Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty, intoxicated

"Come on, Mr. Bastard!"

Agnes's angry but helpless look made Agron amused.

He just liked seeing Agnes like this.

However, now is not the time to continue teasing her. Aigron bowed slightly, and then stretched out his hand to Agnes.

Agnes looked away bitterly, but still honestly stretched out her hand and shook it with Agron.

Due to years of sword practice, Agnes's hands have some calluses, so her skin is a little rough, but today she is wearing silk gloves, so this small flaw has been made up for.

Aiglon touched this slender and silky hand, and for a moment he felt filled with a sense of accomplishment - there is no doubt that this is another milestone on his road to conquest, although he will not be satisfied with this little gain now. But tonight... it was time for him to enjoy the pleasure of overpowering Agnes.

He took Agnes's hand and together they returned to the center of the open dance floor.

This time, the two of them became the center of attention.

Agnes, who was all dressed up, undoubtedly "overwhelmed" the audience with her beauty, and Agron had the exclusive honor of dancing with her, and no one else even dared to be jealous.

Aiglon didn't say any more polite words, but looked at Alice who was standing by the bonfire not far away. Alice was also looking at the dance partners. After meeting His Majesty's eyes, she smiled all over her face, then knelt down and bowed to him. Aiglon saluted, as if wishing him and his sister the most pleasant experience in the future.

Then, she began to play music on the violin again, and together with other musicians, cheered for His Majesty and his sister.

"Agnes, look -" Aigron nodded to Alice, then looked down at Agnes, "Your sister hopes that we can have a good time, so don't let her down..."

When it came to her sister, Agnes lost her temper and just answered in a low voice.

"I know, haven't I been very cooperative today?"

"Just cooperation is not enough." Aigron shook his head. "You promised me that you would make everyone happy. I don't want you to complete this task with a grimace."

"Why, do I still have to happily please you?" Agnes asked unhappily.

"I can't be happy."

"Otherwise? Am I not qualified to get these?" Aigron shrugged.

Then, he squeezed Agnes's right hand and said, "Don't forget, if you adopt such an attitude, how can I be happy? There is no doubt that you are indeed well-dressed, and I admit that you are very stunning. Fascinating - but none of that compares to a genuine smile, and I wanted that tonight."

Because of the layer of gloves between them, Agnes felt a strange itching sensation coming from her right hand. She instinctively wanted to take her hand out, but now her reason stopped her.

"You are really greedy, you want everything." She couldn't help but sarcastically.

"Greedy? I don't think so. I'm not satisfied enough yet -" Agron shook his head in denial, "Agnes, do you remember what I said before?"

How could Agnes not remember? It was an offense she would never forget.

Her smile disappeared, her brow furrowed, and she glared at Agron.

"If you mention this again, I'm going to get angry!"

Aigron didn't reply, but looked at her with a smile, because he knew that she would never fall out now.

Sure enough, just as he expected, Agnes's scowl disappeared after a moment.

She owed this young man a huge favor, and she couldn't embarrass him in public, either emotionally or rationally. Besides, her sister was still watching, so she couldn't let her down.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally gave in and showed an ugly smile.

"Okay! Hurry up! Everyone is waiting, don't waste everyone's time."

Although her voice was stern and urgent, there was not much ferocity in it, but more like she was trying to cover up her own embarrassment.

"Hahahaha..." Aigron laughed heartily because he had teased Agnes again. "Okay, beautiful Miss Agnes."

Although he seemed a little childish, Aigron really liked seeing her angry, so he deliberately squeezed her.

"If you can't keep up with the pace, just tell me and I will cooperate with you."

However, he still warned Agnes next, after all, he didn't want to ruin Agnes's prom experience.

"Just go at your own pace, I don't need help!" Agnes replied angrily. "Don't underestimate me."

Now that Agnes said so, Agron said nothing more. The two held hands and started dancing in the open space.

Although I couldn't hear clearly what Aigron and Agnes were saying, since His Majesty didn't move, others didn't dare to move. Now seeing that they finally started, the other dance partners in the open space also danced and started the first dance. Two dances.

To be fair, due to the gap in experience, Agnes' dance steps are much more unfamiliar than Theresa's. However, Agnes has received strict guidance from her sister in the past few days, so she can keep up with Agron's rhythm.

Moreover, Agnes is very agile, so her steps are very nimble. Even if she makes some mistakes in her dance steps, she can immediately cover them up without any flaws, without hindering others.

Agron didn't care about this. The reason why he wanted to dance with Agnes was not to get a perfect dance partner, but because she was Agnes - even if she couldn't dance at all, she would only struggle here. Moving on the ground brings the same pleasure to him.

In this way, under the light of the bonfire, the two people danced face to face. Soon everything around them was forgotten, and only each other was left in their eyes, and they devoted themselves to the dance.

Aiglon was okay, after all, he had been used to this since he was a child, but for Agnes, this was almost a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

She and a young man were only a few dozen centimeters away from each other, and they had to stare at each other all the time, and their hands hugged each other tightly... Moreover, although this young man's behavior made her a little disdainful, she could not help but If she doesn't admit it, he is much more powerful than her, which is beyond her reach.

And he is right next to him at this moment, this hateful guy... Why is he still unwilling to be satisfied when he already has so many things? Why does he have to treat himself like this?

Although her body was constantly moving and rotating, Agnes' eyes were always watching the young man quietly. His handsome face looked majestic because of his power and elegant because of his knowledge. At this time, he was also silently watching the young man. He looked at himself as if his eyes were reflecting the shining starlight...

