Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifty-five, the fight between trapped beasts

When the general arrived in Paris during the day, people in a hurry were like scattered ant colonies, moving busily through the streets, and the Poncena Bank, located near the exchange, was as busy as ever.

This bank silently shows off its status as a financial giant with its magnificent office building, which stands like a giant tree in this busy neighborhood.

In its spacious lobby on the first floor, people of all kinds come and go, depositing or remitting huge sums of money. Staff in crisp uniforms shuttle around every corner like worker bees, collecting the money they pick from everywhere. Remitted to the bank's books and treasury.

On the second and third floors of the bank, everything has changed. There are some carefully decorated rooms here, which are quiet and luxurious. Only important customers are qualified to be brought here to talk about huge amounts or confidential matters. trade.

And today, one of the offices welcomed a special guest.

This guest was dressed simply, with a hat hanging a veil on her head. We could only guess how beautiful she was from her figure and the brilliant blond hair hanging down from the hat.

After she sat here and waited for a while, the door to the room opened, and then a short, fat, elegantly dressed middle-aged man walked in.

After seeing the other party, the lady took off her hat, then bowed slightly to greet the other party. "Good morning, Mr. Bowen."

"Good morning, Lady Alice."

The banker's astonishing beauty did not make the banker lose his mind for a moment. He just nodded to the lady with an indifferent and formulaic smile and a calm demeanor.

They are indeed old acquaintances. In the past, as a budding banker, Bowang tried to work around and accumulate his own social connections. Naturally, he also got to know Duke Nordlyen and his family - of course, he just met them. Having only met Alice a few times, there cannot be any deep connection between them.

Not long after, Alice got married, and Bowang also forgot about this young lady in his busy work. However, he did not expect that a few years later, the two of them would fall in love again due to various accidents. intersection.

Bowen colluded with the Count of Monte Cristo, stirred up the financial trend, forced the Tanglar Bank to collapse, and by the way forced the Duke of Nordelion's family into a desperate situation; and after discovering this, Lady Alice took the lead. He volunteered with Aigron and took over the task of "rescuing" the Duke's family.

After answering Paris, under the introduction of the count, Alice naturally got acquainted with Bowen again; and not long after, Alice

The count had to leave Paris to carry out Aiglon's mission, so Alice had to do the entire business herself, so she inevitably met with Mr. Beauvin frequently.

During these contacts, Bowang's impression of Alice has also changed greatly. Compared with the past impression of a "noble lady", it has now become "This woman is a bit shrewd and not easy to deceive." Idiot", he admired her a little.

Of course, it's just appreciation. In his career as a banker who has spent many months planning and planning, Mr. Bowen has lost all interest except money. He is also used to all the coquettish tricks used by ladies to show off their debts. , so the beauty has left him indifferent. No matter how beautiful the wife is, she can't compare to the account book.

"Madam, as per your request, the latest payment has been prepared." After a brief greeting, Bowang went directly to the topic.

Then, he couldn't help but feel a little proud, "According to all your requirements, the financial accounts have been done perfectly. I don't think anyone can trace the source of the money."

After finishing speaking, he handed the detailed accounts to Alice.

"Thank you." After Alice thanked Bowang, she gently took the account book and looked at it carefully.

Although after this period of dealings, she has fully understood that the other party has superior abilities and is ten times more powerful than herself in finance, but she still remains cautious and carefully checks every account for fear of making any mistakes.

——She knows that His Majesty's trust in her is a precious and rare resource that she must cherish. Moreover, she must handle things more appropriately than he expected, so that she can gain his trust even more in the future.

Although time was precious, Bowang was not impatient at all. He just sat quietly waiting for Madam - he admired the cautious and responsible attitude shown by Madam Alice. If it were not for the disparity in status, he would have wanted to He wants to hire his wife as his secretary with a high salary.

After a long time, Alice finally finished flipping through it, and then she nodded and approved of Bowang's work. "Sir, thank you for your hard work..."

"It doesn't matter, this is my job." Bowang smiled and shook his head, and then asked Alice, "Madam, when do you plan to ask for the next payment?"

"Just next week." Alice had already thought about it and answered.

"Well, I will make corresponding preparations in advance." Bowang had no objection. "In addition, congratulations, Madam. As far as I can see, you are now in charge of a large amount of assets... There are undoubtedly others in Paris. Many ladies are richer than you, but you are the most deserving of these wealth, and I hope you can make good use of them in the future."

Being so praised, Alice couldn't help but blush a little, but she nodded firmly, "Thank you, I will. Of course I am very happy for everything I have got now, but I know even more what a heavy obligation I have. I will use it with fear."

After saying that, she didn't want to waste Bowang's time anymore. She stood up and saluted Bowang to say goodbye, and then left Poncena Bank with the money he paid.

After walking out of the bank, Alice put on her veil again, got into an inconspicuous carriage and started on her way home. However, she was so full of pride and joy that she didn't notice that not far away, there was always a pair of Eyes, silently watching her every move, until the carriage left sight.

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"Poncena Bank?" Not long after, the Duke quietly asked his daughter in the study room of Duke Nordlien's house. "are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Agnes replied softly, "Recently, my sister will go there secretly every once in a while, and then bring you the money soon after. There can be no mistake."

Not long ago, under the order of her father, Agnes received the order to "inquire about her sister's source of funds." Although she was reluctant, for the sake of her family, Agnes still fulfilled the order and quietly monitored her sister.

Because of the count's departure, Alice had to increase the frequency of her actions, which also gave Agnes an opportunity to take advantage of.

She had a close relationship with her sister, and she was very skilled, so through some mental arithmetic or not, she finally figured out Alice's whereabouts, and today she finally reported back to her father.

Although this was "significant progress" for her, she was not happy. Spying on her sister made her feel guilty and weak to speak.

