Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and fifty-nine, pressure

With the joy of returning home, Duke Nordlien quietly left Bowen Mansion and returned to his home. By this time, it was already early in the morning.

At this time, the house was already silent, and almost everyone had fallen into a deep sleep——

I say almost because there is one family member who is still awake and still in his father's study.

That person is naturally Agnes.

Among the family members, she is the only one who knows what her father has done recently, so she is the only one who is most worried that his father's plan will fail or something unexpected will happen.

So after her father left, she kept waiting in the study for his return. Although she was extremely sleepy, she still held on.

Just when she was drowsy, the door to the study opened quietly. Agnes suddenly became energetic, and then she looked up at the person who came.

It turned out to be her father.

Then, Agnes looked at him and found that the bloodshot eyes in her father's eyes were thicker because of fatigue, and his whole person looked old. But even so, there was still a joyful look in his eyes that could not be concealed.

It seems like it should be good news.

"Dad, how was your conversation?" Agnes helped her father sit down and asked nervously.

"The discussion was very ideal..." As Agnes expected, her father gave an affirmative answer. "Bo Wang has been persuaded by me. He said that no matter what conspiracy Alice has, he will not cooperate. This also means that Alice will not be able to embezzle our family business."

"Great!" Although Agnes was very tired, she couldn't help but cheered.

Finally saved... albeit at a huge price.

In order to help her father and family, Agnes wiped out her conscience and even attacked her favorite niece. God knows how much psychological pressure she was under. If she paid such a high price, her father's plan would still fail. I'm afraid She was going to have a mental breakdown on the spot.

Although I still feel sorry for my sister Alice, at least my expectations have not been disappointed.

"Don't be happy so early, Agnes." Just as Agnes was cheering,

The Duke suddenly poured cold water on it, "During the negotiations, we also had some unpleasant moments."

"What's unpleasant?" Agnes was suddenly startled.

"Bowang has great concerns. He feels that since it is His Majesty's opinion to let Alice handle the matter, then he should obey the orders. He does not dare to offend Alice - this is human nature." The Duke further I explained to my daughter, "So when I tried to persuade him, I wasted a lot of effort. At first he was still unmoved!"

"This bastard banker..." Agnes couldn't help but cursed, and then asked her father again, "Then how did you convince him?"

"I..." The Duke suddenly lowered his head in shame, as if he had something to hide.

"Father?" Agnes asked with some confusion.

The Duke knew in his heart that now was another crucial step. He had just used Agnes to deal with Bowen, and now he must also deal with Agnes. If he could not complete this step, it would be equivalent to all his efforts being in vain. flow.

However, it was impossible for him to tell the truth to Agnes, because what he was thinking in his heart was absolutely unacceptable to Agnes - even though it was nothing in the eyes of the world.

Therefore, to convince Agnes, you still have to pay attention to some skills, and it cannot be done overnight.

But he had already thought about how to deal with his daughter.

"I tried every possible means to persuade him, but he remained unmoved. In the end, I had no choice but to move you out...Agnes, please forgive me!" As the Duke spoke, a trace of pain suddenly flashed across his face, and then Suddenly shouted out, "I told him that you have a very close relationship with the King of Rome. In His Majesty's heart, you are much more important than Alice, so if I have a dispute with Alice, His Majesty will eventually take it for your sake." Stay on my side..."

"You..." Agnes was shocked and angry. She couldn't help but subconsciously refuted her father, "Aren't you lying? How can we have any close relationship..."

"At that point, what else can I do? Even if I lie to him, I can only say this. We can't just break up on bad terms..." The Duke asked his daughter with a sad face, "Agnes, please forgive me."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

Seeing her father in such embarrassment and depression, Agnes immediately softened her heart. She also knew that her father had no choice but to make this move. "You don't have to say that, father, you had no choice at that time. It's just... you are deceiving him now, but the deception will be exposed sooner or later. What will you do then?"

"Don't say it's time. Bowang doesn't really believe it now. After all, it's empty talk." The Duke sighed again, "I suspect that he will find a way to verify it, and he may even go to Alice directly to verify it... …”

"In that case, wouldn't all your previous efforts be wasted?" Agnes suddenly became nervous, and her original good mood was wiped out. "Dad, this is too dangerous."

"Yes, I know the danger, but we have no other way. We can only defeat him first. If we can defeat him, it will be temporary." The Duke nodded, "Of course you are right, the only way is to defeat him first." If we can’t solve the problem, then we have to find ways to remedy it.”

"How to remedy it?" Agnes blurted out.

And this means that she has been deceived by her father.

After all, there is no better way to know a daughter than a father, and he is one of the people who knows Agnes best in the world. Agnes is innocent in nature, and she is unwary of her father, so she is naturally easily seduced by her father.

The Duke knew that his daughter cared about her family the most, so he deliberately treated Agnes miserably to stimulate her sympathy for him. As long as she had this kind of sympathy, he could then let her put aside those worries and do what she wanted. His heart acted out.

"If we want to make amends, we have to make the lies come true." The Duke changed his previous dejection and said decisively.

"What's true?" Agnes repeated doubtfully, then blushed immediately. "You...what are you talking about?!"

"Agnes, if Bowen really feels that you are indeed closely related to the King of Rome, wouldn't it be able to relieve his concerns and let him side with us?" The Duke asked, "If so, not only us The current crisis in our family has been resolved, and maybe there will be greater development in the future..."

