Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifty-eight, private giving and receiving

After the Duke took out the trump card he had prepared, Bowang fell into deep thought, and the air in the room seemed to solidify.

Although Bowang is usually known for being shrewd and decisive, now he was distracted and couldn't make up his mind.

The words in the letter were very clear and definite, but he had more and more questions.

Is this the personal handwriting of His Majesty the King of Rome?

If so, to what extent does this represent what he really means?

Also, between Alice and Agnes, who does he prefer?

He had no answers to these questions.

In the final analysis, he had never met the King of Rome in person, nor had he communicated directly with him. He had only communicated indirectly through his favorite, the Count of Monte Cristo. He did not know the character of the King of Rome, nor did he know his personality. What was going on in his mind, and even his handwriting was unrecognizable.

So he didn't dare to make a rash decision at all.

Because the current situation is that no matter what he does, it seems that he may be making a mistake and thereby offending the King of Rome.

He knew that all Wang, Sun, and Guiwei were arrogant and arrogant. With the King of Rome's behavior, he might be even more self-centered. Even if he had tried his best to please him before, if he went against his will on this issue, If you do, not only will all the time and money you spent previously be in vain, but you may even end up in a situation that is beyond redemption.

Damn it, why are there such twists and turns? What on earth are you thinking?

If possible, Bowang even wanted to take the letter and question the King of Rome face to face.

It's a pity that he still couldn't do it after all.

Therefore, he thought about it and finally decided to wait and see what happens.

No matter what, there is nothing wrong with procrastination. He had no interest in participating in the Nordlyon family's family affairs.

Since His Majesty hopes to protect the Duke's family, he can just do it. Anyway, neither Alice nor the Duke will affect his goal.

After thinking about all this, Bowang finally spoke again. "My lord, I have no doubt that I believe in your character, but you also know that

I am a banker, and you gave me a document rashly, but I have no way of confirming its authenticity..."

"You are really cautious..." The Duke couldn't help laughing sarcastically, "I can guarantee you with my family property and my dignity that this is definitely his handwriting. You can also use your channels to Go check it out.”

Seeing the Duke's confident look, Bowang felt a little more confident.

"Even if it is true, I am not sure that this is his original intention. After all, I have now received two completely different instructions - you and your daughter. You both claim to respect the will of the King of Rome. This makes I'm caught in the middle... Please forgive me for being rude, I can't help you now, I hope to get further confirmation before I can decide how to act."

Done! The Duke was greatly delighted.

He knew that just a few paragraphs of text would never make an old fox like Bowang surrender, and he would definitely be suspicious.

And as long as he is suspicious, that's enough.

Beauvain will find a way to confirm the true meaning of the Roman King, and there will be a time difference. The time difference is even more serious when the Count of Monte Cristo is not in Paris.

As long as he bought the time difference, he could ensure that Alice could not take possession of the family property that she had falsely mortgaged from Bowang. Bowang did not dare to risk the anger of the King of Rome by doing this - that is, He said that he saved the family business from his daughter.

Of course, a lie is a lie after all, and it will be exposed sooner or later. Bowang will know that he has played a trick, but in this bought time, he can do a lot of things to show his value in front of the King of Rome.

In the end, the King of Rome will see who is more important than himself or his daughter——

What's more, there is Agnes... He believes that with his daughter's charm, as long as she is willing to do it, she can definitely make the King of Rome forget his mistakes.

The Duke carefully concealed his secret joy and rejoicing, but in order to continue to deceive Bowen, he deliberately pretended to be furious.

"You...how could you do this? You are ignoring His Majesty's will. I will appeal to him!" He shouted at Bowang loudly.

But his roar did not sway Bowang in the slightest. Bowang knew that his current position was the most neutral. It was easy to make excuses. The King of Rome could not blame himself, so he shrugged calmly. "Don't lose your temper. It won't help you solve your problem, sir."

Under Bowang's cold gaze, the Duke finally calmed down with a heavy breath.

He gritted his teeth and seemed to make up his mind.

"Well, since you are unwilling to lend me money, then I have nothing to say. After all, it is considered your caution. But if my daughter is playing some conspiracy and you help her cooperate... then it will no longer be justified. No, I can only fight to the death with you. Your Majesty, for the sake of Agnes, will never forgive you!"

Hey, I've made you look like this a long time ago, what can you do to me? Bowang sneered inwardly.

But of course he wouldn't be so rude on the surface. He just nodded indifferently. "Don't worry, I had no similar plan originally. If Mrs. Alice really does something beyond the plan, I will stop her. I only carry out His Majesty's orders, and I will not approve anything else. "

This is what I need...

The key to his entire plan is to stabilize Bowang. As long as Bowang declares that he will not participate in the conspiracy against him, Alice will not be able to overturn the situation. Even if she wants to use tricks to embezzle her family business, she cannot do so.

After all, he defeated this rebellious girl... The duke breathed a sigh of relief.

Alice, my father did not pay attention for a moment and it was indeed a big mistake. But if you want to take the opportunity to play tricks on your father, you should be a little naive. You should learn more in the future.

This time, the proud look on his face could no longer be concealed, and everything fell into Bowang's eyes.

Bowang is not interested in the fight between father and daughter - in his decades of career, he has seen too many dramas of fratricide over family property, and it has long since faded away.

He was interested in something else.

This old man's two daughters seem to have a close relationship with His Majesty.

If Agnes is a lover, then what is the status of Lady Alice in His Majesty's heart?

Maybe both?

Although he is not familiar with the Duke's family, he has been in the upper class for so many years. Although he does not like the Duke himself, he has seen the beauty of the Duke's two daughters with his own eyes. To be honest, they are indeed first-rate. Who wouldn't be enamored by his appearance?

