Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventy-four, pawns

Chapter 658 274, pawn

After her sister disappeared, Alice took her daughter downstairs and looked at the rain all over the sky with a sense of loss.

She knew that with her sister's personality, it would be difficult for her to repair her relationship in the short term - and she was not qualified to ask her sister to forgive her.

Although this was a result she had expected for a long time, when she actually faced it, she still felt heartbroken.

"Madam, are you okay?" At this moment, she heard a call from beside her.

She was awakened from her thoughts, and then looked at Edmund next to her in astonishment, "Earl, haven't you left yet?"

"The captain has left. I was worried that something might happen to you, so I came back to take a look." Edmund replied, "It seems that you and Miss Agnes had a very unpleasant conversation."

"It's more than unpleasant!" Alice smiled bitterly, "For the first time in her life, she yelled at me. I'm afraid I broke her heart."

Edmund didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only shrug, "It's normal that she can't bear this kind of blow, but I think with such a deep relationship between you, she will definitely forgive you in the future -"

"I hope so. I wonder when it will be realized?" Alice smiled bitterly.

"You should be tired too. Go back and rest early. I will handle the rest." Edmund reminded him kindly.

"Oh my God!" Alice came back to her senses when Edmund reminded her.

Due to the attack and the quarrel between the sisters, the scene was in a mess. There were still Alice's gun and the sword dropped by Agnes on the ground, as well as the shocking blood stains.

Although no one may be able to open the door and see all this, and even if these things are seized, it will be difficult to trace them back to the original owner, it is still troublesome to leave them where they are.

With Alice's cautious character, she would not have needed to be reminded. However, the quarrel between the sisters just now had a great mental impact on her, so in her trance, she even forgot to clean up the scene.

"Then please, Earl..." Alice bowed her head and thanked the Earl.

"It's just a little effort." Edmund shook his head, "I should thank you - it is because of you that we were able to capture the assassin who dared to stab your Majesty. To avenge your Majesty's shame, the captain and I will definitely kill you The merits of the report are reported to your two majesties,

Presumably they will also give you a credit. "

Alice didn't care about the issue of credit or not. Instead, she took the opportunity to remind the earl.

"Earl, I have something that I hope you can cooperate with me."

"What's the matter? Please tell me." Edmund replied quickly.

Alice secretly glanced around to make sure no one else could hear her, then whispered back to the count, "You'd better keep Bianca in your hands and make sure she doesn't die."

"Huh?" The count didn't quite understand what Alice meant.

"Your Majesty promised Agnes before that he would give her a chance to fight Bianca in exchange for Bianca's life." Seeing that Edmund had not yet figured it out, Alice quickly analyzed it for him, "Why do you think he is like this?" What to do? Doesn’t he hate that assassin? No, he must hate it with gnashing teeth, but he is willing to give Agnes this chance - which means that as long as Agnes pleads with him, then he may not want Bianca die."

Edmund reacted immediately.

He quite believed that His Majesty would deliberately spare Bianca's life to please Miss Agnes - even, conversely, after Bianca fell into his hands, to a certain extent, she would become Your Majesty has taken Miss Agnes's possessions hostage.

Seeing Edmund react, Alice reminded him in a low voice, "Princess Theresa is different. She doesn't need to please anyone, and she values ​​her family. She will never forgive anyone who dares to stab her husband." of people…”

Yes! Edmund suddenly woke up.

Alice was hinting to him that on the issue of Bianca, the demands between the two majesties were different. If Bianca was controlled or taken away by the captain, then an order from Her Royal Highness the Princess would be It is useless for anyone to plead for mercy when Bianca dies.

So how should you choose?

There is no doubt that as the mistress of Princess Teresa, Edmund must be loyal, but as His Majesty's confidant, he can only be more loyal to Your Majesty, so he cannot let Bianca die like this.

"Thank you for the reminder." He nodded, "Don't worry, I will control her."

