Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixty-seven, 2 The best of everything

Since he had agreed to Mrs. Alice, Edmund did not dare to neglect. On the second night, he quietly came to visit Mr. Bowen's home.

As before, Beauvin immediately entertained the count with the courtesy of a distinguished guest and took him alone to his study.

"Long time no see, Earl." After seeing him, Bowang greeted him happily. "You are finally back."

This kind of happiness is not pretended. Recently, he has been having troubles with Duke Nordlyen's family and he doesn't know what to choose. Now that he sees the count coming back, he naturally seems to have found his backbone.

"I just came back two days ago, so I haven't had time to take care of you. Please forgive me." Edmund replied casually.

After the pleasantries, he immediately got down to the topic, "I came to you today because I have something to ask you -"

"Is there something about Duke Nordlyon?" Bowang asked quickly.

Edmund knew that Bowang was such a shrewd person, so he naturally realized something in his heart, so he didn't make any detours and nodded directly, "I heard that he came to visit you?"

"Yes, not long ago, he secretly came to visit me one night." Bo Wang admitted it immediately, "I was very surprised at the time, but now that he is here, I can only receive him. .”

Bowen did not ask how the count knew the whereabouts of the duke - the count must have his own source of information.

On the contrary, he was relieved. After all, it would be a good thing if the problem that troubled him could be solved.

Between the Duke and Alice and his daughter, he didn't care who was right or wrong. It didn't matter to him at all. What was important was which side the young man needed him to be on. He couldn't choose the wrong side, otherwise Maybe even if you spend money, you will still suffer.

Therefore, he just tried his best to distance himself from any collusion with the Duke, emphasizing that he was also a neutral person who stayed out of the matter, just waiting for the Count to give a verdict.

"What did he tell you?" Edmund asked quickly.

"He just asked me to cooperate with him, ignore Alice, and allocate funds normally to help him tide over the difficulties." Bowang did not hide anything and answered him directly. "I originally didn't want to pay attention to him, but he gave me a reason that I couldn't refuse immediately, which made me hesitate."

"What reason?" Edmund asked.

"He took out the letter written by His Majesty to him, showing that the relationship between His Majesty and his youngest daughter, Miss Agnes, is very... cordial." Bowang sighed, "I was frightened by him at the time. I didn't know Is what he said true... Count, is this true?"

Edmund nodded. "It's true. Your Majesty does... like Miss Agnes very much. The reason why he helped me was because of Miss Agnes's affection."

It seemed that when the earl confirmed the news, Bowang was relieved. He was glad that he did not fall out with the earl at that time and kept this relationship network.

Although the Duke is now in quite an embarrassing situation, since Miss Agnes is on the line, God knows what the future can bring to him. Bowen certainly understands the importance of investing in the future.

"Then you mean that I should fulfill the Duke's wish?" Bowang asked tentatively.

"No...!" Edmund replied decisively, "Although His Majesty hopes to help the Duke out of Miss Agnes's feelings, he is not at ease with this incompetent person who almost ruined his family fortune. , he doesn’t want his aid money to go to waste, so he hopes to have a supervisor he trusts to manage these funds——”

"That's it!" Bowang heard this and roughly guessed what happened. "In other words, Lady Alice was appointed by His Majesty to kidnap the Duke. This is not a drama about family property, but His Majesty controlling the Duke's family through his own agent?"

"Yes, your guess is absolutely correct." Edmund nodded again to confirm.

Bowang narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into thinking.

He and the earl were the initiators of the entire incident. At first, they created a financial craze with the goal of crushing Tanglar Bank, and then incidentally added the goal of "attacking the Duke of Nordelion."

Judging from the results, the entire plan was executed quite satisfactorily. Danglars went bankrupt and fled in the midst of the trend, the Duke was also in trouble and on the verge of bankruptcy, and Bovan also enjoyed the joy of manipulating everything behind the scenes.

However, today, Bowang discovered that behind the scenes, there was someone who actually made more than himself.

First, he asked his subordinate, the Count of Monte Cristo, to bankrupt the Duke, and then readily agreed to help when Miss Agnes begged for mercy. He used the Duke's own money to save the Duke's family, and by the way, he won the heart of the beauty as a savior; not only that, but actually He also asked the Duke's eldest daughter to act as his agent, and then hijacked the Duke's family. He must have also gained a good impression from the beautiful Lady Alice.

Over and over again, with almost no extra effort, he not only made a few people grateful to him, but also made himself the target of their trembling efforts to please him. It is indeed a generous act to make clouds and rain like this, if you didn't know He may not be able to feel the ins and outs, but as a person who can take charge of the overall situation, Bo Wang only felt a little scared after seeing it.

He hadn't seen the young man's face yet, but he was already shocked by the young man's ruthless and exquisite methods - of course, he also didn't expect that Aigron was not a genius who could calculate ten steps in one step, but based on Responding to various emergencies eventually brought the incident to where it is now.

No matter what, now Bowang felt that he could no longer play tricks when facing the young His Majesty, for fear that he would offend him and not know how he would die in the future, so he emphasized to Edmund again, "Earl, I I am a banker. I am only responsible for money transactions. I don’t want to offend anyone. But now you can see that I am in a dilemma and I don’t know what to do... Since you are His Majesty’s agent, I trust you the most. You are the only one, I will do whatever you ask me to do without any reservation!"

Edmund was not only wondering what Bowang was thinking, but judging from Bowang's performance, he also believed that Bowang would not play tricks, so he also had a showdown with the other party, "According to His Majesty's will, it is best for everything to remain unchanged, Ellie Mrs. Si will continue to handle it with full authority, so please don’t make any noise——"

"Okay, I understand." Bo Wang nodded repeatedly and agreed hastily.

