Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-five, eloquent

After bidding farewell to Alice, Agron took advantage of the break between dances to walk to where he was, because his wife Theresa was waiting for him there.

Logically speaking, Aigron should be angry that his painstaking design was messed up by Theresa, but at this time, Aigron didn't have much anger in his heart. He was just annoyed that he didn't make things more beautiful and was messed up by Theresa.

As he walked, he was thinking about how to heal the rift between husband and wife later, and while he was pacing, Chanel quietly came up to him and intercepted him.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry..." She apologized to Aigron with a sad face.

"Why do you say that?" Aigron was a little surprised.

"It was me...I didn't stop Her Royal Highness the Princess, which made you embarrassed. I really didn't expect that she would do this." Chanel looked at Aigron with guilt and horror, for fear that the master would be angry, "Also, that's also true. I just revealed to her why Miss Agnes is so cooperative with you. I thought this would calm His Highness, but I didn’t expect her...she actually did this."

Seeing Chanel's nervous look, Aigron couldn't help but laugh. "It's nothing, Chanel, don't be afraid. I won't blame you. You can't control what Theresa does. It's enough to work so hard."

As he spoke, he reached out and patted Shanel's face to comfort her.

Under Aiglon's comfort, Chanel finally regained his composure.

What she was most afraid of was that Aigron would get angry. It was just not convenient to have an attack on the spot. She would wait until the ball was over before she could have an attack with Teresa when she went back. The couple would have an irresolvable conflict. But when she saw that Aigron was not angry, she was worried. I just let it go a little bit.

"Did you say anything else?" Aigron asked again.

"No, I just said that something happened at Miss Agnes's house and you generously donated your money to help. I didn't say anything else." Chanel replied quickly.

"Okay, then I understand." Aiglon nodded, "I will handle the next thing by myself, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Because there was no joy or anger on the young man's face, Chanel was still a little worried. She knew that she might get into trouble if she continued talking, but because she was worried about the Lord, she couldn't help but persuade Aiglon.

"Well, Your Majesty, to be honest, although Princess Teresa embarrassed you tonight, I think she... can be considered excusable.

After all, she cares about you too much. Therefore, even if you want to have fun, you must also consider what the person next to your pillow thinks... Everyone has seen how much Her Royal Highness has done for you, and you can't make her sad like that..."

Aigron made a gesture to signal Chanel to stop talking.

"Chanel, I know everything."

Chanel had to stop talking.

Aiglon paused for a moment, then lowered his head and continued in Chanel's ear, "There is no doubt that I have no position to blame Theresa. The fault is on my side. Since she is angry, I can only endure it." , I won’t be angry with her; but Chanel, I don’t intend to change myself because of her, I am who I am, she should know who I am before she marries me, and I want whatever I want. Go and hold it in your hands, this is a will that cannot be changed!"

"Your Majesty..." Chanel looked at Aigron, not knowing what to say. In the end, she could only lower her head and tame in front of her master. "I will always do what you want."

It seemed that there would be storms in the future, and she could only do her best... She sighed inwardly.

After Aigron left Chanel behind, he returned to the place where he was just now. At this time, Agnes had left, and only Theresa stayed there, waiting for him quietly.

Because of the turmoil just now, no one dared to stay around, so there was only Theresa sitting quietly in a large open space.

Aigron walked to Teresa's side and sat down as well.

With the help of moonlight and firelight, Aigron looked at Theresa carefully and found that the anger on her face had disappeared, leaving only some confusion and helplessness.

"We didn't quarrel after you left. Mrs. Alice asked her to leave." As if she was worried about Aigron's questioning, Theresa took the initiative and said, "Mrs. Alice, you helped us."

"Shouldn't you be angry with her too? After all, she also danced with me." Aigron asked with a smile.

"Do you actually think that I'm only angry because of dancing?" Teresa became angry again when she heard this, and couldn't help but glared at Agron, "Your Highness, we already know each other well enough, right? Why bother saying that? What if you don’t mean what you say?”

