Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventy-three, colic

After the two men carried away Bianca, who was seriously injured and unconscious, the silence returned to the spacious room.

Except for the shocking blood stains on the ground and the smell of blood that still permeated the air, everything seemed to be the same as it was half an hour ago.

However, everything was completely different after all.

After a long silence, Agnes finally seemed to come to her senses. She stared at her sister with wide eyes.

"What on earth did you do? Are you still unwilling to tell me?!"

"You have seen what I did." Alice replied calmly, "I got here first and then attacked her with a pistol——"

Then, she showed her sister the pistol in her hand. "Those two people were the ones I called over to help clean up the scene. Everything has nothing to do with them."

In order to avoid the captain's identity being exposed and causing Agnes to seek revenge, Alice deliberately took all the responsibility on herself and deliberately concealed the specific process just now.

"So, you sneaked up on her in a dastardly way," Agnes asserted.

"If you insist on saying that, I admit it." Alice nodded slightly, "But as far as I'm concerned, being despicable or noble doesn't mean anything. I'm just an ordinary woman, not a knight. .”

"Even the humblest person should have dignity and reputation in his heart! Not to mention you?!" Agnes loudly refuted her sister's words, "You have tarnished our surname, and even... even tarnished Xia Lu His surname! Don’t you feel ashamed that you brought your child here to witness the most despicable scene?”

ashamed? How is that possible?

Alice looked down at her daughter, and her daughter immediately looked up at her mother. Xia Lu also saw the bloody and tragic scene just now, but this young child had no concept of life and death in his heart. Of course, he didn't know how terrifying what he just witnessed was, so instead he felt incredibly calm and didn't even scream, as if there was just a drama being performed in front of him.

Seeing her mother's gaze, Xia Lu smiled sweetly, and her daughter's smile also gave Alice infinite strength.

"No, I believe that when Xia Lu grows up and understands all this, she will not be ashamed of me, she will be proud of me! Because she has seen that her mother is willing to protect everything she cherishes,

And muster up the courage to do it! I hope I can be a role model to her..."

Then, she asked her sister, "Agnes, put yourself in my shoes, what should I do if I face the crisis of losing both my sister and my daughter at the same time? Is there anything else that I don't dare to sacrifice? Don't say it is For a mere honor, I can pay a bigger price without hesitation."

Her sister's tough attitude suddenly made Agnes even more angry.

She knew in her heart that her sister did have her reasons for doing this, but even so, she felt uncontrollable anger.

"No matter how clever you are, you can't cleanse yourself of what you did. I was forced to cut off my past ties, challenge my master, and even made the decision to die if I didn't win... And you, let me All this has been in vain. What have you made me become now? You have made me an accomplice in the murder of my master, a coward who dares not risk his life so he plays tricks! You have made me as humble as a mouse. ..." Agnes talked about the pain in her heart and couldn't help but shed tears again, "You have turned everything about me into a joke... My master, she should not suffer this kind of shame, and I should not be subjected to it either. You are so humiliating! Because of you, I am part of a despicable conspiracy."

Facing her sister's accusation, Alice was speechless.

Indeed, no matter what excuse she made, objectively, she used her sister to determine Bianca's whereabouts and attacked her, and her sister became the bait--Bianca even suspected Agnes for the first time. He dared to fight, so he sent his sister to sneak attack.

This really shattered Agnes' pride.

"No one will know." She comforted in a low voice, "No one here today will tell anything about what happened today, and I'm afraid Bianca won't have the chance to spread it everywhere -"

"But I know here!" Agnes stretched out the finger of her left hand and pointed at her heart. "As long as this place is beating for a moment, it will remind the humblest Agnes that you are a despicable person. You don't even have the courage to face the teacher with your sword..."

While crying, Agnes's right hand also started shaking, so the thin long sword in her hand also swung up and down, drawing meaningless traces in the air.

Then, she raised her tear-stained face and looked at her sister.

"I am not as good as you in terms of eloquence, and I will never be as good as you. No matter what you said before, no matter whether I have any opinions in my heart, I believe it, I believe it unconditionally. But here, my sister, no matter what you say, you lie. If you don’t break my heart, I will never forgive you for what you did!”

As she spoke, she moved closer to her sister.

Alice instinctively felt an aura of danger. At this time, Agnes's mind was almost in chaos, and the weapon in her hand was more dangerous than ever.

Alice glanced down and saw that the gun in her hand was not loaded, and it was too late to load it now.

Besides, even if there were bullets inside, could she still shoot her sister and take away the two female swordsmen in one go?

She sighed, then threw the pistol aside, and then faced her sister calmly.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. I know what I did. But, Agnes, I will not apologize to you, and even if I had to choose again a thousand times, I would still make the same choice. I I would rather be scolded by you and ridiculed by everyone than see you fall in front of me. I don’t want honor, I want the people I cherish to live... I will have no scruples in doing anything for this, and I will do the same in the future. .”

Agnes moved closer to her sister, her sword trembling even more violently.

However, although the sword edge could easily end Alice's life if it advanced only a dozen centimeters, it seemed that it could not go any further no matter what.

"You are my sister, the person I have admired the most since childhood..." She spoke again with a cry in her voice. At this time, her face no longer had the heroic spirit of the past, only pain, grief, anger, annoyance and other negative emotions. The whole person looked like a different person.

