Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-two, toughness and questioning

"I feel relieved."

Chanel was a little confused about Theresa's words. She wanted to ask, but she didn't know how to ask.

And Theresa obviously didn't want to talk to her anymore, so she could only suppress her confusion and bowed to Theresa again to leave.

Chanel knew that there was a big difference between herself and Her Highness the Princess, and the Princess was very opinionated, even her parents could do nothing if she was stubborn, so she never had the extravagant hope of getting Her Highness to obey her.

Being able to persuade the princess to calm down temporarily today was already the best outcome she expected.

In the final analysis, she also felt that Her Royal Highness the Princess had no fault in this matter and everything was His Majesty's responsibility.

Of course, that's what it says. Between the two majesties, she will only stand unconditionally on the side of the real master. Even if she knows who is right and who is wrong, she will not change her mind - because her loyalty is deep in her heart and she is inseparable from her right. Wrong is irrelevant.

Because of this, she would settle the young man's romantic debt regardless of right or wrong, and regardless of danger, hoping fully to avoid the nightmare of a breakup between husband and wife.

Agron was unaware of the little commotion happening next to him. At this time, he was immersed in the fun of dancing with Agnes. This not only satisfied his vanity, but also satisfied him. desire to conquer.

Agnes was charming enough in her own right, and her attitude of coexistence of resistance and endurance made this young man deeply fascinated.

For Agnes, she was also a little dazed at this time. In the melodious music, her thinking ability was a little slow as she danced gracefully. She only knew how to instinctively take steps to match her dance partner.

It is undeniable that although Agron has a bad character and is frivolous and dissolute, he also has many advantages that his peers cannot match (or it is precisely because of these assets that he can be successful). After all, Agnes is also a girl. When facing him face to face When you dance, you will inevitably get infected.

What's more, this is the first time she has met a peer who can keep pace with her in swordsmanship...

Growing up, Agnes had almost no rivals among her peers, and she had countless defeated enemies. However, this hateful guy always bullied her but left her helpless, and the sword she was proud of could not act as a deterrent.

This kind of unreasonable strength peeled off the aura that Agnes had applied to herself with her sword.

The girl, who was usually majestic and intimidating, truly returned to her original self - that shy, yet cute girl.

At this time, she was immersed in a world with only two people, just like Theresa who danced with Agron at Schonbrunn Palace.

After an unknown amount of time, the music gradually stopped, which meant that the second song was over.

It's a pity...Aigron secretly cried regret in his heart, but he could only stop, and Agnes also stopped because of this.

He still held Agnes's hand, and then found that Agnes seemed to be in a trance at this time.

"Miss Agnes?" Aiglon called softly.

Agnes finally came to her senses, and then she looked up at Agron, "Is it over?"

"Yes, this piece of music has ended...but there will be more to come. If you are willing, we can continue." Aigron replied with a smile, "But now, taking advantage of this pause, we can rest one time."

After saying this, he took Agnes and bowed down to say goodbye, while the other dance partners also said goodbye. Amidst cheers, the second piece was completed.

Agron walked to the sidelines with the silent Agnes, then picked up the wine glass and took a sip, feeling relieved both physically and mentally.

The night was already deep, but people's interest was getting higher and higher, burning like a bonfire nearby. After all, after staying in this deserted village for so long, everyone felt a little depressed and wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to have fun.

However, Agnes seemed a little worried at this time and did not appear very happy.

Aigron was a little confused about this - wasn't she quite involved just now? Why did it suddenly become like this again?

"Agnes, are you tired? Why don't you go have something to drink to relieve your fatigue?" So he asked thoughtfully.

tired? Why am I tired? How can this amount of exercise be compared to when I was practicing swordsmanship? Agnes smiled bitterly in her heart.

Her body was not tired. On the contrary, she felt quite comfortable after dancing. However, the entanglement and exhaustion in her heart made her unhappy.

Where does this feeling of exhaustion come from? Agnes asked herself.

It didn't come from dancing with him. On the contrary, she had just been completely immersed in it, almost forgetting herself. This was the first time Agnes had experienced this feeling at a dance.

This young man is an excellent dance partner. His body is strong and stretched, allowing even a young novice like himself to experience the joy - not just dancing. In other aspects, he is also dazzling enough, without losing the quality of a noble man. .

Isn't it a kind of "praise" to be remembered by such a person? Even Agnes herself believed deep down in her heart that she would never be a better match for her in the future.

It's a pity that he is already married.

Yes, he was already married...and lost before it even started.

It was this irrefutable fact that Agnes found distressing and irritating.

Just because she knew this fact, she felt a little angry in her heart, a kind of anger directed at the fate of fate. This anger came from Agnes's subconscious. Even she couldn't tell what it was aimed at. In the end, The outward expression became anger towards the young man.

"I'm fine, sir." The anxiety and troubles in Agnes's heart were finally vented in a stiff attitude, "I am indeed tired, so that's it for today."

"That's it?" Aigron looked at Agnes in disbelief, "Why?! We have just started. Don't forget you promised me..."

"I did promise to dance with you to entertain you, and I have done it now -" Agnes protested sternly, "Now I have done what I should do..."

"One song is not enough to keep me entertained -" Aigron interrupted her with a sneer, "There is more to come, and I hope to continue. If you are tired, I can order others to continue waiting until you rest. Okay, let’s continue, is that okay?”

Agnes looked at the other party's unexplainable expression and felt even more anxious for no reason.

"Can't you understand me? There are so many ladies here. As long as you are willing to invite anyone to dance with you, they will happily agree. Why do you keep demanding on me?"

