Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifty-four, mission

"Okay, Your Majesty, then I will do as you say."

Seeing that the count finally obeyed her order, Teresa was relieved.

She picked up the cup again, drank the remaining coffee in one gulp, and then looked at Edmund again.

"Earl, please wait a moment."

Then, with a sign, she summoned a maid and gave her orders.

"Invite the captain here."

Of course, Edmund could only obey the order, so he lowered his head and drank coffee silently, waiting.

Not long after, a tall figure appeared in the room.

The visitor first bowed respectfully to Theresa, and Theresa nodded to him in a friendly manner, and then introduced him to Edmund, who had already guessed the answer.

"Count, this gentleman is the Captain Foresty I mentioned just now..."

Edmund took advantage of the situation and took a look at the middle-aged man. Although he had already met him when he was in Greece, he didn't have any formal contact with each other, so he didn't leave much impression on each other.

Today I learned from Teresa that he was actually a swordsmanship teacher. Especially since Edmund himself has seen His Majesty’s skills, it is conceivable that the Captain’s skills are absolutely extraordinary, so he naturally did not dare to neglect him this time. .

"Nice to meet you, Captain."

The two people exchanged friendly greetings and were officially acquainted.

The captain only recently returned here. Previously, he followed Theresa's instructions and went to Austria to find Archduke Karl, and asked the Archduke for a batch of precious paintings, and then secretly brought them back. Here comes Teresa.

There is no doubt that since they were chosen by Teresa, these works of art are by no means ordinary, and are naturally the heart of the Grand Duke. Although the Grand Duke finally decided to reluctantly part with his daughter because he loved his daughter so much, he still had the idea in his heart that "he can use them in the future." He did not allow them to be damaged or lost on the road due to any accident, so he specially issued a death order to the captain, making sure that he participated in the whole process to ensure that they were brought to his daughter and then delivered safely. into the hands of Talleyrand.

Precisely because she knew what her father was thinking, Teresa followed suit and decided to let the captain escort them all the way and send these works of art to Prince Talleyrand - and by the way, let the captain arrive in Paris first.

Set up an outpost for your own family.

After both of them were seated, Teresa asked the maid to bring the captain a cup of coffee, and then gave the captain instructions.

"Captain, you, like the earl, have an important mission. I hope you can cooperate well when the time comes... Moreover, I explained in advance that after arriving there, the earl will be your superior. As long as it does not violate the principles, you You should obey his orders and never treat him negatively, you must remember this.”

After hearing this, Edmund felt relieved. What he was most afraid of was that Her Highness the Princess would place an uncle beside him who he could not control. As a result, everything would be hampered. Unexpectedly, Her Highness the Princess actually understood his difficulties and solved the problem in advance. question.

He also knew that the Austrian captain was Teresa's confidant. Now Her Royal Highness, in front of two people, confirmed that she was the superior and asked the captain to obey her orders, which undoubtedly gave herself a lot of face.

Under the current situation, having a capable subordinate in hand is great news no matter what.

"I understand, Your Highness," the captain confirmed the order briefly.

Then, the captain looked at the earl again and took the initiative to show weakness to him, "Mr. earl, as you can see, I am just a vulgar warrior who doesn't know anything except swordsmanship, so please rest assured that I will never do anything to him." You have no say in what I do, you just give me orders when the need arises.”

"Being able to get your help makes me even more powerful. I am very grateful to God for sending me strong reinforcements at this time..." Edmund complimented the captain.

"Instead of thanking God, it is better to thank our kind princess." The captain smiled and joked.

Then, he asked Edmund, "By the way, Earl, do you have any research on swordsmanship?"

"It's not about research, just some interest." Edmund answered truthfully, "If there is a chance, I would like to get some advice from you."

"That's great!" The captain laughed. "I was worried that there would be nothing to relieve my boredom during the long journey. This is great! As you wish, we can have time to compare notes, regardless of victory or defeat. Just pass the time."

Edmund didn't know how skilled the captain was, but from the captain's demeanor and Theresa's introduction, he could guess that he was definitely no match, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to win anyway, as long as he could It would be nice to learn something.

Then, he remembered another person, "By the way, Captain, have you heard of the Marquis Noirtier?"

"Noirtier..." The captain suddenly felt confused when he heard this last name. After frowning and thinking for a moment, he seemed to remember something, "I heard he was a famous swordsman in France, but we didn't have a chance to compete. At that time I was serving in the Austrian Imperial Army, and he was a minister of the French Empire... We had no friendship at all."

"Yes, that's him." Edmund nodded. "Although he is old now, he has not given up his loyalty to the Bonaparte family. He is still running for His Majesty and has also brought me a lot of help. . I respect this senior very much. He has given me a lot of care and teaching in private, and... he has also taught me swordsmanship."

"That's good. After arriving in Paris, I can discuss with him when I have the opportunity." The captain immediately became interested.

"I'm afraid this won't work..." Edmund shook his head in embarrassment. "The Marquis is already old, and there seems to be something wrong with his body. His legs and feet are becoming less and less flexible. According to him, he may be dead soon. There is a risk of stroke and hemiplegia..."

The captain suddenly felt sad when he heard this.

"Really? That's such a pity." He sighed, "Time is really cruel."

On the one hand, the captain felt sympathy for the Marquis Noirtier's experience, but on the other hand, he was also hurt by the situation, thinking of himself who was no longer what he used to be after being seriously injured.

"Yeah, it's really a pity." Edmund also sighed, "But if you meet him, even if you don't spar with him, you will definitely have a lot to talk about..."

At this point, both of them felt a little sad, and seeing how harmonious they were as soon as they got to know each other, Theresa was relieved.

