Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventeen, tacit understanding

After Aigron left, Alice stood there blankly, watching his retreating figure, without reacting for a moment.

She could clearly feel that what the young man said just now was indeed not a compliment on the scene, but a sincere expression of his appreciation for her.

Moreover, what you admire is not your appearance, charm and temperament, but your wit and bravery.

Countless people had complimented her on the previous things since she was a child, and she was even a little tired of hearing them, but this was the first time that someone was praising her for playing with her hands.

Even His Majesty thought I did a good job... Alice, who was originally worried, felt excited for a moment, and she felt as if she had met a close friend.

Therefore, we must do everything well and not let down this praise and trust.

Although she did not have the idea of ​​"a scholar will die for a confidant", she did have a strange sense of mission - after all, she knew in her heart that the opportunity she got was extremely cherished. If she lost it, she might never be able to do it again. There won't be any more.

What will it take to be regarded as an ally by His Majesty? She didn't know, but she was looking forward to it.

After this adventure, she also returned to her room, and Edgar just returned here from his morning walk.

"Honey, where were you just now?" Edgar asked curiously when he saw his wife.

"Nothing, I just went to see His Majesty, and he just received a reply from my father." Alice replied calmly.

"Oh?" Edgar immediately became more energetic, "What did your father say?"

In fact, Edgar knew very well the ins and outs of this matter and the difficult situation the Duke was facing now, but he deliberately pretended to be ignorant in front of his wife and waited for her explanation.

"My father has recently been in trouble due to poor management, so he asked for help from your majesty..." Alice replied with a sad face, "After hearing this bad news, I was at a loss, so I begged your majesty for help. , His Majesty agreed after hesitating."

Alice's voice was still a little trembling, and she performed the intertwined mood of pain and joy so vividly that even Edgar didn't notice the clues.

She didn't want to share what she had done with her husband - because she knew in her heart that

The husband can't help in this matter, he will only cause trouble for himself.

She knew that her father-in-law, General Treville, had a very bad relationship with her father. With the general's character, it would be a good thing to take pleasure in the misfortune when encountering such a thing. How could he be eager to help?

Moreover, she instinctively hoped that she should be in charge of all this, not her husband and father-in-law - even though they were already a family in theory.

After paying such a high price, almost falling out with my sister, and possibly falling out with my father next, it is both painful and embarrassing. In this case, how can I hand over all the fruits of victory to others? Not even the husband who is sharing the same bed.

Alice didn't realize that, unintentionally, she had taken an important step in what His Majesty called "similar people" - trust yourself before trusting others.

Only this kind of person can try to control his own destiny instead of being at the mercy of others.

Edgar did not notice anything unusual about his wife. On the contrary, he just sneered silently in his heart, happy that his father-in-law's family had suffered a catastrophe, and also happy that Agnes fell into a trap.

"Is that so? That's great! No matter what happens to my father-in-law, as long as His Majesty takes action, he will definitely be able to turn the disaster into something good." He shouted out pretending to be happy.

Then, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, did your Majesty propose any conditions? In other words, what kind of reward is my father-in-law willing to provide to Your Majesty?"

"Father...Father didn't promise too much. He just said that he would always keep this kindness in his heart and thank him for his love for Agnes." Alice shook her head, "But your Majesty doesn't care about anything in return, he said Yes, the reason why he came to help was just out of respect and love for Agnes and he couldn't bear to see her suffer disaster..."

"Wow! This 'love' is really heavy, more sincere than the rattling gold coins..." Edgar knew it in his heart, but he pretended to have just known it, and just shouted out with a hint of sarcasm, "Then It seems that Agnes has to work hard to please him in order to be worthy of such kindness!"

"That's natural..." Alice smiled bitterly, "Agnes has promised me that she will please Your Majesty in the future."

Edgar was even more overjoyed to see his wife gradually shifting to his side.