If he really got it all, then he really knows how to play, but I'm afraid only he is qualified to play. Bowang thought with envy.

He didn't think about this romantic affair for too long, but thought of somewhere else.

No matter which daughter is more favored, as a father, the Duke must have some sympathy for His Majesty, and no matter how miserable he is, it won't be too miserable - that is to say, he can't offend him too much.

He must not let him know about his previous collusion with the Count of Monte Cristo, which almost made him bankrupt.

Not only must he not let him know, he must also find a way to build a good relationship with him and pave a broader road for his future.

I am not qualified to talk to the King of Rome yet, but if someone can give me a pillow, I will have the capital to go directly to Tianting. For a banker, it is equivalent to having a huge deposit. Can be used.

This opportunity is too rare to miss.

When he thought of this, Bowang changed his previous indifferent attitude and became enthusiastic about the Duke again.

"Duke, to be honest, I am very sad to see you so upset about recent events. The market is not good, and under heavy pressure, Mr. Danglars chose to take the money and abscond. As a colleague, I despise his despicable behavior. I think that such a prestigious family in our country should not suffer such a blow and be criticized by the outside world."

Although it had happened a long time ago, when Bowen mentioned the surname Tanglar, the Duke could not help but gnashed his teeth with hatred.

"Sigh... The market conditions are not good. People are going bankrupt everywhere. I have also been affected. What can I do?" He sighed. "Now the deal is done. It's too late to regret. That scumbag Tanglar is already dead." The whereabouts are completely missing and my loss can never be undone.”

"Despicable and shameless! It really embarrasses us!" Bowang cursed again, looking so indignant that no one would have thought that he was one of the initiators. "I hope you won't have any prejudice against our industry because of this... …Sir, there are liar bankers like him in the world, and there are bankers like us who operate steadily and consider our customers wholeheartedly, so he went bankrupt and fled while we have a good reputation. If you find us to invest, the results will be completely different!”

Of course the Duke didn't believe this nonsense at all, but now he had no interest in arguing with Bowen about what a good banker was, so he just nodded perfunctorily. "I guess so."

Inadvertently, the Duke's own investment failure was transformed into "Danglar's misbehavior" by Bowen's words, which psychologically dispelled the Duke's sense of self-blame.

After laying the groundwork, Bowang immediately showed off his cards, "To tell you the truth, we recently had a good bond investment project, which was issued for the development of mines in Lorraine Province. I can assure you that this mine The profits are huge and the rate of return will be very high..."

If it were before, the Duke would still be interested, but now he is in a frightened stage and no longer dares to invest according to the banker's recommendation, so he quickly shook his head.

"Sorry, you know, I have no money on hand now, no matter how good the project is, I can't participate in it. You'd better find another buyer."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood me... I know your current financial situation, so I am not asking you to invest money." Bowang shook his head and dispelled the other party's doubts, "I can create two projects for you. One account borrows money from our bank, and the other account uses the borrowed money to buy bonds issued by us, and then receives income every year. You do not need to pay any money, and there is actually no debt, only income. It actually exists."

After hearing this, the Duke's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although Bowang did not fully explain it, his meaning was already very clear. This is equivalent to giving himself a sum of money for free every year. As for whether this money comes from the so-called mining bond investment or from something else, it seems that It's not important either.

Bowang is sincere. He has indeed played many similar scams, using various fictitious bonds to trick others into bankruptcy. But on the other hand, if he wants people to make big money, he can also operate under the same name. , let the "profit" generated by the void fall into the hands of the lucky person in a legal and unobtrusive way.

The positive and negative operations all depend on his own needs, and he needs to win over the Duke now.

After Bowang's guidance, the Duke finally understood all this, and also knew that Bowang really wanted to give him a hand.

Now that he is so embarrassed, if he can really get this stable income, it will be an extra life-saving straw, so he has no way to refuse this "goodwill".

Of course, he knew better that the reason why Bowang was suddenly so attentive to him was not because he thought highly of himself, but because he was blinded by his lies. He really believed that his daughter had something to do with the King of Rome, so he wanted to win over him. Just get a way to the King of Rome.

Obviously, if he is allowed to learn the truth that he deceived him in the future, he who was deceived will definitely end this transfer of benefits and even try his best to get revenge on himself.

So, to do it or not to do it?

Of course!

Although the money won't be too much, it can alleviate some of the urgent needs. Everything after that will be discussed later.

As long as his lies are proven true, then he is not lying. Bowang can still get what he wants from him.

At this time, he no longer considered his daughter's own thoughts.

After all, there is no scandal for a monarch. As long as the Roman king really gets what he wants and sits on the throne, then his actions will never be scandalous.

His descendants will only be proud of "one of my x-generation ancestors once was the lover of His Majesty the Emperor," just like the nobles in the past.

Now that he has reached this point and he has made his choice, there is no need to hesitate anymore and he can just go to the end.

He believed that since a man as smart as Mr. Bowen had made the decision to invest in the Bonaparte family, his "speculation" should have a good chance of success.

And when the time comes, His Majesty will definitely need some famous families to decorate his appearance - is there anyone more suitable than himself?

When he thought of this, the Duke's original depressed mood was swept away.

He had gotten everything he wanted in Bowen, and even more than he expected.

The threat from his daughter Alice to him has also disappeared. Of course, in order to prevent Alice from becoming suspicious and finding out that he is lying, he cannot reveal any flaws. For the time being, everything is business as usual and he will let her do what he wants.

Eventually, when the dust settles, he will let his daughter know what it means to be great.

"Mr. Bowang, I am very grateful for your help..." With a victorious and ferocious smile, the Duke thanked Bowang, "Don't worry, I will never forget your help in times of trouble. And I know how to repay you.”

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