Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventy, persuasion and planning

Under Alice's deliberate comfort, Agnes's mental state finally calmed down.

"Sorry, sister, I didn't expect things to develop like this..." She apologized to her sister again, "But don't worry, I will definitely win, for the sake of honor and for Xia Lu! Trust me!"

"I believe you!" Although she didn't mean what she said, Alice still acted as if she wanted to, "Agnes, you can definitely win."

"Well!" Agnes received great comfort from her sister's encouragement. She suddenly regained her energy and her eyes were radiant again, "I'm going back to make preparations first. You and Xia Lu should take care of themselves. "

"Agnes!" Just as she was about to leave, Alice suddenly stopped her.

"Do you have anything else to explain?" Agnes asked quickly.

Alice looked at her sister and didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, she sighed, "In life, it is inevitable that there will be many things that cannot be controlled by one's own control. No matter how deep the relationship is, there may be conflict of positions one day. After all, I have experienced a lot more than you, so I With an open mind, I can forgive this kind of conflict, because I know that your heart will always shine brightly, and you will never have any real malice towards me..."

Hearing what her sister said, Agnes suddenly felt ashamed - because not long ago, she had stolen a crucial note from her sister like a thief.

Although she was not doing it for herself but for her family, she would feel very uncomfortable every time she thought about it. Now that her sister's words were so sincere, it made her even more embarrassed.

Just as she was about to say something, Alice stretched out her hand to stop her, and then looked at her seriously, "Agnes, although my heart is not as pure and noble as yours, I have never had any ill intentions toward you, and I will always Love you. Can you trust me, Agnes?"

Agnes didn't know why her sister suddenly said this, as if saying goodbye. She guessed that her sister might be worried about her safety, so she was so moved that she almost shed tears again.

"I believe it, how could I not believe it? I love you too, sister."

"That's good..." Alice nodded, "No matter what happens in the future, I hope that the relationship between us will never fade. I will forgive you for anything you do wrong. I also hope that no matter what I do, I will forgive you." , you will also forgive me."

She knew that what she said was so explicit,

It might arouse my sister's alertness, but she was too excited at the moment, so she couldn't restrain herself from saying it.

Fortunately, Agnes was facing a powerful enemy and had no time to carefully consider every word of her sister. She just nodded heavily.

In Alice's opinion, this was reason enough for her to go ahead and do it.

Then, Agnes left in a hurry. Although it was already nighttime, Alice did not dare to delay. She had her carriage ready, and then went out to visit the Count of Monte Cristo during the night.

At this time, Edmund was also resting in the mansion that originally belonged to Danglars. He was very confused when he heard that Mrs. Alice came to visit again, but he still received her very formally.

As soon as he saw Alice, Edmund noticed her extremely serious look, and he immediately guessed that something big must have happened.

"What's the matter with you, ma'am?" he asked quickly.

"Bianca's whereabouts have surfaced." Alice replied concisely, "And just today, Agnes has issued a challenge to her, and the time is set in a week."

Such a brief description was like a thunder to Edmund.

He was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but sigh a little.

He was considered an insider and knew that Bianca was Miss Agnes's master, and also knew why Agnes raised the challenge. It was precisely because he knew all this that he was filled with emotion.

But it was a sigh of relief. He had been mentally prepared for all this before, so he wouldn't be too shocked.

He even felt in his heart that this might be the best outcome for Miss Agnes, so he kept delaying the search for Bianca for Captain Foresty, which was considered as leaving enough time for Agnes.

"I admire Miss Agnes very much, and I will pray for her." After a moment's hesitation, he answered Alice.

"Prayer...if prayer is useful, how come there are so many disasters in the world?" Alice's eyes widened, and then she sneered, "Of course, you are not related to her, so being able to pray for her counts. You are so kind."

This hidden sarcasm made Edmund lose his temper all of a sudden, "It is true that I am not related to Miss Agnes, but I respect her! Like you, I hope she will be safe and victorious."

"But a close relative like me doesn't need her to embellish herself with any victory. Rather than these, I hope she can live a good life with all her hair and tail." Alice retorted.

"I can understand your thinking, but now that the matter has come to this, what can we do?" Edmund asked, "This is Miss Agnes's choice."

"I am her sister. I can make other choices on her behalf. When she does something wrong, I can also find a way to correct it." Alice replied decisively, "Now, I just want to correct everything."

"You...what are you going to do?" Edmund looked at Alice in surprise.

What met her face were Alice's blue eyes.

In the past, there was always a gentle smile in these eyes, but at this moment, there was a biting coldness in them.

"Count, I don't need your prayers. I need your help to get rid of Bianca or capture her alive before Agnes does it." Then she said what she was thinking word by word. think.

At this moment, the aura displayed by Alice frightened the count so much that he forgot to speak for a moment.

But he quickly reacted and raised objections. "What will Miss Agnes think if we do this? She values ​​honor so much, and fighting against her master is an opportunity she has fought for. If all this is ruined by us, she will definitely be mad! What will happen then? ?」

"The problems at that time will be discussed at that time. I will bear all the responsibilities myself. You will be fine." Alice, who had already made up her mind, was very calm about this. "I know how she will react. She will go crazy. Curse me, but so what? At least she is still alive, and she can still curse me. But what if I don’t? Can you ensure that she will win? "

Alice glared at the count, and then asked sternly, "If she loses, with her spirit, she will definitely beat her until she is exhausted. Then defeat means that she may die, and even if she does not die, she will be seriously injured. Don't you Do you want me as a sister to watch this result and cheer her for her sense of honor? Besides, no matter she wins or loses, she may be injured. If she wins, it will cause irreparable damage, such as a broken face. This is a result that is worse than death for a girl. Can you guarantee that it can be avoided? I know that Bianca is very powerful, so I will not take any chances. I have to think of the worst results. Can you understand me?"

