Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifty-one, each takes what he needs

Under Aigron's deliberate guidance, the conversation between the two was quite harmonious, and the major quickly established a good first impression of him.

Although the major is much older than Aigron, he has been famous for Aigron for a long time. Now after meeting him, he has seen his demeanor that is beyond his peers, so it is naturally impossible to have any contempt for him.

The person who can decide whose side to side with is his benefactor, Marshal Soult, but the major has no objection to siding with the Bonaparte family.

After shaking hands, Aigron felt that the preparation was almost complete, so he asked the major again with a straight face.

"Sir, I would like to know, what exactly does Marshal Soult expect from me?"

The major also knew that now was the most important moment, and it was also the moment that determined the marshal's next decision, so he also concentrated all his attention.

"Actually, Your Majesty the Marshal has been paying attention to you. He is not only paying attention to your heroic deeds in Greece. He is also paying attention to what political views you have and what you want to bring to France - because he knows that you cannot bring it to France." Your ambition is limited to the land that no one cares about, and you definitely hope to develop your ambitions in the land that your fathers once ruled."

"It seems that the Marshal knows me very well." Aigron nodded unceremoniously, "Yes, that's it."

"After years of seclusion, the Marshal decided to participate in state affairs again not only out of his personal pursuit of power, but also out of a sense of responsibility. In his view, the country is now in chaos and cannot extricate itself, and the economy is sluggish and the people are suffering. It is unspeakable, but the old men who rule the country are powerless to do anything about it... This situation is intolerable and should not continue at all.

Because he feels pain about the current situation, he hopes to use his prestige and ability to restore chaotic order, rebuild the destroyed national authority, and lead the country on the right track. The marshal believed that it was his duty to do so. "

Although these words were spoken smoothly and naturally, the major was actually a little embarrassed. He felt that no one would believe such words.

But there is no other way. People who play politics must find high-sounding reasons for themselves no matter what they want to do, and the marshal is naturally not exempt from this rule.

If he doesn't even have the ability to tell such clichés, he doesn't deserve to be on this stage.

One dared to say it, and the other naturally dared to believe it. Aigron also loudly agreed with the other party.

"There is no shirking the responsibility! Yes, I think so too.

I personally have no greed for the throne, because I know that this is an extremely heavy responsibility. If the fate of tens of millions of people were to weigh on my shoulders, I would probably crush me... But now I see France falling. I am heartbroken to be in such a situation. Whether it is in France or not, the Bonaparte family will always be spiritually connected with the people, and its mission is to dedicate everything to the country! Therefore, in the current situation, I think it is my duty to do so. "

Seeing Aigron's impassioned look, the major became even more embarrassed, but the more embarrassed he felt, the more he admired this young man in his heart - he could perform so skillfully and use high-sounding slogans with ease. With his talent, coupled with his surname and handsome appearance, he must be able to easily win the cheers of the people.

He silently gave the young man another point.

In the view of the major, although the marshal has high prestige, he is also proud and harsh in character. Therefore, he does not have the charm to be followed to death, and he is not loved by the people in the country. Therefore, he cannot stand on the front desk by himself and can only act as a minister. Take authority.

The young man opposite is an ideal assistant to the marshal - he is young, popular, and has the prestige inherited from his father's generation. If he steps up to the front, he will undoubtedly gain extremely high legitimacy. If he continues Authorize the marshal, and then the marshal will have legitimate authority.

Although this young man is ambitious, he is still too young after all, and has been away from the country for too long, so his foundation is shallow. Therefore, in the beginning he has to "co-govern" with the elders no matter what, so he will inevitably tolerate the elders' control to a certain extent. authority.

The two people each get what they need from the cooperation. This pattern is indeed quite ideal, at least in the eyes of the major, there is no problem.

"I completely agree with you." The major nodded solemnly, "Both you and the Marshal are working for the prosperity of the country. This is also the common wish of both of you."

Then, he changed the topic, "Previously, the Marshal heard that you sneaked into the country and gave a speech in the countryside near Strasbourg. The Marshal saw the full text of it through his news channel; and soon after Previously, he also received a public declaration from you, which stated that you hope to let the people decide the country's political system, and if necessary, you support a republic - may I ask, do you really think so?"

"I support any political system that can ensure the stability of the country. In other words, if any political system cannot ensure the stability and prosperity of the country, no matter how orthodox and high-sounding it seems, it will not have legitimacy and can be adjusted or overturned." Aiglon smiled slyly, and then answered the other party pretending to be serious, "I dare not predict the future, because anything can happen in the future. I only know that the current situation is absolutely intolerable... The country is in urgent need of change, and change often means Amid the turmoil, I believe that neither I nor the Marshal, nor anyone else with a sense of responsibility, would like to see the bloody storms of the past repeated on the land of France. Therefore, we need both change and stability. We want to achieve this. At this point, all people with outstanding talents must stand up and shoulder their responsibilities together. I am fully aware of my obligations, so I issued an initiative. I also hope that all talented people will also respond to my initiative and work together for the Serving the country without caring about one's own honor and disgrace——"

Aigron finished speaking without changing his expression, and the major was actually impressed when he heard it.

Even though he knew that the young man didn't mean what he said, he was still vaguely moved by him because it did sound reasonable.

After a moment of daze, the major regained his composure and thought carefully.

Although the young man just spoke impassionedly, what he meant was that his declaration was all expediency. Of course, the so-called support for the republic was just talk, but this was not unexpected. The Bonaparte family It would be strange if the heir did not pursue the throne.

