Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixteen, resonance and recognition

As Agnes wept silently, Alice said nothing and hugged her sister to express her determination to keep her promise.

The relationship between the two sisters has some cracks due to their different positions and a series of changes. However, the trust and friendship accumulated between them over the years still firmly bind the two people, and they will not give up blame or blame. Separation.

Alice knew that her sister's spirit had been stretched to the limit, and she was not going to apply any more pressure - and now that her purpose had been achieved, there was no need to apply any more pressure.

Therefore, she kept comforting her sister.

After a while, Agnes finally calmed down. She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then looked at Agron, who had been silent next to her, with some shame.

"Sorry, King of Rome, I lost my temper and made you laugh..."

"It doesn't matter, Agnes, your gaffe just proves how noble your heart is. You are not crying for yourself, but for your family." Agron shook his head and replied unhurriedly, "These tears It’s so sincere that no one can deny its value.”

Agron's comfort made Agnes feel a little better.

Then Agnes left her sister's arms and solemnly bowed and thanked Agron.

"Thank you for your help... I understand that what you have to give is much more valuable than my tears, so I will always remember your kindness-"

"Miss Agnes, I told you that I helped you out of friendship. I hope to see you as lovely as before. If you are so respectful to me, it will go against my original intention—— "Aigron smiled and shrugged, "If you really thank me, then please treat me as you did in the past, and then we can get along well as friends... I don't know why, but once you are around, I always feel very happy.”

There was a lot of ridicule in Aiglon's words, which made Agnes blush all of a sudden.

Normally, she would have been furious, but she didn't have an attack this time.

She had just read her father's letter, and her father's words were still ringing in her ears. Although she did not understand what her father was implying, just reading the literal meaning made her feel that she understood the situation somewhat.

"She is lucky to have a friend as knowledgeable and talented as you.

If I can grow even a little bit by your side, it will be enough to make me feel comfortable. "

She clearly remembered that this dissolute young man had shamelessly looked down on her before. Before she could retaliate and regain her face, she had to "put aside the past grudges". Instead, she had to be humble to him for the sake of her family.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel depressed.

And Aigron's teasing reminded her of those memories, and at this moment she couldn't have an attack and could only bear it silently.

"You are great at everything. Wouldn't it be perfect if you were more serious?" After holding back for a while, she whispered.

She did not expect that this weak resistance did not deter Aigron, but instead increased his interest.

"If I'm so serious, where are you going to find peers who are worthy of your attention?"

...Seeing the young man's arrogance, Agnes felt even more angry for no reason. She waved her hand and wanted to punch him twice, but she could only endure it silently. She simply rolled her eyes at him, lowered her head and stopped talking.

Alice didn't hear clearly what the two people were talking about, but seeing her sister suppressing her blush, even though she didn't understand what was going on, Alice knew she should smooth things over.

"Okay, Agnes, now the most important thing has been solved, you don't have to worry about anything anymore." So she spoke quickly. "Now, you should follow your father's will, enjoy our journey here, and follow His Majesty's instructions."

"I know." Agnes nodded, "Don't worry, I won't cause any trouble to you."

Aiglon and Alice looked at each other, each feeling relieved, but the content of their relief was different in many ways.

Now that Agnes has given in, and seems to have accepted the reality of "people under the roof" with peace of mind, then the next step should be to show off her cards and let Agnes follow Agron's will and play "Joan of Arc" for him .

It's just that they all know that Agnes has just experienced a mental blow (and it came from her most beloved sister), and now is really not a good time for a showdown.

Moreover, she had just pulled her father out, so bringing it up now would obviously make her feel "coerced".

Although it is indeed deception and coercion, nobles should try to be as honorable as possible in everything, especially for people like Agnes who are soft-hearted but not hard-hearted.

So both of them had a tacit understanding to suppress the matter for the time being - anyway, there would be opportunities to make Agnes submit.

Agnes didn't know that such a thing was waiting for her. At this moment, she just felt relieved.

Now that the heavy pressure on my heart has been relieved, there is still some time before I go back anyway, so why not settle down and enjoy this journey.

After all, the nature of a girl is that troubles come and go quickly. She raised her head and looked at Alice, and the original haze in her eyes had been swept away.

"Sister, do you have anything else to tell me?"

"No more." Alice shook her head, and then told her sister, "But don't forget our agreement - I will test you."

Agnes's face suddenly turned red again.

Of course she understood what her sister meant - she wanted her to practice dancing so that she could dance with the King of Rome.

How shameful it was to dance hand in hand with this guy in front of everyone, and to have to practice hard to please him... The more Agnes thought about it, the more she blushed, and she wanted to find a place to get in.

Aiglon didn't know what was going on, but when he saw Agnes's rare shy look, he found it extremely cute, so he looked at her with interest.

"Okay! I know everything!" This look made Agnes feel like a thorn in her back, and she finally broke out, "Is there anything else? Then you go, let me be alone!"

Her nervous look made the other two smile at each other, and they left the room together.

"It seems that Agnes is in a bad state today. She is completely different." After coming out, Agron said to Alice.

"That's good, she looks more like a princess." Alice replied with a smile, "I thought she would never know how to be shy."

"There are many princesses who can use this kind of tact to display their charm, but Agnes is unique. I prefer her as she is, proud and radiant." Agron said with emotion, "Of course, look at her occasionally This way, it’s not interesting at all…”

"It's really an honor for her that you speak so highly of her. It's a pity that not so many people in Paris understand these principles." Alice sighed, "I'm really worried about her. All those princes and grandsons are blind, because of some inexplicable things. I have no scruples about keeping her at a distance..."

"If Agnes is forced to change herself in order to please them, then her pearls will fall into dust." Agron replied disapprovingly, "Is this the only way she can go?"

