Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-one, solution

"I'm here to relieve your boredom, Your Majesty..."

Chanel's humility and smile did not make Theresa feel happy, but she would not be angry with Chanel, so she just replied calmly, "Thank you for your kindness, Chanel. But I don't feel bored. I'm just resting because I was tired from dancing just now, I'll be fine in a moment."

Even Teresa herself felt that her words were insincere, let alone Chanel, so she did not resign, but boldly continued to sit next to Theresa.

"Your Majesty the Queen, are you...are you unhappy with what Your Majesty has done?" After a moment of silence, she mustered up the courage to ask.

This question immediately stunned Teresa.

Since you can clearly see it, why do you ask?

In any case, it was rude, almost sarcastic.

Teresa didn't understand why Chanel, who had always been well-behaved and submissive, would actually cause trouble in front of her tonight. Could it be that she felt that her master had a new love, so she didn't need to pretend to be humble?

When she thought of this, she felt even more angry.

If you really think so, you are totally wrong. I have plenty of ways to deal with you.

But even though she was angry, Teresa still didn't lose her composure. She didn't want so many people to see her joke, so she just laughed coldly.

"That's not the case, they just danced, what's the big deal? Of course I won't be angry about it -"

Although she said so, her expression was enough to make Chanel next to her feel chilled.

But Chanel can also understand Princess Teresa's mood at this time - after all, His Majesty has always been obsessed with Miss Agnes, and during this period, he used various means to coax and coax her here. By the way, Teresa didn't say anything but she saw everything. She was very smart to begin with, so naturally she wouldn't be hidden by a few sweet words. Now she saw this couple dancing in front of her as if no one else was around. If she didn't have any thoughts in her heart. Anger is strange.

In the final analysis, it is all His Majesty's responsibility... Although Chanel has almost infinite loyalty to His Majesty in her heart, she understands the fact that even a three-year-old child can see clearly.

It was obvious that although Princess Teresa loved His Majesty very much, she was by no means the kind of person who would swallow her anger, let alone watch her husband behave in front of her.

If she was willing to protect herself wisely, she could hide far away to avoid being affected by the anger of the two majesties, but she was unwilling to stay out of it in any case.

It is out of her strong sense of loyalty and mission that she arbitrarily added an "important task" to herself that she may not be able to bear - to try her best to bridge the possible rift between the two majesties, so that his majesty's career will not be compromised because of the couple. damaged due to disputes.

You must know that Princess Teresa is not only His Majesty's legal wife, but also His Majesty's important "patron". She and her father have always tried their best to help him, which not only gave His Majesty a great favor, but also had a huge influence. If the two people really fall out, Your Majesty will definitely pay the price.

Your Majesty has obviously ignored Her Majesty the Queen's thoughts for the sake of your own interests, so you should bravely stand up and make up for his omissions - she is not so arrogant that she can make up for everything, but she will try her best to do what she can.

So at this moment when Princess Teresa was obviously very angry, she boldly came to the princess's side and became the first victim of this anger.

"Your Majesty, please don't misunderstand me. I...I am definitely not here to ridicule you. I dare not and do not want to do that." Seeing Theresa's expression was not good, Chanel quickly confessed, "I have always been I have the utmost respect for you and have never been rude in any way, and that will continue to be the case today.”

"With respect, that may be true, but the way you show respect is to devote yourself to my husband?" Teresa asked. "I should thank you for taking such good care of him, right?"

Being robbed of her beauty by the hostess, Shanel suddenly turned pale, lowered her head, and looked at the feet of the princess with great shame, as if she was speechless.

Of course she knew what she had done. Even if the identities of the princess and the maid were stripped away, she was still a woman who had seduced someone else's husband. She was naturally on the wrong side. Previously, she could do so because of the silence of Her Royal Highness the Princess. She comforted herself secretly, but when His Highness pointed it out to her face, she could only lower her head and silently accept the scolding she deserved.