"But what do you mean by pretending to be real? Do you want me to flatter him and beg for favor?!" Agnes asked her father in surprise.

"Of course I didn't mean that, Agnes." The Duke shook his head insincerely, "But I do hope that you and him can maintain this friendship. Don't forget that it was he who saved our family... Yu Qingyu Li, we should all thank him, right?"

"There are many ways to express gratitude." Agnes retorted to her father, "Besides, do you think everyone is a fool, and I can fool everyone with just a few performances? This is impossible."

"Even if it doesn't work, we have to try. At this point, do we still have a way out?" The Duke interrupted his daughter and looked at her forcefully, "Agnes... you know better than anyone else what I'm facing now. In this situation, you also know that I have no one else to count on except you, so let me ask you, do I have a better way?"

Faced with her father's questioning, Agnes was speechless.

"Even so..." After a moment, she tried to retort quietly. "There's no need for me to carry it all by myself..."

Duke Quan pretended not to hear this small complaint, because he knew that the more he argued with Agnes, the more she would feel the unfairness of her fate and resist her father's will.

Therefore, he did not want to get entangled with his daughter on this matter, nor did he intend to give her any more room to think. He would rather instill his own ideas into her daughter's mind.

"It's not you who are carrying it, but all of us..." The Duke sighed, then raised his finger and pointed at everything around him, "Up to now, we are already in danger. Fortunately, we have been protected. By the mercy of fate, we got a life-saving straw... In order to survive, we can only try our best to grasp this life-saving straw, can't we? If we give up this opportunity, then we will have nothing, Agnie Si, I know you don’t care about this, but have you ever thought about your mother or your brothers?”

Agnes wanted to refute, but when the words came to her lips, she found that she couldn't say them out.

Indeed, the thing pressing on her shoulders was so heavy that she felt like she couldn't get rid of it, and even felt like suffocation.

After all, she still couldn't let go of it all.

"But I can't act well either..." Finally, she answered her father in a tone that was close to sadness, "Father, I have never learned how to please others since I was a child."

"But this is also your charm." The Duke replied, "Agnes, no one knows you better than me. I know how dazzling you are... I believe that no one will underestimate you. As long as you are willing to try, then Everyone will see your brilliance..."

Then, in order to prevent his daughter from thinking too much, he continued, "I see the current direction of the wind. Sooner or later, the King of Rome will return to Paris, and it won't be too long. From this point of view, we can be the first For other people to get on the line with him, it is also a kind of luck, and his appreciation and respect for you give us a favorable position... If we can make good use of these, our glory is not out of reach. Things, Agnes, you should be able to think of these."

Agnes shook her head slightly. She didn't want to think about this, and she was not interested in it.

However, now that things have happened, she really can't stop thinking about it.

After the trip to Switzerland, Agnes had a different view of the young man. Her original hatred disappeared because of his "generous donation". Although she didn't want to get close, at least she didn't want to get close to him anymore. Disgusted.

However, when it comes to how to please others, she has no similar experience.

After thinking about it, I could only rely on my own abilities to help this young man get revenge.

Agnes even gave up on herself and felt that it would be better if she was seriously injured or even died during the fight with the teacher. At least she could be out of sight, and she would no longer have to bear so much pressure. Others I can't say I'm sorry to anyone.

This thought of giving up on herself only flashed through her mind for a moment, but she suddenly felt a wonderful sense of relief.

Yes, this is the only thing you know how to do, why not do it?

Winning is great, losing is easy, there is nothing simpler than this.

When people face unsolvable difficulties, they will always instinctively use the things they are most familiar with as a way to escape. Agnes has entered this psychological state.

When she thought of this, Agnes felt relieved. She put aside the boulder in her heart and smiled.

"Okay, father, I will find a way to please him. Are you satisfied?"

Seeing his daughter's strange smile, the Duke felt a little scared. Did he feel that he had pushed his daughter too hard and that she was almost unable to hold on?

Forget it, that's it for today. Now everyone has accumulated too much pressure, especially the daughter who was forced to become a thief. I'm afraid her spirit is about to collapse. It's time to take a breather.

Anyway, there will still be time for her daughter to accept her ideas, so there is no need to rush now.

When he thought of this, he suddenly felt unspeakably tired.

He had been staying up late recently, and he did have a feeling of weakness that his energy was about to run out.

He is indeed old...but just because he is old, it is even more important to ensure that the family business can be completely passed on to the heirs, otherwise he may not be able to rest in peace even if he dies.

The Duke blinked his dry eyelids, then looked up at the already dim sky outside the window.

"Agnes..." He yawned, "It's getting late, go and rest."

Agnes didn't want to argue with her father anymore. She nodded silently, then helped her father out of the study and sent him to his room to rest. Then, she quietly returned to her room.

Although she was calm on the outside, her heart was full of all kinds of suffering.

She didn't know how she would face this kind of torment, or even whether she would face more torment in the future, but she had vaguely felt that her girlhood was over, and that she would Your life may be the same as that of other adults, full of difficult choices and unimaginable storms.

She doesn't want to face it all, but reality often throws everything in front of her maliciously, forcing her to face it, choose it, and even endure it.

Her once proud head seemed to be drooping slightly under this heavy pressure.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night for her.

And in the future, there may be many such sleepless nights waiting for her.

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