"Your Majesty...?" Alice looked at Aigron in slight surprise, and then sighed, "She should get married and have children."

"You also got married and had children, but you didn't choose to be a prince--" Aigron replied with a smile, "You yourself made a rebellious choice on this path, and even paid the price of breaking up with your parents for it. So why do you now think there is only one way for Agnes to go?"

Aiglon's retort made Alice choke immediately.

Yes, why? Obviously I have never done that myself, so why do I think my sister should do that?

She had never thought about this problem, so she suddenly encountered it and fell into confusion.

After a while, she finally found an answer——

Perhaps, because I knew the consequences of choosing another path, I subconsciously thought she should take that path.

Although I have never regretted my past choices, I already know that it was full of hardships and sorrows that are inhumane to outsiders, so I don’t want my sister to experience it again. I would rather her live a vain life like those "normal" ladies. A life of exaggeration but also comfort and wealth - even if it costs you to change yourself.

Wouldn't that be nice?

But no matter what, she was unwilling, let alone unable, to express her true thoughts in front of His Majesty.

"Your Majesty, it is true that what you said makes sense." She softened her tone, "It's just that from a sister's point of view, I don't want to see Agnes go through a magnificent life, I just want to see her be as stable as possible. , Living happily, even if mediocre, is better than suffering."

Agron knew in his heart that Alice had no intention of "selling her sister for glory" at the moment. The reason why he asked Agnes to please him was just to make him happy in exchange for favors, and he would not go further.

Therefore, unlike Edgar, he cannot reveal his true intentions prematurely in front of her.

"Madam, I'm afraid you have forgotten that even though Agnes is your sister, she is also an adult. She has enough reasons to decide her own life. Others are only suggestions at most and cannot decide her life." He said insincerely. She said something that she didn't even believe, "I think Agnes doesn't need to use tricks to seduce people to make herself a princess who is proficient in elegance. She is already cute enough as she is now - whether it is increasing or decreasing. , it’s a pity. If such a lovely lady is not tolerated by the upper class society, then it is obviously a problem with that society. I will trample on it and destroy it until it recognizes Agnes’s loveliness.”

"You should say this to her face. She will definitely be very happy." Alice couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing. "She is so lucky to have a friend who recognizes her like you!"

It would be a bit unreasonable to say this to other people, but it was persuasive enough to say it from this young man's mouth.

At least Alice believed that he could really do it.

That's right, given His Majesty's character and admiration for Agnes, as long as he really achieves his ambition, Agnes' reputation and status will naturally rise, and he won't have to worry about his sister not getting married.

Now, not only himself, but the fate of his husband's family and his natal family are also tied to this young man. No matter what the cost, he must help him succeed no matter what.

"Mrs. Alice?" Just as Alice was thinking, Aigron spoke again.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?" Alice quickly concentrated her attention.

"Originally, I thought you were the most talented lady I have ever seen, but after today's confrontation, I found that your willpower and action are not inferior to those of men. This really opened my eyes." Aigron smiled. While speaking, he used exaggerated words to praise Alice, "When you came back to your senses afterwards, you cleverly used the information you learned, and then seized the fleeting opportunity to still make yourself available even when resources were so scarce. , even I was taken advantage of... This is really not something ordinary people can do, and I am deeply impressed. I am not angry at all, on the contrary, I appreciate this performance."

"You're going too far. I'm not that powerful. I just have to rack my brains for my family. It's more pitiable than respectable." Alice shook her head, and then replied with a hint of melancholy, "If If you can enjoy wealth and wealth by sitting still, who wouldn’t want to be elegant and calm?”

"The streets are full of poor people, and there are only a few people who can find ways to fight against their fate. Those who cry and sell themselves miserably do not get sympathy, and those who fight against fate deserve to be praised - I have always thought so, and you are just right I have implemented my philosophy. Rather than saying that I want to help you, I want to reflect my own philosophy in you - the more you achieve, the more it means that I am right, the more it means that I am right. Wise and correct..."

Alas, my sister is right, this person is always arrogant... Alice complained in her heart, but of course she didn't dare to show it on her face.

However, she didn't feel disgusted in her heart.

Maybe this is indeed a kind of spiritual resonance. She also deeply admires this young man.

Under Alice's gaze, Aigron became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, and finally couldn't help but clenched his fist and waved it slightly, "Your beauty must be shared by many ladies in Paris, but your courage and cleverness, I believe it is very rare. Oh, who would have thought that a mediocre man could give birth to such a glorious daughter, and there are actually two of them! He is so lucky."

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that Aiglon's words were getting more and more wrong, and he even disparaged her father, Alice had no choice but to stop him, "You are really flattering."

"No, I didn't. I believe my judgment is right." Aigron shook his head, still stubborn.

He changed the subject and said, "Madam, you are my subject and my friend - that was the case in the past, but from today on, I have given you tasks and trust. Do you know what that means?"

"What?" Alice asked blankly.

"That means that you are here, not just Edgar's wife, not an insignificant vase, but a person who is qualified to work with me, a person who is worthy of sharing my career."

Then, suddenly, he stretched out his hand to Alice.

Alice didn't know what was going on, but intimidated by Aigron's momentum, she subconsciously reached out her hand.

Aiglon picked up this white and delicate hand, and then kissed the back of her hand gently.

"If you prove that you are indeed as capable as you show, then you will have more opportunities to show yourself in the future - I promise. I will never treat anyone who has made meritorious deeds, and I will never be stingy in repaying them, whether it is Male or female. Work hard, madam, and I wish you success!"

After saying that, Aigron put down her hand, nodded goodbye, and left without looking back.

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