"But it was you who pierced my heart. You betrayed me and you still justified it in the name of loving me. How vicious and despicable! If you really love me, can't you respect my own thoughts? I Don’t you know how much you value all of this? No, you know it, but you still trample it without hesitation and keep asking me to live. Do you think that after losing your self-esteem and honor, even if you are alive, I am still me? ?!”

Alice sighed.

Although they are sisters who cherish each other, they have two values.

In the final analysis, this is also a collision of two values. One believes that the purpose is higher than the means, and honor is just a perfunctory cloak; the other believes that the means is higher than the purpose, and dignity must not be lost. It is unclear between these two values. One is more clever, but usually, the one who laughs last is the former.

In normal life, the conflict of values ​​can be overcome by sisterly love. They are willing to tolerate and understand each other. However, when the real test of fate comes, the conflict of values ​​​​can no longer escape. As a result, one person feels that the other person is naive and ridiculous, and the other person feels that this person is despicable and hateful.

So who is right and who is wrong? Maybe there is no right or wrong at all, just different choices.

"Agnes, I said, I don't expect you to understand me or forgive me. Now I am tired and need to go back to rest. I think you are tired too, so go back and rest early." Alice sighed, and then Offer to leave.

"Do you just want to leave like this?" Agnes had no intention of getting out of the way, but instead asked her sister loudly.

Although she was drawing a sword and baring her teeth, based on Alice's understanding of her, her sister's mood was extremely hesitant and fragile at this moment. She might not even know what she was still insisting on - everything that had happened had already fallen into place. , there is nothing she can do to save it, she just doesn't want to face this fact, so she just yells here desperately.

It's as pitiful as a child crying because his toy was taken away.

Maybe, she is just waiting for her apology and repentance.

Alice knew that if she was willing to apologize and cry about how she had no choice but to make the painful choice, her sister might feel better.

But Alice was unwilling to do this. After experiencing the fear and tension just now, she was exhausted at this moment and no longer wanted to waste energy coaxing the child.

What's more important is that Alice, who has always played the role of sister in front of her, is not willing to be condescending to her sister against her will and say some lies that make her sick.

"What are you doing here if you don't leave? What's the point of staying here? I still have a lot of things to do." Alice asked, "Agnes, I will not apologize, nor will I beg you for mercy. I’ve said all I’ve said – if you expect anything else from me, all I can say is that I’m sorry.”

Her sister's heartless words shattered Agnes's last hope.

Her anger and despair could burn up almost everything, but she could not shake her sister in the slightest. Although the sword in her hand was sharp, it seemed so weak in front of her sister.

Yes, it couldn't be stabbed, Agnes knew it from the beginning.

But she was still unwilling and didn't even believe it. Could it be that her beloved sister destroyed her self-esteem so easily without even feeling guilty?

Rather than intimidating and threatening, it is better to say that she is desperately trying to restore the phantom she once cherished.

The sister in her heart actually has such a true face. Although she has seen a little bit of it recently, she is not mentally ready to accept it yet.

"If this is your last answer, then I can only think that you never want to associate with me again?" she asked loudly.

"I didn't mean that!" Alice replied quickly, "I just said that we need to calm down. When all this passes, and we can understand and accept each other's actions, then everything will pass."

"No, I can't!" Agnes shouted stubbornly, "No matter what, I will never understand and accept such despicable behavior!"

Alice finally got a little angry when her sister scolded her again, and exhaustion and anxiety wore on her nerves, causing her psychological defenses to loosen.

"Stop being childish, Agnes. What has happened, what if you don't accept it? Do you still want to break up with me? Bianca is your master, but I am your sister! We have been together for so many years Get along with each other, how do I treat you, can't you see it? It's true that I have played tricks on others, but is my love and care for you since childhood also false? Don't forget that our family is in Naples When you were hungry, it was me... I tried my best to find rations for you. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have the chance to stand here and scold me! And now, are you going to abandon the relationship between you and me for her? emotion……?"

Then she retorted.

"Besides, you are not as pure and flawless as you keep saying! You are following my father's orders to spy on me like a spy. Isn't this very fair?"

Facing her sister's sudden question, Agnes seemed to be stabbed in the vital point and was stunned for a moment.

Agnes, you're still not good at lying.

Seeing her sister's reaction, Alice, who was just guessing at first, instantly confirmed her judgment - indeed, the secret was leaked from Agnes before.

But even if her suspicion was confirmed, she didn't feel angry. After all, her sister also had her own position.

After the words came out of her mouth, Alice felt a little regretful for what she said.

"Agnes, I'm not blaming you. I know your motives. You are never for yourself, and you have a hard time dealing with your father...I know all this." So Alice turned to comfort her sister, "I don't mind. Whatever happens, happens. Let's move forward and wait for everything to pass. I promise... no matter what, I will try my best to love and protect you..."

Her sister's comfort did not calm Agnes down. After being stunned for a moment, she threw the sword aside, then covered her face and let out the same scream as when she entered the door just now.


Then, she turned around and rushed down the stairs, and then rushed into the still raining street as if she was crazy, until she finally disappeared.

Looking at her sister's disappearing shadow, Alice suddenly felt her heart beating violently, and she felt a cramping pain.

It is conceivable that this blow made it difficult for my sister to recover in a short time. This was definitely not what she wanted to see.

But what can be done? Now that it has happened, you can only accept it and then find ways to undo it in the future.

She carried her daughter and walked down the stairs. When she reached the door, the draft blew against her face and made her shiver.

This rainy day seems to be very cold.

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