"Of course it is necessary, because they are them, and Agnes is Agnes!" Agnes frowned and looked at the other party, "Agnes, your words can deceive people, but your hands and your body cannot deceive others. You, at least you can't fool me - when we danced just now, you were obviously very involved and enjoying it, why did you suddenly refuse now? Also, you promised to let me have fun, and just dancing to a piece of music will not make me happy. I feel happy, but it will only make me feel regretful, so you should keep your promise to the end, right?!"

After a pause, Agron softened his tone and said, "Sorry, Agnes, logically I shouldn't be so blunt, but you are so beautiful today... I can't bear to say goodbye, so I ask you to be kind." , can you satisfy this trivial wish of mine?"

Agron's words made Agnes blush immediately - she couldn't tell whether it was because of the wine or something else.

Of course she knew that with the current situation at home, it would be unwise to rashly anger this young man - her father's hint also told her to try her best to please this young man.

However, the anxiety in her heart made it impossible for her to calm down.

"Why are you...why are you forcing me like this!" Agnes looked at Aiglon with aggrieved eyes, "You can obviously let go of everything, but you insist on keeping me from sleeping!"

This complaint, coupled with her gleaming eyes, instantly made the girl look more pitiful and pitiful, so much so that Aigron was stunned.

So beautiful...Agnes actually has moments like this.

Not only did Agnes's complaints not have the effect she wanted, but it had the opposite effect, stimulating the young man's stubborn delusions.

He has already seen that Agnes's mentality is fragile at this time. Although she doesn't know the reason, she is a little confused. Therefore, instead of being unable to decide anything, she is happy to let others make decisions for her.

Humph, in this case, she doesn't need to think too much.

"Let go of everything? No, I can't let go. Not only do I not let go, I also want to hold on to everything I want. I don't want to miss anything..." Agron replied in a low voice and directly hugged Agni again. Si's right hand, "I just want to be a part of your life, because you moved me! I want to catch you, today and in the future."

While saying such outrageous words, he grabbed Agnes and prepared to take her back to the clearing to continue dancing until she was satisfied.

But Agnes did not resist as fiercely as before. Just as Aigron thought, at this time, she was still immersed in the mental shock just now, and she was still a little confused, so Aigron held her hand forcefully. At this time, she even felt inexplicably comfortable and relieved.

Forget it, forget it, since she promised to let him enjoy herself tonight, let's do as he wishes... This thought flashed through her mind, and she took a step forward involuntarily.

Just as the two were about to return to the dance floor to start the third song, a slender figure suddenly approached the two of them without leaving a trace.

"Theresa...?" Aigron quickly recognized the other party's appearance, and then subconsciously stopped.

"Your Highness, do you still want to dance?" Theresa looked as usual and asked Aigron with a smile.

Perhaps it was because she had drunk some wine. Although Teresa was not carefully dressed tonight, she had a charming blush on her face, as if she had applied a layer of rouge. Coupled with her slim figure, her beauty was equally astonishing.

It's a pity that the prodigal prince was busy with his new conquest at this time and did not have time to appreciate the charm of his wife.

"Yes." Aigron replied with a normal expression, "I am about to take Miss Agnes to dance——"

Aiglon has nothing to feel guilty about. After all, he is free to dance with whomever he wants tonight.

"Didn't you two dance just now? It's time to change partners now -" Teresa replied calmly, "It just so happens, Your Highness, I have already taken a break from the last song. Now that I'm in the mood, let's go dance." Support it?"

"But didn't we dance just now?" Aigron asked.

"Your Highness, just now the two of us were leading the dance as the owners of this place, out of etiquette; now, we are dancing as partners, purely out of fun, and the two are of course different." Teresa said in an awkward tone. Talk about your own fallacies with an unashamed attitude. "I think no one will question us, right?"

Of course no one would be stupid enough to question you...Aigron complained in his mind.

In any case, Teresa suddenly ran over and asked the two of them to dance with such a strong attitude, which had disrupted his plan.

Before the original dance started, he had predicted that Theresa would be unhappy, but he thought he could fool it after the dance - after all, anyone can find anyone as a partner at the dance, and Theresa would not say no even if she was unhappy. For whatever reason.

But he didn't expect that Teresa didn't want to find any excuse at all. After he only danced with Agnes, she directly approached him and asked to dance with him.

This unexpected situation was something he had not expected, so he had no plan.

Teresa was angry. He had been prepared for this, but she was obviously not just angry. She would probably continue to ask her husband to dance with her for various reasons - which meant that her plan was wiped out. What made Agnes so cooperative and obedient was all in vain...

Aiglon felt a little nervous, and his mind was working rapidly to find a solution.

It's definitely not possible to quarrel directly with Teresa. Teresa wants face and he wants it too. Judging from Teresa's current attitude, if she doesn't give her face anymore, I'm afraid she will definitely not be afraid of ruining the place on the spot. At that time, both of them were disgraced, everyone broke up unhappy, and they themselves became the butt of jokes.

I failed to calculate this... I made a mistake.

After a moment he spoke again.

"But I've already told Miss Agnes, and it would be rude to leave her now. How about this, Teresa, I'll finish the song with her first, and then it's our turn for the next one. ——”

Aigron felt very sorry, but due to the situation at this time, he had no choice but to give in and reap the "results" of the battle as much as possible.

How about asking the musicians to extend the time of the next song? He thought to himself.

"Really? Did Miss Agnes really agree? Why do I think you are forcing yourself on others?" Teresa calmly watched Agron holding Agnes' hand.

Then, with a smile, she asked Agnes again, "Miss Agnes, have you really agreed to continue dancing with my husband?"

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