Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixty-three, suspicious

Under Emily's flattery, Edmund swept away the fatigue of the journey and enjoyed the long-lost comfort and happiness.

Early the next morning, he got up and went to have breakfast, and by this time, Eugenie had also woken up.

After seeing the count, Eugenie seemed quite happy and even sang specially for him.

In this way, the count had breakfast with the mother and daughter, whom he regarded as family, and tasted the happiness of family.

And while the count was having breakfast with Emily and his daughter, Captain Foresty, whom he had left in his original home, quietly left the house and entered the street outside.

It was his first time to come to Paris, so the buildings and scenery throughout this metropolis were very novel to him. However, at this moment, he did not stop to enjoy the scenery like a tourist. Instead, he politely spoke in stammering French. Ask passers-by for an address.

After questioning all the way, this foreign tourist walked through the streets and came to the gate of the Marquis Treville's mansion.

After confirming that this was indeed Treville's house, the captain knocked on the door, and then told the concierge his origins - of course, he did not directly mention Teresa's name, only that he was in the name of Lady Alice. A friend asked me to come to visit.

Alice was having breakfast with her husband and daughter when a servant came to her with a note.

"Madam, there is a foreigner who claims to be on the orders of your friend and has come to see you."

Alice had a premonition and took the note.

"Since our separation, I have missed you very much. I hope you and your daughter are well."

The content of the note was very simple, just a short blessing, but Alice had seen Theresa's handwriting, so she easily recognized that it was written by Princess Theresa.

So the identity of the person who visited her was naturally revealed——

"Bring him here quickly!" she ordered quickly.

"Alice, what happened?" Edgar asked curiously. "Who's coming?"

"Princess Theresa's messenger is here." Alice explained to Edgar briefly.

"She will send a special envoy to find you? Why??" Edgar became even more confused.

Although he didn't like Theresa, he also knew that Theresa was not a willful princess who made trouble out of nothing. She definitely didn't miss Alice on a whim, so he just sent someone to say hello.

Alice didn't know how to explain this to her husband.

After all, she didn't want her private plans to be exposed.

"Don't ask so many questions, it's just a small matter..." So she answered.

Edgar was stunned.

He is not a particularly controlling person, so it doesn't matter that his wife has a little secret, but his wife's tone is a bit close to a command, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

He could feel that after the trip to Switzerland, Alice's momentum in front of him became stronger and stronger. She used to be submissive, but now she often revealed her impatience unintentionally. look.

However, although he felt a little uncomfortable, losing his temper with his wife was detrimental to the husband's dignity after all. Besides, he himself felt guilty towards his wife, so he just laughed it off and didn't care about such a trivial matter.

"Okay, dear, I won't ask. Anyway, it's a good thing for our family that you can maintain friendship with Princess Teresa."

Then, he stood up from the dining table again and planned to leave here, "Since you are the princess's messenger, I'd better avoid it. You ladies always have a lot of inappropriate words between you, and it's not convenient for me to listen."

"Where are you going?" Alice asked quickly.

"Going to the club," Edgar replied expertly, "I have an appointment there today."

Alice's expression remained unchanged, but under the dining table, she clenched her fists tightly, and the sharp nails dug into the palms of her hands, causing her some pain.

The pain spread along the nerves from the palm to the head, but in the end a gentle smile bloomed on Alice's face. "Oh, is that so? Then I wish you have fun and come back soon."

"Yes, I know." Edgar nodded casually, then waved goodbye to his wife and daughter, and then hurriedly left his home to go to the appointment - of course, this was definitely not an appointment at the club.

Alice watched her husband leave without releasing her fists. The sharp sting in her palms was still burning her heart, making her eyes look a little more helpless and sad.

Then, she looked up at Xia Lu, who was sitting opposite her.

The blond girl was carefully drinking the soup with a porcelain spoon and did not notice her father leaving.

Seeing her daughter's concentration, Alice slowly loosened her fists and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

This is my most precious wealth in the world, and this is probably the most important place to stay in my future life.

Not long ago, during the negotiation with her father, the furious Duke scolded her to her face, saying that her husband was still messing around with women.

Although Agnes tried her best to smooth things over, and although Alice herself accused her father of spreading rumors and slander, she didn't know in her heart that her father was not actually lying.

She is not stupid, she can even be said to be sensitive and smart, so after the sweetness of the newlywed period has passed, she can quickly detect some clues and guess which old lover her husband may be disconnected from.

She didn't know who her current love rival was, but she was really curious and unwilling - why can you still make Edgar miss you even though I have already reached this point?

However, her anger did not burst out. Firstly, she had no actual evidence; secondly, she was unwilling to quarrel, which would make everyone disgraceful and become a joke.

More importantly, such affairs are common in Paris. Even if she quarrels, what can she change?

"The First Cause of All Realms"

So after noticing those clues, she finally chose to ignore them and continue to live a peaceful life after marriage.

However, her father's roar finally exposed the reality that she was unwilling to face head-on. She could no longer pretend that nothing happened - sometimes, pretending to be cool can make people live a makeshift life, but being sober can make people feel painful. , it may not be clear which one is better.

Because even if she clearly sees the reality, she doesn't know how to change the status quo and win back her husband's heart with extra tenderness and love? This was impossible, she asked herself, she had done enough; could she argue with her husband to force him to stop having an affair? She might have done this before, but she didn't want to do this now.

