Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifty, confidant

At Edmond Dantès's plea, Aiglon agreed to his wish and would take care of Emily and his daughter for him if something unexpected happened to him.

Although he was quite dissatisfied with this in his heart and tried hard to persuade him, since the earl had already mentioned this, he could no longer object.

After all, he is not an omnipotent person. He can bestow glory and wealth on others, but he cannot ensure that others can live happily. Only he can know whether a person's life is good or bad.

After sending Edmund away, Aigron calmed down and asked his guards to call Major Mipe, the adjutant of Marshal Soult who had just arrived today, to his study.

The major was originally resting in his room, but after receiving Aigron's summons, he did not dare to neglect and immediately came over with the guards.

When the study door reopened, the two people finally met each other.

Major Mipe walked in the door, and immediately focused all his attention on observing the young man opposite him, and then compared him with the figure that had never been blurred in his memory.

Compared with the person in my memory, the young man in front of me looks much immature due to his age, and perhaps because he grew up in the palace, his temperament is much more gentle, more like a nobleman. .

This young man was the heir to the empire that he swore allegiance to. If nothing unexpected happened, he should have become the second emperor of the empire, enjoying the cheers of everyone. But for a humble person like himself, maybe He has no qualifications to be remembered at all.

Unfortunately, there was an "accident" after all. The empire he was supposed to inherit was wiped out, and he was imprisoned. In the past ten years, I had no interaction with him, and of course I couldn't say that I had any heartfelt feelings for him. Admired.

He originally thought that this poor prince would never have any intersection with him, but he never thought that many years later, the unpredictable fate would actually allow him to interact with the grown-up man again...

Even though he was not a sentimental poet, the major couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw Aigron.

Who wouldn't be filled with emotion when thinking of the other person's name and everything it represents?

However, this sigh only lasted for a short moment, and then the major regained his composure.

He walked up to the young man,

Then he respectfully gave a military salute to the young man.

"Dear His Majesty the King of Rome, I am honored to be able to meet you, and on behalf of Your Majesty the Marshal, I would like to convey my most sincere greetings to you."

"Hello, Mr. Major." Aigron nodded slightly and greeted the other party with courtesy that did not lose his status. "Please also extend my most sincere greetings to the Marshal on my behalf."

After the initial greetings, Aigron asked the major to sit across from him.

"Sir, how long have you been serving?" Aigron asked in a relaxed and natural tone after he sat down.

"I retired from the army in 1816, and then lived with the marshal." The major answered him very naturally, "Before that, I followed the marshal for ten years."

"In total, you have had a glorious military career." Aigron nodded in approval.

"Thank you for your praise. I just followed the marshal and went to every battlefield he went to." Although he was not arrogant, when he mentioned this, Major Mipe couldn't help but feel a little proud in his tone. , "The brilliance is your Excellency the Marshal. I am just the one who witnessed this brilliance up close."

On the one hand, the major was being self-effacing, and on the other hand, he was hinting that he was firmly on the side of the marshal and would only act in the marshal's interests.

In the imperial era, as a fledgling young man, he did not dare to be interested in politics and was only interested in his own personal future and income. Because of his flexible mind and good business ability, he was favored by Marshal Soult and kept him by his side for training. Naturally, he was grateful to the Marshal and wanted to rise to the top with the help of the Marshal.

Under the care of the marshal, after many years of military career, his military rank has been steadily improved. If he develops normally, he will rise to prominence, and as a confidant of the marshal, he will continue to maintain the power of his faction after the marshal retires. .

It is a pity that in the sad year of 1815, his benefactor, Marshal Soult, was on the wrong side and chose to serve the emperor again. After the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, the marshal also suffered great misfortune and was once dismissed. After being exiled and finally returning to the country, his close friends were naturally severely purged. As his adjutant for many years, the major could not escape this kind of liquidation and could only retire sadly.

After retiring, he didn't have many prospects, but the marshal took him in out of gratitude for his many years of service and kept him by his side as a group of retired old subordinates.

Of course, this is not only for the sake of friendship, but also to maintain his own team of confidants so that he can have someone available when he makes a comeback in the future.

The marshal was unconvinced and wanted to return to the highest stage, so why not the major?

After more than ten years of idle life, he has entered middle age without achieving anything, and he does not want to stop here forever in his life.

Recently, when he learned that the marshal was secretly trying to make a move, contacting various forces, and preparing to take advantage of the chaos to revive, instead of being afraid or stopping it, he actively participated in it - because he knew that this was also his chance to turn around.

And he also knew that his many years of following the Marshal meant that his personal future was completely tied to the Marshal.

The big bosses at the top can make all the difference, but he has no chance to change his family. He can only follow the marshal and win and lose. The only thing he can do is to try his best to complete all the tasks assigned by the marshal, and then pray that luck will stand by the marshal this time. This side.

Therefore, even if he is facing the emperor's only son and the once unquestionable heir to the empire, he will not waver.

"I am also full of admiration for Marshal Soult. When I was a child, I heard his name more than once when I was attending classes at the Austrian court. It's a pity that I can't witness those splendors at close range like you. Spectacular moment, your experience is a rare blessing for any man." Although Major Mipe kept a distance from himself when he first came up, Aigron did not feel dissatisfied and remained very humble to express his feelings. High regard for Marshal Sirte.

