Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-three, round field

"Miss Agnes, have you really agreed to continue dancing with my husband?"

Teresa asked Agnes in a calm tone.

It was obvious to all three people that she was definitely not asking calmly.

Is this threatening me? Agnes asked in her mind.

As if a spell had been activated, in an instant, the pride that had been suppressed by Aiglon returned to her heart. The girl's eyes were no longer chaotic and confused as before, but a little more sharp.

In her opinion, she did not make any mistakes, but was seeking perfection for her family. As a result, she sacrificed so much, but was insulted in front of Princess Teresa regardless of etiquette.

The girl's sensitive heart beat rapidly because of this sting.

She was a little in awe of Aiglon, but she had never been in awe of Teresa, and she never thought about pleasing this "Her Majesty the Queen."

There is no doubt that she is willing to give Teresa the respect she deserves, but this does not mean that she is willing to let herself be treated as her servant by Her Highness the Princess - she owes Aiglon, but she does not owe Teresa's.

Moreover, deep down in her heart, she still had a half-bright resentment that even she was not aware of - you have already got everything, why are you still so aggressive? Isn't it okay to just dance?

"Yes, Your Highness Princess, I just agreed, so now we are preparing to go there." It was driven by pride and resentment that Agnes, who was watched by Theresa, regained her composure, and then answered calmly. she.

This answer was so unexpected that Teresa was stunned. Even Agron didn't react. He didn't expect Agnes, who was so coy just now, to respond to Teresa so firmly. Shah.

Logically speaking, he should be happy, but for a moment he hesitated because he was worried that Agnes's decisive attitude would trigger further conflicts - Teresa was obviously angry today, and now Agnes refused to give in an inch of ground. Maybe it will make the situation worse.

Just like that, the three people suddenly fell into a wordless silence, and the people nearby had also noticed the situation here (it would be strange if they didn't notice that the two His Majesties were present), and they all cast their eyes in astonishment.

His Majesty and Agnes are standing on one side, and Princess Theresa is standing opposite them - even if they don't hear what they are saying, this scene can already arouse their rich imagination.

And this association may not be much different from reality.

Aigron knew that he couldn't delay it any longer. If he delayed it any longer, the three of them might really become the subject of conversation or even the laughing stock.

Besides, today's incident was all caused by him. He miscalculated Teresa's reaction and led to this situation. Therefore, he should be the one to suppress the incident and bear all the responsibilities.

How should that be solved?

It's definitely not possible to leave Agnes behind. If you do that, you will go back on your word, which will make you appear to be evil, and you will never be able to win Agnes's favor again in the future.

"Thank you, Agnes." After making up his mind, Agron whispered to Agnes, "Wait for me here for a while, I will be back soon, and we will dance to the next song."

Then, he walked to Theresa's side.

At this time, Theresa also reacted from the surprise. She looked at Agnes with a complicated expression, and then spoke. "Then it seems that I have disturbed your enjoyment? Miss Agnes, I originally thought that you, as an expert, were not interested in these worldly entertainments at all, but I didn't expect that you also have something in common with ordinary girls like us. Woolen cloth."

"Teresa, let's say a few words." Before Agnes could answer, Agron had already walked up to Theresa, then whispered into her ear.

"Why do you do this? It embarrasses everyone."

"Your Highness, I should be the one to ask you this question - why did you do this?" Teresa did not flinch and asked Agron, "You have tried so hard to hide so many things from me, I think you also It’s quite tiring.”

Aigron was slightly embarrassed.

In any case, he was at fault, and after the two of them had been together for so long, he knew that Teresa could see through his sweet words, so telling some obvious lies would not only fail to deceive her, but would make her even more angry.

"This is a trivial matter to begin with. I was afraid that you would be angry, so I didn't say anything." Aigron sighed, "And judging from the results, my worries were not wrong."

"So, you are accusing me of making trouble out of nothing?" Teresa was unhappy when she heard this. "Your Highness, you and I have been sleeping in the same bed for so long, do you really think that I am so angry because of such a trivial matter? ? Haven't I been trying to make you happy? What I'm angry about is not who you danced with, but that you kept hiding it from me until the last moment, watching Miss Agnes look new and watching you dance and I didn't know this Everything—I don’t need to explain so much, you must know what I think!”

Alas, there is no way to say that.

Eggron did know what Teresa meant.

But he just wasn't that upright, so he couldn't be completely honest with Teresa.

In his original expectation, Teresa would definitely get angry, but he didn't expect that she would change her usual reserve and explode it directly at the dance in advance - the reason for such unusual behavior between the two of them is probably It's because he occupies too important a position in her heart.

It was even heavier than she thought, so she ignored her dignity as a princess and threw away her restraint and became angry on the spot.

For a moment, he regretted that he had gone too far, but now that he was on a tightrope, he could only go to the end no matter what - in terms of the balance of gains and losses, since Theresa was already angry, no matter what the loss, It has already been done; then if I give in completely in order to make her happy, I will severely bruise Agnes and suffer double losses.

Then the only choice is to continue.

"Teresa, I think I should explain to you why Miss Agnes has a new look tonight-" Agron hesitated for a moment before he was ready to speak.

"Chanel has already told me her reasons, so I don't want to blame her for anything. She has done a good job. If I were in her position, I would do the same." Teresa interrupted Agron. , "But - if Miss Agnes just intends to repay the favor, then I have already given the steps just now, and she can just walk down by herself. Why doesn't she go?"

