Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixty-six, cheer up and counterattack


Although the Marquis said it lightly, it sounded like thunder to Alice's ears.

Of course she was keenly aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Regarding the source of funds, she had always kept it a secret from her father in order to gain an advantage over her father and force him to obey her orders.

However, if her father finds Bowang, it means that her advantageous position will be at stake in an instant - if her father can get the money directly from Bowang, what else does Alice need to do?

To be fair, in this matter, leaving Alice has no loss for anyone, not to mention her father, not even His Majesty. They can all be happy and get what they need, but it is a disaster for her.

Alice knows that His Majesty's trust in her is by no means a resource that can be squandered indefinitely. If she fails in this matter, she may never have the chance to gain his trust in the future, and all her previous actions will become Ridiculously funny show.

To put it further, that means that her hope of independently controlling her destiny has come to nothing, and Xia Lu... Xia Lu can't do it either.

When she thought of this, her heart suddenly felt like a knife, and she almost couldn't stand still.

"Alice? What's wrong with you?" Seeing his daughter-in-law's sudden behavior, the Marquis was a little confused and quickly reached out to try to help Alice.

However, at this moment, the pride in Alice's heart gradually calmed her mind.

Whether you succeed or fail, you must have dignity and cannot behave in a shameful manner and make people laugh at you. People who cannot afford to lose are the most looked down upon.

While silently chanting to herself to calm down, she used all her willpower to control her body.

Then, she stretched out her hand to block her father-in-law's hand. "It's nothing, dad... I'm just a little tired. As you know, running around for my parents' family has really consumed my energy recently. By the way, how did you know about this? My father went to see Bowang , I shouldn’t tell you, right?”

Under Alice's confused gaze, Marquis Treville suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Of course he would not tell Alice that in order to bring down the Duke's family, he had bribed the Duke's servants, monitored the Duke's actions, and at the same time controlled the Duke's financial situation, and that insider was still functioning to this day.

Tell him about it.

The reason why the Marquis is still so keen on discovering the secrets of his in-laws is because he has something in his heart. After all, he had played a role in bringing the Duke's family into such a miserable state.

——Even Tanglar is still being imprisoned and suffering in a secret dungeon by him.

Since he was questioned by his daughter-in-law, he had no choice but to answer her half-heartedly.

"The Duke is quite secretive, but there are always walls in the world that can be ventilated, and he is not a person who is impeccable in his work. But don't worry, I just know about it and have no intention of interfering with his actions."

It seemed to be true... Alice's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

How did the father become aware of Bowang? They asked themselves, trying to figure out what went wrong.

Could it be... is Agnes? Finally, the question crossed her mind.

If there is any flaw, Agnes is the one most likely to find it. After all, she has been dealing with him and participated in the transaction under her father's order. Since the Marquis can discover her actions, what can she do? It’s not surprising to arrive.

Moreover, she is motivated enough to protect her home.

Although she didn't know exactly how her sister did this, Alice correctly listed her sister as the number one suspect.

However, although she guessed her sister's "betrayal", she was not angry with her sister. On the contrary, her mood was very bitter and complicated.

After all, everyone has their own position. My sister is not her appendage. She has her own character and her own judgment. There is nothing excessive about her choosing to stand on her father's side.

She believed that Agnes must have experienced pain and entanglement when making this choice, but reality forced her to make this decision.

Sighing now can't solve the problem. Alice knows that she must quickly find a way to get out of her current predicament, otherwise she will be kicked out soon and will never have a chance to turn around.

But, how should we solve the dilemma?

She was stunned again.

In the end, she could only hold her forehead weakly, then bowed to her father-in-law and left. "Dad, I'm going to rest."

The Marquis didn't pay much attention and let her leave.

After returning to her room, Alice began to spin her mind crazily, analyzing the current situation for herself.

It was a fact that his father came to negotiate with Bowang, so there was no need to ask more about what he wanted to negotiate with Bowang - he must have wanted to bypass himself, get funds directly from him, and put himself aside.

This is not only to retaliate against oneself, but also to exclude oneself from the family and cut off any hope of taking over the family.

So, the most important thing is: figure out Bowen's attitude and make sure he continues to be on your side.

But how should I do this?

And a hard-hearted person like Bowang will never be moved by emotional attacks. Pretending to be pitiful or losing his temper are just ridiculous performances for him. The only thing that can move him is interests. .

Alice once again felt the pain of being alone - no money, no power, no one to serve her, and the most terrifying thing was that there was no one she could use.

My father can't be trusted, my husband and father-in-law can't be trusted, Bo Wang certainly can't be trusted, and now even my most cherished sister can't be trusted, so who can I trust now? Whose power can we rely on?

After thinking about it, the only people who can be trusted and can rely on strength are the Count of Monte Cristo and the young man behind him.

Yes, the earl is the key. On the one hand, he is His Majesty's plenipotentiary representative and can intimidate Bowang so that Bowang does not dare to mess around; on the other hand, he is also the channel through which he can contact His Majesty. If he is willing to help, I can also get greater help from His Majesty.

Therefore, under the current predicament, the only one who can solve the problem is the earl.

So can the count stand on his side? Alice thought again.

The Earl and Agnes had a very good relationship, and she knew this. If she had to make a choice when her sisters' positions were contradictory, Alice was not confident that she could convince the Earl.

But no matter what, she had to give it a try.

