Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty-three, agreement

"Now, please sit down for me!"

Alice's unceremonious attitude made her father even more furious. For a moment, he even wanted to use his fists to teach this unfilial daughter a lesson.

But his youngest daughter, Agnes, held him tightly so that he could not move, which finally brought him back to his senses.

Yes, it would do him no good to fall out with Alice now. It would only make his family's precarious situation even worse.

After all, he was also a person who had seen the wind and waves, so he still controlled his emotions in such an extremely angry situation.

"Agnes, let me go," he whispered to his youngest daughter. "Okay, I know what to do."

"Sorry...Dad..." Agnes felt a little ashamed and let go of her hand obediently.

The Duke was also helpless. His favorite little daughter was obviously biased towards her elder sister, and she was also a prostitute, which was really troublesome.

Because of the Duke's anger, the atmosphere in the room was even more solemn and tense than before, and everyone was silent for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, Alice spoke again, breaking the silence.

"Father, I have already said that we are doing business, and this matter is very important to you - so you should not bring personal feelings into it. I have already told you that I The conditions are absolutely not allowed to be changed. What you should do is not waste time and lose your temper, but calmly evaluate the trade-offs as soon as possible, judge the situation, and then decide whether to accept my conditions or not - after all, what is left to you is It’s obviously not a lot of time.”

Although Alice spoke calmly, the Duke felt his heart twitch again and almost got angry again, but in the end, he faced the reality slumped.

"I...I accept it, and I will do it according to your terms as soon as possible." Finally, he sighed and chose to surrender.

"I think this is a wise choice." Alice was not surprised, but nodded slightly, "Father, I know this is a difficult decision for you, but at this point, you should be most concerned about What matters is not your face, but the survival of our family... Although you may not believe what I say now, I will let you admit that you made the right decision. I will take care of everything for you. Our family will be better in the future. Thriving more than ever before.”

The Duke's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to smile but couldn't.

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from,

Alice, instead of talking big words like this, you should first think about how to prevent us from being ruined. You should know that it is not easy to get other people's money. You may gain people's trust today, but that may not be the case tomorrow. What's more, the Bonaparte family is involved. Once the matter is exposed, we may be withdrawn by the royal family at any time, which will be a disaster! You should have the awareness of walking on thin ice instead of talking about the future. "

Alice also knew in her heart that although her father was soft on her now, he would definitely not trust her.

This is normal. After all, I can only be considered a fledgling, and no one will believe that this timid wife like me can do great things——

After much calculation, only that young man chose to believe in himself after he mustered up the courage.

Maybe, maverick people also like maverick people, right?

This trust cannot be betrayed.

"Of course I know how to be cautious, father, but it's useless for you to mock me. Now we are all tied together and must unite as one. If something bad happens, no one can escape." Alice replied seriously, "I'll think about it carefully. Now almost everyone in the social circle knows that you are in trouble. According to their usual habits, many people will wait to see your jokes. In this case, you can stay in seclusion in the name of poor health and reduce your exposure to the outside world. No one would doubt the relationship, and no one would want to get close to a person in trouble.

And I... I can come in and out of your house in the name of visiting your doctor. Although everyone knows that the relationship between our father and daughter is broken, at this juncture, who would think it strange that I, as a daughter, come to express my condolences to my father? I think that during this period, we can complete the settlement of the accounts and transfer the funds to you one by one to solve the problems you are facing. "

After she finished speaking, she reminded her father, "Father, I said 'one by one', not that I want to trouble you at this time, but that if you suddenly get a large sum of money, The amount of money will definitely arouse suspicion from the outside world. There will always be some people who want to investigate where you got such a large sum of money. Therefore, no matter what, I can only give it to you batch by batch. You lend money, and we should also consider how to face the current crisis based on this fact, sort out the accounts, and prioritize the most urgent payments."

Although he was still angry, the Duke couldn't help but nodded frequently after hearing Alice's words - because his daughter's considerations were indeed reasonable.

"Even so, there are still risks." After thinking for a while, he sighed again, "Now our family has suffered a lot of losses, with a deficit of more than three million. Even if the deficit is filled in batches, the source of funds will still be It will arouse suspicion. After all, everyone could see that I was at my wits end before, so why am I suddenly able to survive the crisis? There will definitely be suspicion."

Alice looked at the count and hinted to him that it was time for him to appear.

Alice had already considered this issue before. She had been discussing it with the Earl during the day, and the two of them also discussed a suitable solution.

"Sir, to tell you the truth, we have a very important collaborator in the financial world. Although I cannot reveal his name to you, he can easily operate millions or even tens of millions of funds." Edmond Dantes explained to the Duke seriously, "Your Majesty's money can be assisted to you through his channels in a completely reasonable and legal way, and as long as you take out the collateral, you can cancel all People are suspicious."

"What? Mortgage?" Upon hearing this word, the Duke suddenly trembled, and then looked at the two people with suspicion.

It’s no wonder that he had such a big reaction. After all, there are quite a few people who have been bankrupted by the financial trend these days. Everyone has seen with their own eyes the banks’ methods of eating people without spitting out their bones. If it weren’t for the fact that these two people are Bonaparte Among the family members, the Duke even suspected that they were lobbyists for the bank and wanted to take advantage of others' danger to expropriate his family.

Seeing the Duke's nervous look, Edmund quickly smiled and waved his hand, "I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious first. It is true that bankers have many ways to embezzle other people's property, but they also have many ways to embezzle other people's property. The money is transferred into your hands without anyone noticing. For example, you can mortgage your jewelry, real estate, or any works of art with them. It is only worth tens of thousands, but they give you an estimate. If it’s hundreds of thousands, then wouldn’t you have hundreds of thousands more funds in your hand reasonably and legally? Please believe me, this will definitely not do you any harm.”

