Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixty-four, poor information

"I know her, she is a supporter of the Duke of Orleans!"

"Huh?!" Upon hearing this, the captain's eyes suddenly became sharper.

Although he is not very interested in politics, he must also know the existence of the Duke of Orleans, and even more aware that the Duke is also a pretender to the throne, and therefore is Aigron's political enemy.

Then, the assassination can be explained as a premeditated political assassination - which is much more reasonable.

However, because the impact was so great, he could not conclude that this was a fact just because of Alice's one-sided statement, so he asked the other party, "Why did you say that? Is there any basis for it?"

Alice was silent for another moment, thinking about her words.

Just now, she was just thinking out of a hurry. In order to put aside the captain's suspicion of Agnes, she found an excuse to attract the captain's attention. There was no evidence at all.

And now that she succeeded, the Captain no longer paid attention to Agnes, but then Alice had to find another reasonable reason to convince the Captain that she was not lying casually.

Of course, in fact, she was not talking casually. The reason why she blurted out the Duke of Orleans was because Bianca really had contacts with the Duke of Orleans and his family.

Previously, when she first met Bianca, it was in Naples in 1815. At that time, Emperor Napoleon's sister and Queen Caterina of the Kingdom of Naples fled her capital in a panic and originally ruled the Kingdom of Naples (the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies). ) members of the Bourbon family returned to this country.

Alice was still young at the time and was not sensitive to these things. Her long-term wandering life also left her with no time to pay attention to such national events; however, after returning to Paris, as she grew older, she recalled these past events. When I was there, I naturally found some suspicious places——

When Naples was in such chaos at the time, Bianca could run rampant everywhere without anyone stopping her. She even once produced a certificate issued by a special person in order to cope with the officials' questioning.

It was obvious that the reason why she came to Naples at that chaotic time was not out of sheer pleasure, but because she had received someone's request.

Although Bianca has not explicitly stated her relationship with the royal family, if you think about it carefully, Bianca would never be able to act so unscrupulously without the permission of the royal family.

And the wife of the Duke of Orleans,

It was Princess Maria Amalia Theresa who was born in the royal family of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - so maybe, there might have been some connection between them in the first place.

Of course, this was just Alice's vague conjecture without any evidence; moreover, more than ten years had passed and she had almost forgotten all these things.

If it were in court, her reasoning would be very far-fetched and could even be said to be baseless. No judge would accept this argument.

But when it comes to political issues, people are usually suspicious. No matter how innocent a person is, they may become a victim because of this suspicion, let alone a "suspected" person?

After clearing her thoughts, Alice calmed down and then raised her head to look at the captain again.

"Captain, I can't say I'm sure, because this is all just speculation on my part; but, as far as I know, this lady named Bianca has been associated with the Duke of Orleans' family, and I can confirm this to you. Guarantee - I will never joke about this kind of thing. As for why I made this assertion, please allow me to keep it secret, because I don’t want to implicate other people. After all, the person who passed the news to me also took the risk..."

Alice showed complete composure, but in fact she left room for words - she only said 'there has been a past' and did not bite Bianca to death. Bianca must be a killer sent by the Duke of Orleans.

In this case, even if it turns out that she was really "wronged" by Bianca, she can always evade and say that she guessed wrong. Anyway, no matter who Bianca's lackey is, the sin of assassinating His Majesty will definitely not be washed away. .

Alice's clear eyes and determined tone made the captain believe her. After all, he had seen Alice's demeanor before and knew that she was by no means an ordinary woman who made trouble out of nothing and was surprised.

As for Alice's secrecy, he could understand it - he guessed that Alice learned the news through her father's channels. After all, her father was also a duke, and it was normal for ministers in the palace to be well-informed. .

After figuring out the reason for Alice, the captain rethought her words and felt that it was logical. After all, it was reasonable for the Duke of Orleans to use assassination to eliminate Aiglon, a political opponent.

It can even be said that only a powerful person can secretly spy on Aigron's whereabouts after he ventured to France, hire an assassin, and then launch an assassination.

When he thought of this, he believed it a little more.

However, if this is true, it means that his task is a bit more difficult - if the assassin is not a lone wolf, but is backed by a certain force, then how can he complete the task?

"Then why didn't you tell Her Highness the Princess earlier?" He asked Alice with a slight reproach.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have much information at that time. I just heard about it. I didn't know more about it until I returned to Paris. At that time, I couldn't contact Her Royal Highness..." Alice replied with a wry smile. .

Seeing her apologize to him, the captain also shrugged. "Okay, I can understand your difficulties. So be it, I already understand the basic situation... I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to fulfill Her Royal Highness the Princess's wish. Fortunately, before leaving, the Princess He didn’t ask me to get rid of the assassin, he just asked me to act according to the situation and see if I have a chance to kill her. If not, forget it.”

"Well, I will also do my best to assist you." Alice also expressed her stance immediately.

She was also secretly relieved.

Firstly, the captain's aggressive attitude made her a little overwhelmed, and now she was glad that she had finally managed to get him across the lake; secondly, she was also glad that with the captain's help, her plan was more certain, and her sister did not have to face it. Dangerous to life.

Yes, she was determined to let Bianca fall into her hands so that she would not engage in a fair duel with her sister.

Of course, everything is just the beginning now, and she still has a lot to plan, but if she thinks about it carefully, she already has several cards in her hand——

First, she knew Bianca, and Bianca was not wary of her;

Secondly, she has someone powerful enough to take action on her behalf;

Third, she can use the time difference and information gap to formulate the entire plan.

