Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and forty-nine, past events

"Please tell me." Seeing Edmund's serious look, Aigron was a little confused.

Although he got permission, Edmund was still a little hesitant - after all, this kind of thing was too embarrassing for him.

"I...I found a lover in Paris!" After hesitating for a long time, he finally braced himself and replied loudly to Aiglon.

Seeing his serious yet ashamed look, Aigron was a little shocked for a moment, and after a moment, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha... Edmund, no wonder I see you so proud. It turns out you have found a mistress. Well, not bad. This shows that you have quickly integrated into the social circle of Paris... Hahahaha... Don't be nervous, it's nothing." , I won’t be angry, and I won’t care about you.”

Aigron is indeed not angry. After all, his organization is not a monastic group, so there is no way he would not allow his subordinates to find women. For him, as long as he completes the tasks assigned to him, there is no need to interfere in the private lives of his subordinates.

He was even a little happy for the count - in the original work, no matter when the count was in prison or when he became a millionaire after being released, his life had no "interest" at all, and the only woman around him was Hai. Dai was also raised as a daughter and lived like a Puritan. All his energy was focused on revenge on a few enemies.

Now that he is able to enjoy life, it proves to some extent that he has overcome hatred and begun to find the joy of his own life. This is of course a good thing.

To put it bluntly, in Paris, what does it mean for a wealthy aristocrat to find a lover? It's just natural.

After laughing for a moment, Aigron looked at the count with interest, "Who is that lover?"

"It's Danglars's wife, Emily." Because of embarrassment, the count looked away in shame, and then replied in a low voice.

"Ah?" Aigron was stunned.

On the one hand, he was shocked by the count's method of revenge for taking away a man's wife and daughter; but more importantly, he knew that in the original novel, Lady Emily was not a light-saving lamp - Emily was marrying Tangela. I had been married once before, and then secretly became a lover with Prosecutor Villefort, and even gave birth to an illegitimate child.

In the original work, the illegitimate child was found by the count after he grew up and was deceived into Paris, where he was used as a tool for revenge on Danglars and Villefort.

He didn't expect that

After going around in circles, Lady Emily and the Earl are now together.

This is really...

For a moment, Aigron didn't know what to say.

Seeing Aigron's sudden silence, Edmund certainly didn't know what he was thinking, so he could only stand there with his head bowed, waiting for the master's instructions.

Of course, he didn't say this just to treat his own affairs as strange news for Egron's amusement. He did it to leave a practical guarantee for Emily and her daughter - now he is performing a task for Egron, although the future It looks bright, but it also faces danger. Maybe one day he may die before Aigron ascends the throne, and that may be another disaster for Emily and her daughter, who finally escaped their fate. They were so devastated that they might just sink again.

He now regards Emily and her daughter as family, so he doesn't want to see this kind of thing happen. Even if there is only a 1% chance, he has to avoid it. Therefore, he would rather be embarrassed than make it clear to Aigron.

If something unexpected happens to him, he hopes that Emily and her daughter can receive His Majesty's protection and live a safe and prosperous life - this is also his best reward for them.

Aigron was silent for a moment and finally spoke again, "Where has your relationship reached?"

"We have truly become lovers." Now that he has started, Edmund is no longer so embarrassed and can speak fluently. "Moreover, she and her daughter are very gentle and considerate to me. I feel like my family, so... So I want to protect them and protect them from fate. Your Majesty, as long as I live, I have the confidence to do this, but I am always a little afraid, not afraid of my own death, But I am afraid that they will be helpless after I encounter an accident... I have seen too many tragedies, and I don't want their lives to become tragedies, so, just in case, I will tell you about this, please. ——”

"Okay, I understand." Now that he had said this, Aigron also understood what the other party meant, so he reached out and interrupted Edmund, "What you have to do now is work for me, instead of thinking about it every day. What if! Cherish your life, Edmund, I still have a lot of things waiting to give you... However, I can promise you that since you asked me, I will faithfully fulfill it if necessary. Your request is not from a monarch or minister, but from a friend, and I always spare no effort to my friends."

Seeing that Aiglon agreed to his wish so simply, Edmund also breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, he had nothing to worry about.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry that I made you laugh. I shouldn't be so timid."

"It's human nature to care about your family. What's there to laugh about? I think you did the right thing." Aigron comforted the other person gently.

However, he immediately changed the subject. "But, I'm also a little worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Edmund asked quickly.

"Although I have never met Lady Emily, as a noble lady in Paris, we all know that she may have some romantic affairs to some extent. And she fell into your arms so soon after her husband fled. , more or less proves this point - Edmund, you are a smart and talented person, but you should not be so arrogant as to think that you can conquer an attractive person in a short time with your personal charm alone. Madam, you are knowledgeable, right?" Aigron asked slightly rudely.

Theoretically, he has never met Lady Emily, and probably has never even heard of her, so it is impossible for him to tell her dark history in a serious manner. It is impossible for him to know this.

However, he didn't want to pretend to be confused and say nothing now, because Edmund was his favorite and even a friend, so he felt that he should give him a warning, so he could only say it in a hint way. .

Under his questioning, Edmund fell silent.

To be honest, of course he would not be so confident that he attracted Emily's attention with his charm. He knew that Emily wanted to have someone to rely on for the rest of his life, so she took the initiative to throw herself into his arms. This was especially true. Marquis Reville had reminded him before, how could he not know?

But does it matter?

What's important is that Emily's tenderness and thoughtfulness, and Eugenie's well-behaved and sensible nature, really made him feel the warmth and touch that he had not experienced in many years. They are now completely relying on him, and are even waiting for him at this moment. Going home – isn’t this what family is?

