Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and forty-four, revenge

[My hand slipped for a moment, so I typed the chapter name as 244, but it was actually 224. The next chapter was changed back to the normal order...]

Relying on Alice's help, Aigron finally solved this sudden trouble.

Aiglon, who looked happy, looked at Mrs. Alice in every possible way.

Indeed, not only today, she also showed her qualities of understanding and intelligence before. The most important thing is that women with both beauty and wit are often very arrogant, but she does not have this problem at all. It can be said that It's rare.

Maybe she can't make everyone like her and admire her, but she has the ability to make everyone dislike her.

"Madam, you have helped me." Aigron whispered to her.

"This is what I should do, Your Majesty." Mrs. Alice replied with a smile, "Just now I saw Princess Theresa standing in front of you two, and I felt bad. Then after you walked away, I I ran over to my sister and figured out what was going on. The next thing I thought, you're going to be in a lot of embarrassment, so I just have to do whatever I can to help you."

"Besides you, I'm afraid there are many people who have seen it, but they probably don't dare to do this for me." Aigron shrugged self-deprecatingly. "Maybe they will laugh at us secretly."

Alice paused for a moment, not knowing how to answer the young man.

Obviously, as the focus of tonight, the Agrons were indeed noticed by everyone just now, so the incident naturally fell into the eyes of many people - no matter what interpretation they made, whether they were worried or slanderous, in short , not something to be happy about.

"I didn't expect Her Majesty the Queen to be so angry..." After a moment, Alice finally replied sarcastically, "This surprised me very much. If I had known beforehand, I would not have let Agnes dress up like this. …”

In previous interactions with Teresa, Alice thought she was a gentle and reserved person. Although she was born in the royal family, she was never domineering. However, tonight she exploded because of such a trivial matter. It was really hard to understand.

She didn't know the inside story. She only saw Teresa arbitrarily not allowing her husband to dance with her sister, which was a disgrace to her sister.

Is it true, as her husband said, that Princess Theresa, like the Duchess of Berry, has no tolerance for others and cannot bear to see Agnes taking away her glory?

When I think of this,

Alice was actually a little angry, after all, Theresa had openly bullied her sister.

But now that she was under the roof of others, Alice didn't want to make the conflict worse, so she chose to come forward to smooth things over, so that tonight's conflict would come to an end.

Of course, deep down in her heart, she was not afraid of today's turmoil.

She knew that the only core of the entire party was Aigron, and everyone else revolved around him. It was just that some people had more weight and closer orbits, but even Princess Teresa couldn't give or take anything.

She has realized that as long as she can please Aigron, Princess Teresa's opinion is not that important - at least she has no way to drive her away.

The more Aigron values ​​their sisters, the less Princess Teresa can bully her sister.

"It doesn't matter, this is definitely not your fault. On the contrary, I am very grateful that you tried your best to support me." Aigron nodded gently to Alice, "I'm so sorry, madam, for letting you see our joke. , what happened today was due to my lack of consideration. Well, let’s not talk about such unpleasant things - since it is the two of us dancing together now, I hope to leave a good memory. "

"I will do my best, Your Majesty." Alice bowed gracefully and responded to Aiglon's suggestion.

Now that it comes to this matter, the two of them have a tacit understanding, and no one talks about the unpleasant things. The two of them walk into the center of the open space hand in hand, and other people also join forces and surround them.

Then, at Aigron's signal, the musicians played the music for the third dance, and Aiglon and Alice began to dance.

Although her figure is not as nimble as Agnes's, Lady Alice's figure is equally slender and flexible. She does not look like a lady who has just given birth. Moreover, because she has much more experience in social activities than her sister, her dance steps are very proficient and easy. He and Aigron cooperated freely.

Aigron no longer has to think about how to cooperate with the other person. He only needs to take every step naturally and enjoy the fun of the dance itself.

At this time, the night was getting darker, and the half-revealed moon slowly climbed into the sky. The hazy and cool moonlight also fell on Alice's face, making her already very fair face even more elegant and moving.

"Madam, you dance so well!" Aigron sighed as he danced. "Not to mention you have such beauty and grace. I believe you will attract attention every time you attend a ball. I don't know what the French court is like now. So, but I dare say that if you were in Austria, you would be a dance partner that everyone is vying for."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Alice smiled and shook her head. "I only had the opportunity to learn these things after returning to China in 1815. Excluding the time for practice, I only attended social events for three to five years. How can I say that? Is it considered to be attracting attention? After I married Edgar, I was refused entry to the living rooms everywhere, and there was no chance to show up... Because of this, I have been unfamiliar for a long time, but recently I have been supervising It was only when Agnes contacted me that I picked it up again. I'm lucky enough not to be embarrassed in front of you. I really can't deserve your praise..."

Although Alice's tone was calm, Aigron still felt a little resentment from it.

I'm afraid that with her injured pride, she has always been resentful of being rejected by those people.

"Hmph, most people in the world are so blind. With your appearance, you bring honor to your master's house wherever you go. They should be honored. They actually have the nerve to turn you away——" Aigron curled his lips disdainfully. , and then solemnly assured Alice, "Madam, don't worry, if I return to Paris, no one will dare to be disrespectful to you in the future... Otherwise, no matter who it is, they will have to bear the price of insulting my friend."

"Your Majesty, I thought that with your status, you would not be good at comforting others, but I didn't expect that you are so heartwarming when you want to comfort others... Then I will thank you in advance." Alice smiled He nodded, but immediately changed the subject, "But to be honest, I don't have much revenge. For me, when I chose Edgar to get married, all this was the price I expected. , I cannot make a choice and then blame others for not agreeing with my choice. The world may revolve around you, but it never revolves around me."

