Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty-four, intrigue and deception

After completing this tacit agreement, Alice and Edmund did not dare to delay and left.

The Duke did not get up to say goodbye, but just nodded gently to say goodbye. Alice knew that her father was still angry at this time, so she did not dwell on it and left quietly.

Just like when she came here, Agnes quietly took them away from her home and then returned along the original road. After seeing her sister off, she also returned to the room she had just left.

When she came back, she found her father still sitting in his original position.

He was already very depressed, but now he looked even more aged. His eyes were bloodshot and his wrinkles were deeper. It was unbearable to see.

Dad is really old... Agnes couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Even though it was her father's fault for being in this situation, when she saw her father's appearance, she could not feel any resentment, only endless sympathy.

"Dad, please go and rest. It's already late at night." So she walked to her father's side and wanted to help him back.

However, when she came closer, her father suddenly woke up, shook his head, and stared at Agnes.

"Dad?" Agnes was a little surprised.

"Agnes, I admit that I am not a perfect father. I have done many things wrong. I have not only harmed myself but also you..." the Duke hissed, "However, as a father, I ask you to bear in mind Ask yourself, am I good to you? Don’t lie to me and tell dad the truth.”

The question frightened Agnes.

"Dad, how could you ask such a question? Of course you are very kind to me. I will always love you and I will always be grateful for your upbringing."

"Okay, answer me again. Your sister forced me to compromise with her. Did you collude with her to deal with my father?" the Duke asked again.

"What are you talking about!" Agnes was ashamed and angry. "How could I do such a thing? When I learned about my sister's plan, I was very sad and didn't understand her. I even asked her face to face why she did this. I did it, but she persisted... I can't help her, I can only helplessly see things come to this point, and I am as heartbroken as you."

The Duke kept watching his daughter. He knew that her daughter was not good at lying and these must be the truth, so he gradually felt relieved.


At least Agnes is trustworthy and won't follow her sister in trying to seize the family fortune.

To be honest, he still doubts what Alice said just now, and is always a little worried that she is using the opportunity of "collateral" to usurp the family property - after all, similar things have always happened in the past and now.

He could neither refuse the help of the Bonaparte family, but also be wary of Alice usurping the family property. These two almost contradictory demands gave him a headache.

"My daughter, I'm sorry... I shouldn't doubt you. How could you do such a thing like Alice? It's dad who is overly concerned." He hugged Agnes gently, and then stroked her Hair, "You are still on our side after all, so I feel relieved."

Agnes was deeply moved by her father's comfort and almost cried.

"Do you know why I asked you to supervise your sister?" The father and daughter were tender for a moment, and the Duke spoke again.

"Why?" Agnes really didn't understand this question.

"First of all, I don't want more people to know that I took money from the Bonaparte family - although we have a reason, in the eyes of the Wang family, this is no different from rebellion. If it gets out, it will be devastating for us. It's a disaster, so I don't want to add any more insiders, even your brother and mother, I can't believe it. Since you are the only supporter in the family, it can only be you."

"Sister is also a member of the family!" Agnes understood what her father meant, but she still couldn't help mumbling.

In response to his daughter's rebuttal, the Duke just smiled indifferently and made no comment.

Sometimes it's only the family that's scarier.

He was already old, and he might go to see God one day. At that time, the title of Duke and the family fortune he had accumulated would naturally be left to the eldest son to inherit - and only the eldest son to inherit.

Although his son is not very successful, only his son can pass on this famous family name. This is an iron law in his heart that cannot be changed.

If Alice is allowed to take charge of the family and the important assets of the family are mortgaged, it will be like putting a knife to the neck, and she may die at any time - if her daughter has any evil intentions, transfer these assets to the name of the Treville family It was also easy. Just thinking about the consequences made him miserable.

Maybe she would be worried as a father if she was here, but what if she wasn't there? Does she still care about the relationship between brother and sister?

Because of these thoughts, the Duke thought hard and wanted to find a way out for his son's future.

"First of all, what about secondly?" Agnes asked.

"Secondly, Alice also likes you, and she will be much less wary of you. You can get more information from her." The Duke explained in a low voice.

"Then what information do you want to get?" Agnes was a little disapproving. "I don't think my sister has that many bad intentions. If you want to know, just ask her directly."

"You can't say that. She is completely different from her past self. Can't you realize this? Would the past Alice come here and tell us that she will dominate this family?" the Duke asked.

This rhetorical question left Agnes speechless. In fact, she knew it in her heart, but she just didn't want to admit it.

"...But I still don't believe that she will murder us." After a moment, Agnes lowered her head and replied, "Sister may want to seize power, but what reason does she have to push us into a desperate situation?"

"Even so, we have to be careful, because now we have no chance to make mistakes again -" the Duke sighed, "Besides, apart from your sister, the Earl is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He also has secrets, such as his Who is in charge of the financing channels? And who gave him the confidence to say in such a relaxed way that he can easily mobilize millions of funds to us?"

Agnes finally understood what her father meant. "You... want to know this? But what does it matter? No matter who it is, as long as it can save our family, then that's fine, right? Why bother to get to the bottom of it..."

The Duke frowned.

This precious daughter is really unscheming, which is originally an advantage, but when you plan something with her, you will feel a headache - because there are many things that are tacitly understood and have to be spoken out.

"Oh, daughter, you didn't understand. We were saved this time, but what happens after that? It's just that we fell into the hostage of your sister. Although this allowed us to escape the fate of bankruptcy, can we always look up to Alice? Breath?" He sighed again, and then explained to Agnes, "The man behind the scenes, since he can be friends with the count and is naturally an important partner of the King of Rome, he does not need to be afraid of Alice, he can easily There are only a handful of people in Paris who can mobilize millions of funds without raising suspicion! Then we can also become his friends - if we do well enough, we can hope to get rid of Alice's hijacking and use the gold bricks Come and break these golden shackles!"

