Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eighteen, country dance

"Agnes, you will dazzle everyone!"

Her sister's compliment did not make Agnes happy. On the contrary, she blushed shyly, and even the powder on her face could not completely cover her shyness.

"You... this is too exaggerated. Do you really need to go to this point?" She complained softly, "Besides, this is not my style."

"Your style? A fierce style? It's better not to have that kind of style. It scares everyone around you away for no reason." Alice grabbed her sister, "This is the best look. With your talent, you should be charming." Overwhelm the crowd, become the queen of the ball, and let everyone marvel at you.”

"I don't want this..." Agnes still complained softly.

But she didn't want to quarrel with her sister at this time, so she could only endure it silently.

Logically speaking, she was unwilling to be dressed up like this in every way, but because of the situation, she had to "repay the favor" to the owner of the room and dress up beautifully to cheer for his dance.

To please others with your appearance instead of impressing them with your skills is really a shame in Agnes's opinion, but what can be done now? She could only endure it for the time being.

Having said that, Agnes was also a little confused when she looked at the bright and beautiful girl in the mirror.

Is this really me?

Alice's makeup skills were indeed impressive. The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became. The shame in her heart gradually faded away, and suddenly she felt a little proud.

Then he looked at himself in the mirror and winked his right eye playfully, as if to praise her for being so brilliant - of course, Agnes got the same response from the mirror.

"Mirror, mirror, have you ever seen a more beautiful girl?" she asked proudly.

"Dear Your Majesty the Queen, no more, you are the most beautiful woman in this country!"

Alice took over the joke without any problem, and imitated the magic mirror with a smile and gave the answer in the fairy tale. Then the two sisters burst out laughing at the same time, and they seemed to be back to the same situation a few years ago.

After playing around for a while, the two sisters finally finished their final preparations and then stood up together to leave.

Alice saw her sister look so good after being carefully dressed up,

There was no jealousy as a woman in her heart, only immense pride and a little bit of regret——

Alas, if she were luckier, she might actually become Her Majesty the Queen... In that case, why would she have to rack her brains and do all kinds of tricks for the sake of her family? It's a pity that due to a combination of fate, she will never have this opportunity.

Forget it, now that the matter has come to this, there is no point in thinking about it anymore. Things missed due to fate can also be obtained through hard work. Alice smiled bitterly in her heart, and then left with her sister.

Seeing his wife and sister-in-law coming out, Edgar hurriedly greeted her, preparing to enter the venue together as a couple.

When he walked in front of his wife, he finally saw what Agnes looked like now, and was stunned for a moment.

All the time, the Agnes he saw always looked fierce and without makeup. Although she was very beautiful, she was not the one he liked, so he didn't pay much attention to his aunt.

However, Agnes today, after being carefully dressed up, turned out to be so charming - even though she was not so charming that one look could seduce people, it had already shocked him.

Of course, this shock was also due to the contrast between Agnes before and after. If the Agnes he usually saw looked like this, Edgar, who had been having fun for so many years, would not be so stunning.

After a moment of confusion, Edgar finally reacted.

"Agnes, you are so cute today." He smiled and nodded to his wife and sister, "I think everyone will fall in love with you."

Unintentionally, he said exactly the same thing as his wife.

If Alice said this alone, Agnes thought it might be out of preference among her relatives; but if the playboy Edgar also said this, it should be considered a "real certification".

"Thank you for the compliment, sir." She endured the shame in her heart, and then replied in a low voice, "Personally, I don't want to bother dressing up like this, but since it is everyone's banquet, I should also do it. Add a bit of brilliance. If I can bring some happiness to the people present after I dress up, then my sister's hard work will be in vain."

Agnes's answer made Edgar even more stunned - not that she was wrong, but that she said it so appropriately and standardly that it simply didn't sound like what Agnes had said.

It turns out that you don't understand those coquettish tricks, it's just that you don't want to show them to people like us... He sighed regretfully in his heart.

Forget it, this girl is too tough, we are not allowed to touch her, and only Your Majesty is qualified to touch her... He sighed secretly in his heart.

Then, he abandoned those unnecessary distractions and took his wife and sister-in-law to the dance venue.

The so-called "venue" is actually just an open space.

On the one hand, it is because the farmhouse is simple and small, and it is not convenient for so many people to gather together; on the other hand, holding the dance in the open space is more in line with the theme of rural interest.

Although it was still evening, bonfires had been lit everywhere in the open space. Tables were placed next to the bonfires, and various fruits, vegetables, juices, and wine were placed on the tables.

This is fashionable and belongs to early spring. The temperature at night is not too high, but because of the bonfire, the temperature is still quite warm. This is also because men and women cannot wear too thick clothes for dancing, so they are prepared. measure.

The scheduled time was coming soon, so after the Edgars arrived, other people came over one after another.

At this time, as expected, Agnes immediately became the center of attention.

Although everyone had gotten to know Miss Agnes during this period, they still couldn't help but marvel at this brand-new girl - no one thought that Miss Agnes, who had always been bare-faced, would actually dress up in a certain way. Such a drastic change.

This is the real young lady from Paris... Everyone secretly sighed in unison.

Of course, in addition to sighs and praises, some people want to go further.

Leon Esposito, who is Aigron's confidant secretary, is a little bit ready to make a move.

He was moved by the beauty of the young lady in front of him, and he was going to follow the Italian custom and enthusiastically invite Miss Agnes to dance with him.