As she gradually got rid of her family and became involved in these major events, she gradually became accustomed to a kind of thinking - calmly calculating the resources at hand, weighing the pros and cons, and thinking about various steps to achieve her goals.

Calm planning and firm execution have quietly become her habit. She doesn't know if this is a good thing for a pampered lady, but she enjoys this feeling.

While thinking, she suddenly thought of a very important question.

"Did you sneak into Paris by yourself?"

"No, no, I came to Paris with the Count of Monte Cristo." The captain shook his head.

"So... the count has come back?" Upon hearing the news, Alice couldn't help but feel happy - after all, the count was her friend, and after he left during this period, she had to do many things by herself, which really made a difference. It's inconvenient, but now that he's back, I feel a lot more relaxed.

But soon, she suddenly noticed something was wrong.

If that's the case, why did he come alone?

Then she looked at the captain again.

"Then why don't you come with him to visit?"

The captain hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to tell her the truth. "Her Royal Highness the Princess is a little worried about him."

"What? Her Majesty the Queen still can't trust the earl?" Alice was greatly surprised. She didn't expect that there were still people who couldn't trust the earl. "I think the earl's loyalty is unquestionable."

"Of course there is no question about the earl's loyalty. No one has ever doubted him, but he doesn't seem to be too concerned about this matter." The captain shook his head again, seeming a little confused, "Her Royal Highness the Princess talked to him about this before. When the incident happened, he was a little hesitant, as if he didn't want to get involved in it; and when I mentioned it to him again last night, I could feel that he was indeed not very enthusiastic about it... I I don’t know why he did this, maybe because he had too many things on his hands and didn’t want to distract himself from this matter. After all, trying to find someone in Paris is really like finding a needle in a haystack.”

Then, the captain smiled again, "Look, even I have doubts about whether I can complete this task. I just have the attitude of giving it a try. How can I blame the earl for not being enthusiastic? Since he is not enthusiastic, then I couldn’t drag him to do it, so I just came to you alone.”

The captain's attitude towards the count was unclear, but Alice knew the reason why the count did this - he must not want to let Agnes off, so he must have been perfunctory on purpose.

Thinking about it, he also hopes to see Agnes get what she wants.

But, how can your so-called "honor" be compared to a drop of my sister's blood?

Alice didn't want to reveal the truth without telling the truth. Moreover, she now knew that the information gap was her greatest asset, so she simply chose silence.

"The Earl is indeed very busy. He has too many burdens on his shoulders. It's really not easy to bother him with extraneous matters..." She nodded lightly and agreed with the captain's opinion, "Okay, this is your point. Time is just resting in your current residence. I will inform you of any new news. If there is hope of killing or capturing the assassin, we will give it a try. If there is no chance, then just consider it a trip here. ——I believe that Paris will not let you down."

"What you said made me full of expectations." Of course the captain understood that Alice's words meant that he could leave, so he bowed and prepared to say goodbye to Alice, "Okay, then As you said, let's see if luck can take care of me..."

At this moment, outside the reception room, I suddenly remembered the sound of rapid and powerful footsteps.

Alice, who was familiar with her family, knew that her father-in-law, the Marquis of Treville, was back just by hearing the footsteps.

Now that the head of the family is back, she has to let the guests meet the owner.

"Will you wait here for a while? The general is back."

"Okay." Of course, the captain was embarrassed to leave without saying hello in front of the general, so he nodded.

Soon, Alice walked out, and then told General Treville about the captain's situation - of course, she only said that the captain was sent by Princess Teresa as a guard to help the count, and did not mention the captain's situation. Other tasks.

As soon as he heard about this, the general certainly did not dare to neglect, so he came to the captain, said hello to him, and then held his hand tightly.

"You are very welcome, Captain. With your help, we will be even more powerful."

"General Treville, I have admired you for a long time and have always admired your loyalty. If there is anything I can do to help in the future, please feel free to call me." The captain also replied very politely.

After a brief greeting, the Marquis of Treville enthusiastically asked the captain to stay as a guest at his home, but the captain firmly declined, saying that he had important matters to attend to, and then said goodbye to the general and Alice and left.

After he left, Marquis Treville put away his smile, and then looked at his daughter-in-law doubtfully.

"Alice, why did Princess Teresa send someone to find you?"

It's not surprising that he was suspicious, after all, he and his son had already offended Theresa, and he couldn't understand why his daughter-in-law was treated differently by Her Majesty the Princess - although they seemed to have a good relationship, she sent a special envoy Coming over to say hello is too outrageous.

Alice was immediately in trouble again. Although she was sure of hiding it from her husband, she was not sure of lying in front of her father-in-law.

After thinking for a moment, under the general's gaze, she answered him bravely.

"This envoy has come to ask me about an important matter."

"Oh? What's the matter?" the general asked.

"Princess Teresa told me before that she wanted to familiarize herself with the customs and customs of Paris in advance, so as not to be caught off guard when she comes here and lose her prestige." Alice calmly replied to her father-in-law, "I I promised her that I would collect information about various famous families here and compile it into a booklet for her to review first..."

"Humph, she has such beautiful thoughts..." This reason convinced Marquis Treville.

So he sneered, "If you can establish a good relationship with her, it will be of some benefit to us, so do it well."

Then, he reminded again, "However, you and Edgar had better think about more important things... Your body should have recovered by now, right?"

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Alice could tell that it was obvious that the Marquis wanted a grandson, so he had it with her.

Then why don't you tell your son? She immediately wanted to retort, but finally held back.

Then, she was a little scared - it was obvious that although the Marquis was a perfect grandfather figure in front of Xia Lu and took good care of her, if she gave birth to a son, based on his behavior, he would definitely put Xia Lu aside. of.

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