Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifty-two, we had a great conversation

"Your Majesty, if the marshal really decides to send someone to welcome you back to the country, I am willing to lead your horse and support you."

Regardless of whether the major's words were a deliberate compliment or sincere, Aigron was very happy to hear this, so he also gave the other party a warm response.

"If there is a day when we can participate in a grand event together, I will never forget your kindness."

Due to the disparity in status between them, Aigron did not need to speak too harshly to appear to be groveling. He only needed to say such a sentence in an understatement, and they would already understand each other tacitly.

It's obvious that the major is as ambitious as his benefactor. Although he is now bound to the marshal and everything he does is in the marshal's interests, he still has his own personal interests after all - and in the end... The key point is that the marshal is old after all and cannot protect his followers forever, so the major must make other plans for himself.

Major Mippey knew in his heart that there were very few opportunities for him to face this young man face to face, so he took advantage of this opportunity and tried hard to show his friendly attitude towards the Bonaparte family without violating the interests of the marshal. Fruits were also harvested.

Precisely because the two of them got what they needed, they are now talking happily, and each has confirmed "goodwill" from the other, and this is the basis for continued dealings in the future.

Then, Aiglon and the major talked about some issues about the marshal, and the conversation was very speculative. It was not until noon that the two stopped talking.

At this time, as a courtesy to a landowner, Aigron invited the major to meet his family.

Of course the major readily agreed, so Aigron took him out of the study and into the reception room.

Soon, Teresa, who was notified, also came over with her baby son.

"It is an honor to be in front of you, Her Royal Highness the Princess. On behalf of Marshal Soult, I would like to congratulate you on becoming a mother and opening up branches for a great family."

After seeing Teresa, the major immediately saluted her respectfully - after all, even if the Bonaparte family's business did not succeed, Princess Teresa was a genuine princess and a member of the royal family, and he did not dare to neglect her.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Major." Teresa was also very polite when she saw the other party.

She looked at the middle-aged man with a smile, acting reserved and humble, "We welcome every guest who comes from afar, especially those who bring us good news.

I wish you and the Marshal all the best. "

Then, she added with a smile, "When I was in Austria, I often heard my father lament the past and mention those former friends and opponents. He spoke highly of Marshal Soult, so at that time I I can’t help but admire the Marshal... If I can meet the Marshal in person and feel his majesty up close, it will definitely be an unforgettable experience for me.”

The major did not dare to judge whether what Princess Teresa said was true, but he took it seriously for the time being - what mattered was not the truth or falsehood, but the respect shown by Her Royal Highness the Princess to the marshal. This shows that this couple They all regard recruiting the marshal as their top priority and recognize the "value" of the marshal.

"I will convey your words to the marshal, and I believe he will be very happy." Therefore, the major also answered Theresa humbly, "In addition, when I followed the marshal, I often heard him praise and criticize those who were at the same time. The great men of this era also admired your father, Archduke Karl, and the Marshal, and used many complimentary words... Maybe this is the sympathy between heroes."

The polite words of the two people were half-truths and half-falsities. Obviously, there was not much interaction between Archduke Karl and Marshal Soult, but history is written by people after all, as long as they take it seriously.

When meeting Teresa, Major Mippe also compared Teresa with the Queen Louisa in his memory just like when he met Aiglon.

Although Queen Louisa at that time was not arrogant and her life was not extravagant, and she was much better than Louis XVI's decapitated queen, she was a bit too low-key, and could even be called socially autistic. She had been living in seclusion in the palace. It is easy to have no contact with the outside world.

Maybe it was because her personal personality was too low-key; maybe it was because she felt in her heart that she was snatched away by Emperor Napoleon to become the queen, so she had always been a little depressed. In short, no matter what the reason was, Louisa did not arouse France. The people loved her, and no one missed her Majesty the Queen - and after she remarried Earl Naiperg, no one cared about the former Queen Regent.

Compared to Queen Louisa in his memory, in the eyes of the major, Princess Teresa seemed much more enthusiastic and approachable.

During this period of time, they had been paying close attention to the deeds of Aigron, and naturally, they also heard a lot about Princess Theresa's deeds.

After Her Royal Highness the Princess experienced the blow of being escaped from the marriage by the Roman King and losing her reputation, she stubbornly continued to insist on the engagement between the two people, and finally got married. In the eyes of those girls and ladies who yearn for pure love, this is a rare love story among the upper class. They praise Teresa's loyalty and persistence. However, in the eyes of people who are accustomed to looking at the world from a conspiracy perspective, this matter seems to be a big deal. Something is fishy.

The major was of course the latter type of person. He and his friends privately believed that the princess must have been privately engaged with the King of Rome for life, so all this was planned secretly by them. Maybe the princess assisted the King of Rome in escaping.

Even Marshal Soult privately suspected that this was a political conspiracy between the Grand Duke Karl and his daughter. As collateral members of the royal family, they had no hope of inheriting the throne, so they wanted to support the Bonaparte family to satisfy their ulterior political ambitions. ——Of course, this guess is somewhat based on judging others by oneself.

However, no matter what they speculate in private, things without evidence cannot be put on the table. Of course, the major will not be stupid enough to mention those unpleasant old events in front of Teresa, but at least these conspiracy theories are buried in his heart. A seed was planted so that he would never underestimate Teresa.

No matter how gentle the girl in front of her looks, she is still the daughter of Archduke Karl, a Habsburg princess, and she is by no means an easy character to deal with.

Of course, she is at least much more pleasing to the eye than Queen Louisa back then, and there seems to be nothing wrong with becoming the new Queen of France...