"Okay, okay, I was just joking, Theresa." Aigron waved his hand to signal Theresa to calm down, "I know what I did was wrong, and the responsibility for today is all on me. You can calm down."

"It's easy for me to calm down. I will always be the person in the world who is most willing to forgive you. No matter it is in the past or now, no matter what you have done, I can never hate you." Teresa looked at Agron affectionately , "I don't even want to ask you to treat me like me, I just want you to stay with me and share our best and happiest life..."

"Isn't that what I'm doing now?" Agron replied, "You are my wife and we will spend our lives together, no matter what happens."

"That's not enough. I don't want a cold legal status. That little thing can't ignite my heart!" Teresa shook her head stubbornly.

Then, she reached out, grabbed Aigron's hand, and put it on her left breast, "What I want is heart satisfaction. You should know what that is, you definitely know!"

Agron's hand felt the violent ups and downs of Teresa's chest. It was obvious that she was excited at the moment, and her heart was beating violently to supply the passion that was being acted out in her brain, and those passions were all placed on herself...

Although Theresa said it very obscurely, he actually understood what Theresa meant - she could tolerate many things, even things between herself and Chanel, but she could not tolerate falling in love with others and diluting the "light" she had received. ".

But...she had to face the cold reality, that is, before her, this young man had already shared mutual love with His Highness Sophie.

She originally thought that those things would be buried in the past with Aigron's escape, but she didn't expect that the prodigal grandson would be obsessed with another person.

When she saw the light in each other's eyes when they danced together, she was unprepared and immediately fell into anger, so much so that she abandoned her previous restraint, lost her composure in public, and almost became a laughing stock.

Agron was a little upset by Teresa's gaze.

It is of course impossible to say that he is not moved and guilty, but he is still who he is after all and will never be changed.

"I understand, Teresa." He sighed, "I will pay attention to it in the future. I will give you whatever you want. Until the day we grow old, I will remember what you have done for me. "

Then, he withdrew his hand from Theresa's chest and put it in front of her, "The next dance is about to begin. Beautiful lady, can you dance with me?"

"Okay!" Teresa agreed to her husband's invitation without hesitation, then reached out and grabbed her husband's hand, and stood up smoothly.

After taking two steps, Aigron noticed that Teresa's steps seemed to be floating a little.

"You drank, are you okay now? How about I ask the musicians to wait a little while you take a rest?"

"No, that drink is nothing at all. It will only make me lighter." Teresa replied nonchalantly, "Your Highness, just come... to wash away all the unhappiness and haze between us. Our lives must not be stained!”

It turns out that Theresa was so competitive sometimes...Aigron shook his head helplessly.

Since his wife said so, he could only do it.

"As commanded."

Then, the two of them returned to the dance floor in the open space hand in hand.

Teresa raised her head and stared at her husband's face, watching the stars reflected in his eyes.

The vivid memory came to her again, and it was something she could never forget.

"Your Highness, you must behave well this time. Don't be perfunctory like before." Teresa buried her head in Agron's arms, and then whispered, "Let us be intoxicated, just like that time... ...I want to find the original light, the light that belongs to us alone. I love you!"

"I love you, Teresa." Agron made the response she wanted most.

Then, the musician began to play music, and the two people began to dance, as if they had traveled back in time to the time when they had just met.


While the Agrons were dancing, Alice returned to her residence with her sister.

Because of Teresa's interference, Agnes lost her dance partner, and Agron strictly prohibited others from dancing with her, so she suddenly became a marginalized person in the dance.

So, after this turmoil, Agnes "hastily ended" her appearance at the ball, and most of Alice's efforts in dressing up in advance were in vain.

In order to prevent her sister from bringing trouble on herself, Alice simply left the scene with her sister after saying goodbye to Agron - in her heart, she was not willing to watch Theresa's performance after driving her sister away.

Alice was a little worried that her sister would be angry and sad, so she comforted her a few words. However, it seemed that Agnes did not have these negative emotions, she was just in a thoughtful trance.