That's because she had already paid too much for this marriage and had turned against her family. Marriage might be all she had left. Because of this, she could not tolerate her husband's betrayal; but now, she In addition to marriage, there was something else. Although the surname Treville made her close to the royal family, it also helped her knock on the door of the Bonaparte family.

She also gained something unexpected through her friendship with the Agrons.

Because of this, she can't turn against her husband now - because the Bonaparte family values ​​her precisely because she is General Treville's daughter-in-law. If she breaks with her husband, she will probably lose everything she currently has. grace.

It can even be said that just because she can focus her energy on other things, it won't be so painful.

So, after thinking about it, she finally chose to remain silent as before, and did not make a fuss with her husband. She still played her usual role, but in her heart, her resentment towards her husband grew more and more.

With the passing of married life and Edgar's betrayal, the obsession that drove her to marry Edgar at all costs has now quietly faded; and under the surface of her husband's graceful demeanor and artistic talent, she has also I finally saw clearly the true nature of my husband - a playboy who only loved himself and didn't want to take any responsibility.

The truth was once hidden by the filter, but when the filter disappeared, it was coldly displayed in front of Alice, without missing a beat.

But even if you know it now, what can you do?

As a member of a famous family, she could not let this marriage be interrupted. From then on, the two families became a laughing stock, and her daughter was in an embarrassing situation. She could only do the same as everyone else in the social circle - pretend that nothing happened. , continue to live your own life.

And along with this pain and resentment came a kind of determination.

She has truly grown up and faced the truth of the world. Those rose-colored fantasies in her girlhood have been severely shattered by reality. From now on, she no longer wants to rely on anyone, and she no longer wants to put her own Her life depends on anyone. For herself and her daughter, she is determined to live independently. This is her real life goal.

Because of this, she was so devoted to Aigron's mission. It was not only to accumulate capital for herself to settle down in the future, but also to realize her own life value. She devoted all her energy to it in order to avoid Other unbearable pain.

However, she was still too immature after all. Although her wit and caution allowed her to do a lot of things well, she still made mistakes in places she didn't expect - her most cherished sister, through the opportunity of visiting, Mr. Bowen, who was behind the financing, was found.

What's worse is that at this time, she didn't know that she had made such a huge mistake - she didn't notice anything unusual in her dealings with Bowang, and the banker still received him with the same enthusiasm as usual She, and generously financed her.

This is not only Bo Wang's superb acting skills, but also because Alice had no "conspiracy" to seize the opportunity to seize her father's family property, so she did not make similar requests to Bowang, so there was no need for Bowang to refuse her - -There is no chance to find out that Bowang betrayed him.

The Duke used his suspicion and cunning to foil a non-existent conspiracy, and he paid a lot for it.

But if the Duke is given another chance to choose, I'm afraid he will still do it, because he is so sophisticated that he doesn't dare to have hope in anyone, even if it is his daughter, he will be doubly wary.

Alice will have many opportunities to taste all the grudges and entanglements in the world.

While Alice was deep in thought, Captain Foresty was taken to the reception room by the servant.

Because the two people had met in Switzerland before, they left an impression on each other and recognized each other instantly.

"Mrs. Alice, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still so radiant."

The captain saluted Alice solemnly.

He was keenly aware that although Mrs. Alice was as beautiful as before, she always felt a little sad at the moment.

However, he was too embarrassed to ask about other people's private lives, so he just pretended not to see it.

"Long time no see, Captain... It's so nice to see you." Alice also smiled and greeted the other party, "How are your majesties?"

"Very well, they wish the people here well too," the captain replied.

Then, he went directly to the topic, "Madam, I came to see you on the order of Her Royal Highness, just to track down the assassin. Do you have any clues?"

Alice had already had a premonition of this, because she had deliberately revealed the news to Theresa that she had an assassin before, just to lure Theresa, who was eager to avenge her husband, to attack Bianca.

Naturally, she did this not to make Teresa happy, but to protect her sister from risk.

In her opinion, Bianca is now an enemy, and there is no need to care about honor or anything like that. She is even less willing to see her sister risking her life to fight Bianca herself.

So, after the captain asked the question, she nodded without hesitation.

"I have an idea."

"Please tell me!" The captain was immediately overjoyed.

"That's a lady, her name is Bianca di Florini," Alice whispered.

"Another lady?" The captain was a little surprised when he heard this.

He had seen Alice's sister, Miss Agnes, who was very skilled in swordsmanship. He originally thought that it must be a special case, but he didn't expect that there was another female swordsman.

Then, he had another normal association.

"Is this lady related to Miss Agnes?"

"Of course not." Alice immediately shook her head and answered decisively. "They don't know each other."

"Then how do you know it's okay?" the captain asked immediately.

Alice was stunned. She didn't expect that when the captain came over, he didn't directly ask about Bianca's whereabouts, but directly lied about her.

It seems that this person is not a simple swordsman, but a calm-minded person. He instinctively doubts the relationship between Agnes and Bianca... It's too sharp.

And this is exactly what Alice doesn't want the captain to know - because it will cause complications and make people doubt Agnes's motives.

So, how should I reply to him? Alice suddenly fell into deep thought.

And she knew better that she couldn't think about it for too long, lest she arouse the other party's suspicion.

"I know her, she is a supporter of the Duke of Orleans!" She suddenly had an idea, and then immediately replied to the captain.

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