Under Alice's questioning, the Earl was speechless.

Of course he knew it was entirely possible.

Being questioned like this by Alice, he gradually became shaken. After all, he didn't want to see Miss Agnes die at a young age.

After suppressing the Earl with momentum, Alice continued, "Earl, I know that you respect her very much, and you are deliberately delaying time to fulfill her honor, but... I beg you, for the sake of me For the sake of her, please think about her life! I don’t want to hear the bad news one day and lose my sister forever. Compared with that, no honor is worth mentioning..."

Then, she revealed another trump card, "Also, my daughter...my poor daughter may also become a victim of this competition...How can I stand by and watch?"

"What? Miss Xia Lu?" The count was excited again and asked quickly.

Alice relayed Bianca's plan to the count.

Although it sounded a bit bizarre, the Earl quickly believed it - because it was indeed very similar to Bianca's way of doing things, her own way of doing things, and her strange standards and obsession with her apprentices.

This news was like a heavy weight, causing the balance in his heart to finally tip to Alice's side.

A duel of honor is one thing, but dragging unrelated children into it is another.

If Agnes died by the sword in an upright manner, the Earl would feel sorry for her but would respect her choice. However, if Miss Xia Lu also became a victim, that would be unacceptable to him, especially for such a cute child.

After knowing this, he began to sympathize with Alice.

"I understand..." So, he finally nodded heavily, "Madam, don't worry, I will never let Miss Xia Lu suffer any danger."

Seeing that the Earl finally made up his mind to stand on her side, Alice was relieved, but she had no time to rejoice and continued to carry out her plan.

"Well, let's start making preparations immediately. First of all - Agnes's appointment is in a week, and the location must be the place where she usually meets Bianca. Have you been there?"

"I know." The Earl nodded immediately.

When he first came to Paris, Agnes took him to that place and "discussed" with him for a while, which he still remembered.

But at the time, he certainly wouldn't have thought that these things would happen later. This could be regarded as a trick of fate.

"Okay, now that you know, it will save me a lot of time..." Alice nodded, "Then during this period, please send people to keep an eye on the surroundings to determine Bianca's whereabouts. We need to Intercept her before the duel begins, and then kill or capture her."

Edmund couldn't raise any objection to this, so he could only nod his head, "Okay, I'll let people watch."

"In addition, we can't send too many people. If there are too many people, she will definitely find something wrong. We need people who are strong and good at hiding themselves-" Alice looked at the earl again, "You can let the person come from afar Will the captain be responsible for this? He must have experience."

Do you even know about him? The count was shocked again.

Only then did he realize that the captain must have secretly contacted Madame Alice after he came to Paris.

It seems that Princess Teresa was not satisfied with her "motivation to work", so she asked the captain to act privately...

But in the current situation, he didn't have time to think about how many "holy relatives" he still had with Her Royal Highness the Princess.

He was just a little bit emotional. After all, his delaying tactics failed, and Miss Agnes lost the opportunity for an honorary showdown.

"Since you know him, I have nothing to add." Edmund also sighed, "Yes, the captain came here to carry out the mission assigned by Her Highness the Princess, and he should be responsible for it."

"Then let's go see him together?" Alice suggested. "Time is tight and we can't delay. And in this way, we can explain the matter clearly together."

Edmund could sense that Mrs. Alice was uncharacteristically pressuring him step by step, but now Alice had taken the initiative in terms of position and information, and it was even inevitable to avoid him. He could only nod in agreement.

"Okay, ma'am."

So, the two people ended their conversation, and then in the dark night, they took a carriage back to the house that Edmund had bought before.

The captain, on the other hand, had already gone to bed.

Since coming to Paris, he has been living here. Except for the occasional count who comes to visit him, no one dares to disturb him. His daily life is also taken care of very well, and he is happy to live here. This kind of life even feels a little leisurely.

However, he has a strong will after all. He spends his days thinking about how to complete the tasks assigned by Her Highness the Princess. He has never stopped exercising his skills. He just waits for the news of the action.

And after learning that the Earl and Lady Alice actually came together to find him, he probably guessed that the decisive moment was about to come.

He quickly got up from the bed, put on clothes hastily, and then came to the count's study.

At this time, the Earl and Lady Alice also looked solemn.

"I guess you two are here to order me?" the captain joked with a smile on his face.

"Sir." Alice spoke first, and she nodded slightly, "We found the hiding place of the assassin-"

"Really? That's great!" The captain immediately became energetic, "Where is it?"

"The count will take you there tomorrow." Alice replied calmly, "That woman's whereabouts are elusive, so I'm not sure when she will show up. But according to the intelligence, she will definitely show up within a week. I showed up there again because I had an appointment with someone."

"I understand!" The captain didn't bother to ask who the woman was dating. "Then I will monitor the surroundings starting tomorrow."

Edmund felt a little headache, but now, he couldn't care about anything else.

"Captain, my plan is that we set foot on the spot first and make preparations. After confirming her whereabouts, we will take action together... In addition, if possible, it is best to capture her alive. His Majesty will definitely be more happy to deal with her by himself. "

"Okay." The captain thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "A living assassin is indeed more useful."

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