Like a miraculous act, Agnes was momentarily confused by the starlight, her steps paused, and her upper body fell back according to her accustomed dance steps.


In this flash of lightning, Agnes woke up immediately. However, her body was unable to regain its original balance due to inertia and fell backwards.

Aiglon also noticed something was wrong, and quickly took a step forward, hoping to put his arms around Agnes to prevent her from falling to the ground, but because he was caught off guard, his movement was still a beat slow.

If this continues, Agnes may fall to the ground.

Of course, Agnes didn't want to make such a fool of herself, so she used force on her legs, and then relied on herself to force her body back and bend, and then hovered in mid-air. Perhaps only a girl like her, who has practiced martial arts since childhood, can perform such difficult body movements in an instant.

Aiglon was surprised and admired, and was almost stunned, but he immediately came to his senses, put his arms around the girl's waist, and then helped her back to her original position.

The whole round was so electric that it seemed like two people were deliberately dancing in coordination. No one around them knew that the girl was almost embarrassed just now.

Because Agron was the person involved, he was naturally a little surprised. However, he felt that Agnes was technically unskilled and it was normal for accidents to happen, so he just gave her an encouraging smile.

"It's amazing, Agnes...I'm not sarcastic. I admire your performance just now. I'm afraid only you can withstand it."

This compliment did not make Agnes feel happy. Her face was burning. She was not only ashamed that she had almost been embarrassed just now, but also felt doubly ashamed of the reason for her "mistake".

She knew that the mistake she made just now was not due to technical reasons, but because she was distracted for a moment.

This is something that must never be said.

In order to hide this shame, she unsurprisingly chose to show anger.

"I said, don't underestimate me. How could such a small situation be so hard to stop me?" She glared at Aigron angrily, "Go on."

Aiglon was not selfish and did not want to laugh at her for this matter, so he and Agnes continued to dance.

Perhaps because they gradually became familiar with each other, the cooperation between the two people also became more skillful from unfamiliarity. The little disturbance just now was also left behind, and the boy and the girl continued to be obsessed with each other. In each other's world.

And outside this small world, there was also a pair of eyes watching them silently.

At this time, Theresa was sitting at the table and resting.

There was no one around her. Others were either dancing or did not dare to get close to Her Majesty the Queen, so she left a large space for her.

Teresa's expression was very calm, with no hint of joy or anger, but it was this calmness that was incompatible with the joyful atmosphere around her that made her exude an aura that kept strangers away.

Since Her Majesty the Queen looks unhappy, no one dares to invite Her Majesty the Queen to dance with her and disturb her peace.

Teresa looked at the happy people on the dance floor without saying a word - to be precise, there were only two people in her eyes.

Needless to say, her husband danced skillfully and his posture was as elegant as ever; and the girl looked stunningly beautiful after dressing up, and although her dance steps were a bit unfamiliar, she still showed that pleasing to the eye. Light and graceful.

She has always been a person who faces reality and will never deny others easily because of her personal happiness and anger, so even if she is unhappy, she admits that Agnes dances beautifully.

Just how good-looking he is can be felt from the smile on the young man's face...

Seeing them talking and laughing, Teresa picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine silently.

She didn't raise any objection to Aigron's arrangement because she had no objection in the first place, but deep down in her heart, this didn't mean that she really accepted it without any trouble.

Anyone can do it, but it was Miss Agnes... When she thought of this, she felt an indescribable feeling of boredom.

She knew that her husband had always looked at Miss Agnes differently and never forgotten her. She even imagined that if she had not left Austria to find her fiancé, maybe he would pursue Miss Agnes.

The more she knew this, the more uncomfortable she felt.

In the past, she could comfort herself. After all, Agnes seemed to be sincere to His Highness and had no intention of committing herself to His Highness. Moreover, Mrs. Alice also assured her that she had indeed moved Agnes and His Highness before. The delusional idea of ​​getting married was now a thing of the past. She had never thought of letting her sister get close to His Majesty.

Teresa believes these words, but looking at the current situation, Miss Agnes does not seem to be so resistant to contact with His Majesty - her words can be deceiving, but her body language during the dance with His Majesty cannot be deceived. of.

The authorities were fascinated, but Teresa, who had been watching with a cold eye, noticed a situation she did not want to see.

In other words, the situation has become dangerous now. If the situation is allowed to develop like this, then something unpredictable may happen.

So, what to do? Teresa thought silently in her mind.

She has always been a humble and polite person, and she will not take the initiative to have any evil thoughts towards others, but this does not mean that she only knows how to accept the situation. On the contrary, the pride in her heart that comes from the royal blood makes her absolutely not afraid. To do things that others dare not imagine.

In essence, she, like her husband and indeed the rest of the royal family, genuinely believes that she can do anything in this world, it just depends on whether she is willing to do so.

Obviously, the main responsibility for this matter lies with His Highness, but Miss Agnes also has a certain responsibility. Although she still doesn't know why Miss Agnes suddenly changed her normal behavior and was so cooperative and submissive to His Highness, she wanted to get rid of it. Know all about it.

"His Majesty……"

While she was thinking silently, a voice suddenly sounded next to her.

Teresa turned her head to look at the person who dared to disturb her, and then discovered that it was Chanel.

"Chanel, what's the matter?" Because of Chanel's special status between the couple, she suppressed her impatience and asked Chanel gently. "Why don't you dance anymore?"

What else can be done...other than to solve problems for the master...Chanel replied in his heart.

"I'm here to relieve your boredom, Your Majesty..." Then, with a smile on her face, she took the initiative to sit next to Theresa.

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