"Captain, it looks like your trip to Paris will be a pleasant one. I also wish you a feast for your eyes in that city." Theresa said to the captain with a smile, and then looked at Edmund. , "Earl, is there anything else you need to report?"

Edmund knew in his heart that Her Royal Highness the Princess probably had something to explain to the Captain alone, so he quickly resigned to Teresa, "No more, Your Majesty."

"Well, you go back and make preparations first. When you set off, the captain will go with you." Teresa nodded slightly, indicating that he could leave.

Edmund breathed a sigh of relief at last, and bade farewell to Teresa, and after he was gone the captain was left alone.

Teresa did not speak immediately, but lowered her head and fell into deep thought. Naturally, the captain did not dare to interrupt Her Royal Highness's thoughts, so he could only drink coffee by himself.

After a long time, Teresa finally looked up at the captain.

"Sir, something happened."

"What accident?" The captain was slightly stunned.

"It's about the assassin." Teresa briefly explained, "The count just told me that Miss Agnes has volunteered and boasted to my husband that she would take down the assassin for him and let him do his bidding. "

"Miss Agnes?" The captain was even more surprised.

He had already received tasks from Theresa before. One was to escort the treasure to Prince Talleyrand; the other was to find the assassin and give him the punishment he deserved.

For the captain, since he was serving Teresa now, it was his duty to avenge Agron, so he accepted the order happily, but he did not expect that Miss Agnes intervened on the way.

Especially when thinking of the special relationship between Miss Agnes and His Majesty... Thinking of this, the captain couldn't help but feel a headache for Theresa.

You mentioned her to your father just now, and your father lost his temper... He couldn't help but look at Teresa secretly with sympathy. Could it be that that young lady has become a lingering shadow on Her Royal Highness the Princess?

But the Archduke strictly ordered not to tell Teresa about this, so he could only keep it in his heart.

Of course, he could also imagine what Her Royal Highness must be feeling in her heart at this moment.

However, perhaps because of her good self-control, Theresa's expression was not abnormal, but she smiled lightly. "To be honest, after I heard the news, I was a little unhappy at first - but if I think about it carefully, the most important thing is to avenge His Highness and punish the murderer severely? As for who completed this task, there is no What's the difference, right?"

"That's right..." The captain was a little flustered, but on the surface he could only answer bravely.

He also knew that Her Highness the Princess's words did not mean what they said on the surface. So, he took the initiative to change the subject, "But Miss Agnes is an outsider after all. If we followers are not as useful as an outsider and she avenges His Highness, it will be difficult for us. The shame of words... It is difficult for me personally to bear such shame. So, Your Highness, I hope you can give me a chance to prove myself."

Seeing the captain volunteering and insisting on completing the task, Teresa nodded slightly, "Captain, I am very grateful for your thoughts on our couple. But I also know that you are ill and your strength is no longer what it was before, so I also I can’t force you to avenge His Highness with your own hands. You just need to do your best. If it doesn’t work, just let her take the credit..."

The captain couldn't help but be moved by how reasonable the princess was.

He has been following the princess for a long time under the orders of the Grand Duke. Teresa has always been very respectful to him and has never put on royal airs. And she usually takes good care of the people around her. The captain has always seen her, and he naturally has a paternal love for Her Royal Highness, hoping that everything will go well for her.

If there was a chance to make Her Royal Highness happy, he would certainly be willing to do it.

And Teresa's few words also aroused the hidden competitiveness in his heart.

Even if I am seriously injured and worse than before, I will not be worse than a girl, he said in his heart.

"Your Highness, although it seems that my mission has a few twists and turns, I don't see any need to change my plan. I will still try my best to carry out the mission." So, the captain straightened his back and said seriously. Assured Teresa, "This is like a hunting game, and I will fulfill my promise on my honor; if Miss Agnes can really get ahead of me, then I have nothing to say." Say, I will come to apologize to you myself!”

The captain's impassioned promise moved Teresa's heart.

She knew that the method she used to provoke the general was not very clever. The only reason why the captain was so easily fooled and inspired his fighting spirit was that he was really loyal to her.

This loyalty is much more precious than any beautiful words.

"Just do your best, I will never force you or anything... I just ask you not to laugh at me and actually want to make other people angry..." She sighed again.

Then, she laughed at herself again, "Actually, what do I need to be angry with her? I'm just a little unwilling to do so. Why can she always be so spotless and everything sounds grand? Do I want to avenge His Highness? Will you have less anger than others?"

Yes, she believed that the fire in her heart to avenge her husband would never be less than anyone else's, and she did not want this "honor" to fall into the hands of others easily.

She not only runs the family together with her husband, but also uses practical actions to spare no effort to support her husband's career. How could she lose to anyone?

"You don't need to care about this kind of thing at all..." Seeing Teresa's self-deprecating look, the captain couldn't help but comfort Teresa, "There will never be any results between Miss Agnes and Your Highness, they are too far apart. ”

Teresa did not dispute this statement.

Of course she also knew that the captain had no personal ambitions. He would not harm others and only wanted to complete his own mission, but that was all - he could not do more.

So, after a moment of silence, she warned the captain again.

"Please remember that your life is more important than this mission. You should give your first priority to saving yourself at all times, because I will need you again in the future. You just said that this is a hunting competition, so you might as well be true. Look at this matter from this perspective. It's best if you can succeed. If you can't succeed, just protect yourself. Even if she wins, it doesn't matter... By the way, you have to communicate with Mrs. Alice and act according to her opinion. This matter Don't tell the count anything."

"Why?" The captain was a little confused. "Mrs. Alice is her sister..."

"Because of this, she is believable." Teresa replied with a smile. "She regards her sister's life as very important and cannot bear to put her sister in danger. This is why I admire her. In our world, it is not uncommon to be ambitious, and only those who can retain some humanity are worthy of trust."

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