Seeing that the other person understood the situation, Alice was completely relieved. She knelt down to say goodbye to Edmund, then held an umbrella and disappeared into the streets with her daughter.

The reason why Alice reminded the Earl was not that she was loyal to His Majesty, nor that she really cared about Bianca's life or death, but that she knew that as long as Bianca did not die, there would still be a glimmer of hope in Agnes's heart. It would not lead to a complete stalemate with her - this was also her last effort to restore the relationship between the sisters.

Now, she was exhausted physically and mentally. She just wanted to return to her warm home, close her eyes and have a good rest.


After Alice left, Edmund cleaned up the scene hastily and then left too.

He returned to his original home, and at this time, the captain had returned one step ahead of schedule.

"Where is she?" Edmund asked quickly after seeing the captain.

"In the guest room." The captain answered simply.

Then, he took Edmund with him to the guest room.

As soon as he entered the door, Edmund smelled a pungent smell of blood, and then he found that Bianca was lying unconscious on the bed, and her original wound had been bandaged.

"I am a swordsman, and I have also joined the army. In order to save my life, I have learned some simple first aid." The captain said slightly proudly. "Moreover, it seems that this woman's vitality is astonishingly strong. Although she is very weak now, she will definitely not die."

Edmund was relieved when he heard that Bianca's life was not in danger.

"I'm going to move her to a safe place and imprison her." Then, Edmund said, "It's not good to keep her here after all."

The captain's expression changed.

Before leaving, Princess Teresa specifically told him to take the count as the leader and obey his orders, and he was happy to carry out this order.

He always felt a bit pity that Bianca had just fallen into his hands and was about to be taken away without interrogating her specific situation.

However, he couldn't disobey the count's order, so after hesitation, he made a suggestion, "I think we should send a message to your two majesties."

"Of course, I will report it immediately, and you can also countersign it." In order to dispel the other party's doubts, Edmund immediately agreed, saying that he would never hide it, "We will imprison her first and wait for two days." His Majesty’s instructions.”

The captain emphasized "two majesties" because he wanted Princess Teresa to know.

Edmund's emphasis on "two majesties" actually means that he will only follow the order to deal with Bianca if Aigron gives instructions.

Although the two people did not mean the same thing, they reached a consensus on reaching the same goal through different paths.

"Okay, then I have nothing more to say. You are the leader here, and I will do as you say." The captain nodded and agreed to his opinion, but he finally made another request, "But I also I need to know where you put her, Earl, it’s not that I can’t trust you, but since I have a mission, I must know.”

Edmund said nothing more, just nodded slightly.

When it got dark, the two of them loaded the unconscious Bianca into the carriage and quietly took her out of the house.

Under the lights, the carriage quietly arrived at the old Tanglar mansion along the familiar road.

As soon as he got off the carriage, the captain looked at the grand building in front of him, and then whistled.

"It's a big enough house, it's suitable for locking people up..." Then he looked at Edmund with a smile, "Brother, this is where you and your sweetheart live? It's really comfortable enough."

Edmund was a little embarrassed, but habits came naturally, so he quickly regained his composure. "Yes."

"It's really good to let women take care of women... It's better than us grown men doing this kind of thing." The captain nodded, but then sneered again, "But is she really that trustworthy?"

Why do you dare to place so much trust in her? In fact, Edmund also asked himself this.

Emily was by no means a simple and innocent woman, and he knew this better than anyone.

However, he now believes that Emily will be on his side.

Maybe it was blind faith, maybe it was intuition, but he had not missed it when he made this judgment, whether in Greece or Paris.

"She is mine, and she is naturally on our side." Then, he answered in an unquestionable tone.

The captain looked at the count for a moment, then nodded, acknowledging Edmund's guarantee.

"Well, since you said so, of course I will obey your arrangements."

At this time, Emily was already in the bedroom preparing to sleep, but there was a faint expectation in her heart that the Earl could come to accompany her tonight.

