Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifteen, tacit understanding and weakness

"Well, you're about to get it!"

Aiglon agreed to Alice's request.

He didn't like the feeling of being forced, but the unexpected and interesting performance Alice gave him today made him feel that it was worth making an exception for her.

It was not so much the benefits that the lady brought to him that moved him, but her wit and confidence, as well as the stubborn soul hidden under her humble appearance, that moved Aiglon. He liked to deal with such people.

Because of this, he didn't say anything. Under Alice's gaze, he picked up a pen and paper and wrote a letter.

In the letter, he briefly stated that he had entrusted Madame Alice to handle all matters related to her natal family, and also told Edmond Dantès to fully cooperate with you on this issue no matter how Alice decides to deal with it. ; In addition, in the letter, he also implicitly hinted to Edmund that all information about the previous operations must be kept secret from Alice - he must not let Alice know that he and Edmund were the instigators.

Aigron and Edmund have worked together for so long, and have already established a tacit understanding between each other. Aigron believes that he does not need to speak clearly, and the other party can easily understand what he means; and he believes even more that as long as he has something, Instructions, Edmund will definitely do it for himself.

After writing the letter, Aigron took the initiative to hand it to Alice, "Madam, please take a look."

Alice lowered her head, took the letter respectfully with both hands, and then browsed it quickly.

After reading it, she immediately relaxed - thinking that she knew that the young man in front of her did not play tricks on her, but really entrusted her with full power according to her own wishes.

Because she knew this young man, she knew even more how valuable the concessions she had obtained were.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. If I screw it up, not only will my face be damaged, I'm afraid I won't have another chance again.

Yes, it must be done no matter what... All grudges will be settled once and for all.

Ecstasy and worry intertwined in her heart, and for a moment, she could no longer hold it in. Her blue eyes were blurred by tears. She finally managed not to let herself shed tears, and then thanked Aigron with a tearful voice.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how to express my gratitude to you in words... Instead of reproaching me for my offense, you have shown me so much kindness, which really makes me extremely ashamed.

Maybe you have heard this countless times and are even tired of it, but please allow me to assure you that I will always remember the favor you gave me and my family! I will also repay this favor with unparalleled loyalty. No matter what happens in the future, I and my descendants will be loyal to you. "

As Alice said, Aiglon was already tired of hearing similar words, and it was impossible for him to believe in "eternal loyalty." But even so, when such a beautiful young woman said with pity for the pear blossoms and the rain, When he said these words, he still felt relaxed and happy.

"Madam, you don't have to be like this. I'm just doing what a friend should do -" Aigron shook his head, "In fact, you should be happy. After all, I paid such a price, and I hope it's you in exchange." A happy face instead of a sad face.”

Now that Aiglon said this, Alice naturally could only calm down and break her tears into laughter again.

"Do you have any other requests?" Aigron asked gently.

"Your Majesty, all my hopes have been fulfilled by you, and now I have no other requirements!" Alice knew that if she dared to push the envelope again, she might really become ruthless, so she quickly shook her head in denial.

"Very good, it's my honor to satisfy you." Aigron looked at the other party calmly, then changed the subject, "Well, now, I would like to mention my request."

"I'm all ears," Alice replied.

"As you expected, I was originally going to see Agnes with this letter - but after your interference, the situation seems to have changed. Now I don't know how to explain this to her. ." Aigron smiled slightly, "I think you should already know about this, right? Then tell me now."

Alice really knows this - after all, she is the person who knows her sister best and can suppress her sister best in the world.

And she also expected that Aigron would inquire about her, so she immediately expressed her thoughts.

"Your Majesty, it is my responsibility to let the situation evolve to this point. In this case, I cannot evade responsibility and let you bear the infamy of threatening my family in front of my sister. I will explain everything to her - if you agree, I can go over with you to see her now and clarify the matter completely."

Seeing Alice looking so confident, Aigron understood.

"So you've already convinced Agnes?!"

"What you said...Agnes's skills can easily hit me ten times. How can I possibly subdue her?" Alice smiled slightly and avoided the question in a teasing way.

Her previous ideas have been perfectly realized, and now it is time to put the finishing touches on it - of course, at this time, she should be more cautious and not take it lightly.

"Hahaha... interesting..." Aigron couldn't help but laugh again, "Madam, it turns out that you seem to be reckless, but you already have a plan in mind. You have made up your mind before everyone knows it, and you have carried it out regardless of the cost. Come down... It's really respectable and scary. I admit that I underestimated you before. To tell you the truth, I appreciate smart people, especially smart people on my side - if all my men are like you With such qualities, I’m afraid my career will be much brighter!”

"If all your subordinates were like me, I'm afraid you would also have a headache..." Alice smiled and shook her head, "I have neither courage nor prestige. The only thing I can rely on is a little bit of brains. Maybe They can give you advice, but the people who can really make your ambitions come true are those loyal warriors who are not afraid of sacrifice. They may not be so smart, and they don't know any tricks, but only they can bring you glory and crown. They More respectable than me, they are the cornerstone of your career.”

"That's natural! But you shouldn't be too modest. If you were not a woman, you would definitely be able to achieve great things." Aiglon replied with a smile, "Of course, I think that is not a pity, because in France , there are already too many men who want to achieve great things through risking their lives or deceitfully, and it can even be said that they are overwhelming! The arrangement made by God has given France one more charming lady, and one less man like this. Good thing."

After receiving such praise from Aiglon, Alice just smiled and remained silent.

But who says that women can’t achieve great things?

After some business talk, both of them were in a good mood. They left the study together and went to Agnes's room.

