Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixty-nine, fire and determination

Well, let’s make an appointment! "

When Bianca saw this, she knew it was irreversible, so she could only suppress the anger in her heart and make an appointment with her traitor.

"A week from now, right here - let's fight it out."

In the end, she couldn't help but remind Agnes, "Agnes, since you are challenging me, you'd better make the appropriate awareness... I will not show mercy to you, if you die Well, it’s your own fault.”

The master's threat did not scare Agnes, but made her more motivated.

She was not afraid of death. In fact, after going through so many troubles, the girl felt that if she died gloriously in a duel, it might be more comfortable than staying in the world and being tormented by all kinds of troubles.

If she dies, no one can ask her to do this or that based on the obligation of "family affection", and she will be free and no longer bound by conscience.

"I know... I won't be afraid!" So, she raised her head and replied to the master, "You should also take care of yourself, because I won't show mercy either."

Having said that, Agnes still had a little bit of luck in her heart - she hoped that she could capture the master alive, so that she could save the master's life.

It's just that she knows her master's strength best, and she also knows that it's not that simple to win against her when fighting with all her strength. No matter whether you win or lose, you need to go all out. "Control your strength and capture her alive" is simply a bit naive.

Because of this, even though she got her wish to have a fight with her master, the annoyance and distress in her heart not only did not diminish at all, but actually became a little stronger.

The heavy pressure pressed on her heart, making her almost want to vomit.

Bianca also took note of Agnes's performance. She could feel that her apprentice was very uncomfortable now, and she herself was in a very bad mood.

She was not mentally prepared for the fact that the master-disciple relationship for so many years had to be ended in this way.

"Alas..." Finally, she let out a long sigh, "I really like you, Agnes. Even if you die by my sword, even if I may have a better apprentice in the future, I will always remember you. , until the day I am buried.”

Although Bianca's tone was still as stiff as usual,

The wording was also ugly, but Agnes could fully feel the reluctance and regret.

After all, she did not have the ability to control emotions as an adult, so tears burst out of her eyes instantly.

"Thank you, Master." She replied with a cry, "I know what I am doing, but I ask you to forgive me!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and looked around the hall.

The empty hall, the mottled weapon racks, and the various sharp and shiny weapons on them, everything was so familiar. She didn't know how many times she had seen her master here, and she didn't know how many times she had sparred with her here. This simple place made her feel even more intimate than her luxurious mansion.

However, soon, she would destroy it all with her own hands.

When she thought of this, she felt uncontrollably sad.

But now, what can be done? With her knowledge and brainpower, this is the best way she can find - as long as she defeats the master, she can save her life and repay the debt she owes her. Other than that, there are few things she can do. No more.

"Ah!" She suddenly felt a splitting headache, so she covered her ears and let out a scream. Then she didn't say goodbye to her master like before, but turned around and ran out without even closing the door.

Bianca stood there, staring blankly at the back of her apprentice running out, and finally couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh. "What a silly girl!"

But also cute and silly.


"Madam, Miss Agnes is here to visit." Alice, who was teasing her daughter after dinner, received a report from the servant.

Agnes was a frequent visitor to her house, so naturally everyone was not surprised. However, she saw the servant's expression was a little strange, so Alice asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Miss, she...she..." the servant hesitated, "she looks a little strange."

"Huh?" Alice was even more surprised.

"Anyway, you'll know it when you see her. I don't know how to describe it..." The servant looked embarrassed.

"Let her come here." Alice replied quickly.

Although she was roughly certain that her sister must have betrayed her before, causing Bowen to be exposed, Alice's deep love for her sister did not suffer much because of this, because she also knew that her sister had no choice but to do so - in other words By the way, didn’t you force Agnes? Now it's just tit for tat.

Because of this, she interacted with her sister as always and did not reprimand or accuse her. She just pretended that nothing happened.

After seeing Agnes's face, Alice instantly understood why the servant behaved like that just now.

Because Agnes looked really embarrassed right now - her clothes were messy, there was a lot of dust on the corners of her skirt, her eyes were stained with tears, and her hair was disheveled.

Although Agnes has a loose personality, she has received a strict upbringing since she was a child, and she will certainly not relax about her manners. Alice has never seen such a lost look before.

In an instant, Alice forgot any grudges between the sisters and hugged her sister emotionally.

"Agnes! What's wrong with you? What happened?"

She was genuinely worried about her sister, fearing that something terrible would happen to Agnes.

Perhaps because she felt her sister's warmth and kindness, Agnes calmed down a little, and her eyes regained some consciousness.

She opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but for a moment she seemed unable to say anything, so she burst into tears and hugged her sister tightly.

Alice didn't know why and became even more worried, but she didn't ask any more questions. She just hugged her sister tightly and gently stroked the hair on her back. "Okay, it's okay, Agnes...it's okay."

After being comforted for a while, Agnes finally calmed down.

Alice let go of her hand, then looked at her sister again and began to ask.

"Agnes, what's going on? Tell me, no matter what happens, I will be on your side and I will do my best to find a solution for you."

"I...I just found the master and challenged her." Agnes said intermittently, sobbing.

I see.

Alice immediately understood why her sister was so lost.

She and Bianca have been together for so many years, and they have a deep relationship between master and disciple. Now they have to draw their swords against each other. It must be an unbearable blow to her emotionally.