He knew that although he had a brilliant surname, he had been away from France for too long and had not established his own prestige in the country for so many years. For ordinary foolish men and women who had never seen the world, his surname alone might make them burst into tears. Yes, but for a person like the Major who has seen the world, it is impossible for them to bow their heads as soon as they meet him. That is completely unreasonable.

He can only work hard to build up his prestige and make everyone forget his age.

Seeing that Aigron had done his best, the major would certainly not be arrogant. He respectfully replied to Aigron, "If the Marshal knew this, he would be very happy. He is old now, and he will inevitably spend time after dinner. Looking back, if we ever meet again, he will be happy to share his experience with you - and maybe you can have some fun with it."

"I believe it will definitely be more than a little fun." Aigron smiled and shook his head, "That will be a legend that ordinary people will not have the chance to listen to."

Aiglon didn't mean to compliment him. As a great man destined to be remembered in history, Surte's life was enough to be called a legend. Such a big man had seen countless great things in the world in his life. He also There must be a lot of unknown "first-hand information". If you can communicate with him in detail, just learning these secrets from his mouth will be enough to give you a sense of history.

"No matter what position he holds in the future, the Marshal has never had any ill will towards you personally. On the contrary, every time he mentions you, he is deeply happy for your achievements and that the legacy of His Majesty the Emperor has been passed down in you. And feel relieved, he told us many times that after his generation grows old, it is time for your generation to create new history." The major lowered his head and said to Aigron in a completely sincere tone, "I personally believe that, His Majesty the King of Rome, you will also write your own legend - or in other words, you are already writing it."

Because of Aigron's friendly attitude toward Marshal Soult, the major also lowered his initial guard and gradually relaxed.

Even if he is pretending, it shows that he values ​​the marshal very much, which means that he is willing to pay a sufficient price to win over the marshal.

In this case, in order to reciprocate the favor, the major, as the marshal's envoy, also showed great courtesy and goodwill.

"If that's the case, Major, I hope your writing will be included in my writing!" Aigron replied with a laugh after hearing this. "Major, I know that you are very loyal to the Marshal, but if I join forces with the Marshal, then you will be serving me. You said that you were forced to retire in 1816. This is a pity. If these dozen What if you are still serving in the middle of the year? Maybe you have already become a general!? The most precious time of your life has been stolen by a group of despicable people.

Fate has played a trick on you, just like fate played a trick on me and the marshal. Although our losses may be big or small, we are still victims. But it doesn’t matter, my career is to declare war on the injustice caused by fate. I am not only fighting for myself and the marshal, I am also fighting for everyone who has not abandoned us in difficult times, all those who have been unfairly fate We can all take back what we have been deprived of from the hands of fate with a sharp sword, are you right? "

After the major heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

Of course he could hear Aiglon's hint - as long as he succeeds in his career, he will become a general.

Maybe there's more to come.

The major was not surprised by this "reward". He also knew that as long as the marshal made a comeback, he, as the marshal's confidant, would definitely be able to return to the army and flourish again.

However, even though it was said, it seemed to have a different feeling when it was said by the King of Rome himself.

Maybe it's the same kind of resonance brought about by the unwillingness of being a loser.

Ask yourself, although he is not interested in politics, the major has served the empire for many years after all. The most glorious era in his life was almost synchronized with the rise and fall of the Bonaparte family.

If he went to serve an emperor Bonaparte, he would have no psychological obstacles.

He secretly looked at the young man in front of him again.

Although this young man's face is too young, there is no impatience or confusion in him, and he is not as domineering and domineering as Mr. Wang Sun. His demeanor is modest and elegant, but his eyes are aggressive. Just standing next to him, you can feel the surge. vitality and high self-confidence.

Over the years, although he lived in seclusion in the countryside with the marshal, he had been paying attention to news from various places, and naturally he had also been paying attention to the King of Rome after he fled.

Seeing what he did, he and the people around him had been secretly analyzing this young man.

Able to carry out his plans in an orderly manner, he may make mistakes, but he does not see the recklessness and impatience often seen in teenagers, and has the courage to risk his life when necessary. No wonder he can achieve a career at a young age... The major asked himself, It's incomparable.

In any case, at least it is better than the aging Bourbon kings... The major couldn't help but think to himself.

If he was left to make a choice, he wouldn't mind seeing this young man get what he wanted and accomplish something great.

Of course, whether or not to be loyal to the Bonaparte family is something that the Marshal can decide. He can only tell the Marshal what he sees and hears for his reference and let him make a decision as accurate as possible - Marshal He is old, and if he is on the wrong team again, he may never have a chance to make a comeback.

During his military career, the marshal has already accumulated a rich fortune for himself. Even if he never has the chance to rise again, he will still live his life as a wealthy man. But he will be different. Without hope, it means that you will achieve nothing in your life.

"You are right." He nodded heavily, "Fate is unpredictable, but we can never give up hope. I personally admire your resistance to fate... I also sincerely hope that you will have good luck, Your Majesty."

Hearing the major's words, Aigron smiled and nodded again. He knew that this was proof that the other party was leaning towards him.

It is enough to be able to do this.

As long as the other party is moved by his sincerity and tends to his side emotionally, his judgment will inevitably affect the marshal's judgment.

"As you can see, our place is very remote. I am really happy to meet a soldier who has served the country and brought fresh air to our place." Aigron took the initiative to extend his hand to the major, " There are also many passionate young people here. Anyway, you will be a guest here for a few days, so as a senior, please give them some teachings."

"It's my honor." The major stretched out his hand and took Agron's hand.

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