For him, a clear pointer was enough. It didn't matter which side he was on. Anyway, the Duke and Alice and his daughter were both easy-to-solve problems for him.

However, although the biggest confusion in his heart has been solved, Bowang does not want to stop there.

He was suffering from the inability to get in touch with His Majesty directly. Now that he saw some hope, of course he wanted to continue to grasp it.

"Sir, did you insist on attacking Duke Nordlyen just for today?" After a moment of silence, he asked proactively.

"Some things were improvised. I certainly couldn't have imagined so many things at the time..." Edmund did not answer the other party directly.

"But you should undoubtedly be able to predict how the situation will develop." Bowang sneered slightly, "I have met Miss Agnes. She is indeed a very cute and special girl...different from others, It can be described as high-spirited, no wonder His Majesty will never forget her."

Edmund frowned, but said nothing.

Although Bowang's heart-wrenching remarks were hard to hear, he had no way to refute it. This should have been his original plan, and it was also the thing he was most ashamed of.

But from his position, he could only do this.

"Earl, we have been cooperating for so long. You should know how cooperative I am to you. I think that I have made some contributions to you, so I hope you can give me a little help for this reason. ..." Bowang lowered his voice, "Miss Agnes, how popular is His Majesty? Can she stabilize her position? You are His Majesty's confidant, and I only need to get one piece of information from you, this one Information is enough.”

Edmund hesitated again.

Although Bowang's questions were a bit too explicit and uncomfortable, the other party had helped him a lot in the past period of time, and he had to give him some reward in return.

Besides, he also hopes that Miss Agnes can get support from behind the scenes in the future, maybe this will be a good thing for her.

So, he put on a serious look, and then gave the other party a cryptic answer, "It's not for me to discuss His Majesty's private affairs, and I can't guess His Majesty's thoughts. No one knows what will happen in the future. But Ever since he was in Greece, he has been obsessed with Miss Agnes, and her importance in his heart must not be ignored..."

"I understand." Bowang nodded slightly, as small as a dragonfly's touch, but with a little bit of undoubted courage. "Then it seems that the Duke has a trump card in his hand. No wonder he dares to be so confident. .”

He squinted his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

"Please tell me clearly, does Mrs. Alice have any ambition to take advantage of the opportunity to annex all her father's family property?" Then he opened his eyes again and looked up at Edmund. "Sir, I just want to know an answer. I don't care whether she wants it or not."

Although this question did not require an answer, at this moment, Bowang seemed to have a strange courage in him, so much so that Edmund was also infected without knowing it, so he subconsciously answered his question.

"As far as I can see, she has no such intention. She is just content to take the opportunity to blackmail her father and control the use of funds. She has no intention of taking the opportunity to swallow up the family business."

"What if she really does?" Bowen asked.

"Even if she really has one, Your Majesty will not allow it -" Edmund replied decisively, "Your Majesty just wants an agent, but has never thought of giving all the Duke's family property to Lady Alice. Besides, that would If so, Miss Agnes will also fall out because of this, which is not in line with his original intention."

"That's easy to handle!" Bowang clapped his hands.

"Huh?" Edmund was a little confused by Bowen's reaction. "how?"

"Count, can't you see? We are facing a profitable situation -" Bowang smiled slightly, "The Duke was worried that Lady Alice would take the opportunity to embezzle the family property, so he played all kinds of tricks to try to overturn the situation. , but Mrs. Alice can't do it at all! So he is worried in vain, there is no risk of the family property being embezzled at all, he is just fighting against the windmill."

"You're right." Edmund nodded, "So let's spread the matter out and let their misunderstanding be resolved, and this storm will be over, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Bowang asked, "If the misunderstanding is resolved, how should we explain what we did? Besides, if the misunderstanding is resolved, how can we push the situation in the direction we want? What about development? Once the Duke has no worries, how can he let others interfere in their family's private affairs? "

"...What do you mean?" Edmund was a little confused.

"This should be done now -" After thinking about it just now, Bowang was now confident, so he showed his usual calm demeanor and continued calmly, "I will stabilize the Duke and tell him He, for the sake of Miss Agnes, I am willing to increase my funding to him and solve his urgent needs, but in exchange, he must give me a guarantee endorsed by His Majesty, so that I can be sure of my Funds are safe.”

"How can he get such a guarantee?" Edmund asked.

"Just because he can't take it out." Bowang smiled coldly, "If he can't take it out, he will naturally be anxious. At this time, I hinted to him that Mrs. Alice wanted to check the accounts and became suspicious; then in When he is panicked, he will make a decisive move and ask Miss Agnes to intercede with His Majesty in exchange for such a guarantee. I can handle all this, and you just need to stand up for me at the right time. , after all, you represent His Majesty’s will, don’t you?”

Then, he added to Edmund, "As for Mrs. Alice, you can also be stable and tell her that everything is business as usual. There will be no flaws on my side, and she can still exercise her power normally. I think She'll be satisfied too."

Listening to Bowang's words, a chill suddenly surged out of Edmund's heart.

This guy really eats people without spitting out their bones. No wonder he was able to climb to a high position in the bank so quickly.

It is conceivable that he has played similar tricks countless times, so he was able to figure out the situation and formulate a plan in such a short period of time.

People like Bowen are really a bit scary. Even after having been with him for so long, Edmund can't help but be a little afraid of him.

But he was afraid. After thinking about Bowang's plan, Edmund felt that it seemed feasible.

"Count, you see, we don't have any risk in doing this, and no one can accuse us of doing anything wrong... After all, we have to ensure that His Majesty's funds are used safely, right? In the end, no one has to thank us, because we We served them loyally and responded to their demands." Bowang smiled and said to Edmund, "I see no reason not to do this kind of thing that has the best of both worlds. His Majesty will also praise us for our ability to do things well."

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