Now that she has made a decision, Alice does not want to waste time. After all, for her right now, any delay may be fatal.

So she regained her composure, rested for a while, and in the afternoon she went to visit the count—judging from the captain's words in the morning, she knew where the count was now.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

When Edmund knew that Alice had come to visit, he was a little surprised, but he didn't pay too much attention. After all, it was not the first time that Alice had come here.

So, he asked Emily to stay away for the time being, and then received her in the reception room.

"Madam, what can I do for you?"

"There is something very important, Earl." Alice had no time to be polite, so she went straight to the point, "I'm in a big trouble now, and I need your help."

"What?" Edmund was a little surprised.

Then, Alice told the count exactly what she had learned.

"It's actually like this..." The earl was greatly surprised after hearing this. "How did your father find Bowen?"

"I don't know how he did it...but I guess he probably got the news from Agnes." Alice replied.

The count fell silent for a moment.

He was involved in the whole process, and of course he knew the rights and wrongs. To be fair, he himself believed that Agnes was the most suspicious. Although he had a great liking for Agnes, the fact was the fact after all.

"...Then what are you going to do?" Edmund sighed.

"I said, I need your help -" Alice answered him directly, "I hope you can stand on my side, will you?"

After finishing speaking, she held her head high and looked at the count with sharp and expectant eyes.

This look made Edmund feel guilty.

What should I do? they ask themselves.

To be fair, he respected both Alice and Agnes very much, but now it seemed that he had to choose a side.

After thinking for a moment, he finally decided to side with Alice.

After all, publicly speaking, Alice is now an ally with him, but Agnes is not; privately speaking, it was not long ago that Alice urged him to break his guard and let himself and Emily go. When we got together and got the half-truth and half-fake "happiness" now, it was only natural that we should make some repayment.

Although I'm very sorry for Miss Agnes, it seems like this is my only choice.

"I act according to His Majesty's will." So, after a moment, he gave a clear reply, "Since Your Majesty said that you will take the lead in this matter, then I must resolutely implement it... All other interferences will not be enough. Shaken my will.”

Sure enough... I still convinced him...

Alice was immediately relieved.

It seemed that he had made the right move by trying every means to please and win over the earl. The favor he gained at that time was now in effect.

Although she was in disarray due to her father's secret backstabbing, as long as the count was on her side, it meant that she had a trump card in her hand and was holding a crucial front.

But holding on is not enough. What is important is to regain the previously lost positions and bring the situation back under your control.

"Then can you convince Mr. Bowen for me?" So Alice asked again, "I don't know what my father talked to him, but I am sure he wanted to seduce Mr. Bowen. Although I believe that Mr. Bowen is too shrewd to be impressed by my father's few words, but it is best to make it clear to him——"

Since he has already promised Alice, the Count will naturally not mind doing such a small favor for her again. "Okay, I will find a time to see Mr. Bowen and explain the situation to him. Don't worry, he is also a person." A prudent person will not mess around.”

In an instant, all the tension and pressure suddenly disappeared, and Alice even had the urge to burst into tears of gratitude.

"Thank you... Mr. Earl, although this is just a small effort for you, but for me, you simply saved my life... I will never forget this favor. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to repay you in the future. , but if there is, I will spare no effort to help you, and I will never help you less than you did to me today."

"You don't need to speak so harshly...this is what I should do." Seeing Alice's performance, Edmund was a little panicked and quickly comforted her.

However, he was still a little confused, why did Alice take this so seriously? In his view, no matter what, as long as His Majesty's career succeeds, General Treville will surely prosper, and Alice, as his daughter-in-law, will naturally benefit from it. Even if he fails this time, what will the impact be? Why does she act like her life is at stake?

"Madam, why do you care so much about this?" he couldn't help but ask. "Forgive me for being rude, but it seems to me that the price you paid seems a bit too high compared to what you get."

"So what do you think I paid for?" Alice asked with a wry smile.

"Isn't it obvious? You are at odds with your relatives -" Edmund replied.

"Then what can I gain?" Alice asked again.

"Money and power." Edmund shrugged, "But you already have these... The Marquis of Treville will definitely be put to good use."

"The Marquis is the Marquis, and I am me. We are not the same person. Besides, everything he gets will not be given to me..." Alice answered him in a low voice, "I thought I got love and happiness, but The result? When I lowered my head, I saw my hands were empty... You said that I turned against my relatives, but I turned against them a long time ago!

I have asked myself countless times, why is this happening? Did I do something wrong? Finally I came to the conclusion, no, it's not that I did anything wrong, but that I was incapable of doing anything wrong, so that no one would care about my opinion. If I continue to be so powerless, then no matter what I choose, ultimately The result is still wrong! Therefore, this world has taught me a lesson. Only what is truly in my hands can be regarded as obtained... If I want to get myself out of the predicament and get the respect I deserve, I must have the ability to make others feel pain. . Only when people are not afraid of doing evil can they have the freedom to do good, right? "

Although her tone was calm, Alice's eyes were shining with a fanatical brilliance at this moment. It was an extremely dazzling brilliance polished by pain, and it also represented the angry cry in her heart.

Facing this sight, Edmund felt a little scared.

However, although he didn't quite agree with Alice's words, at this time, he couldn't help but have some admiration for Alice.

Maybe Edgar really wasn't good enough for her... he thought to himself.

"I understand, and good luck to you, ma'am."

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