"You are absolutely right." He nodded again, echoing Aigron's words, and then sighed worriedly, "The Marshal believes that the country needs to change now, but he is also afraid of irreversible turmoil. He thinks The country cannot be handed over to bloody careerists. Therefore, he hopes that any turmoil will end in the short term, and if necessary, any possible turmoil should be swept away with an iron fist - "

"I believe that no one in this country has a stronger fist than Marshal Soult." Aigron took over the conversation smoothly, "So, once something major happens, I think the Marshal must assume the responsibility of commanding the entire army. The sooner the better, the country and the people cannot afford to delay."

The major naturally believed this in his heart, and he also firmly believed that once the marshal stepped forward, the army would naturally be stabilized and the situation would be stabilized.

Since the young man said it to his face, this is naturally the Bonaparte family's personal promise to the marshal.

But promises are promises, and how to realize them is not that easy - the simplest question is, how can he "appoint" a marshal as the commander-in-chief of the army when the situation is turbulent?

As if sensing the major's suspicious look, Aigron explained further.

"Once a drastic change occurs, a provisional government will naturally appear in Paris to take over the situation, and this provisional government must listen to opinions from all sides, otherwise it will not survive - if necessary, I will use all my authority to elect The marshal comes to lead the army, and I believe that if the army itself does not express opposition at that time, the marshal will become the popular choice."

Aigron is quite good at this. After all, if the Bourbon dynasty falls, then the marshals in the army who are loyal to the Bourbon family will naturally fall with them. Among the remaining marshals, the most prestigious one is naturally Marshal Soult. Well, as long as Aigron and others move out of Sirte, even if others want to object, they may not be able to find a reason for a while.

After hearing Aiglon's explanation, the major was silent for a moment, obviously thinking about the possibility of his words.

"So how do you ensure your right to speak? I'm not doubting your ability, but... you have been away from Paris for too long after all. How can your words be heard by the provisional government?"

Obviously, although he admires Aiglon in his heart, the major still maintains his rationality and considers it completely from the perspective of the marshal - his concerns are also very realistic. The price you offer is certainly good, but how can you Make sure you achieve it?

Of course, Aigron also had a headache about this problem, and after thinking about it, he could only find one solution.

"At the critical moment when the kingdom falls, I will return to Paris as soon as possible. No matter whether it is flowers or cannonballs that greet me there, I will stand there. I will do my best to win what I can get." As a bargaining chip, Marshal Sirte will be the person I fully support. I think no matter what happens at that time, people will definitely not refuse a prestigious marshal to stand up and defend the country, do you think so?"

Major Mipe still lowered his head and blinked his eyes, obviously lost in thought.

"Your promise does seem touching, Your Majesty, but it also shows that you can't guarantee that you will be able to successfully implement it."

"Yes, I can't guarantee it, but I think I can do it. There is absolutely no other possibility." Aigron replied decisively, "Of course, you and the marshal don't have to believe me. This is human nature. But in that case , what loss do you have? It’s just a disappointment. You still have freedom of action and can cooperate with anyone. Sir, let me make it clear. If I can lift the marshal out to be the commander-in-chief of the army, then , then I have the right to ask the marshal to cooperate with me; if I can't do it, then I admit my incompetence, and the marshal can do whatever he wants, how about it? Is this a favorable enough condition? Isn't it enough to explain my Are you sincere?"

The major nodded slightly.

On the one hand, he was admitting that Aigron was indeed sincere enough; on the other hand, in his personal feelings, he couldn't help but feel secretly sorry for this young man.

Although I don't know whether he can fulfill his promise, his fearless self-confidence and determination not to give up until he achieves his goal still infected the major.

Indeed, if you want to achieve great things, how can you do it without this kind of temperament?

"Then what do you hope the Marshal can do for you during this period?"

"I only need him to do one thing for me -" Aigron stopped talking in circles, but answered the other party seriously, "I know that he has been living in seclusion for a long time, but I believe he still has many orders. I hope he can find a capable army near the border when the time comes. It doesn’t need to be many, even just one regiment and one battalion. I want them to be able to escort me, my wife and my children to Paris. ...This shouldn’t be difficult for the marshal, right?”

On the one hand, Aiglon's proposal was for safety reasons. After all, Theresa and Francois would also go on the road with him. If there was an army accompanying him, they would naturally be able to ensure the safety of his wife and children; but more importantly, Yes, he wanted to create a kind of public opinion, a replica of the scene in 1815 when soldiers defected to Napoleon and marched to Paris together. The psychological impact of this on the people would remind them of the scene that everyone expected.

After listening to Aigron's request, the major did not hesitate, but nodded directly.

"Okay, I will convey the truth to the marshal."

He was noncommittal, but he felt that it was a good investment for the marshal.

After the drastic changes in the country, regardless of whether the Bonaparte family's business is successful or not, the marshal can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai - if they succeed, then his help to the Bonaparte family is tantamount to the merits of a hero; even if it is unsuccessful, , then he can push it all away when the time comes, saying that he had no knowledge of it.

It's totally okay to do it without any cost.

After considering the marshal's question, the major began to think about his own.

He knew that if it weren't for the temporary "asking for" himself, a little person like himself would never have the chance to be taken seriously by the King of Rome, let alone have the opportunity to chat and laugh with him.

And he knew better that if this young man really got his long-cherished wish, he would have no better chance to get close to him again in the future.

It would be fine if he didn't have any personal ambitions, but the major was determined to do something in the future, so after thinking about it, he decided to use this opportunity to try his best to leave a good impression on the King of Rome.

He couldn't tell exactly how the future would develop, but it was always good to be remembered by a big shot.

So, he added, "Your Majesty, if the marshal really decides to send someone to welcome you back to the country, I am willing to come to the border and lead your horse and support you."

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