She could only lower her head and survive the heavy rain, waiting for the princess to calm down before speaking.

Chanel's guilty silence finally made Theresa wake up from her anger.

She had tacitly agreed to the previous things. For her, it was pointless to let her husband relieve his boredom at the maid's place. It was just that she was in a bad mood today and was triggered by Chanel again, so she broke out in anger.

She didn't plan to go any further - since she had acquiesced to this kind of 'dedication' before, she shouldn't bring it up now, as it would only show her capriciousness; besides, being jealous of Chanel was unimaginable to her. , Ridiculous things, she shouldn't do it.

Teresa sighed, then picked up the wine glass again and took a sip to calm her turbulent mood.

"Sorry, Chanel, I said the wrong thing." Then, she apologized gently to Chanel, "I'm really fine, so I won't bother you. You can go dance and have fun. I'll just take a rest." ”

Her Royal Highness the Princess's apology and comfort moved Chanel even more. For her, it would not be an exaggeration to bear a punishment a hundred times more severe for what she had done, but even under such circumstances, she was still unwilling to vent her anger on him. I really have nothing to say.

——She is not a perfect saint, but she will never take the initiative to vent her malice on others, let alone bully the weak based on her status.

Chanel has been serving in the palace since she was a child. She is used to the arrogance and ruthlessness of the nobles. She has also worked for the always arrogant Her Majesty Sophie for many years, so she has enough comparison objects to determine her characteristics as a princess. Lesa, such a character is so rare and precious.

Alas...it's a pity that Your Majesty will never be satisfied.

"Your Majesty, it's okay. If blaming me can make you a little happier, just blame me. This is also my obligation." Chanel replied with a smile, "Besides, as you said, I I have the right to be jealous of Miss Agnes..."

In fact, Chanel is not jealous of Miss Agnes. On the contrary, she admires and loves her very much. However, in order to appease Theresa and give her a feeling that "she is on her side", Chanel deliberately used such words. .

Sure enough, after hearing what Chanel said, the anger in Theresa's eyes immediately dissipated a lot.

It made her feel better that there was at least one person tonight who, like her, would not applaud Miss Agnes's dress and dance.

"Then what do you want to say to me?" she then asked.

Chanel breathed a sigh of relief, and then took advantage of this opportunity to immediately say what he had already thought of.

"Actually, Miss Agnes did not intend to seduce His Majesty... It is understandable why she changed her previous behavior."

Then, she told Theresa that there was a catastrophe in Agnes's family and that the Duke asked Agron for help, so Agnes chose to please Agron in order to repay her kindness. Of course, she told Teresa more about the inside story. I dare not say it anymore.

After hearing this, Teresa felt relieved immediately. She raised her head again and looked at the two people still dancing not far away. The anger in her eyes dissipated a lot.

Miss Agnes did not break her past promise, she only deliberately tried to please His Highness out of repayment of gratitude, which is understandable.

In this way, all the responsibility seems to fall on the dead ghost of his own head.

"It's so hard to hide it from me! You never say anything to me!" She frowned, then cursed softly.

Seeing that he had cleared Miss Agnes' responsibility first, Chanel secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then she should work hard to exonerate His Majesty.

"His Majesty does not only do so many things just for a dance, he also hopes to recruit a famous old noble to serve him so that he can use it as a sign. In order to make it acceptable to people from all walks of life. Your Majesty, he considers this sign to be indispensable.”

Teresa runs this business with her husband, and of course she knows that this reason is impeccable, but she also knows that His Highness is also using it for personal gain, manipulating the current situation, and taking the opportunity to get close to Miss Agnes—— And from the current point of view, he has been quite successful.

But it was difficult for Theresa to accuse her husband at this time. She couldn't say that he had bad motives, so he could deny it completely.

When she thought of this, Teresa felt helpless.

"Your Highness has to deliberately guard against concealing anything from his wife. Isn't it disrespectful?" She sighed.