"Very good!"

However, her father had no time to take into account his daughter's complicated mood. On the contrary, he patted the table excitedly.

"Poncena Bank... It's right when you think about it. There are not many places that can mobilize such a large amount of funds without leaving a trace! Now everything makes sense, yes, I understand it, haha Ha ha……"

He was indeed very lucky. Ever since he was kidnapped by his daughter, he had been dreaming of ways to get out of this predicament. Now that he finally saw the light, how could he not be excited?

But after being excited for a while, he fell into distress again.

"However, even Poncena Bank has many people inside... Who is leading this matter? Poncena himself? No, I know him, he is not such a sinister person, and he is already old No longer involved in specific operations; then, it must be an important figure in it, who is it...who is it..."

The Duke kept muttering to himself, but couldn't find any clues, and Agnes was also at a loss next to her. Although she was very skilled, she couldn't help with this kind of thing. It was impossible to bring down the bank's senior officials. Arrest them one by one and torture them, right?

The more the Duke thought about it, the more headache he got, and finally he couldn't help but cover his forehead, "Who is it..."

"Dad, why don't you take a rest first?" Seeing his distressed look, Agnes felt a little distressed.

"No..." The Duke waved his hand anxiously.

Suddenly, he had an idea and seemed to have thought of something.

Then, he frowned and thought about it again. Although Agnes didn't know why, she didn't dare to disturb her father's thoughts.

"There is a way to find that guy." After a moment of silence, the Duke suddenly broke the calm.

"What can I do?" Agnes asked quickly.

"Bill -" the Duke gave a short answer, "Since Alice has a huge amount of money dealings with this guy, no matter how well she hides it on the surface, the outflow of funds is an ironclad fact, and he will definitely issue the corresponding bill." The bank lends money...so, as long as we can find one or two of the notes, and then compare the handwriting and signature, we can find that person."

"That's right..." Agnes suddenly realized.

But she quickly thought of another question, "Sister will definitely store such an important thing carefully...ah..."

When she said this, she stopped, because she found that her father was looking at her directly at this time. The sharp look in his eyes made her shudder. "dad……"

"You know what I mean, Agnes." Her father replied coldly, "You and your sister are so close. If there is anyone in the world who can dig out those things, it must be you."

"But... wouldn't that be despicable?" Agnes retorted subconsciously. "This is stealing from my sister!"

"Hmph!" The Duke interrupted his daughter's ridiculous retort with a cold snort, "Despicable. Isn't it despicable that she took advantage of others' danger and colluded with outsiders to deal with her father? Isn't it despicable that she tried to take away our family's property? Is it okay? She harmed us first, we were just acting in self-defense."

"But..." Agnes still found it difficult to accept.

"Agnes!" Her father increased his voice, making Agnes swallow her words. "Do we still have a way out now? I know you love Alice, but please think about us... Do you Would you like to see our family's fortune finally fall into the hands of the Treville family?"

Agnes was speechless.

Her father's questioning hit home. She really didn't want to see this happen.

"Besides, it's not like stealing. We're just taking it out temporarily. We'll stuff it back into her after we find out the truth. It won't take long..." Then, the Duke continued to be very seductive to his daughter, "Agnes, Now I don’t need to say any more, you should understand how important all this is to us, right?”

"Dad..." Agnes's voice was a little panicked, and she tried to make her last resistance.

"Are you really not willing to stand with your father?" the Duke asked. "Only you can help us now."

Agnes was stunned, and then her breathing became messy.

"Is there no chance to mend the rift? Why don't you try talking to your sister again?"

"Don't be naive, where can we talk!?" The Duke interrupted his daughter sharply, "Do you want me to find Alice and say, 'Dear Madam, we already know that you are talking to someone from Poncena Bank Cooperate, please tell me who he is——', do you think I can do this? Can't you imagine what consequences this will bring? There is no chance, because she never gave us a chance! "

Her father's words finally broke the last hesitation in Agnes's heart.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew in her heart that her father's words were indeed correct.

There was no way out, and there was no way to reconcile. My sister had pushed the family to this point, and the father was at the end of his rope and could only try his best to find a way out of the predicament.

It might be ugly to do so, but he was also protecting his family's business, and she couldn't just sit back and watch.

Finally, she nodded.

Early the next morning, Agnes came to visit the Marquis of Treville at his home.

The Marquis was not at home as usual, Edgar also went to the club, but his sister was at home.

After being informed, Alice warmly welcomed her sister.

"Agnes..." She hugged her sister, "You are finally here."

"I came to see Xia Lu." Agnes replied with a smile, "I miss her so much."

"Oh, that's great..." Alice laughed, "I feel like it's too tiring to take her with you. You can take her to play with her while I rest first."

So she handed her daughter over to Agnes and stayed in the bedroom to rest.

This kind of thing has happened countless times, so no one paid attention to Agnes's actions. She took Xia Lu around the mansion.

However, everything is different from usual.

Although Agnes was amused with her niece on the outside, she was a little anxious in her heart.

Why is my sister at home today? God is really tortured... She knew that the things must be in the box in her sister's bedroom, and her sister would definitely put them there.

However, there is no room for hesitation anymore. No matter how unwilling you are now, you can only do it to the end.

She looked at Xia Lu at her feet, and she couldn't help but feel a little distressed by such a cute face.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Xia Lu... I will repay you a thousand times over in the future..." She muttered silently in her heart.

Baimeng book

Then, she took Xia Lu to the steps, and then looked around carefully.

Then, there was a dull sound.

"Yeah!" she screamed.

At the same time, at the last moment, she carefully held Xia Lu back to ensure that her niece would not knock too hard.

"Please, forgive me," she screamed and cried. "God, forgive me!"

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