Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eighty, raise

Although he spoke without fear in front of his wife, in his heart, Aigron was also worried.

Although this world is not hopelessly bad, it cannot be said to be a simple paradise. On the contrary, everyone has self-interested calculations in the world, and loyalty without regrets has become a rare thing. ——Aiglon never expects or asks for unconditional loyalty from others.

Marshal Soult has his own little calculations, his adjutant Major Mipe also has his own little calculations, and the group of officers that the major is going to win over will also have their own little calculations... All kinds of conspiracies and egoism are intertwined. , the situation will inevitably become complicated, and no matter how powerful a person is, they dare not say that they can control the overall situation without making any mistakes.

Undoubtedly, if you want to do big things, you have to take risks, and Aiglon has never been afraid of taking risks. He has already entered France alone before - but it is one thing to take risks on your own, and it is another thing to make fun of the safety of his wife and children.

He would certainly like to minimize the risks they take if possible.

In order to eliminate the initial risk, we must try our best to win over this group of border garrison troops and let them help them survive the initial dangerous moment.

The moment he steps into France must be his most dangerous moment. On the contrary, as long as he goes deeper into the country step by step, he will become stronger and stronger, and the closer he gets to Paris, the more unstoppable he will be.

It's like a snowball. It's just a small piece at first, and anyone can kick it away. But as the snowball rolls down the hillside, absorbing and enveloping more and more volume, it will eventually become Unstoppable.

So how do you best ensure the loyalty of those people?

The temptation of money and fame is naturally essential, but that is only one aspect; on the other hand, the psychological aspect is also very important.

Today, the Bourbons are the legitimate rulers. Although the Bonaparte family enjoys great prestige, they can only be regarded as pretenders to the throne. Anyone who tries to support it is considered a "rebellion" in terms of law.

Participating in the rebellion will definitely involve facing huge risks, and anyone may feel uneasy when participating in it - after all, even Emperor Napoleon himself had hesitated during the Brumaire Coup.

Therefore, in order to minimize their psychological burden, we must start from two aspects.

On the one hand, it stigmatized the rule of the Bourbon family and made them believe that King Charles X was rebellious and unworthy of continuing to rule the country; on the other hand,

Let them believe that the kingdom is on the verge of collapse and is about to end. Taking the opportunity to take action will not only avoid the risk of being suppressed, but may also reap huge benefits.

In the first aspect, Aigron is not worried, because King Charles X's perverse behavior is on the table and visible to all, and the Bourbon royal family did not have any commendable achievements after the restoration and was not popular among the people. , so the publicity work is very easy to do.

But there are difficulties in the second aspect.

To what extent will the soldiers believe that "the kingdom is on the verge of collapse"? How to convince the soldiers on these borders that the second overthrow of the Bourbon dynasty is inevitable and must be coming?

There is only one answer - Paris is in turmoil, and the kingdom is unable to calm it down.

The Great Revolution officially broke out when citizens of Paris besieged the Bastille. After having this "first" experience, the soldiers will be even more convinced that history will repeat itself when they encounter it again. As long as they believe it, their psychological burden on the rebellion will naturally It will be much smaller.

However, for Aigron, just waiting is not enough.

Because he is not the only person who covets the highest power. If a great turmoil really breaks out and the Bourbon family loses control of Paris, although the Restoration Dynasty will collapse immediately, the power vacuum will not last long. In order to stabilize the situation, Paris's It is very likely that the ruling class will immediately elect a new ruler to take over the power and maintain political and economic stability - this is what they did in 1830 in history. In the end, the Duke of Orleans won the support of everyone, " Barely" ascended the throne.

Righteousness is extremely important. If the Duke of Orleans has ascended to the throne before Aigron returns to Paris, it will be a huge political blow to Aiglon and may even cause him to lose everything.

Therefore, Aiglon must seize the time and rush back to Paris before the overall situation is decided and the Duke of Orleans ascends to the throne to reverse the entire situation.

The next question is, how to do this?

The first step is naturally to use the supporters of the Bonaparte family to prolong the period of chaos as much as possible during the turmoil in Paris, so that the Duke of Orleans cannot successfully take over the throne. Prince Talleyrand is the role Aigron is preparing to play at this time.

But Aiglon also knows that in any matter, it is the most foolish to place your hopes on Talleyrand. This guy is two-faced. Although he may cooperate with him temporarily, if the situation is not good, or if he sees it, it will be more serious. At the prospect of benefit, he would jump ship immediately without any hesitation.

So Aigron needs to be faster and seize the opportunity faster.

In other words, he needs to rush to Paris "in advance" when the turmoil is unstoppable, instead of waiting for a late meeting when everything has settled.

It is not only necessary to convince the officers on the border that the Bourbon dynasty is definitely doomed and they can speculate on their own; but also when the signs of unrest are not so serious and the Bourbon dynasty can still barely support it, they must enter France as soon as possible in order to Keep up with the ever-changing landscape.

This seems very contradictory and certainly difficult to achieve, but it is not impossible to achieve.

Eggron happened to have an idea: optical telegraphy.

The so-called optical telegraph means that starting from the late 18th century, France built a large number of watchtowers from Paris to the borders in several directions. They used "metal pendulums" made to make various shapes to represent different letters, and then the staff used The telescope looks at the signal put out by the previous watchtower to convey the message.

In the Great Plains of France, this method of transmitting information approached the limits of humankind in the pre-industrial era, and messages could be quickly transmitted in this way over a distance of several hundred kilometers.