Then, she looked at Chanel again, "Chanel, answer me honestly, I...have I ever been inferior to Miss Agnes in any way? I know she is radiant and her skills are admirable, but don't I make her Is it a place that people praise?"

Ah... coming, coming...

Shanel suddenly felt a headache. How could she answer this question easily? We can't just say that the dissolute kings and grandsons just like the new and hate the old and don't know how to be satisfied.

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? You are humble, polite, dignified, talented, and even more royal. Who can tell you any shortcomings..." She quickly comforted Teresa. "Miss Agnes is indeed excellent, but she is definitely not as good as you in this aspect. No matter what others think, in my opinion, you are the best queen, and you are simply destined to be the mother of our country..."

"Then if that's the case, why is he still dancing with Miss Agnes so obsessed at this moment?" Teresa glanced at her husband.

"..." Chanel was stuck for a moment.

"Hmph! Even if you don't tell me, I know that those dissolute princes and grandsons just like the new and hate the old, and they don't know how to be satisfied!" Before Chanel could finish speaking, Theresa revealed the answer in Chanel's heart, "Obviously I love him so much. , obviously I worked so hard to help his career... I already knew what kind of style he was. I have never seen what princes and princes are like? What kind of virtues do poets have? I have never seen them? What's more, this guy is Wang Sun is a poet again! Double unruly, superimposed on this hateful guy!"

Why are you telling me this when you already know this... Chanel complained in her heart. Of course, she didn't dare to say it out loud and could only smile awkwardly and listen quietly.

At this point, Teresa held her forehead and seemed to be sighing, "Oh, I knew all this, but I still love him...all his shortcomings combined are not enough to erase the things in my heart that make me sad." Fascinating virtues, I love his magnanimity, the poems he wrote, and even more his ambition... I see that there are many wandering princes and grandsons around me, but there is only one, His Highness, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to always be with you. With His Highness, in this case, I should also swallow all the shortcomings. If I want to get everything I want, then I should give everything I have."

"Your Majesty...?" Chanel was a little confused for a moment.

"Don't be afraid, Chanel, I'm not angry." Theresa smiled slightly, then shook her head, "I'm just protecting everything I have, even if I'm fighting the windmill, I have to stand strong. Because this is the happiness I want to protect... I love His Highness, and no one in the world understands him better than me. I should bravely face the real him and the real myself."

Chanel was stunned and had no idea what Princess Teresa was talking about.

However, she could also clearly see that the angry aura that surrounded the princess just now had gradually disappeared. Her Highness's spirit regained her strength, and she no longer took her anger out on Miss Agnes.

At least this means that his mission has come to an end today?

"Your Majesty, now that you have figured it out, that's great... I'll take my leave first, and you can continue to rest." So, she was ready to leave to Teresa.

"Don't leave yet, Chanel." Teresa suddenly stretched out her hand and held Chanel's hand.

"Your Majesty?" Chanel was caught off guard.

"Chanel, as you just said, you and I at least stand together on this matter." Teresa continued calmly speaking to Chanel, "I tolerated what you did before, and I also I can continue to tolerate it, because I know that you cannot tarnish or wear away everything I cherish... Since His Highness treats you as a family member, I can also treat you as a family member. I will never make things difficult for you, let alone do anything wrong. Things that are not good for you, you can rest assured about that.”

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Chanel quickly thanked Theresa.

"But, some people are different." Teresa suddenly changed the topic, "I don't hate Miss Agnes, even now, I just don't want...I don't want the things I cherish to be tarnished by others, You may be able to understand, maybe not, but I hope you are on the same footing and can understand my painstaking efforts. I am by no means a saint with flawless morals, but I have never taken the initiative to express malice towards others in my life, and I will never do so in the future. Even in the face of the Doomsday Judgment, I can say this to the angel with a clear conscience. Chanel, based on your understanding of me, do you think I lied?"

"No... Your Majesty." Under Teresa's gaze, Chanel nodded.

"Okay, thank you." Teresa let go of her hand, "I feel relieved."

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