Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventy-nine, progress

"I meet all your expectations, and you know I will always be your most loyal friend."

Aigron started his reply with these words.

Because he could see that Agnes's mental state was on the verge of collapse under the repeated blows, Agron deliberately changed his past habit of teasing her, and instead comforted her with an extremely gentle tone, and assured her that, He will definitely act in accordance with her request, save Bianca's life, and help Agnes' family survive the crisis.

Of course, such rhetoric cannot change the fact that Agron is the initiator of all the troubles - chasing Bianca can be said to be his upright revenge, which is understandable; but when Agnes' family is in such a crisis, it is Of course Aiglon knew what his men were up to.

Therefore, even with his thick skin, he was somewhat embarrassed when writing the letter.

However, this embarrassment is just a small thing for him, there is another thing that also needs him to finish.

Because he must tell Teresa about this, he needs to make Teresa agree with his handling, so as not to cause any trouble again.

After writing his reply, he left Agnes's letter alone, and then took the count's report to Theresa.

At this time, Theresa was playing with their son. After seeing Agron, she put down her son and looked at her husband. "Your Highness, what's the matter?"

"I have good news for you, Teresa." Aigron smiled and looked very happy. "The assassin who tried to kill me was seriously injured and captured by my teacher."

"What? That's great!" Teresa was overjoyed when she heard this. "Your Highness, congratulations!"

Teresa was so ecstatic, on the one hand, it was because her husband was finally avenged for his assassination; but on the other hand, it was Captain Foresti who avenged her husband, not Agnes, which naturally made her quite happy. proud.

Obviously, Theresa deliberately sent her master to Paris just to "steal credit" from Agnes. She didn't want to see Agnes in the limelight. But if you see through it, don't tell it. Of course, Agron will not deliberately emphasize this point. .

"Congratulations to you too, thank you for sending the captain to avenge me." Aigron thanked Teresa calmly, and then changed the subject, "They have also written a report on how to capture the assassin. The process was a bit... Take a look at the twists and turns——"


Teresa took the report with joy and read it carefully.

"It turns out that it was Mrs. Alice who took care of her herself! What an admirable courage and determination, stronger than many men." After reading, Teresa suddenly sighed, "Your Highness, Mrs. Alice is so Loyal and even daring to risk her life to perform tasks for us, she can be said to have taken the lead in this incident, and we must reward her heavily in the future."

She is not obsessed with the so-called "swordsman's honor" like the count and captain. On the contrary, she is more like Alice, who cares more about the results rather than the process. As long as the assassin is captured, it doesn't matter how it is done. …

"Of course it is necessary to reward based on merit." Aigron nodded, "But now they also need me to give a reply to see how to deal with the assassin."

"Do you still need to consider this? Why don't you just order the execution?" Teresa replied disapprovingly, "She dared to do such a bad and shameless thing, and she should naturally be punished accordingly."

"But I think we can save her life first." Aigron shook his head, "Theresa, this assassin has no enmity with me, there must be someone behind her - and if I am not wrong, , that instigator must be a certain force in France, so if we make her confess her crime, and let her testify as a witness about the person behind the scenes, and then publicize it widely, it will definitely affect the That person caused great harm to public opinion..."

The mastermind of the assassination must be Aigron's political opponent, so the assassin became a key piece of evidence that Aigron could use to accuse his opponent. If manipulated properly, he could even gain huge political advantage.

In comparison, the assassin's own life was insignificant.

With Teresa's intelligence, it was natural for her to understand everything at the first glance, so she accepted Aigron's idea after a little thought.

"If this is the case, we can indeed keep her alive temporarily. But...will she cooperate with us that much?"

"If we fall into our hands, we have no choice but to have her not cooperate." Aigron replied with a sneer, "I have only met her once, but I know that she must be an arrogant and unruly guy, but after all, she is still Human beings have their weaknesses. While in captivity, we can check her background thoroughly, interrogate and even torture her. I believe she will succumb in the end."

"That's right!" Teresa immediately agreed with her husband, without any sympathy. "Not only will she be severely interrogated and tortured, but after everything is settled, we will also punish her to let everyone know who dares to do anything to her. The consequences of your use of weapons!"

Although Teresa was kind to others, her character was by no means weak. She believed in the principle of tit for tat. In addition, Aigron was seriously injured, which aroused the anger and hatred in her heart, so she had no sympathy for Bianca, and even Gritting his teeth even more than Aeglon himself.

But Aigron didn't think so.

The so-called "find out" was just his excuse. He already knew almost everything about Bianca's parentage. Not only was he not going to torture her, but he also secretly told the count to take good care of her - naturally. It was also for Agnes’ peace of mind.

As for how to get her to "cooperate" in the future and serve as a witness to accuse his political opponents, Aigron didn't have an idea yet, but as long as he had people in hand, he could always find a way, so there was no need to rush.

Now he made Teresa agree with the opinion of "not executing Bianca for the time being", and then sent a reply to his men in Paris together.

With this double-endorsement reply, the captain naturally had nothing to say, and everything was entrusted to the count - and the count certainly knew how to best please his benefactor.

In this way, after a simple conversation, the couple reached an agreement again, and they were as harmonious as before. …

For Theresa, she was very happy to have avenged her husband and not let Agnes take away the credit. In order to prevent her husband from paying attention to this issue, she took the initiative to change the topic.

"Has there been any response from Prince Talleyrand?"

"There is a response. He is very satisfied with the artwork given by you Kang." Aigron replied.