"Theresa, let me tell you good news." While the major was still thinking secretly, Aigron suddenly smiled and spoke to Theresa, "After learning just now that we planned to take advantage of the chaos to return to China, the major volunteered to tell us when the time comes. Go to the border in person and escort us all the way into Paris."

"Really? That's great!" Theresa blinked, her eyes full of surprise.

Then, she turned to look at the major and thanked him with a smile, "What a kindness! Major, I thank you for your enthusiasm for our family. Please believe me, you are not only helping us; By freeing this country from possible chaos and carnage...you are doing a service to the entire nation."

Although Princess Teresa's smile was extremely friendly, the major felt pressure all of a sudden.

His proposal just now was only "hypothetical", and the premise was that the marshal nodded and agreed to cooperate with the Bonaparte family, but now when the couple was talking, they seemed to take their words seriously, as if they were eager to give it a try at any time. Waiting to welcome them back to France together.

The most helpless thing is that he still has no way to deny what he just said in front of Her Royal Highness the Princess, otherwise it would be too disappointing, and he might even be resented.

So even though he knew it was inappropriate, he had no choice but to show enthusiasm in front of Her Royal Highness.

"Your Royal Highness, I know that the country is facing a crisis at this time, and disaster may be imminent; I also firmly believe that you and your husband can win the hearts of the people across the country with your courage and grace, and thus eliminate those... The disaster that may break out... If I have the opportunity to provide you with any help in this great and glorious cause, it will be my duty."

Seeing what the major said, Teresa nodded happily.

"Great! Mr. Major, as you said, our couple is embarking on a difficult undertaking. This is destined to be impossible for us and our couple alone. Instead, we need those outstanding people to unite as one and face the difficulties with us. And...if we can get your help, I firmly believe that our cause will have one more hope of success."

As she spoke, Teresa picked up her son again and raised it in front of the major.

"Moreover, not only our couple, but also my child is destined to undertake this arduous undertaking. He will also rely on your help in the future. Please help him with your usual enthusiasm..."

The major studied the baby before him carefully.

Although the blond baby looks cute, there is nothing special about it - no matter what kind of blood is flowing in him, he is nothing more than a baby under one year old at the moment, let alone a "born baby". "Extraordinary majesty".

However, in the current environment, he naturally couldn't express what was on his mind. He looked at the child with respect, as if the baby really had some aura about him.

"This child will definitely achieve great things in the future." Then he blurted out.

"Thank you for your kind words." Teresa was also very happy because of the major's compliment. "We will also pave all the way for him."

Because the major was so sensible, he also gained Teresa's favor, and she also expressed her kindness to the major, consciously or unconsciously.

Similarly, intentionally or unintentionally, the couple left an indelible impression on the major with their performance. It is conceivable that he will also share this impression with Marshal Sirte after he returns to him. Marshal's.

After putting down their initial guard, the three of them had a very good chat. At noon, the Agrons invited the major to have lunch together. During the meal, Teresa specifically asked the major about his experience when he served in the army. What he saw and heard, and expressed praise and exclamation at every appropriate opportunity. Although he knew that this was deliberately done by Her Royal Highness the Princess, the major was still a little uneasy in his heart - after all, who in this world can get such an opportunity? Not much.

After the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, the major ended his audience, and then, under the leadership of the guards, went to the room arranged for him to rest. Aigron and Teresa returned to their bedroom.

When only the couple were left in the room, the original smile on Theresa's face was gradually replaced by a serious expression.

"Your Highness, how was your discussion with this man?" she asked.

"The discussion went quite smoothly, right?" Aigron replied calmly.

Then, he truthfully told Teresa all the details of what he had just discussed with the major.

"Marshal Sirte is indeed cunning... He is still playing tricks at this time!" After listening, Theresa made a comment.

"He is indeed playing tricks, but it cannot be said that he is completely waiting and watching. At least he is ready to show me some sincerity." Aigron shrugged, "I don't have enough chips to offer now, and of course he will not be satisfied - —However, as long as he can take the first step, there will be no turning back for him, and I will let him follow us."

In Aigron's view, as long as the Marshal can agree to send someone to escort him to Paris, it means that they are essentially standing together. He believes that even if the Marshal wants to turn things around, he can tie him to death. around oneself.

After all, no matter how prestigious or skillful a person is, he cannot exert his power alone. He needs followers and pawns. Marshal Soult does not have complete control over his followers. Ability, those people also have their own thoughts - the marshal can order them, but on the other hand, the marshal's power is meaningful only if they execute the marshal's orders.

Therefore, as long as the couple can impress those followers, the marshal will eventually be coerced to his side, and by then he may not have much choice even if he wants to regret it.

Therefore, he would rather be conceited and let the marshal take the most critical first step, even if he takes a low profile - in this game, the one who can win people's hearts ultimately depends on the courage and charm he can display. .

Teresa quickly understood Aigron's thoughts.

She also knows that her husband's career cannot lack her help.

Because of this, after Aigron gave at least a little hint just now, she immediately started chatting happily with the major in order to gain his favor.

Judging from the current results, this strategy has hope of success.

However, apart from that, Theresa was still a little worried.

"Marshal Soult is so inconsistent, and he seems a bit unruly... Even if he stands with us temporarily, it is not a long-term solution. Although Talleyrand is also hateful, after all, he is just a civil servant, even if No matter how eloquent he is, he will not cause much trouble after being thrown away. Marshal Soult is different, he has weapons in his hands..."

"Of course I know." Aigron sighed, "But now is not the time to think about this. Let's do it step by step."

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