Misunderstood, you really misunderstood... On Teresa's side, starting from Greece, she always thought that Agnes and Agron had an affair, and she struggled with it until it was exploded today. She didn't. I thought that everything was just His Highness's fault.

But of course Aiglon would not expose this misunderstanding for her.

"That's because you're being too aggressive, my dear." Aigron shook his head, "Agnes is someone who takes the easy way but not the hard side. You think it's giving you a step, but she thinks she's being looked down upon by you. That’s why there is a rebellious mentality.”

Aigron's explanation was reasonable, so Teresa paused for a moment.

"Is she the one who is being looked down upon, or is it me?" Then Teresa frowned, "It's me who's been concealed all this time; it's me who's watching you dance together, but in the end I still need to be considerate of you. Every thought, do I owe her anything? In this situation, she owes us money, right? I don’t ask her to treat me like a benefactor, but why is she so arrogant to me? ?”

"But what about dancing?" Aiglon sighed, "As a social etiquette, I will always dance with others."

"No...it's completely different. She has those lights...!" Teresa glared at Agron, "I remember every moment we spent at that time, at the ball at Schönbrunn Palace, between the Emperor and We danced together under the gaze of our father, and the stars in the sky and the earth seemed to be spinning for us. I felt that there seemed to be light in your and my eyes... That was the brightest moment of my life. But when I looked at you just now, I seemed to be When I saw those lights, I saw her eyes, exactly like my original self... My most precious memory has been tarnished! How could I bear it?"

Perhaps because of drinking some wine, Theresa was much more impulsive than usual. Her eye circles suddenly became red as she spoke, and she seemed almost about to cry.

Eggron didn't know exactly what Teresa was referring to, but he vaguely seemed to understand.

Is this romantic or stubborn? He couldn't explain it, but he could only feel ashamed.

Because Aiglon and Sophie have danced together countless times before (and played many tricks). If it was 'light' just now, then they could be called light bulbs at the beginning...

Of course, Aigron didn't dare to say it.

"Okay, Teresa, I get it. So what do you think I should do?" He sighed again.

"What I want is very simple, just do what I just said. Let's go dance, I want to hold you, and relive that moment that made me dizzy..." Teresa replied stubbornly, "Your Highness, I know this is rude to Miss Agnes, but as your wife, I have the right to ask for compensation for being concealed by you, so I ask you to do as I say, just this time tonight."

Aigron had a headache. It was obvious that Teresa was so angry that she was being unreasonable, but the reason for her anger was something that Aigron couldn't argue with. After all, was she not doing it for herself?

Alas, I am really nothing. Eggron felt this fact again.

But now that self-pity cannot solve the problem, Aigron thought hard to find a solution.

Now that Teresa refuses to give in, it stands to reason that it would be okay for her to give in, but Agnes's statement puts the two people directly in opposition. The matter is no longer a question of whether to dance or not, but a question of the dignity of the two people. , especially a proud and arrogant person like Agnes, will definitely be driven crazy by anger.

Damn it, so I created a knot for myself? It’s so joyful and sad...

After much deliberation, he could only persuade Theresa to stop making trouble and wait for him to be with her later - after all, getting along with Theresa day and night, there are many opportunities to heal, and if Agnes is injured this time Heart, I'm afraid it will be even harder to get close to in the future.

Just when he was about to speak, a soft call suddenly came from beside him.

"His Majesty……"

Aiglon and Teresa looked over subconsciously and found that it was Alice who was approaching.

Originally, the two of them were talking angrily, and if someone came over carelessly, they would definitely suffer the anger. However, Alice was different. She gained the favor of both the couple at the same time, so even at this moment, no one was angry with her. .

"Madam, what's the matter with you?" Aigron asked gently.

"Your Majesty, I didn't disturb your conversation, did I?" Alice apologized to the two people while continuing to approach them.

"No, we are just discussing the next dance." Aigron replied with a wry smile.

"Well...actually, that's why I came here." Alice smiled sheepishly, "Your Majesty, with all due respect, I was playing the piano just now to entertain everyone, so I regretfully missed dancing with you. opportunity, and now we are both free, so I dare... I dare to ask you to dance with me, can you grant me this honor?"


Suddenly hearing this request, Aigron was completely confused about the situation.

But he soon understood - Alice must have just learned about the stalemate between her sister and Princess Teresa, so she ran over to smooth things over for the three of them.

Great... As expected of you, Lady Alice.

As if a door was opened a crack in a dark room, Aigron suddenly saw the dawn of a solution to this troublesome situation.

This may indeed be the best solution to the current situation - Theresa will not be jealous of Alice and be angry with her; Agnes will not feel that her sister has compromised her dignity.

Eggron felt a sense of relief.

"Ah, madam, what are you talking about? It's obviously an honor for me... I would be very happy to dance with you."

Then, Agron looked at Theresa and said, "Teresa, can you please wait for us for a moment? I guess you don't mind Mrs. Alice taking up my time - how about we dance together next?" "

Theresa hesitated for a moment, then looked at Alice, and Alice looked back at Theresa with a smile. This gentle attitude also made the anger accumulated in Theresa's heart disappear quietly. Most of it.

Now that it's reached this point, there's no need to insist on it anymore.

So, she nodded and said to Aigron, "Okay, Your Highness, I'll go rest first and wait for you."

Aiglon breathed a sigh of relief, finally freed from this sudden predicament.

Then he looked at Alice again.

Under the illumination of the fire, the lady's smile, her graceful figure, and her smooth and dazzling blond hair were all so pleasing to the eye and heart-warming.

Alas, it seems that the wife is still considerate, not as strong as the girl... He sighed.

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