After a pause, she added softly, "For me, the most ideal thing is not to take revenge on them after gaining power, but to not even look at them after gaining power, so that they will never get anything from me. Any kindness and help - if I continue to be unknown, no one will feel sad about losing me; but if I really become famous, they will regret it extremely. Isn’t it also a kind of fun to try to restore the relationship by flattering me?”

Aigron thought for a while and felt that what Alice said made sense.

"Then you can definitely do it." So he assured Alice.

The two chatted and danced in tacit understanding, barely bothering to cooperate with each other, and just danced so smoothly, calmly and elegantly.

While dancing with Alice, Agron thought of Sophie again in a trance.

Although they both have the mature charm of married women, Alice and Sophie are completely different. One is reserved and the other is public, one is humble and the other is arrogant.

Although Her Highness Sophie's domineering attitude is also her charming point, only those who are favored by her can enjoy the meticulous and passionate love hidden under the proud face; but Lady Alice is different, everyone who interacts with her People will probably speak highly of my wife's treatment of others, and at least I can get enough respect in front of her.


According to the "negative theory", wouldn't it mean that under this perfect appearance, what Mrs. Alice hides is actually indifference and alienation towards the vast majority of people?

This thought suddenly flashed through Aigron's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. After all, a smart person like Mrs. Alice would not be naive enough to love everyone.

But he quickly gave up thinking about this kind of problem again - after all, there is no need to demand that everyone be a perfect saint. It is already very rare for Mrs. Alice to show respect for everyone on the surface. It's better than those people who don't act at all and take pride in being rude and shameless...

Unknowingly, this piece of music slowly ended, and this also meant that the dance between Aigron and Lady Alice ended.

Aiglon gently held Alice's hand and bowed with her.

"Thank you, Madam, for your hard work." Aigron said goodbye to Alice with a smile, "You saved me a huge embarrassment and possible conflict."

"Your Majesty, I have to do this - no matter what the outcome of the quarrel just now is, among the final victims, there must be my sister, or maybe even just my sister. Can I just ignore it?" Alice He asked with a wry smile.

Then, she sighed with relief, "Fortunately, at least now, everything is fine. I hope it will be the same in the future."

Aiglon was slightly embarrassed.

Although the lady did not say it explicitly, she was complaining to herself, pointing out that Princess Teresa's behavior had embarrassed her sister.

There is no doubt that Agnes is a victim in every aspect, suffering an unreasonable disaster in calculations and conflicts - and she originally just wanted to repay her kindness.

However, Aigron could not express his anger at his wife, because he knew that the person who was most responsible was still himself.

"Oh, I made you laugh..." He also sighed, "There are some things that I didn't explain clearly to Teresa before, so I made her so angry, and ended up embarrassing Agnes. I'm really sorry. ... Please go back and tell her that she has not made any mistakes and there is no need to worry or blame herself. I will take care of these things."

Alice hesitated, not knowing whether she should continue to provoke.

She was deliberately committing hardship for her sister, trying to arouse the protective desire unique to men in His Majesty's heart, making him feel that he owed his sister, and igniting his anger towards Princess Teresa's disorderly behavior.

She wanted to quietly avenge Theresa for her sister——

Now it seems that the effect is not bad. It is extremely rare that this young man who has always been proud is willing to take the initiative to apologize. It is conceivable that he is also very depressed and angry.

It seems to be enough. If you continue, your deeds will inevitably be exposed. With your Majesty's intelligence, you may discover the resentment and anger deep in your heart.

That's enough.

No...not enough...

Alice was heartbroken. Her love for her sister made her so angry that she decided to take a risk.

"My poor sister...why does she always have to encounter such bad luck and be disliked by others even though she is so cute and dazzling? Is she really jealous of fate?" Alice sighed sadly, in her heart His depression was vented, "Your Majesty, sometimes I feel that the world is really unfair, and the best people often suffer bad luck!"

"What's wrong, madam?" Aigron asked with some confusion.

While lamenting, Alice told Agnes about how Agnes was scolded and disliked by the second prince's widow, Duchess Berry, at a banquet in the palace.

Although she didn't say it explicitly, in and out of her words, she contrasted the performance of the Duchess at that time and Princess Theresa now, and accused Theresa calmly.

Although this is dangerous, Alice thinks it is a small and reasonable revenge for her sister.

Finally, Alice sighed sadly, and then looked at Agron with pleading eyes, "Your Majesty, as you can see, Agnes has suffered a great blow now. I think there has been a huge blow in the palace." It’s hard to have a future; if the Bonaparte family can’t tolerate her, what kind of dangerous situation will she face in the future? Can she still hope for a glorious future? Therefore, as the eldest sister, I request Please show mercy and help to Agnes, and don’t let such a dazzling pearl become dusty due to bad luck..."

Aiglon listened quietly and did not answer for a while.

He didn't know about it yet, let alone that Edgar and his mistress, Princess Kadiyan, were behind all of this. But that didn't stop him from feeling grateful for the unexpected good news.

Of course, he didn't show any joy on the surface.

Alice hoped to impress Agron's sympathy by complaining and selling her misery, and at the same time arouse his anger towards Teresa in retaliation; however, her efforts made Agron discover another fact - Agne Si's current situation is much more difficult than he imagined, and she is more isolated.

Alice, on the other hand, obviously placed her sister's hopes on the Bonaparte family.

That also means that she is actually not so firmly opposed to Agnes getting close to her?

"Of course, madam, I sympathize with her situation very much. As her friend, I am even more indignant at how she is treated! It's so unfair. Don't worry, my hand of friendship will always be in front of her at any time. I can help her." Aiglon nodded slightly, and then made this promise to Alice, "As long as I live for one day, no one can make her fall into despair!"

Then he waved her goodbye.

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