He knew that Agnes did not like him, and she would not be easily swayed by others. Only Alice could influence her, so Alice was the button that controlled Agnes - now, Alice was on his side. If you don't, then your plan will be mostly successful.

Unknowingly, she was trapped in the mud, and when she came to her senses, there was nothing she could do to escape.

"So, when will we show off our cards and make Agnes agree to His Majesty's plan? After this incident, Agnes must be shaken, right?" Edgar asked deliberately.

"Don't be anxious yet." Alice shook her head, "Now Agnes has experienced so many troubles and is in a very bad mood. I don't want to force her at this time. It will make her at a loss... Just wait. When the time is right, I will mention it to her, so don’t reveal it to her first.”

"Okay, I understand." Edgar nodded with satisfaction, "Then I'll leave everything to you, Alice!"

Because Edgar lost his temper after drinking and missed His Majesty's banquet, Edgar felt ashamed. He had been reclusive recently and felt a little short of breath even in front of his wife. Alice had to muster up the courage to reverse the situation on her own in a desperate situation. As a result, he burst out with confidence that he didn't have before.

So unknowingly, the roles of the couple have been subtly reversed, and Alice has become more of the one who makes the decision.

If it was a sensitive husband, he would probably be furious because of this, but Edgar was different. He was happy to leave the matter to others, so he had no objection; and because General Treville "She is better than you, listen to your wife in everything." He is also willing to refer to his wife's suggestions.

Just as Edgar was chuckling because the plan was going well, Alice suddenly looked at her husband again, her expression becoming serious.

"Edgar, there is something I want to ask you. I hope you won't hide it from me -"

"Huh?" This unexpected question made Edgar feel guilty for a while, because he had hidden too many shameful things from his wife.

"What's the matter...?" he asked tremblingly.

"When Teacher Bianca visited our home that day, you took the initiative to draw a portrait for everyone... I didn't care at the time, I just thought you were an artist's inspiration." Alice asked in a low voice, "And just now Recently, I learned another thing from my sister - His Majesty was assassinated before, and the murderer was probably Teacher Bianca. So I came up with a theory, did you do it on purpose that day? "

On the one hand, Edgar was afraid of his wife's question, but on the other hand, he was glad that she only asked about this matter. He felt guilty and no longer dared to hide it.

"Yes, my father received a secret letter from Your Majesty before. He said that he was stabbed by a female swordsman, and that this woman's swordsmanship was very good. My father thought that there are not many women with great skills in this world. , Her Majesty Agnes knew her, it was definitely not her, so it was natural to suspect Agnes’s master. Master Bianca happened to be visiting one day, so he asked me to find a way to draw the master’s appearance and show it to Your Majesty. ——So there’s what happens next.”

Edgar's explanation made sense and was similar to Alice's own guess, so Alice quickly accepted it.

"Edgar, when it comes to this matter alone, you did nothing wrong, and the same goes for me. But I don't like you deliberately hiding it from me. I don't like this feeling of being excluded..." Alice said solemnly. The husband said, "Our honor and disgrace have been bound to the Bonaparte family. I am fully aware of this fact and am willing to do my best to help our cause... At this time, you can no longer treat me If you don’t trust me anymore, you must tell me if you have similar things in the future! I am also a member of everyone, and His Majesty also trusts me! Recent events have shown that I may be able to withstand the situation better than you, at least I can Check for leaks and fill in the gaps, right?”

If I really tell you everything, what's the point? Edgar complained silently in his mind, not taking his wife's words to heart.

Of course, on the surface, he acted sincerely and agreed repeatedly.

In this way, the couple each has a secret, and they are destined not to be honest with each other.

But ultimately, Alice has never done anything to disgrace her husband or family. All her considerations are based on her family, and she can have a clear conscience; but Edgar has already committed a lot of sins and has let down the whole family. Affection, it is clear at a glance which one is more important in the balance of conscience.