No one is perfect, and he himself is not perfect, so he doesn't need the people around him to be perfect at all. As long as they are willing to treat him like this, their motives no longer matter, they are family now.

"Your Majesty, I understand everything you said, but I don't care about this issue." So, he solemnly replied to Aigron, "It doesn't matter what happened in the past. I just want them to have a good ending."

"Don't say it so easily. Maybe you can't bear her past." Aigron couldn't help but speak more openly. "After all, how much do you know about her? You only knew her for no more than a few months. And she has lived in Paris for thirty years. Every noble lady in Paris is a legend. You never know what surprises are waiting for you - Edmund, are you sure you really don’t want to hear it? Will Wendi bear all this? What if she really has a lover or even an illegitimate child? What will you do then? "

Aiglon's questioning left Edmund speechless for a moment, maybe because Emily's tenderness and sweetness were too warm; maybe because he was unwilling to face it instinctively, and he had never thought about it this way deliberately, and Now His Majesty has laid it all out.

He didn't know if it was true, but what if she did?

Edmund began to think according to Aiglon's hint.

He found that his heart didn't hurt that much.

——After all, Emily was only "possible" to have had an affair in the past; and Mercedes, whom he longed for, was now "confirmed" to be the wife of his enemy and had given birth to a child...

To say he was sad, he had already been heartbroken in the past. Even if something happened to Emily in the past, so what?

Maybe the suffering has already tempered his nerves, and he is actually a bit calm.

"If that's the case, I can give Emily a choice. If she chooses to make a clean break with the past, then I will always take care of her and her daughter; if she chooses to go back to the past, then I can also send her off respectfully and wish her a happy future. better life."

"Then you are really a tolerant person." Aigron was a little helpless. He couldn't help but shrugged and laughed sarcastically. "I hope you won't blame me for thinking wildly and tarnishing that lady's reputation."

"Perhaps you will laugh at my lack of knowledge and my inability to resist temptation, but for me, it is not Lady Emily's romantic tricks that fascinate me. I am not that obsessed with sensuality. Her gentleness and considerateness towards me , and that kind of family-like attachment and obedience that I can't let go of... not to mention Eugénie. I have no descendants now, and I don't know if I will have any in the future, but with a daughter like her, I can comfort myself in this life. I must protect her, let her grow up in the light, and get everything she deserves."

Speaking of this, Edmund's eyes were a little sour, and he almost cried.

Seeing Edmund being so devoted, Aigron was really speechless. He had done his best and said everything except opening the card table, but Edmund was still "obsessed". This left him unable to do anything.

He suddenly understood that in the original work, the count raised the lonely and helpless Haidee as his daughter, but now Haidee was a distinguished grand duchess and did not need his favor. Now Eugenie has become this kind of "father". The projection of "love" - ​​the Count has a kind of adoptive father plot in his bones, and he subconsciously wants to use this method to rebuild his destroyed family.

He has really regarded Emily and her daughter as his family now, so it seems that no matter how much he says, it is useless.

Alas, in this case, let him go...Aigron sighed inwardly.

"Then do you plan to marry her?" he asked again.

Edmund was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I haven't thought about the problem that far away. After all, she is still Mrs. Danglars, and there is no way to dissolve the marriage for the time being."

Aigron also felt relieved.

As his favorite, Edmund will definitely be greatly reused when he returns to France and takes power, and will become a prominent minister in his court - and at this time, if the wife Edmund marries is Amy Li, and then those messy things about Emily's past were dug up and spread all over the world. It would be too much fun, and it might become a big scandal for the court.

But as long as they are not married, it will be fine. After all, who cares about the style of the noble's mistress?

"Well, Edmund, since you have already mentioned this, I can't say anything more. After all, you have your own life, and I can't interfere with you except for work matters. Too many. Since you have chosen to treat them as family, I respect you. I just hope you can bear all this and not regret it in the future." Aigron sighed.

"I will never regret it, Your Majesty. I am responsible for every choice I make in life." Edmund replied firmly, "Thank you for your tolerance for me!"

Aiglon looked out the window and was silent for a moment.

"Do you still remember our conversation in Greece? At that time, I asked you if you wanted to find someone to marry, and you said you couldn't forget Mercedes...can you forget it now?"

Speaking of this name from other people's mouth made Edmund a little uncomfortable, but after all, it was much better than before.

"I can't forget, Your Majesty, Emily is not a substitute for Mercedes, they are completely different people." He replied sadly, "Some things are especially precious and unforgettable just because they are lost."

"Then what are you going to do with her?" Aigron asked, "Is it the same as Lady Emily?"

Edmund was silent again. He had not considered this issue and did not know how to proceed.

"I don't know how to deal with it, Your Majesty... I only know that we can never go back to the past. If she wants me to take care of her, then I will definitely take care of her, but there has been a fate between us. I am afraid that neither she nor I can cross this gap... She has lived a very satisfactory life for more than ten years, but I am destined to destroy this false happiness and bring shame to her family. I think she will be the one to do it. You can understand me, but you certainly can’t pretend that nothing happened.”

When he said this, his voice was a little dry, and it was obvious that he didn't feel well at all.

Seeing the count like this, Aigron didn't know what to say for a moment.

Some problems can be solved with power and money, but some problems can never be solved unless you have a time machine.

After a moment, he patted Edmund on the shoulder.

"Then take care of yourself. I believe fate will give you an answer, my friend."

Then he sent Edmund away to rest, and it was time for him to greet his guests.

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