Although Edmund spoke sincerely, the Duke was still a little skeptical - after all, after experiencing the sudden collapse of Danglars Bank, he instinctively became wary and fearful of all bankers.

Edmund and Alice looked at each other, feeling helpless.

But if the Duke's resistance is not dispelled, it is obvious that he will never be obedient.

Alice was no longer silent, but took out her last trump card. "Father, this was originally a gift from His Majesty to you, and no collateral was required. However, in order to deal with the suspicion of the outside world, we had to do this, are you right? Aren't you afraid of facing the outside world? Why did you suddenly get millions? Funding question?

Furthermore, the so-called collateral is just a formality. No one will really ask you for repayment or force you to hand over the collateral. I can guarantee you this on the basis of my personal reputation. If I break my promise, I am willing to sacrifice my life to atone for you! "

After she finished speaking, she looked at her father sternly to express her determination.

Perhaps infected by her determination, the Duke finally wavered.

But there was one last bit of hesitation in his heart.

When he was silent, no one urged him, but waited for his final decision - because everyone knew that this matter was of great importance and only he could decide, and further urging would only be counterproductive.

After an unknown amount of time, the Duke finally slowly raised his head and looked at the two people opposite.

From the look in his eyes, he looked determined.

Alice also stared back at her father, waiting for his decision.

"Alice, I understand what you mean, and I can also understand your suggestions. What makes me even more happy is that in this precarious time, you disregarded the past and found a way to intercede with the King of Rome to help us in trouble, and gave us It brought valuable assistance...I will always remember this feeling in my heart."

Alice understood that this was purely a courtesy, because in fact, if she had not interfered, Agnes would have directly asked the King of Rome for help, without so many conditions attached, and she would have had the opposite effect.

She suppressed her embarrassment and answered her father, "Did you agree to the conditions?"

"Yes, I promise you, in this situation, I really don't have much room to be picky. Besides, you are indeed very thoughtful."

Before Alice could be happy, the Duke suddenly changed the subject, "But...just because we are in a very dangerous situation, I cannot place complete trust in you. Please understand me, Alice, you She is my daughter, but now she is someone else’s family after all.”

Alice's original enthusiasm was immediately extinguished by a basin of cold water, but she ignored her anger and asked her father.

"Then what do you think?"

"In general, we can follow your plan, but I also need to add an insurance measure to our family-" the Duke replied calmly.

"Insurance measure?" Alice was a little surprised.

At this time, the Duke suddenly turned his gaze and looked at Agnes next to him.

Alice seemed to understand something and quickly looked at Agnes.

"Huh?!" Being watched by her father and sister at the same time, Agnes was a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

"Father, do you mean to let Agnes spy on me?" Alice asked.

"It can't be called surveillance." The Duke shook his head. "Since the King of Rome can let you supervise me, then let's let Agnes supervise you for the last time, right? What you said makes sense, and so do I. I think it’s feasible, but if I leave everything to you, I won’t be able to rest assured no matter what. In this case, I have to let a certain family member participate in the whole process, are you right?”

A trace of sadness flashed in Alice's heart. Her father obviously regarded her as an outsider.

However, this is also the price she paid on her own initiative. When it comes to the showdown between father and daughter, no one will show mercy anymore.

Besides, hadn’t his father abandoned him long ago? It would be ridiculous to crave father-daughter affection now.

"Me? This can't be done..." Before Alice could speak, Agnes shook her head first, "I don't understand this, Dad..."

If I had to choose, I wouldn't choose you, the Duke sighed inwardly.

He also knew that the relationship between Agnes and her sister was too deep and he couldn't trust her, but now he could only let Agnes come.

"Agnes, you are the insider, and you brought your sister here. Due to circumstances and reasons, you should bear part of the responsibility, right?" The father sighed, and then told his daughter, "Now we Our situation has come to this point, and you are as anxious as I am. I believe you will never want to see us encounter a disaster. I don’t need you to do anything professional. You just need to keep an eye on them and don’t let the so-called Just turn our collateral into a reminder - you should be able to do this, right? Or would you rather just sit back and watch?"

Agnes was stunned for a moment, but her father's words left her unable to refute, so she could only nodded. "Okay, I understand, I can do it, Father."

"So, are we going to take this as the final clause?" Although Alice felt a little sour in her heart, she still maintained her composure on the surface, "Do you have any other opinions?"

"No more, and I don't dare to have any more. After all, it's me who is asking for your help -" the Duke spread his hands. "If there are no objections, then let's take this as the final agreement."

Alice and Edmund looked at each other, and no one raised any objection.

After all, they had no bad intentions in the first place. As long as the Duke surrendered, their goal would be achieved.

Although the final conditions were a bit unexpected, they were still within control.

"Okay! Let's do it!" Alice nodded.

They did not sign an agreement in black and white. After all, this kind of thing was too dangerous politically, and neither party dared to leave any actual evidence. But even if there was no agreement, when it came to this, no one could turn back.

After the tense moment was over, Alice was relieved.

She originally thought she would be very happy and have the joy of victory, but in the end she found that she was not that happy.

She only felt a pressure as heavy as a mountain, pressing down on her body - this was the rise and fall of two families.

When she thought of this, she was even a little out of breath.

This is already the case for just two families, so Your Majesty...how does he face all this? Alice was a little curious.

Some things can only be understood a little bit by experiencing them.

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