Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventy-two, honor?


Although Bianca's reaction speed was already very fast and her retreat speed was already very fast, she had been too close to Alice before without warning, so she was unable to escape the danger.

The flintlock pistol in Alice's hand has a silver hammer, a black barrel, a brass powder box, and a withered wooden stock. It looks like a fine work of art. But this exquisite work of art is also a dangerous weapon. Under the acceleration of gunpowder, the bullet roared out of the barrel, then rushed to Bianca's body at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and then pierced hard into Bianca's body. inside her body.

As if someone had picked up a sledgehammer and hit her hard, Bianca's movements suddenly stopped, and then she fell backwards. She stumbled back two steps, and then suddenly sat on the ground.

The severe pain in her abdomen made her eyes darken and she almost fainted. Her left hand subconsciously touched the direction of the pain, and then she felt the liquid coming out of it. The liquid was warm and pungent, and it was impossible for anyone to mistake what it was even without seeing it with their own eyes.

I was attacked by someone.

The warm touch and sharp sting made Bianca fully aware of her situation.

However, even though she was in severe pain, she did not moan. She just frowned and endured the pain, and then looked up at the woman who attacked her.

At this time, Alice just got up from the ground. She didn't have time to wipe off the dust on her body. She dragged her daughter and ran back to distance the two people.

Although she was highly nervous and looked a little embarrassed at this time, because the plan was implemented smoothly, her mood inevitably rose with excitement and joy, and her face became a little redder.

She quickly glanced at Bianca to confirm whether she was alive or dead.

Although the quick training allowed her to ensure that she could hit the enemy at such a short distance, her marksmanship was not good enough to ensure that she would not kill anyone in this situation.

In other words, she wasn't sure whether she could keep Bianca alive after the gunshot - it all depended on fate. Anyway, although it would be best if she could be captured alive, even if Bianca was killed on the spot, His Majesty and Princess Teresa would not blame her.

However, she soon confirmed that Bianca was not dead yet.

That would be the best... She also breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not that she cherished Bianca’s life;

But he didn't want his sister to be too sad. If he killed Bianca with his own hands, it would be difficult to explain the past to his sister. As long as Bianca did not die in his own hands, after all, there would still be room for easing the relationship between the sisters.

Even though she had just shot and wounded someone, there was no trace of cruel killing intent in her body. She was still so gentle. It was precisely because of this delicate image that Bianca relaxed her vigilance and finally paid the price. A heavy price to pay.

At the same time as the gunfire rang out, the two men who were ambushing downstairs rushed up quickly. It only took a few seconds for them to reach the door, and then protected Alice and her daughter behind them.

In this way, in a few seconds, the rabbit rises and the falcon falls, and the overall situation is finally decided.

These two men are naturally the Count of Monte Cristo and Captain Foresty.

The count had met Bianca, and he also knew Bianca's identity, so he was naturally a little sad. It was really desolate for a swordsman master to "lose" in this way.

The captain's mood is even more complicated. As a swordsman, he is naturally proud of his swordsmanship. Now that he has met a swordsman, he naturally has the urge to learn from each other. If possible, he is more willing to use his swordsmanship with more honor. Way to deal with this woman.

However, reality does not allow him to force this honor - firstly, because of his apprentice's sword, he is no longer what he used to be. He is not sure that he can win Agnes, and naturally he is not sure that he can win her master; secondly, he is not sure that he can win Agnes. Come on, Princess Teresa also told him several times not to take risks for the so-called honor and to prioritize completing the mission.

Although honor is important, it is far less important than mission and tasks. He was entrusted by the Grand Duke with the important task of taking care of his daughter, so naturally he cannot be negligent. Her Highness the Princess will need him a lot in the future, and he cannot let her lose a useful helper just because of his own impulse.

Therefore, he finally agreed with Alice's plan.

After the three people got together, Alice was completely relieved, so she closed the door again, isolating the room from the outside world again.

Although this is a less crowded suburb, after all, it is not advisable to stay for a long time after gunfire occurs, and it is better to resolve it as soon as possible.

Alice nodded slightly to the two people and signaled them with her eyes to capture Bianca quickly.

Although she was not their boss, there seemed to be an aura in the invisible atmosphere at this time, and the two men accepted her orders without questioning——

Perhaps, they have all been shocked by the thoroughness of Mrs. Alice's plan and her decisiveness in taking risks. No one dares to look down on her based on her appearance.

The captain also winked at the count, signaling him to stay where he was to protect Alice and her daughter. Then, he drew out his sword and walked toward Bianca, who was lying on the ground alone.

If he didn't dare to fuck such a seriously injured woman, then he might as well commit suicide on the spot.

"Madam, I'm here to arrest you in the name of the King of Rome and his wife." As he walked away, he said slowly, "Please don't make any unnecessary resistance."

However, Bianca seemed not to see him, still staring at Alice.

Then she stood up unsteadily, leaning on the ground with her sword to forcefully support her body.

"Despicable." She endured the pain and scolded Alice in a sharp and weak voice.

Alice's face was expressionless. This kind of scolding had no impact on her at all - she didn't take honor seriously anyway.

"Did Agnes instigate you?" Bianca asked again, "She...she didn't dare to confront me head-on, so she sent you here?"

"No, that's not the case." Edmund suddenly replied, "We just caught you before she did. Miss Agnes didn't know anything about it from beginning to end."

Although it didn't matter what Bianca thought, he didn't want to smear Agnes' reputation, so he couldn't help clarifying the facts.

After Edmund answered, Bianca finally understood, and she looked at Alice again. Although her vision became more and more blurry due to the blood, her eyes were still full of viciousness and sharpness.