Since getting together with the powerful and passionate Earl, Emily has experienced the comfort she has not had for a long time, and also has a feeling of "eating the marrow and knowing the taste".

And just when she was thinking about those sweet and a little ugly pictures in her mind, and when she was about to fall asleep, she found that the doorknob of her bedroom seemed to be moving.

Here he comes!

A slight flush suddenly appeared on Emily's face, which was more out of shyness than excitement.

Soon, the door was opened, and her worried face appeared at the door during the day, but this face was much more serious than usual.

"Emily, I'm sorry. Get up and come here first. I have something to discuss with you."

Emily was a little surprised by the count's serious expression, but of course she did not dare to disobey the count's order, so she carefully put on her clothes and came to the small living room.

She soon noticed that besides the count, there was another tall and burly man in the room. On the carpet at the man's feet, there was an unconscious woman lying on the carpet. The woman was wrapped in white clothes. The bandage seems to have blood stains on it...

"Ah!" Emily covered her mouth with all her strength to prevent herself from letting out an earth-shattering scream, but even so, she was still so frightened that her face turned pale.

In an instant, several conjectures came to her mind - but every conjecture was dangerous and terrifying.

However, the man opposite just looked at Emily with interest, then he nodded, and then looked at the Earl.

"That's great, man." He murmured softly, seeming to be praising the earl's vision and means.

"Emily, don't panic." The Earl stood next to Emily and comforted her in a low voice. "It's fine."

How can this be called nothing? ! Emily retorted in her mind, almost crying with fear.

However, unexpectedly, the count's gaze calmed her down a little.

She raised her hand tremblingly and pointed at the woman lying on the carpet.

"She...who is she?"

"A woman, an enemy of my friend." The count answered her briefly. "Emily, is there any place here suitable for confinement? I need to imprison her here for a while."

"There is a small attic above the top floor." Emily blurted out, "It is very hidden there, and no one is usually allowed to go up to the top floor."

After saying that, Emily suddenly realized, how could she so easily consider the issue from the perspective of an accomplice? This is obviously very dangerous.

"Okay." However, before she could say anything else, Edmund nodded, "Take us there."

Emily was very upset at this time, but in the end she nodded, turned and left, and the two men also lifted the woman on the ground and followed her.

It didn't take long for them to reach the top floor, then move the wooden ladder and get in through a patio window.

This is a medium-sized space, and there is a bit of musty smell in the air. It is definitely not a comfortable place.

However, neither the captain nor Edmund had any sympathy - after all, she had brought it upon herself, and she was lucky to be alive now.

Then, the captain and the count brought some blankets and quilts from the room below, and specially found chains to tie up Bianca.

Fortunately, after the bankruptcy, most of the servants in the mansion either left on their own or were dismissed, making the huge mansion extremely empty. Otherwise, these movements might have alerted others.

After everything was ready, the captain nodded.

"Okay, that's about it. I hope she likes her new place."

This bad joke certainly didn't make anyone laugh.

"Now it seems that there is nothing more for me to do, so I will take my leave first and not disturb the happy gathering of you two -" Then, the captain bowed his head and bid farewell to the Earl and Emily, "By the way, this period in Paris I will come to visit you regularly, please take good care of her."

After saying that, he walked downstairs and floated away from the darkness.

Edmund and Emily looked at each other in silence, sealed the attic together, and then walked back to the bedroom.

"Dismiss the remaining servants here as soon as possible. I will send reliable people over." After a long silence, Edmund spoke.

Emily nodded silently, "You don't have to discuss it with me. Everything here belongs to you. You can arrange whatever you want--"

"Emily, thank you." Edmund held her in his arms, "I knew you would help me."

"Do I have any other choice?" Emily's smile was bitter, but also a bit sad and charming. "But, Lord Earl, do you intend to let me continue to be ignorant? At least let me know that I am. Do whatever you want!"

"Well, I'll tell you." Edmund replied, "I was sent by the King of Rome, and I am his personally named Count of Monte Cristo. And you... you are my family."

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