Alice also felt a little sad. Although Bianca and she had no friendship, they were still old friends after all.

More importantly, she didn't want to see her sister take risks.

"Sigh... I understand how you feel. Otherwise, let's find someone else to fight her. You don't have to make such a sacrifice." So she tried to persuade her sister.

"No..." Agnes shook her head slowly but firmly, "If you want to end it, it should be me. This is about honor. If the master loses in my hands, at least her skills will not be insulted." Industry!"

Alice didn't quite understand her sister's strange persistence, but she could tell from her sister's stubborn expression that it was pointless to continue to persuade her.

Anyway, she had never placed her hope on persuasion through lips and tongue.

She still had more things to do if she wanted to save her sister's life.

"Well, Agnes, since you insist, I can't say anything else. I can only advise you to be more careful. After all, your master is very powerful. If you make any mistakes, I will really be heartbroken!" She sighed, and then asked her sister, "So, when do you plan to start the war?"

"A week later, at our old place," Agnes replied sullenly.

"Can I be a witness?" Alice asked tentatively.

"It's better not to do it." Agnes shook her head and refused, "You don't want to see blood, I'm afraid you will be greatly stimulated by then, which is not good; besides, if you are present, I will inevitably be distracted... …”

"I understand." Alice nodded in disappointment.

It seems that after the initial mental shock, Agnes has calmed down and her thinking has become more organized.

"Are you sure?" Alice asked again.

"How can you be sure about this kind of thing?" Agnes asked with a wry smile, "But I firmly believe that I can win, because I have to win."

Agnes's firm belief is genuine. After all, the confidence to win is a quality that every swordsman needs. However, as an outsider, Alice does not dare to have too much confidence in this "firm belief".

"If you could win if you wanted to, the world wouldn't be like this." She complained softly.

"Winning or losing, isn't it already good to go all out to fight against the master?" Agnes asked back, "There are few things in the world that are more pure than this. It would be best if you win, but losing is not the best." It doesn’t matter, at worst, I will use my life to repay the favor our family owes, is that enough?”

"You kid, what are you talking about?" Alice became angry when she heard this.

"Okay, sister, let's not talk about such insignificant things." Agnes waved her hand to stop her sister's anger, "I'm here, and I want to tell you something very important."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter! This is the most important thing!" Alice still refused to give up.

However, Agnes no longer wanted to argue with her sister about what was more important. She continued to speak and told Bianca's plan, "When I had a fight with the master just now, she proposed that if I lose in the competition, I will Give her Xia Lu, and she plans to train Xia Lu as her next apprentice to make up for her own losses..."

"What!" If Agnes' words just now had already angered Alice, then this news now made her even more furious.

She no longer cared about her manners and patted the armrest of the chair heavily, "How dare she?! What qualifications does she have to use Xia Lu as a bet!"

Then, she glared at Agnes anxiously, "You're not going to agree to her conditions, are you?"

Obviously, if my sister really agreed, she would fall out on the spot.

Looking at her lioness-like sister, Agnes shrank unconsciously, "How could I do this? Xia Lu is your treasure and my most cherished niece. How could I use her as a bet? ? I directly rejected the teacher's unreasonable request, pointing out that our decisive battle had nothing to do with it, and I didn't owe her an apprentice."

After hearing Agnes' explanation, Alice felt a little relieved.

But soon, she became nervous again - because she also knew Bianca's character. This maverick woman, if she really made up her mind, would not care about human relations and morality. She was like this now. Nature is no exception.

And Agnes happened to be just as she thought, "However, people like the master will not listen to other people's opinions. Once she identifies something, she will do it regardless of it, otherwise she would not wave to the King of Rome. The swords are facing each other... So, I am worried that if she really wins, she will come to snatch Xia Lu, so I came to warn you in advance..."

At this point, her expression became a little solemn, "Sister, if I don't come back by then, you should keep a close eye on Xia Lu. If necessary, you can escape for a while."

Alice didn't answer, but her expression became extremely gloomy.

Originally, she didn't want her sister to have a duel with Bianca and risk losing her sister, but now she suddenly learned the news, which was even more difficult for her to accept.

No matter how confident Agnes is, she admits that there is always the possibility of failure.

So what happens if my sister loses?

Obviously, when the time comes, my sister's life, as well as my daughter's freedom and future, will all disappear.

Either he will be snatched away by Bianca; or he will have to hide and live a life without seeing the light of day because he is worried about being snatched away by her.

Just imagining this result makes Alice feel dizzy. For her, this is an unimaginable life disaster.

She could clearly foresee that if this result turned from imagination to reality, then her sanity might collapse.

So, don’t let this happen no matter what! No need to pay any price for this.

Quietly, Alice entered a strange ethereal state. The more angry and excited her heart became, the calmer her mind became, as if she had become an outsider and everything had nothing to do with her.

However, all her calmness actually came from a cruel and terrifying determination. Although she was powerless, her determination seemed to be able to burn away the metal.

We have already lost enough, so we must not lose any more.

Everything must be held in hand, and we can no longer let them be washed away by the torrent of fate, because we no longer want to experience the feeling of being at the mercy of fate.

So, Agnes, you care about honor, but I don't care. I want you to live and my daughter to grow up well...

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