Alice thought for a moment longer, then made up her mind and spoke again. "Agnes has learned about Master Bianca's assassination from His Majesty. In order to repay Your Majesty, she took the initiative to take on the important task of capturing Bianca for Your Majesty."

"Really?" Edgar was surprised. "What is she going to do?"

"She plans to challenge Bianca openly and win or lose based on the honor between swordsmen." Alice sighed.

... Edgar felt a little ridiculous when he heard these words, but for Agnes, they seemed so appropriate.

"As expected of her, she is so ambitious. Has Your Majesty agreed?"

"Your Majesty agreed... He appreciates the courage of others the most, but... I can't do it!" Alice suddenly shouted loudly, "The master is so powerful, I can't tolerate my sister risking her life, I don't understand What honor, how can it be as important as my sister’s life? What an upright duel, it’s just the self-deception of a brave man!”

well said! Edgar admired in his heart, he completely agreed with his wife's opinion.

"But that's not what we said. Agnes's character is so stubborn. No matter how we try to persuade her, she will definitely remain stubborn."

"Yes, I tried it. She was completely incompetent, so I gave up this useless effort and pretended to let her do her own thing." Alice shook her head and sighed again, "But...how? Maybe! How could I stand by and watch my sister risk her life? If I do this, if the worst happens, I will live with regret for the rest of my life."

"Then...what are you going to do?" Edgar asked.

"I plan to ask Dad for help and ask him to give me manpower and other help." Alice expressed her thoughts. "I don't know what to do yet, but I will definitely find a way to solve this problem, whether it's a conspiracy or not. , whether it's shooting, poisoning... I can do anything. I don't want any reputation or dignity. I just want her to live for me! No matter how beautiful life is, it's still life. No matter how brilliant death is, it's still death. If you die, there will be nothing, and it will only make us living people sad in vain... Agnes is younger than me, so she cannot die before me anyway, otherwise how can I explain to God?"

When she said this, Alice, who had always been calm and elegant, finally lost her composure. It was obvious that the fear for her sister's life made her no longer calm.

"Alice, don't worry... I will find a way!" Seeing his wife like this, Edgar quickly comforted her, "Okay, I will definitely help you, and I will also intercede with my father. Don't worry, Agnes will not die, and my father will never allow this tragedy to happen!"

This is also his true words. If Agnes really dies in the duel, even if she is only injured, disabled or disfigured, then his and his father's plan will immediately come to nothing, and the price paid before will be in vain. How could he accept this result? So this time he and his wife are a completely united front.

After getting her husband's promise, Alice finally felt at ease.

Although she had taken advantage of the opportunity to get something, she still felt that she was still so humble before fate. This small victory was not enough for her to escape the mercy of fate.

Therefore, she will control more things in the future, and for herself and her beloved family members, she must protect everything no matter what.

In this way, a unified tacit understanding was reached between the husband and wife.

After the violent storm ended, everything became calm, and the days passed quietly in a gentle rhythm. In the blink of an eye, it was time for the country dance held by the Agrons.

The sun was setting quietly, and in the dusk of the evening, Agnes was in her room, helplessly letting her sister play with her.

"Sister, is that enough?" she asked impatiently.

"Almost, almost." Alice replied casually while looking at the girl in the mirror.

If there were people here who were familiar with Agnes, they would be shocked by the girl in the mirror - is this really the usually heroic girl?

Her face was painted with fine powder, so it was almost dazzlingly white. Her eyebrows and eyeliner were also deliberately painted to be soft and soft. She was wearing a precious silk gauze skirt, and her fair skin was exposed in the high neckline. , is also deliberately highlighted by the lace.

Although the rise and fall of Agnes's chest was a little regrettable compared to married ladies such as Teresa and her sister, her tall and graceful figure easily made up for this flaw.

The girl, just like the one walking out of the painting, is full of amazing charm.

Alice looked at her sister carefully, then nodded with satisfaction.

"Agnes, you will dazzle everyone!"

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