After decades of development, by this time, this method of information transmission had become quite mature. By the mid-to-late 19th century, this system had been upgraded and could even transmit pictures.

And here's the problem - in this era, officials could transmit information very quickly through this relatively primitive "telegraph" system, but the transportation between various regions was still lagging behind and could only be done by horse-drawn carriages.

What does this mean?

It means "time difference".

The information transmitted through this official information system is difficult to verify. The farther the distance, the slower the verification speed.

And this means that as long as you control the watchtower near the border, you can convey any information you want the locals to know——

[This system was mentioned in the original work of Count of Monte Cristo. He also used the telegraph operator of one of the observation towers to deliver false news that "the Carlist rebellion broke out again in Spain", allowing his enemy Tanglar to fail in manipulating securities. A huge loss. 】 As long as this is achieved, Aiglon can use this system to exaggerate the crisis in Paris when the unrest has just begun, and finally make those ambitious officers believe that he followed the Bonaparte family to do this. Absolutely beneficial and harmless.

After they are on the road, even if they can "verify" the truth, I'm afraid it won't be their turn to jump ship... Then Aigron will naturally be able to manipulate them.

After separating from his wife, Aiglon returned to his room and called his biggest confidant, guard captain Andre Davout, over.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?" Andre asked after coming in.

"Andre, I need you to take a few people into France and prepare for me." Aigron got straight to the point.

As soon as he heard this, Andre immediately became excited.

He didn't care about his own safety at all, he just thought that this meant that the big event he was thinking about was about to happen.

He immediately stood up to Aigron and agreed without thinking, "What exactly do you want me to do?"

“Two things, first, find Major Mippe, give him money, give him all the promises he needs, help him get things done, and win over as many people as possible who will take my family to Paris; "Aigron calmly told Andre his plan, "In addition, you take your people and control a few news stations near the border for me first. You can use any means, including threats, inducements, or even killing. It doesn’t matter, it must be done anyway.”

Then, Aigron told this confidant exactly what he planned.

Egron did not publicize this idea publicly, because if he made a slight mistake, he might lose all his previous efforts, so only the guard captain who gained his most trust was suitable to carry out this task.

Andre listened quietly. He immediately understood the meaning and of course the difficulty.

But of course he couldn't back down.

"Your Majesty, I will not betray your trust." He raised his head and looked at Aiglon with piercing eyes, "I will definitely control those things for you!"

"I also believe you can do it, because you are Andre Davout, my Marquis of Lepanto." Aiglon was very satisfied with Andre's determination and nodded approvingly, "Remember, things must happen You have to do it secretly, do it cleanly, and don't let anyone notice it! And after you take control, you don't have to take any action, just deliver the message as usual, and wait for my notification - but as soon as I notify you, you Just pass all the news I compiled over there."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Andre responded to him loudly, looking very excited.

It is also understandable that following Aigron in this small and remote place in the countryside, there is no entertainment. Although he has no regrets out of loyalty, as a young man, he will inevitably feel depressed.

Now that Aiglon has given him such an important task, of course he will feel inspired and excited.

After assigning Andre the task, Aigron watched him leave.

He has been with Andre for so long, and he knows his confidant's abilities and character well. He believes that the other person is definitely the most suitable candidate - if Andre can't do it, then others can do it even more. Not here.

Andre will leave immediately, sneak into France, and perform tasks for him.

But that alone was not enough. Aigron also wanted to add some more chips to himself.

Taking risks must be taken, but even if a smart person takes a risk, he must first do everything possible to improve his winning rate. After all, there is a huge difference between being 90% sure and 30% sure, and Aigron definitely doesn’t want to take his own. Life is a joke with my wife and children.

In this bet, no matter how comfortable Aigron is now, once he sets foot in France, it means show hand, and there is no way out, so he must collect all his bets, and simply go all out in one breath. Press forward just to win the final victory.

Using the marshal's prestige, luring with fame and fortune, and monopolizing information. These three are all useful and enough to impress people. So, can we raise the stakes further?

At the critical moment of the situation, when he sets foot on French soil, if there is a big shot in Paris who declares his side from the beginning and is willing to act as a "leading party" and accompany him into Paris, will that happen? Prove that he is even more "destined"? Will it strengthen the determination of those people to follow me?

Obviously, the answer is yes. The power of role models is infinite. If someone sees a big man taking the lead for themselves, then they will naturally have less psychological barriers——

So do you have such a big shot in your hands that can be used as a facade?

Barely enough.

Although Agnes's father did not actually have much power, in the eyes of the people on the border, a duke and a "favourite" in the court must have been considered a very important figure, at least enough to intimidate them. .

At that time when people's hearts were floating and the dynasty was about to overthrow, if such a big man publicly stated that he was ready to welcome a new era, then other people would naturally be able to find psychological support, right?

Aigron thought carefully and felt that the logic was impeccable.

So he added another thing to his plan - before the plan was implemented, let the Duke come to the border first, set foot on the country for him to welcome him, and take advantage of the situation to openly jump ship and come to his side to become his supporter. .

Yes, the Duke is mediocre and incompetent, but this is not a problem. As long as he is willing to be a mascot and does not show off his strength and make a fool of himself, Aigron does not care about using high-ranking officials and generous salaries to bribe him in the future, which is enough to compensate his family tenfold for the consequences of his birth. losses - and the Duke can also be used as a sign to reduce the resistance of the old nobles.

Of course, deep down in his heart, Aigron is also happy to give Agnes and his family more grace.

At least it can make her happy...

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