, I love her so much that I cannot bear to punish her, so I allowed her to develop such a character. If there is any trouble, please be magnanimous and forgive me. understanding.

My little girl is traveling, so I, as a father, am naturally very worried, but since she is now being taken care of by my husband, I can feel relieved. She is lucky to have a friend as knowledgeable and talented as you. If she can grow even a little bit by your side, it will be enough to make me happy.

As for the changes in the family, please tell my daughter that there is no need to worry, I will take care of everything. She just needs to continue to enjoy the journey.

Finally, I would like to express my infinite gratitude to you for the goodwill expressed in your previous letter, sir! If I could have your help, I would be able to turn the bad luck into good.

If you don't give up, you will be rewarded. "

Aigron read the letter silently, then chewed on its meaning.

In this letter, Aigron's name and title were not directly mentioned - this was not because he did not understand etiquette, but because he was afraid that the letter would fall into the hands of others on the road and become evidence of his crime, so he deliberately kept everything It was very vague, and Aigron understood it very well.

In addition, the Duke's posture has been very low-key, and his words are extremely humble, even a little disgusting.

And this is exactly the result that Aiglon wants to get - it seems that although the Duke dislikes the Bonaparte family, he is not a stubborn old stubborn after all. Today, when the family is in danger, he also knows that he should be "flexible" and pursue everything The power to lend a helping hand.

In the letter, he also hinted that he could accept Agnes and Agron further "consolidating the relationship."

Everyone has their own dignity. It is impossible to expect him to lay out everything and explain it clearly. It is enough to be able to say it to this point.

Yes, enough!

Aigron was immediately overjoyed.

He got the answer he wanted - and the plan took a crucial and perfect step.

Just when he was about to bring this decisive letter to Agnes, his captain of the guard, André Davout, suddenly reported to him that Lady Alice had come to see her.

Aiglon probably guessed her purpose, so he immediately allowed her to visit.

"Sorry to bother you, Your Majesty..." As soon as she saw him, Alice saluted him and apologized. "I asked the people around you for information and learned that you received a letter from my father. Logically speaking, I I shouldn’t pry into your side of the story, it’s just that I was too eager, so I did such an overstep... Please forgive me.”

Aiglon looked at Andre, and Andre lowered his head in embarrassment. Obviously, he was Alice's source of information.

Eggron knew that Andre's loyalty was absolutely unquestionable, but he just felt sorry for Alice and so he secretly informed her.

After all, he admired Alice, so of course he didn't take any minor offense to heart.

So he shook his head. "It's okay. I understand how you feel. After all, few ladies can stay calm when their parents' family suffers."

Then, he handed the letter to Alice casually, "This is your father's handwriting, read it yourself."

Alice grew up next to her father, so she was naturally very familiar with handwriting. As soon as she saw the words on the letter, she knew that it was indeed his father's handwriting.

Next, she quickly scanned the entire text.

My father talked about Agnes throughout the article, and only mentioned his name once, nothing more, nothing more - as if he had only one name left in his heart.

Although she had already guessed this result, she still felt a throbbing pain in her heart at this moment.

But she did not show the resentment in her heart, but calmly raised her head and looked at Aigron, "Your Majesty, it seems that my father has surrendered to you and asked for help."

"I also think that's the meaning between the lines." Aigron nodded, "Now that you have confirmed it, it is even more correct."

Alice secretly took a breath, and she knew that the critical moment had come - the reason why she secretly asked Andre Davout for help, and came to Aigron's house as soon as her father's letter came here. In front of you, just to seize the initiative.

But now, she must seize every moment and make absolutely no mistakes - only in this way can she get the results she wants.

She had not met Aiglon very often, but she already knew this young man. He was determined, generous on the outside and taboo on the inside. He was extremely proud in his bones. He never liked to be manipulated by others, and he was even less likely to be deceived. Because of this, those who wanted to guide him It is never easy to use one's will for one's own use.

Moreover, competing for the cake of power - this is a world she has never set foot in before. She is not very sure, and her heart is full of uneasiness and nervousness. Her alertness allowed her to muster up the courage and she no longer hesitated.

She suppressed the excitement in her heart, and then calmly said what she had thought of.

"Your Majesty, I have the honor of being recognized as your friend, and I know that this honor is hard-won, and it is even more difficult to keep it. Because of this, I have never asked you for anything before - today, I bet this I am honored to ask you something, can you? I promise, this matter is only related to my natal family and will never cause you any other trouble."

"If you want to beg me for help, you don't have to go to such trouble." Aigron shrugged, "Don't worry, I have promised Agnes that I will help as long as your father asks for help - since he has already Having said that, you don’t have to waste face.”

"No... Your Majesty, that's not what I meant." Alice shook her head slightly, "On the contrary, I hope you won't agree so simply."