Agnes looked at her father with wide eyes, feeling dizzy for a moment.

When her sister saw a trap at home, she didn't immediately rush to save her life, but took the opportunity to blackmail her father. Her father promised her sister's help, but at the first moment he was thinking about how to get rid of her.

It was beyond her imagination that there would be such intrigues between father and daughter.

But this live drama was now being played out in front of her. She wanted to laugh but couldn't, and she only felt great sadness in her heart.

She still has to face this cold world after all.

"Agnes?" Her father's call brought Agnes back to her senses.

Facing her father's order, she didn't know what to do.

Was Dad wrong? It seems not.

So which side should you be on?

This decision made her extremely heartbroken, but she knew that, like her father, she could never allow the family fortune to fall into the hands of others.

"Okay, father, I...I will try my best to find out that big shot, but I can't guarantee that I can do it." After thinking for a moment, Agnes finally cleared her thoughts.

She nodded, but felt a little worried in her heart, "But Dad, if you can't even trust your sister, how can you trust the financier behind the scenes? Aren't you worried that something will go wrong with him...? After all, they all He is a smiling tiger and never shows mercy."

Daughter, even you can think of it, how could I not think of it? The Duke sighed inwardly.

The risk was real - the Duke had now learned his lesson after the Danglars affair, and he now dared not have confidence in the morality of any banker.

However, he had faith in the Roman king.

The financier did so many things to please the King of Rome, which meant that his pursuit was not to make money, but for political purposes.

And as long as he was playing politics, it was familiar territory for the Duke.

As the saying goes, a broken ship still has three points. After all, he has been in the court for so long and has a prestigious title. He can definitely give the banker the political value he needs in exchange.

Of course, this is not safe enough, so more reliable measures are needed.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and then glanced at his daughter.

"It depends on how much status we have in the heart of the King of Rome—perhaps the future His Majesty." After a moment, he replied softly.

"Your Majesty??" Agnes was startled by this familiar word and couldn't believe her ears.

She didn't expect that her father, who had been extremely stubborn, was actually ready to jump ship.

Agnes had little respect for the Wang family, so it didn't matter to her that her father was willing to change families. She was just confused, why didn't her father show it just now?

"Then why didn't you say anything just now?"

"If I just said it, then it is their credit for instigating us to rebel. What do we have to respect?" The Duke replied with a wry smile, "Daughter, we want to sell ourselves politically, but just because we have to sell ourselves, we must Be more reserved.”

This vulgar term was completely contrary to family education, and Agnes couldn't help but frown.

Fortunately, my father did not dwell on this, but continued, "If we change the family now, it will not reflect our value. We will only be regarded as pathetic people begging for mercy and will not be respected. We will not share the cake in the future." and the situation is not clear enough now, I think we can wait and see until the moment when our value can be reflected before selling ourselves, so that we can be qualified to eat cake on the table."

The Duke knew that his family had been in exile during the Empire and had sided with the royal family after returning home, so he had no friends he could talk to in the Bonaparte family.

Originally, Alice's family could still be counted on, but now she is even scarier than outsiders.

Therefore, if you really jump ship to the side of the Bonaparte family, you must pay a sufficient price in order to consolidate your family's position.

Agnes didn't quite understand what her father was talking about, but she supported all her father's decisions anyway, so she didn't care about it. "Then what are your plans?"

"The first step is to figure out the identity of the man behind the scenes, and then I will find a way to get on the line with him. No matter what method I use, I have to please this man behind the scenes and make him willing to become my God of Wealth; and the third step is to find a way to get on the line with him. Step two, at the right time, if I decide to jump ship, you have to bypass your sister and take me to find the King of Rome, then express your loyalty to him and plead with him together. Since he likes it so much... Well , I value you and will definitely be soft-hearted."

"You...you..." Agnes was shy and anxious. She wanted to refute but didn't know how to say it.

"Agnes, I know that some things may be against your wishes. A proud person like you is unwilling to bend the knee, but... we can't care about so much decency now, you should know." The Duke sighed. , and then looked at her daughter affectionately, "Dad has never asked you for anything in this life, but this matter is the only thing that has a bearing on our family's wealth and life. I beg you, you must act according to dad's wishes, okay?"

Seeing her old father begging her slumpedly, Agnes' heartache immediately replaced her shame. She was silent for a while, then took a breath to calm down her mood. "If you need me to, that's what I'll do, Dad."

After all, this daughter's love was not in vain...it could still come in handy at the critical moment, and the Duke felt relieved.

It was obvious that at the last step of the plan, the key to everything was neither himself nor the financier behind the scenes, but Agnes, and more importantly, the thoughts in the King of Rome's mind.

It would be best if he could be easily persuaded to persuade the King of Rome. If he could not be persuaded, then he would not be afraid to make greater sacrifices.

He does love his daughter very much, but he loves his own family even more. For him, like his ancestors of all generations, it is his bounden duty to find ways to pass on the family and revitalize the family business.

Compared with this vocation, Agnes is important, but she is also lighter than a feather.

Which one is more important is not a question that needs to be considered at all.

But I can't reveal this to my daughter now.

Obviously, Agnes couldn't think of this. She has never been good at reading people's hearts.

It's not her fault, it's probably the world that's wrong... The Duke sighed secretly.

Then, the little guilt in his heart disappeared after sighing.

"Agnes, I have said all that needs to be said. Just do as you are told. Now, help me back. I am exhausted and want to sleep."

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