He didn't expect any romance to happen between him and the princess, but as long as he could hold hands and dance together tonight, it would be an unforgettable memory for him.

As the cardinal's nephew (actually an illegitimate son), Leon also received extremely strict etiquette education from an early age. After he made up his mind, he was ready to put it into action.

However, when he just took steps, a tall figure suddenly stood in front of him.

"My friend, what are you going to do?" the other party asked.

Leon couldn't help but pull his eyes away from Miss Agnes, and then realized that the person blocking him was His Majesty's captain of the guard, Andre Davout.

"Andre, I plan to invite Miss Agnes to dance with me." He didn't intend to hide it, so he answered in a low voice. "What do you want?"

"That's exactly why I stopped you." Andre nodded seriously, "Leon, you can't do this."

"What, has she already chosen a dance partner?" Leon was a little surprised.

"It's not that she has chosen her dance partner, but that someone has already chosen her as her partner - and no one else is allowed to share this honor." Andre replied in a low voice.

Although he didn't say who this 'someone' was, with Leon's mind, he could certainly guess who could do this.

Your Majesty... As soon as he thought of this word, the romantic light ignited in the heart of this Italian young man was extinguished in an instant.

With other people, he might have dared to take some romantic risks, but his employer was definitely not that easy to talk to. Since his guard captain intervened to stop him, it must have been because of his intention.

"Even...even if His Majesty likes her, there is no problem if I invite her to dance, right?" Leon asked somewhat unconvinced.

"If you insist, of course I can't stop you, but I advise you not to do stupid things-" Andre shook his head, and then replied suggestively. "This is not good for you. There are many beautiful ladies. There is no need for you to displease His Majesty, right?"

Sigh... Now that the words have come to this, Leon can only accept his fate with a wry smile.

"Okay, I understand, I won't disappoint anyone." He shrugged, and then gave up the idea he just had.

"However, His Majesty is really... too tyrannical. He not only has Miss Agnes as his dance partner, but Her Majesty the Queen will also attend, but Agnes is not allowed to find anyone else!"

"Some people have the right to be willful. I feel sorry for you that you are dissatisfied... Do you think I don't want to invite Miss Agnes? But since His Majesty has the order, we cannot spoil his interest. This is our obligation. ." Andre replied angrily, and then he shrugged, "Okay, sir, just enjoy tonight."

After saying that, he turned around and left, and then moved closer to another person - obviously, he was also doing the same job, "persuading" other people not to mess with Miss Agnes.

Leon Esposito looked at this scene helplessly, and then looked at Miss Agnes, who was dressed up.

He originally knew that His Majesty had a favorable eye for this young lady, and what His Majesty did now confirmed this even more.

For Leon, this is not just a romantic affair, but also closely related to his fate and future - because the backer he has found for himself is Her Majesty the Queen. If Her Majesty the Queen encounters any strong competitor and her status is shaken , then he will definitely be damaged as a result.

But what should be done? He couldn't think of a clue, so he finally decided to wait and see what would happen tonight.

As time goes by, the sun is about to go down, and the afterglow of the sunset makes the bonfire look more yellow and shiny.

At this moment, a group of people walked out of the main room and walked towards the venue.

Everyone immediately stopped whispering, and then bowed slightly to the people coming to welcome their arrival.

The ones in the middle of the crowd were naturally the Agrons.

Because it was a country dance, the two of them did not put on formal clothes. They just wore farm clothes. However, even with such simple outfits, they still looked handsome.

Surrounding them were Chanel and several maids who were married to Teresa - but it was different from usual. They were no longer wearing their daily simple uniforms, but bright skirts. Obviously they would also serve as Guests, participate in the dance together.

When the Aiglons walked to the center of the clearing, the sun had just set, and the bonfire, which was getting stronger and stronger, still illuminated the two of them brightly.

"Long live your Majesty!" cheers broke out from the crowd.

Because there were sentries on guard outside the farm, they were not worried about any trouble such cheering would bring.

"Good evening, everyone." Aigron made a gesture to stop everyone from cheering, and then looked at everyone with a smile, "If it were normal, when we had some celebration, I would give a speech to cheer everyone up; however, , today, we are just having fun and holding a dance in the country way. We should not make everything so formal and serious - so we will not use any more empty words tonight. There is no His Majesty here today, only with everyone. I am having fun together... Come, let us enjoy this moment together!"

As he finished speaking, several people nearby who had been prepared picked up various instruments and started playing drums to accompany the people present. Although everything was very simple, the efforts in Aiglon Next, the atmosphere was heightened.

With the help of the firelight, Aigron's eyes slowly wandered among the crowd, trying to find traces of that person.

It didn't take long for him to finally find her figure - at this time, Agnes was standing next to her sister and brother-in-law.

Wow...what a refreshing look!

Eggron was immediately attracted by the elaborate dress Alice had given his sister before - in a sense, the impact he received was similar to Edgar's, both coming from that sense of novelty.

At this moment, Agnes's eyes happened to catch sight of Agron, and the two people looked at each other.

Then, Agnes suddenly felt something was wrong. She lowered her gaze and saw the skin below her neck exposed in the collar.

Then, she was greatly embarrassed and wanted to give the young man a vicious look, but because of her dress at this time, she seemed unintimidating.

Even she knew this, so she was a little overwhelmed for a moment, because it was the first time that she came to a dance to "please others".

Hahahaha, Agnes, I told you you couldn't run away!

Seeing her nervous and at a loss, Aigron couldn't help but laugh in his heart, and his heart was filled with bad taste for a moment.

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