Previously, in order to win over Talleyrand, Theresa took the initiative to come up with the idea of ​​"finding some good items from her father's collection to give to him." Soon after, she ordered the captain to send these works of art.

Teresa cherished these works of art, especially since she had begged them from her father, so she was always thinking about them.

"Finally, he knows his stuff!" Teresa said, half happy and half disgusted. "When I think that I may have to meet him many times in the future, and I have to smile at him, I feel uncomfortable... Fortunately, he is alive. It won’t be long before we can finally get these things back.”

After venting her dissatisfaction, Teresa asked Agron again, "Did Prince Talleyrand say anything else?"

Since the count visited the prince, a secret correspondence between Aiglon and Talleyrand has also been established.

It can be seen that Talleyrand has been a bit depressed after being forced to live in seclusion for more than ten years; in addition, he has always liked the feeling of secretly planning conspiracies behind the scenes for decades, so in establishing After contacting him, he took the initiative to write letters to Aigron many times, and even seemed more enthusiastic than Aigron.

Among these letters, there are not only the sermons that the old man usually likes to give to young people, but also a summary of his many years of political career, as well as many secrets and anecdotes from the past, as well as his defense of his "dark history", and his comments on The prospect of “contribution” that one can make to the country in the future.

Putting aside the grandiose bragging and Aiglon's completely unbelievable defense, these letters do contain a lot of insights, and Talleyrand has always been recognized as a master of witty words, and the words in the letters are also very witty.

Especially for Aigron, this old man who has been at the top of the political world for decades is almost a living history book. Few people have more secrets hidden in their brains than him, so Aigron is very I read his letters with interest and responded enthusiastically each time with my own opinions.

Generally speaking, the two people had confrontations and arguments with each other, but on many more critical issues, they found that they coincided with each other. Quietly, these "pen pals" who were half a century apart in age, had not yet become friends. When they met, they already "appreciated" each other.

Aiglon briefly told his wife about his exchange with Talleyrand. At the end of the story, Aigron sighed regretfully.

"All in all, although Talleyrand is old, he still has a clear head. I think he is qualified for the position of prime minister. If he is not so bad, we can become friends forever."

"Perhaps it is because he is so bad that His Highness feels sympathy for him..." Teresa chuckled, and then gently poked Agron's heart, "I think His Highness is also very bad. If he can survive At Talleyrand's age, I'm afraid he will have done more bad things than he did!"...

Although this was just a small affair between husband and wife, Aigron, who had a secret in his heart, couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart, and then he defended himself with a forced smile. "Hey, Teresa, don't say that to me...you are my wife and I am a bad guy, so what are you?"

"I am the wife of a bad guy, so I am also a bad guy. What's wrong with that?" Teresa retorted with a smile.

Then, she hugged her husband and said, "Okay, don't be angry. I just like His Highness who is so bad. What can I do? In order to be with His Highness, I will always be a bad guy."

Eggron always felt that Theresa had something to say, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only pretend to be innocent, hugged Theresa, and enjoyed the tenderness between the couple.

"Speaking of which...in addition to Talleyrand, there is also movement from Marshal Soult." After a moment of tenderness, Aiglon spoke again. "He told me he was willing to act on the terms I proposed."

Teresa was secretly delighted at this great progress, but her expression quickly turned solemn.

"Then how sure is he?"

Because in the transaction between Aigron and Marshal Soult, Aigron agreed that the marshal could not express his position for the time being, but he put forward another condition - the marshal must persuade a garrison near the national border. The size of the organization can be discussed easily. But a procession must follow them to Paris as an escort and guard of honor.

This is also the touchstone set by Aigron for the cooperation between the two parties.

If Marshal Soult cannot meet this condition, it either means that he has no sincerity in cooperation; or that his influence within the army has shrunk to the point where he cannot even handle a border garrison.

No matter which of the two situations it is, the "value" of Marshal Sirte in Aigron's heart will be at least halved, and accordingly, the treatment he will be given in the future will naturally be greatly reduced.

After all, Soult is also a veteran who has been fighting for many years. Of course, he also understands the significance of this condition.

Therefore, although he had been acting cunning in other aspects and refused to express his position easily until the end, hoping to get the highest asking price, in this matter, he agreed very simply.

After all, he also wanted to show his strength in front of Aigron before returning home.

Strength is the basis of all power and determines how much "bargaining power" you have when dividing the cake. Marshal Sirte is ambitious and will naturally not forget this.

"The marshal has sent his adjutant, Major Mipe, to the border to contact his old subordinates among the stationed officers." Aigron explained to Theresa in a low voice, "Major Mipe will contact us in a while and report to him. Progress."

This matter is of course top secret. Even among his closest confidants, only a few know about it, but of course Aigron will not hide it from his wife.

"Then let's wish him all the best." Teresa was slightly nervous, but still nodded firmly.

Then, she grabbed the little hand of Francois next to her, "At that time, the lives of our family will be in his hands."

Although she is undoubtedly a golden girl, no matter how noble her body is, she is nothing more than a mortal body. She cannot withstand swords or stray bullets. She may die in an accident at any time. Therefore, the person escorting them will naturally In a sense, he controls their lives.

"Major Mipe is a reliable person. He is attached to the empire. Of course, more importantly, he is ambitious. He wants to rely on us and become a general or even another marshal." Aiglon replied, "Of course, I am very Happy to satisfy him.”

"Yes..." Teresa believed deeply, "I also agreed to take a risk for him."

It is certainly impossible to say that she is not worried, but for her husband, she is willing to take risks.

She looked at her husband and then at her son.

"As long as we are together, what's there to be afraid of?"

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