"What?!" Even Aigron, who had always remained calm, couldn't help but change his expression at this time.

"What do you mean?" he then asked doubtfully.

Although there was no hostility in Aigron's gaze, Alice felt that she was facing great pressure and could hardly breathe - it was obvious that he did not like "accidents".

Only then did she understand what it meant to truly face this young man.

"Obviously, since my father will be in such a situation, his financial crisis involves a large amount of money. Although I don't know the specific amount, it must be a huge amount... Even for you, that It's not dispensable money. Even if you don't care, you should at least make the best use of it instead of being squandered by someone who has no investment vision." Alice barely suppressed the tension in her heart and lowered her head to continue. He continued, "I love my father, but I admit his incompetence, so I can't be selfish and just sit back and watch you suffer huge losses. In summary, I think the prerequisite for helping him is that someone must supervise these things." The use of funds will prevent your good intentions from being in vain, and your dignity and goodwill from becoming a laughing stock!"

Aigron grew up in the palace, and he could understand Alice's true intentions hidden in her beautiful words without even thinking.

So, he sneered.

"It seems that you have such a candidate in mind?"

Alice heard Aiglon's hidden sarcasm, but she was not ashamed at all. She still lowered her head and continued, "Yes, I think I am the most suitable candidate. Your Majesty, I can assure you that if there is If I supervise it, your money will never be wasted - and I will never allow anyone to blaspheme your good deeds, not even my father."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head, and then looked at Aigron with confidence.

She believed she could impress the young man - because the outcome would be good for him in every way.

But doing so was a bit unkind. Alice was worried that His Majesty might relent when he met Agnes later, and then he would be so confused that he would agree to anything, thus making her efforts to suppress her sister last night in vain.

Therefore, she made up her mind, risking the suspicion of 'spying on the imperial driver' and rushing to create a fait accompli as soon as possible.

She had to hold His Majesty, suppress her sister, and gain trust for herself. God knows how long she had been secretly planning and how much effort she had put in... But now, it was time for a showdown, and she had to win.

"What a good daughter! Are you going to counterattack while your family is in trouble?" Aigron was not angry, but looked at Alice in surprise, as if he had gotten to know her again, "Madam, I really didn't expect that you could actually Let’s play this trick.”

This sentence was like a heavy blow, making Alice blush with shame, but even so she did not flinch, "This is not revenge, Your Majesty. I remember how my father treated me, but I did not hate him, because It was me who was unfilial first. But now, this is not the time to talk about favors. I am serving you. I should let you get the respect you deserve...and repay. I will never allow anyone to take advantage of your kindness and laugh at your naivety. And weak, even if this person is my father!"

How loyal! Aiglon couldn't help but applaud in his heart - although of course he couldn't believe it was true.

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that doing so is indeed beneficial to me.

Alice wants to use her money to blackmail her father, so why can't she use Alice to supervise and control the Duke's family? It's like having a layer of insurance.

Besides, although Alice's move caught him by surprise, it also made him see a good show.

He likes the feeling of having everything under control, but he doesn't mind a little surprise and surprise from time to time - as long as the person who creates the surprise is someone he admires.

Aiglon said nothing, but looked at Alice with interest.

And Alice didn't speak, she just bent down respectfully, waiting for Aiglon's sentencing - although she was nervous at the moment, she didn't show any timidity at all.

She knows that not showing timidity in the face of big things is the basis for being trusted.

"So, what do you need?" Aigron asked suddenly after a while.

And this question, like a fairy tune, made Alice instantly beam with joy.

She finally got what she wanted - the feeling was so wonderful that she even lost consciousness for a moment.

But soon, she thought that she could not lose her composure in front of His Majesty, so she immediately cheered up and replied to Aiglon respectfully.

"I just need you to write me a personal letter and entrust me with full authority to handle this matter. I will handle the rest. The Count of Monte Cristo can also help me -"

Would you be surprised if you knew that the Count of Monte Cristo planned all of this? Aiglon asked in his mind.

Of course, he had absolutely no intention of telling Alice - he also believed that Edmond Dantès would definitely not show off his "war exploits" in front of Alice.

"Okay!" Aigron nodded and stopped dragging his feet.

He has always been a man of action. Once he has made a decision, he will stick to it. "Madam, I will write this letter."

"Please forgive my presumption, Your Majesty." Alice did not excuse herself, but bowed down more and more, "If it is convenient for you, could you give it to me now? I would be very grateful."

Aigron's eyes widened in shock. He didn't expect that someone would dare to speak to him like this now.

Then he burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahaha... You are such a cautious person! Do you think I am the kind of fool who changes my mind at any time?"

"Of course I don't think so, but even so, it's better to be cautious." Alice replied slightly ashamed. "I'm afraid of my sister's charm."

"That's true, but you also underestimated yourself -" Aigron was still laughing, "Okay, you will get it soon!"

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