"Haha...hehe..." She smiled bitterly, "I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so angry that you even deceived me. It's shameless, but you're also quite capable! It seems like you should have done it back then. I won’t let you find a substitute. No, we should accept both of you..."

Alice was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Bianca would actually say such words after being injured in the trap - obviously, she meant that she wanted to forcefully accept her as her apprentice.

Alice has already learned about Bionka's brain circuits, so she is not interested in having any more verbal disputes with her now. Anyway, as long as she takes her away now, she will be done.

Moreover, Bianca's wound is still bleeding. If it is not treated as soon as possible, she may die of blood loss here.

So she ignored Bianca and looked at the captain, "Hurry up and catch her!"

The captain did not hesitate any longer and walked towards Bianca with his sword in hand.

Although Bianca knew that she had reached a desperate situation, she did not have any hesitation or fear. Although her body was still bleeding, she still forcibly raised her sword and attacked the captain.

Although Bianca's movements and pace could no longer keep up at this time, as long as the captain was willing, he would soon be able to seriously injure or even kill her, but the captain only continued to block with his sword instead of taking the initiative to attack.

On the one hand, he didn't want to use heavy hands to aggravate the opponent's injuries. On the other hand, he also wanted to see Bianca's skills - although it was impossible for Bianca to perform as well as he should in this situation, but the basic Things can still be seen.

During the brief battle, Bianca became weaker and weaker, but she did not show any panic or even moan.

This kind of competition, which could not be called a competition at all, soon came to an end. Bianca's eyes turned cold, and she raised her hand to stab the captain's chest diagonally, as if she wanted to use her last remaining energy to seek a fatal blow.

The captain was unhurried. However, just when he was about to block, he found that Bianca changed her attack midway and raised her hand to wipe his neck.

She had already noticed that her opponent wanted to capture her alive, and she also knew that she would not be able to escape. Her resistance just now was just to confuse her opponent. In order not to be humiliated, she planned to commit suicide directly.

The captain rushed forward, blocked the sword at the last moment, and then pressed hard.

Bianca, who was already extremely weak, could no longer bear such an impact. Her hand loosened and the sword fell to the ground.

Then, she stumbled back a few steps, then glared at the people in front of her with hateful eyes, and finally fell to the ground unsteadily.

The captain looked at Bianca warily and moved towards her step by step, fearing that she would play another trick. Then he leaned down, stretched out his hand to test Bianca's pulse, and then looked at his two colleagues. Dang said, "She is not dead, but her injuries are too severe and she needs treatment as soon as possible."

Alice and the Count were relieved to see her finally fall.

The two of them looked at each other. Although it was now considered "done," neither of them felt the joy of victory.

After all, this is really nothing to boast about, and... there is a bigger problem waiting for them.

At this time, the room was in a mess, with a large pool of blood on the floor, and the air was filled with the smell of blood, which made people not want to stay longer.

And they have no interest in staying longer. According to the plan, they will take Bianca downstairs, and then take a carriage that has been prepared to go to a secret location, treat her injuries and imprison Bianca at the same time.

The count also walked to the unconscious Bianca, preparing to carry Bianca down with the captain.

"My skills are indeed very good, and I am worthy of being Agnes's master." At this moment, he heard the captain's emotion, "It's a pity... that I can't fight her openly after all."

Edmund also sighed secretly in his heart. He understood the captain's mood at the moment very well. He knew even more what sacrifices the captain had made for loyalty. If this kind of dishonorable thing was just for him personally, he would rather die. I won’t do it either.

However, there are always so many helpless things in the world, and there is nothing we can do about it.

He didn't know how to comfort the captain, so he could only remain silent and nodded to the captain.

The captain didn't say anything more. He threw the sword aside and then stretched out his hand to lift Bianca with Edmund.

Although Bianca was very skilled, she was a woman after all. It was not difficult for the two big men to lift her up, and they soon arrived at the door.

What they didn't expect was that at this moment, there was a gentle sound outside the door.

Then, the door opened again in front of them.

Then, the girl whom all three of them knew appeared in front of them.

"Master, here I come!"

The young and determined shout instantly echoed in this spacious room, and it stopped abruptly at the peak of its pitch.

This sound would have made people feel fresh and uplifting, but at this moment, accompanied by the shocking blood stains, it seemed to be a little more inexplicably funny.

"..." Agnes stared blankly at the five people in front of her, and was stunned for a moment.

She clearly saw that her master was being carried out by two people with his eyes closed, and next to those two people were her sister and her nephew.

"Ah!" This cheerful girl screamed.

Then the screaming turned into angry questioning. "What did you do?"

Others were also stunned. The captain and the earl looked at each other, then lowered their heads subconsciously.

After all, they were too embarrassed to say what they had just done.

At the same time, Agnes pulled out her sword from the umbrella, and the cold light of the metal instantly chilled everyone's heart.

"Put her down!"

"Agnes!" Alice couldn't stand it anymore and quickly stopped her, "Don't mess around!"

Her sister's call made Agnes regain her consciousness a little, and then she looked at her sister questioningly, "Did you do it? You...what on earth did you do?!"

Alice saw her sister's anger and questioning, and it made her heart ache.

Although she had already expected that she might encounter something like this, she still felt very uncomfortable when she actually faced it.

However, things that should be faced will eventually have to be faced.

There is no honor at all, everything is shockingly laid out here...

Alice took a deep breath.

"Agnes, she's not dead yet, she's just seriously injured. You give way first, and I'll ask them to send her for treatment."

Agnes glared at her sister, but showed no intention of getting out of the way.

"Do you want her to die like this?" Alice asked.

Agnes still stared at her sister, her body trembling slightly.

Alice winked, and the count and captain quickly carried Bianca away as if they had received an amnesty.

Now, apart from the ignorant and ignorant children, there are only two sisters here.

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