Seeing two people coming to see her together, Agnes immediately guessed the reason.

"Sister, has father's letter been delivered?"

"Yes, it's delivered." Alice replied, handing the letter to her sister.

In order to avoid the "inconsistent caliber" between the two people and making Agnes suspicious, the two people had reached a tacit understanding before coming over, with Alice taking the lead and letting her explain to her sister.

Agnes eagerly took the letter and after confirming that it was indeed her father's handwriting, she took a closer look at the contents of her father's handwriting.

The letter was very short, and Agnes could easily read it and understand what her father meant——

"Agnes, it seems that my father has decided to accept your majesty's help." After noticing her expression, Alice spoke.

Agnes nodded slightly. "That's what it looks like."

Although her father found a helping hand, the pressure in her heart was relieved a lot, but bowing her head to plead with the young man also made her feel a little melancholy deep in her heart - because owing such a favor meant that she might never be able to help him. I'm going to be a dwarf in front of him.

Perhaps, as a pretender to the throne, it was impossible for him to be compared with her, but truly admitting this still made her feel sad.

What's more, my sister also intervened in the matter, making the whole thing more complicated and worse.

She simply couldn't imagine what kind of sparks would burst out when her sister walked in front of her father like a winner. Just imagining it made her heart beat with fear - no matter whether her father was sad or her sister was sad, it would only make her follow. sad.

Is this really all we can do?

"King of Rome, have you really entrusted your sister to handle this matter?" Agnes asked Aiglon with the last trace of luck.

This look full of hope and even pleading, combined with Agnes's original heroic spirit, formed a wonderful contrast, especially it could touch Agron's heartstrings. It is conceivable that if he had found Agnes directly before, Faced with Agnes like this, she might really relent - anyway, to him, as long as the plan can be realized, the money spent is not a big deal.

However, after Alice took the lead and caused a fait accompli, the situation was completely different. Now that Aigron had made up his mind, he would not change his mind easily.

"I'm sorry, Agnes. But I think this is not a small amount of money. I am willing to use it to help your family, but I have to think of some measures to ensure that the money is used effectively and meaningfully - Therefore, I think it is necessary to have someone familiar with the situation oversee the flow of money, and your sister is the best person."

The more Agnes listened, the more depressed she became, but now she had something to ask for, and she had to bow her head under the roof of others. Besides, Agnes' words were indeed reasonable, so she couldn't say anything to refute.

Even if you make sense, why does it have to be my sister? Doesn't this destroy the feelings of our family? ! She still had the last trace of resentment in her heart.

"Agnes, don't blame your majesty. It was me who took the initiative to ask him to marry you." Alice saw what her sister was thinking, so she took the initiative to explain to Agnes, "This kind of thing will be huge for our family's reputation. It was a blow, and it also involved the Bonaparte family, so the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

And His Majesty’s subordinates each have other tasks, and most of them are not familiar with the inside story, and it is not convenient for them to have access to the privacy of our family... Therefore, I think that only I can keep our family safe without damaging His Majesty’s face. In terms of face, there is no other more suitable candidate. "

"You are very eloquent!" Agnes was angry and sarcastically said to her sister.

But she also knew that the deal was done, and nothing she said could change the outcome, so she had no choice but to accept the arrangement - no matter what, it was better to have someone to help than to be alone. Now was not the time to put on airs and be picky, even if it was She will not be impulsive.

Alice ignored her sister's sarcasm and continued, "Agnes, now His Majesty has given me full authority. When we return to Paris, I hope you can arrange for me to meet my father as soon as possible. For him, I'm afraid continuing Procrastination is not a good thing either.”

"I know..." Agnes nodded angrily.

Seeing her sister's appearance, Alice sighed. "I don't expect you to regard me as a benefactor of the family, but I also don't want you to regard me as a traitor and enemy. I am doing what I think is right, and things will not get worse! Agnes, maybe You don’t understand me now and even resent me for being ruthless, but one day, you will know that I am right.”

Then she opened her arms to her sister.

Although Agnes was in a bad mood and was unhappy that her sister would do such a thing, she still hesitated in the face of her sister's sincere eyes.

Is she really right? Is she really doing something good for everyone?

Agnes doesn't quite understand these worldly things, so she naturally doesn't have much confidence in her own judgment. Her love and admiration for her sister since she was a child also makes her instinctively unwilling to hate or doubt her sister.

So, facing her sister's hug, she subconsciously opened her arms and hugged her sister tightly.

More than anyone else, she wanted to see this family that had suffered a catastrophe become torn apart.

Now that everything has become a fact, it seems that now we can only place our hope on my sister.

"Okay, I believe in you, no matter what you say, I believe in you, so sister, you must keep your promise!" Tears rolled in her eyes, "Don't let me be discouraged and disappointed again, I really can't stand it, I can Faced with the sharp sword piercing my heart, how can I withstand the dagger coming from behind, from the person I trust and love the most? Since the power has fallen into your hands, I beg you, don’t let it go My world is falling apart because you are part of my world!”

Aigron was beside him, watching this scene quietly.

He had never seen Agnes look so weak.

It was obvious that she was really afraid. Not only was she afraid of a catastrophe in her family, but she was even more afraid of turning against her favorite family members. For her, this was far more terrifying than facing a powerful enemy and then dying in battle.

This is her. Although she has strong swordsmanship, she is always bound by family love.

With Aigron's personality, of course he despised this kind of weakness, but deep down in his heart, he was a little envious, because this was something he had never experienced before.

So, can I be part of it?

He deeply doubted this, but it all depends on the human condition, doesn't it?

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