"Agnes, don't worry about this little thing. Your performance today is good enough. I think everyone present will fall in love with you as long as they have eyes! Princess Teresa's doing this just shows that you are good enough." Dazzling, so dazzling that she was a little scared." In order not to make her sister sad, Alice continued to comfort her, "Besides, what does it matter if she is angry? His Majesty is very friendly to both of us now, as long as we maintain our relationship with him Friendship, no matter how intolerant Princess Teresa is, she can't bully us - only His Majesty's words have the final say."

"I've never worried about her bullying me!" Agnes replied, "And I don't hate her either. I just... I'm just a little confused as to why she, as a princess and queen, already has everything. So aggressive?"

This question is not surprising to Alice, "Some people are so greedy. Even though they are respected by everyone, they still can't tolerate others, for fear of being robbed of their glory by others. Didn't you already learn this in the palace? Really? They are all the same thing. They have been spoiled since childhood, so they don’t care about other people’s feelings and don’t care whether others will be hurt because of them..."

There is no doubt that Alice deliberately spoke harshly in order to comfort her sister. Agnes herself did not think that Theresa was really such a person.

She lost her temper out of love.

This young man is obviously arrogant and frivolous. Why does she think so highly of him? does it worth?

It seems... somewhat worthwhile.

Putting yourself in her shoes, if it were you, you probably wouldn't want to see your husband and Teresa dancing so happily in front of you.

Wait, why do I need to put myself in their shoes? ! She shuddered suddenly, and then immediately cut off the idea.

These strange thoughts only added to Agnes's annoyance. She just felt exhausted and no longer wanted to dwell on this topic.

"Okay, no matter what happened, sister, I should have fulfilled your wish today, right? I have done what I should do, and the responsibility for other things is not on me -"

"Yes, you don't have any responsibility. You have done well enough, better than I thought..." Alice stretched out her hand and hugged her sister gently, "If Princess Theresa hadn't disturbed the situation, this pair of What a perfect night for you!”

Speaking of this, Alice felt even more angry.

"Things have already happened, and there is no point in talking about it. Besides, I don't care how many people are paying attention to me at the dance, as long as I can enjoy myself," Agnes replied.

As a biological sister, Alice could certainly tell that her sister was somewhat insincere in what she said.

She decided it was time.

Although the situation was somewhat different from what she expected, now that Agnes was upset because of her frustration and aroused her competitive spirit, she might as well make it clear to her.

"Agnes, actually, Your Majesty and I have another plan, and we originally planned to tell you next -"

"What's the plan?" Agnes asked.

Next, Alice threw out Aigron's previous thoughts.

"Me? Playing Joan of Arc??" Agnes's first reaction was that she found it ridiculous, "No...how can that be done? I can't do it."

"But after your Majesty and I discussed it, we both felt that you are quite suitable -" Alice looked at her sister seriously, "I dressed you up today, didn't everyone marvel at you?"

"Those are two different things -" Agnes still shook her head, "Jane is not like that."

"Then what was she like? She has passed away. She is what we say she is. No one will come to argue with us anyway... As long as everyone sees what they like to see. " Alice stubbornly persisted in her opinion.

She has been deliberately emphasizing Your Majesty and me just to hint at her own personal wishes, which is of course also a very important weight in Agnes's mind.

Agnes didn't know what to say. Although she still thought it was ridiculous, her sister's words made her instinctively shaken.

But playing someone else, even a saint, is not something she can be proud of.

"I still feel I'm not suitable..." After a moment, she shook her head again.

"Agnes, you have to try everything before you know whether it is suitable or not, right?" Alice looked at her sister, and then asked seriously, "You give people pleasure, and enjoy everyone's cheers and admiration for it. , isn’t this great? Even if you don’t care about this..."

Then, she deliberately lowered her voice and whispered to her sister, "Then maybe you can exchange this for Master Bianca's life and freedom?"

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